package org.fireflow.designer.swing.mxgraphext; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.fireflow.designer.swing.proxy.Wrapper; import; import com.mxgraph.model.mxCell; import com.mxgraph.model.mxGeometry; import com.mxgraph.util.mxPoint; import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph; /** * A graph that creates new edges from a given template edge. */ public class CustomGraph extends mxGraph { /** * Holds the edge to be used as a template for inserting new edges. */ protected Object edgeTemplate; /** * Custom graph that defines the alternate edge style to be used when * the middle control point of edges is double clicked (flipped). */ public CustomGraph() { setAlternateEdgeStyle("edgeStyle=mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector;elbow=vertical"); } /** * Sets the edge template to be used to inserting edges. */ public void setEdgeTemplate(Object template) { edgeTemplate = template; } /** * Prints out some useful information about the cell in the tooltip. */ public String getToolTipForCell(Object cell) { String tip = "<html>"; mxGeometry geo = getModel().getGeometry(cell); mxCellState state = getView().getState(cell); if (getModel().isEdge(cell)) { tip += "points={"; if (geo != null) { List<mxPoint> points = geo.getPoints(); if (points != null) { Iterator<mxPoint> it = points.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { mxPoint point =; // tip += "[x=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(point.getX()) // + ",y=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(point.getY()) // + "],"; } tip = tip.substring(0, tip.length() - 1); } } tip += "}<br>"; tip += "absPoints={"; if (state != null) { for (int i = 0; i < state.getAbsolutePointCount(); i++) { mxPoint point = state.getAbsolutePoint(i); // tip += "[x=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(point.getX()) // + ",y=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(point.getY()) // + "],"; } tip = tip.substring(0, tip.length() - 1); } tip += "}"; } else { tip += "geo=["; if (geo != null) { // tip += "x=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(geo.getX()) + ",y=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(geo.getY()) + ",width=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(geo.getWidth()) + ",height=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(geo.getHeight()); } tip += "]<br>"; tip += "state=["; if (state != null) { // tip += "x=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(state.getX()) + ",y=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(state.getY()) + ",width=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(state.getWidth()) // + ",height=" // + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(state.getHeight()); } tip += "]"; } mxPoint trans = getView().getTranslate(); // tip += "<br>scale=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(getView().getScale()) // + ", translate=[x=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(trans.getX()) // + ",y=" + FireflowDesigner.numberFormat.format(trans.getY()) + "]"; // tip += "</html>"; return tip; } /** * Overrides the method to use the currently selected edge template for * new edges. * * @param graph * @param parent * @param id * @param value * @param source * @param target * @param style * @return */ public Object createEdge(Object parent, String id, Object value, Object source, Object target, String style) { if (edgeTemplate != null) { mxCell edge = (mxCell) cloneCells(new Object[] { edgeTemplate })[0]; edge.setId(id); return edge; } return super.createEdge(parent, id, value, source, target, style); } public String convertValueToString(Object cell) { Object result = model.getValue(cell); if (result==null)return ""; if (result instanceof Wrapper){ Wrapper nodeWrapper = (Wrapper)result; String type = nodeWrapper.getElementType(); String displayName = (String)nodeWrapper.getAttribute(FPDLNames.DISPLAY_NAME); if(FPDLNames.COMMENT.equals(type)){ displayName = (String)nodeWrapper.getAttribute(FPDLNames.DESCRIPTION); } if(FPDLNames.ACTIVITY.equals(type)){ if (displayName==null || displayName.trim().equals("")){ displayName = (String)nodeWrapper.getAttribute(FPDLNames.NAME); } } return displayName; }else{ return result.toString(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph#isCellBendable(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean isCellBendable(Object cell) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.isCellBendable(cell); } }