package Code.arrays; import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch; import; /* * - Tracks an object using the camera. The program exits when the * object is moved completely off-screen. */ @SuppressWarnings({"UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr"}) public class VideoTracker { public static void main(final String[] args) { // Instantiating the Finch object final Finch myFinch = new Finch(); System.out.println("Finch connecting"); // Initializing the video final VideoHelper videoHelper = new VideoHelper(); videoHelper.initVideo(); System.out.println("Init video"); // Showing the video screen videoHelper.showVideoScreen("Look mom, I'm on TV!"); System.out.println("Video drawing"); // Calibrating to an object to track later System.out.println("Put something in the center of the Finch video for Finch to track"); final int[] calibrationVals = videoHelper.blobCalibration(); // Printing out the RGB calibration values System.out.println("Calibration R" + calibrationVals[0] + " G" + calibrationVals[1] + " B" + calibrationVals[2]); // Loop through this unless your left light sensor is less than 50. while (myFinch.getLeftLightSensor() > 50) { // Update the video window and image data videoHelper.updateVideoScreen(); // Get the center and edges of the blob final int[] blobCornersAndCenter = videoHelper.blobDetector(calibrationVals, 15); // If a blob was detected, draw a rectangle where it was detected and print out its coordinates if (blobCornersAndCenter != null) { System.out.println("Center: " + blobCornersAndCenter[0] + "," + blobCornersAndCenter[1] + " Min x,y: " + blobCornersAndCenter[2] + "," + blobCornersAndCenter[4] + " Max x,y " + blobCornersAndCenter[3] + "," + blobCornersAndCenter[5]); videoHelper.drawRectangle(blobCornersAndCenter[2], blobCornersAndCenter[4], blobCornersAndCenter[3], blobCornersAndCenter[5]); // myFinch.setPolygonColor(myFinch.getAreaColor(blobCornersAndCenter[2], blobCornersAndCenter[4], blobCornersAndCenter[3], blobCornersAndCenter[5])); } // If no blob was detected break out of the loop else { videoHelper.drawNothing(); break; } } // Close the video window and disconnect from the Finch videoHelper.closeVideoScreen(); videoHelper.closeVideo(); myFinch.quit(); System.exit(0); } private VideoTracker() { // private to prevent instantiation } }