package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.quartz.Job; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.db.cover.SqlService; import; public class UpdateSynopticMessageCounts implements Job{ private PrivateMessageManager pvtMessageManager; private MessageForumsTypeManager typeManager; private DiscussionForumManager forumManager; private UIPermissionsManager uiPermissionsManager; private MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager; private SiteService siteService; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UpdateSynopticMessageCounts.class); private static final boolean runOracleSQL = false; //this SQL is more generic but also slower private static final String FIND_ALL_SYNOPTIC_SITES_QUERY_GENERIC = "select SITE_ID, TITLE from SAKAI_SITE where IS_USER = 0 and PUBLISHED = 1 and IS_SPECIAL = 0"; //this SQL works for Oracle and runs faster than the Generic Query private static final String FIND_ALL_SYNOPTIC_SITES_QUERY_ORACLE = "select q.SITE_ID, q.TITLE, sum(q.Decoded) as BINARY_FLAGS from (" + "select ss.SITE_ID, ss.TITLE, " + "decode (sst.REGISTRATION,'sakai.messagecenter',100,'sakai.messages',10,'sakai.forums',1,0) as Decoded " + "from SAKAI_SITE ss, SAKAI_SITE_TOOL sst " + "where ss.IS_USER = 0 " + "and ss.PUBLISHED = 1 " + "and ss.IS_SPECIAL = 0 " + "and ss.SITE_ID = sst.SITE_ID " + "and sst.REGISTRATION in ('sakai.messagecenter','sakai.messages','sakai.forums')) q " + "Group By q.SITE_ID, q.TITLE"; private static final String UNREAD_MESSAGES_QUERY = "SELECT message.USER_ID, message.CONTEXT_ID, count(*) unread_messages " + "FROM MFR_PVT_MSG_USR_T message " + "where READ_STATUS = 0 " + "group by message.USER_ID, message.CONTEXT_ID"; private static final String TOPICS_AND_FORUMS_QUERY = "select area.CONTEXT_ID, forum.ID as FORUM_ID, topic.ID as TOPIC_ID, forum.DRAFT as isForumDraft, topic.DRAFT as isTopicDraft, topic.MODERATED as isTopicModerated, forum.LOCKED as isForumLocked, topic.LOCKED as isTopicLocked, forum.CREATED_BY as forumCreatedBy, topic.CREATED_BY as topicCreatedBy " + "from MFR_AREA_T area, MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T forum, MFR_TOPIC_T topic " + "Where area.ID = forum.surrogateKey and forum.ID = topic.of_surrogateKey"; public void init() { } public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException { Connection clConnection = null; Statement statement = null; ResultSet unreadMessageCountRS = null; ResultSet allTopicsAndForumsRS = null; ResultSet synotpicSitesRS = null; //loop through all sites and call updateSynopticToolInfoForAllUsers int count = 0;"UpdateSynopticMessageCounts job launched: " + new Date()); try { clConnection = SqlService.borrowConnection(); statement = clConnection.createStatement(); //CREATE HASHMAP OF UNREAD MESSAGES COUNT unreadMessageCountRS = statement.executeQuery(UNREAD_MESSAGES_QUERY); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> siteAndUserMessageCountHM = getSiteAndUserMessageCountHM(unreadMessageCountRS); //CREATE HASHMAP OF ALL TOPICS AND FORUMS allTopicsAndForumsRS = statement.executeQuery(TOPICS_AND_FORUMS_QUERY); HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>> allTopicsAndForumsHM = getAllTopicsAndForumsHM(allTopicsAndForumsRS); //LOOP TRHOUGH ALL SITES AND UPDATE INFO String siteId = ""; String siteTitle = ""; int BINARY_FLAGS; if(runOracleSQL){ synotpicSitesRS = statement.executeQuery(FIND_ALL_SYNOPTIC_SITES_QUERY_ORACLE); }else{ synotpicSitesRS = statement.executeQuery(FIND_ALL_SYNOPTIC_SITES_QUERY_GENERIC); } while ( { boolean isMessageForumsPageInSite = false; boolean isMessagesPageInSite = false; boolean isForumsPageInSite = false; siteId = synotpicSitesRS.getString("SITE_ID"); siteTitle = synotpicSitesRS.getString("TITLE"); if(runOracleSQL){ BINARY_FLAGS = synotpicSitesRS.getInt("BINARY_FLAGS"); //BINARY_FLAGS returns a sumation of the values: //has messagecenter= 100 //has messages = 10 //has forums = 1 //so if a tool has both messages and forums, the value would be 11 //this if it as binary true false where first bit is messagecenter, //second is messages, and 3rd is forums if(BINARY_FLAGS % 10 >= 1) isForumsPageInSite = true; if(BINARY_FLAGS % 100 >= 10) isMessagesPageInSite = true; if(BINARY_FLAGS % 1000 >= 100) isMessageForumsPageInSite = true; } updateSynopticToolInfoForAllUsers(siteId, siteTitle, clConnection, isMessageForumsPageInSite, isMessagesPageInSite, isForumsPageInSite, siteAndUserMessageCountHM, allTopicsAndForumsHM); count++; if(count % 1000 == 0){"UpdateSynopticMessageCounts Progress: " + count + " Sites updated"); } } } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error(e1); } finally { try { if(unreadMessageCountRS != null) unreadMessageCountRS.