package org.fireflow.model.servicedef.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import org.fireflow.model.AbstractModelElement; import; import org.fireflow.model.servicedef.InterfaceDef; import org.fireflow.model.servicedef.ServiceDef; public abstract class AbstractServiceDef extends AbstractModelElement implements ServiceDef{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4397356923004911343L; protected String invokerBeanName = null; protected String invokerClassName = null; protected String parserClassName = null; protected String bizCategory = null; protected String version = "1"; protected String targetNamespaceUri = null; protected XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection = null; protected InterfaceDef _interface = null; protected Types typeDeclarations = null; public AbstractServiceDef(){ } public Types getTypeDeclarations(){ return typeDeclarations; } public void setTypeDeclarations(Types types){ this.typeDeclarations = types; } /** * Service的业务类别,便于分类管理。格式如下:<br> * 受理科业务/车管受理/新车登记 * @return */ public String getBizCategory(){ return bizCategory; } /** * 设置服务的业务类别 * @param category */ public void setBizCategory(String category){ this.bizCategory = category; } /** * @return the executorName */ public String getInvokerBeanName() { return invokerBeanName; } /** * @param executorName the executorName to set */ public void setInvokerBeanName(String executorName) { this.invokerBeanName = executorName; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(String v) { version = v; } public InterfaceDef getInterface() { return _interface; } public void setInterface(InterfaceDef _interface) { this._interface = _interface; } public String getInvokerClassName() { return this.invokerClassName; } public void setInvokerClassName(String invokerClassName){ this.invokerClassName = invokerClassName; } public String getTargetNamespaceUri(){ return this.targetNamespaceUri; } public void setTargetNamespaceUri(String nsUri){ this.targetNamespaceUri = nsUri; } public XmlSchemaCollection getXmlSchemaCollection() { return schemaCollection; } public void setXmlSchemaCollection(XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection){ this.schemaCollection = schemaCollection; } public String getParserClassName() { return parserClassName; } public void setParserClassName(String parserClassName) { this.parserClassName = parserClassName; } public void afterPropertiesSet()throws Exception{ //TODO 将typeDeclarations中的schema读取到xmlchemacollections中 if (this.typeDeclarations!=null){ //TODO 待完成 } } public String toString(){ return "ServiceDef[name="+this.getName()+"]"; } }