/** * Copyright 2007-2010 非也 * All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with this library; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. * */ package org.fireflow.web_client.util; /** * * @author 非也 nychen2000@163.com * Fire Workflow 官方网站:www.firesoa.com 或者 www.fireflow.org * */ public class Constants { /** * 从request中获得流程操作错误信息的Key */ public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "org.fireflow.web.constants.ERROR_MESSAGE"; /** * 从request中获得流程操作错误栈的key */ public static final String ERROR_STACK = "org.fireflow.web.constants.ERROR_STACK"; /** * 流程工具栏的输入参数之一:业务表单Id */ public static final String BIZ_FORM_ID = "org.fireflow.web.toolbar.bizFormId"; /** * 流程工具栏输入参数之二:流程操作成功之后的跳转页面,如果该参数没有设置,则自动转向到“我的待办”页面 */ public static final String FORWARD_URL = "org.fireflow.web.toolbar.forwardURL"; //流程操作相关参数的Key public static final String WORKITEM_ID = "workItemId"; public static final String BIZ_ID = "bizId"; public static final String WORKITEM_STATE = "workItemState"; public static final String PROCESS_ID = "processId"; public static final String FIRST_ACTIVITY_ID = "firstActivityId"; public static final String TARGET_ACTIVITY_ID = "targetActivityId"; public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID = "processInstanceId"; public static final String ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID = "activityInstanceId"; //所有的流程操作Action public static final String ACTION_TYPE = "workflowActionType"; public static final String CREATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE = "CREATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE";//已经实现 public static final String OPEN_BIZ_FORM = "OPEN_BIZ_FORM";//从待办、已办列表打开业务表单 public static final String CLAIM_WORKITEM = "CLAIM_WORKITEM";//签收工作项 public static final String DISCLAIM_WORKITEM = "DISCLAIM_WORKITEM";//退签收工作项 public static final String COMPLETE_WORKITEM = "COMPLETE_WORKITEM";//已经实现 public static final String REASSIGN_WORKITEM = "REASSIGN_WORKITEM";//加签,已经实现 public static final String COMPLETE_WORKITEM_AND_JUMP_TO = "COMPLETE_WORKITEM_AND_JUMP_TO";//跳转到 public static final String OPEN_NEXT_STEP_ACTOR_SELECTOR = "OPEN_NEXT_STEP_ACTOR_SELECTOR";//打开选择下一步处理人界面 public static final String OPEN_TARGET_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR = "OPEN_TARGET_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR";//打开选择下一步activity的界面 public static final String OPEN_REASSIGN_ACTOR_SELECTOR = "OPEN_REASSIGN_ACTOR_SELECTOR";//打开加签功能的操作员选择界面 public static final String LIST_TODO_WORKITEMS = "LIST_TODO_WORKITEMS";//已经实现 public static final String LIST_HAVEDONE_WORKITEMS = "LIST_HAVEDONE_WORKITEMS";//已经实现 public static final String LIST_READONLY_WORKITEMS = "LIST_READONLY_WORKITEMS";//已经实现 public static final String LIST_WORKITEMS_IN_PROCESS_INSTANCE = "LIST_WORKITEMS_IN_PROCESS_INSTANCE"; public static final String LIST_MY_ACTIVE_PROCESS_INSTANCE = "LIST_MY_ACTIVE_PROCESS_INSTANCE";//已经实现 public static final String LOAD_OU_AS_JSTREE_XML = "LOAD_OU_AS_JSTREE_XML";//根据父级组织机构Id获得直接下级组织机构和人员的数据,以jstree xml形态返回 // public static final String HAS_CUSTOMIZED_ACTORS = "HAS_CUSTOMIZED_ACTORS";//标示COMPLETE_WORKITEM请求中是否有指定的下一步操作者 public static final String NEXT_ACTOR_INPUT_NAME_PREFIX = "actor_4_";//界面上的下一环节操作者的input框的name的前缀 public Constants(){ } public String getERROR_MESSAGE(){ return ERROR_MESSAGE; } public String getERROR_STACK(){ return ERROR_STACK; } public String getBIZ_FORM_ID(){ return BIZ_FORM_ID; } public String getFORWARD_URL(){ return FORWARD_URL; } //流程操作相关参数的Key public String getWORKITEM_ID(){ return WORKITEM_ID; } public String getBIZ_ID(){ return BIZ_ID; } public String getWORKITEM_STATE(){ return WORKITEM_STATE; } public String getPROCESS_ID(){ return PROCESS_ID; } public String getFIRST_ACTIVITY_ID(){ return FIRST_ACTIVITY_ID; } public String getTARGET_ACTIVITY_ID(){ return TARGET_ACTIVITY_ID; } public String getPROCESS_INSTANCE_ID(){ return PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID; } public String getACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID(){ return ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID; } //所有的流程操作Action public String getACTION_TYPE(){ return ACTION_TYPE; } public String getCREATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE(){ return CREATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE; } public String getOPEN_BIZ_FORM(){ return OPEN_BIZ_FORM; } public String getCLAIM_WORKITEM(){ return CLAIM_WORKITEM; } public String getDISCLAIM_WORKITEM(){ return DISCLAIM_WORKITEM; } public String getCOMPLETE_WORKITEM(){ return COMPLETE_WORKITEM; } public String getOPEN_NEXT_STEP_ACTOR_SELECTOR(){ return OPEN_NEXT_STEP_ACTOR_SELECTOR; } public String getOPEN_TARGET_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR(){ return OPEN_TARGET_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR; } public String getREASSIGN_WORKITEM(){ return REASSIGN_WORKITEM; } // public String getPREPARE_REASSIGN_TO_BEFORE_ME(){ // return PREPARE_REASSIGN_TO_BEFORE_ME; // } // public String getREASSIGN_TO_BEFORE_ME(){ // return REASSIGN_TO_BEFORE_ME; // } // public String getPREPARE_REASSIGN_TO_AFTER_ME(){ // return PREPARE_REASSIGN_TO_AFTER_ME; // } // public String getREASSIGN_TO_AFTER_ME(){ // return REASSIGN_TO_AFTER_ME; // } public String getLIST_TODO_WORKITEMS(){ return LIST_TODO_WORKITEMS; } public String getLIST_HAVEDONE_WORKITEMS(){ return LIST_HAVEDONE_WORKITEMS; } public String getLIST_READONLY_WORKITEMS(){ return LIST_READONLY_WORKITEMS; } public String getLIST_WORKITEMS_IN_PROCESS_INSTANCE(){ return LIST_WORKITEMS_IN_PROCESS_INSTANCE; } public String getLIST_MY_ACTIVE_PROCESS_INSTANCE(){ return LIST_MY_ACTIVE_PROCESS_INSTANCE; } public String getCOMPLETE_WORKITEM_AND_JUMP_TO(){ return COMPLETE_WORKITEM_AND_JUMP_TO; } // public String getHAS_CUSTOMIZED_ACTORS(){ // return HAS_CUSTOMIZED_ACTORS; // } public String getNEXT_ACTOR_INPUT_NAME_PREFIX(){ return NEXT_ACTOR_INPUT_NAME_PREFIX; } }