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if(allTopicsAndForumsRS != null) allTopicsAndForumsRS.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if(synotpicSitesRS != null) synotpicSitesRS.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if(statement != null) statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } SqlService.returnConnection(clConnection); }"UpdateSynopticMessageCounts job finished: " + new Date()); } private void updateSynopticToolInfoForAllUsers(String siteId, String siteTitle, Connection clConnection, boolean isMessageForumsPageInSite, boolean isMessagesPageInSite, boolean isForumsPageInSite, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> siteAndUserMessageCountHM, HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>> allTopicsAndForumsHM) throws Exception { PreparedStatement isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery = null; PreparedStatement isMessagesPageInSiteQuery = null; PreparedStatement isForumsPageInSiteQuery = null; PreparedStatement getAllUsersInSiteQuery = null; if(!runOracleSQL){ ResultSet rsMessagesForums = null; ResultSet rsMessages = null; ResultSet rsForusm = null; try{ isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery = clConnection.prepareStatement("select * from SAKAI_SITE_TOOL where SITE_ID = ? and REGISTRATION = 'sakai.messagecenter'"); isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery.setString(1, siteId); isMessagesPageInSiteQuery = clConnection.prepareStatement("select * from SAKAI_SITE_TOOL where SITE_ID = ? and REGISTRATION = 'sakai.messages'"); isMessagesPageInSiteQuery.setString(1, siteId); isForumsPageInSiteQuery = clConnection.prepareStatement("select * from SAKAI_SITE_TOOL where SITE_ID = ? and REGISTRATION = 'sakai.forums'"); isForumsPageInSiteQuery.setString(1, siteId); rsMessagesForums = isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery.executeQuery(); while({ isMessageForumsPageInSite = true; } rsMessages = isMessagesPageInSiteQuery.executeQuery(); while({ isMessagesPageInSite = true; } rsForusm = isForumsPageInSiteQuery.executeQuery(); while({ isForumsPageInSite = true; } }catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); }finally{ try{ if(rsMessagesForums != null) rsMessagesForums.close(); }catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); } try{ if(rsMessages != null) rsMessages.close(); }catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); } try{ if(rsForusm != null) rsForusm.close(); }catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); } } } ResultSet usersMap = null; try{ getAllUsersInSiteQuery = clConnection.prepareStatement("select USER_ID from SAKAI_SITE_USER where SITE_ID = ?"); getAllUsersInSiteQuery.setString(1, siteId); usersMap = getAllUsersInSiteQuery.executeQuery(); //loop through all users in site and update their information: HashMap<String, Integer> userHM = null; Integer count = null; while({ int unreadPrivate = 0; int unreadForum = 0; String userId = usersMap.getString("USER_ID"); //message count: if (isMessageForumsPageInSite || isMessagesPageInSite) { userHM = siteAndUserMessageCountHM.get(siteId); if(userHM != null){ count = userHM.get(userId); if(count != null){ unreadPrivate = count.intValue(); } } } boolean isSuperUser = SecurityService.isSuperUser(userId); //forums count: HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo> dfHM = null; Set<Long> dfKeySet = null; if (isMessageForumsPageInSite || isForumsPageInSite){ dfHM = allTopicsAndForumsHM.get(siteId); if(dfHM != null){ //site has forums added to the tool dfKeySet = dfHM.keySet(); for (Iterator iterator = dfKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Long dfId = (Long); DecoratedForumInfo dForum = dfHM.get(dfId); boolean isInstructor = getForumManager().isInstructor(userId, "/site/" + siteId); // Only count unread messages for forums the user can view: if (dForum.getIsDraft().equals(Boolean.FALSE) ||isInstructor || isSuperUser ||forumManager.isForumOwner(dfId, dForum.getCreator(), userId, "/site/" + siteId)) { final Iterator<DecoratedTopicsInfo> topicIter = dForum.getTopics().iterator(); while (topicIter.hasNext()) { DecoratedTopicsInfo topic = (DecoratedTopicsInfo); Long topicId = topic.getTopicId(); Boolean isTopicDraft = topic.getIsDraft(); Boolean isTopicModerated = topic.getIsModerated(); Boolean isTopicLocked = topic.getIsLocked(); String topicOwner = topic.getCreator(); //Only count unread messages for topics the user can view: if (isTopicDraft.equals(Boolean.FALSE) || isInstructor || isSuperUser ||forumManager.isTopicOwner(topicId, topicOwner, userId, "/site/" + siteId)){ if (getUiPermissionsManager().isRead(topicId, isTopicDraft, dForum.getIsDraft(), userId, siteId)) { if (!isTopicModerated.booleanValue() || (isTopicModerated.booleanValue() && getUiPermissionsManager().isModeratePostings(topicId, dForum.getIsLocked(), dForum.getIsDraft(), isTopicLocked, isTopicDraft, userId, siteId))) { unreadForum += getMessageManager().findUnreadMessageCountByTopicIdByUserId(topicId, userId); } else { // b/c topic is moderated and user does not have mod perm, user may only // see approved msgs or pending/denied msgs authored by user unreadForum += getMessageManager().findUnreadViewableMessageCountByTopicIdByUserId(topicId, userId); } } } } } } } } //update synoptic tool info: if(unreadPrivate != 0 || unreadForum != 0){ SynopticMsgcntrManagerCover.createOrUpdateSynopticToolInfo(userId, siteId, siteTitle, unreadPrivate, unreadForum); } } }catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); }finally{ try{ if(usersMap != null) usersMap.close(); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.warn(e); } try{ if(getAllUsersInSiteQuery != null) getAllUsersInSiteQuery.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if (isForumsPageInSiteQuery != null) isForumsPageInSiteQuery.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if (isMessagesPageInSiteQuery != null) isMessagesPageInSiteQuery.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } try { if (isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery != null) isMessageForumsPageInSiteQuery.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } } } public HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>> getAllTopicsAndForumsHM(ResultSet rs){ HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>> returnHM = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>>(); if(rs != null){ String CONTEXT_ID, FORUM_CREATED_BY, TOPIC_CREATED_BY; Long FORUM_ID, TOPIC_ID; Boolean IS_TOPIC_DRAFT, IS_FORUM_DRAFT, IS_TOPIC_MODERATED, IS_FORUM_LOCKED, IS_TOPIC_LOCKED; try{ while({ CONTEXT_ID = rs.getString("CONTEXT_ID"); FORUM_ID = rs.getLong("FORUM_ID"); TOPIC_ID = rs.getLong("TOPIC_ID"); IS_TOPIC_DRAFT = rs.getBoolean("isForumDraft"); IS_FORUM_DRAFT = rs.getBoolean("isTopicDraft"); IS_TOPIC_MODERATED = rs.getBoolean("isTopicModerated"); IS_FORUM_LOCKED = rs.getBoolean("isForumLocked"); IS_TOPIC_LOCKED = rs.getBoolean("isTopicLocked"); FORUM_CREATED_BY = rs.getString("forumCreatedBy"); TOPIC_CREATED_BY = rs.getString("topicCreatedBy"); if(returnHM.containsKey(CONTEXT_ID)){ //hashmap already has this site id, now look for forum id: if(returnHM.get(CONTEXT_ID).containsKey(FORUM_ID)){ DecoratedTopicsInfo dTopic = new DecoratedTopicsInfo(TOPIC_ID, IS_TOPIC_LOCKED, IS_TOPIC_DRAFT, IS_TOPIC_MODERATED, TOPIC_CREATED_BY); returnHM.get(CONTEXT_ID).get(FORUM_ID).addTopic(dTopic); }else{ //this is a new forum, so add it to the list DecoratedTopicsInfo dTopic = new DecoratedTopicsInfo(TOPIC_ID, IS_TOPIC_LOCKED, IS_TOPIC_DRAFT, IS_TOPIC_MODERATED, TOPIC_CREATED_BY); DecoratedForumInfo dForum = new DecoratedForumInfo(FORUM_ID, IS_FORUM_LOCKED, IS_FORUM_DRAFT, FORUM_CREATED_BY); dForum.addTopic(dTopic); returnHM.get(CONTEXT_ID).put(FORUM_ID, dForum); } }else{ DecoratedTopicsInfo dTopic = new DecoratedTopicsInfo(TOPIC_ID, IS_TOPIC_LOCKED, IS_TOPIC_DRAFT, IS_TOPIC_MODERATED, TOPIC_CREATED_BY); DecoratedForumInfo dForum = new