package Code.looping; /* * - a simple example using video. The program starts up the video * window, and then in a loop it updates the image in the display, and gets the average * color of the center rectangle of the image. It draws a rectangle in the center of the * image and sets it to the average color of that area. * * Author: Tom Lauwers */ import java.awt.Color; import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch; import; @SuppressWarnings({"UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr"}) public class VideoTester { public static void main(final String[] args) { Finch myFinch = new Finch(); VideoHelper videoHelper = new VideoHelper(); System.out.println("Finch connecting"); // Initializing the video videoHelper.initVideo(); System.out.println("Init video"); // Display the video screen videoHelper.showVideoScreen("I'm on TV"); System.out.println("Video drawing"); // Start by drawing a circle in the center of the image videoHelper.setPolygonColor(Color.MAGENTA); videoHelper.drawCircle(30, 160, 120); // Continue doing this as long as the left light sensor is above 80 while (myFinch.getLeftLightSensor() > 80) { // Update the video screen with the most recent image videoHelper.updateVideoScreen(); // Get the average color value of the rectangle bounded by (100,70) and (220, 170) final Color areaColor = videoHelper.getAreaColor(videoHelper.getImageWidth() / 2 - 20, videoHelper.getImageHeight() / 2 - 20, videoHelper.getImageWidth() / 2 + 20, videoHelper.getImageHeight() / 2 + 20); // Print out the color System.out.println("Color is " + areaColor); // If the right light sensor is greater than 180, draw a circle if (myFinch.getRightLightSensor() > 180) { videoHelper.drawCircle(50, 160, 120); // Set the circle color to Magenta videoHelper.setPolygonColor(Color.MAGENTA); // Set the circle to be an outline videoHelper.setFillPolygon(false); } // Else draw a filled in rectangle and set its color to the average color of the // image in the rectangle. else { videoHelper.drawRectangle(videoHelper.getImageWidth() - 50, videoHelper.getImageHeight() - 80, videoHelper.getImageWidth() - 1, videoHelper.getImageHeight() - 1); videoHelper.setPolygonColor(areaColor); videoHelper.setFillPolygon(true); } } // Close the video screen and disconnect from the Finch videoHelper.closeVideoScreen(); videoHelper.closeVideo(); myFinch.quit(); System.exit(0); } private VideoTester() { // private to prevent instantiation } }