DecoratedForumInfo(FORUM_ID, IS_FORUM_LOCKED, IS_FORUM_DRAFT, FORUM_CREATED_BY); dForum.addTopic(dTopic); HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo> forumHM = new HashMap<Long, DecoratedForumInfo>(); forumHM.put(FORUM_ID, dForum); returnHM.put(CONTEXT_ID, forumHM); } } }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error(e); } } return returnHM; } public HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> getSiteAndUserMessageCountHM(ResultSet rs){ HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> returnHM = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>(); if(rs != null){ try{ String siteId, userId; Integer messageCount; while({ siteId = rs.getString("CONTEXT_ID"); userId = rs.getString("USER_ID"); messageCount = Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt("unread_messages")); if(returnHM.containsKey(siteId)){ returnHM.get(siteId).put(userId, messageCount); }else{ HashMap<String, Integer> newHashMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); newHashMap.put(userId, messageCount); returnHM.put(siteId, newHashMap); } } }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error(e); } } return returnHM; } public PrivateMessageManager getPvtMessageManager() { return pvtMessageManager; } public void setPvtMessageManager(PrivateMessageManager pvtMessageManager) { this.pvtMessageManager = pvtMessageManager; } public MessageForumsTypeManager getTypeManager() { return typeManager; } public void setTypeManager(MessageForumsTypeManager typeManager) { this.typeManager = typeManager; } public DiscussionForumManager getForumManager() { return forumManager; } public void setForumManager(DiscussionForumManager forumManager) { this.forumManager = forumManager; } public UIPermissionsManager getUiPermissionsManager() { return uiPermissionsManager; } public void setUiPermissionsManager(UIPermissionsManager uiPermissionsManager) { this.uiPermissionsManager = uiPermissionsManager; } public MessageForumsMessageManager getMessageManager() { return messageManager; } public void setMessageManager(MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager) { this.messageManager = messageManager; } public SiteService getSiteService() { return siteService; } public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) { this.siteService = siteService; } public class DecoratedForumInfo{ private Long forumId; private Boolean isLocked, isDraft; private String creator; private ArrayList<DecoratedTopicsInfo> topics = new ArrayList<DecoratedTopicsInfo>(); public DecoratedForumInfo(Long forumId, Boolean isLocked, Boolean isDraft, String creator){ this.forumId = forumId; this.isLocked = isLocked; this.isDraft = isDraft; this.creator = creator; } public Long getForumId() { return forumId; } public void setForumId(Long forumId) { this.forumId = forumId; } public Boolean getIsLocked() { return isLocked; } public void setIsLocked(Boolean isLocked) { this.isLocked = isLocked; } public Boolean getIsDraft() { return isDraft; } public void setIsDraft(Boolean isDraft) { this.isDraft = isDraft; } public String getCreator() { return creator; } public void setCreator(String creator) { this.creator = creator; } public void addTopic(DecoratedTopicsInfo dTopics){ topics.add(dTopics); } public ArrayList<DecoratedTopicsInfo> getTopics(){ return topics; } } public class DecoratedTopicsInfo{ private Long topicId; private Boolean isLocked, isDraft, isModerated; private String creator; public DecoratedTopicsInfo(Long topicId, Boolean isLocked, Boolean isDraft, Boolean isModerated, String creator){ this.topicId = topicId; this.isLocked = isLocked; this.isDraft = isDraft; this.isModerated = isModerated; this.creator = creator; } public Long getTopicId() { return topicId; } public void setTopicId(Long topicId) { this.topicId = topicId; } public Boolean getIsLocked() { return isLocked; } public void setIsLocked(Boolean isLocked) { this.isLocked = isLocked; } public Boolean getIsDraft() { return isDraft; } public void setIsDraft(Boolean isDraft) { this.isDraft = isDraft; } public Boolean getIsModerated() { return isModerated; } public void setIsModerated(Boolean isModerated) { this.isModerated = isModerated; } public String getCreator() { return creator; } public void setCreator(String creator) { this.creator = creator; } } }