package Code.looping; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch; import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.userinterface.component.DatasetPlotter; import org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout; /** * @author Erik Pasternak ( * * This code is designed to test the accelerometers and the wheels together by * changing the direction in which the wheels drive based on readings from the * accelerometers. Currently, it should drive to head uphill whenever not on a * flat surface. * * This program could be simplified significantly, but is complex because it * graphs the accelerometer values and because it allows other cases (like * AlwaysDownHill, or TurnRightUpHills) */ public class AlwaysUpHill { Finch finch; DatasetPlotter<Double> accelerometerPlotter; DatasetPlotter<Double> xPlot; DatasetPlotter<Double> yPlot; DatasetPlotter<Double> zPlot; public AlwaysUpHill() throws IOException { //create a new finch finch = new Finch(); //create an input for std input final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; final int FLAT = 0; final int FORW = 1; final int BACK = 2; final int LEFT = 3; final int RIGHT = 4; double[] flat = {0,0,0}; double[] forward = {0,0,0}; double[] back = {0,0,0}; double[] left = {0,0,0}; double[] right = {0,0,0}; double[] diffs = new double[5]; int state = FLAT; boolean changed = false; System.out.println("Hold the finch flat and press return."); in.readLine(); flat = finch.getAccelerations(); System.out.println("Tilt the finch forward and press return."); in.readLine(); forward = finch.getAccelerations(); System.out.println("Tilt the finch backward and press return."); in.readLine(); back = finch.getAccelerations(); System.out.println("Tilt the finch to the left and press return."); in.readLine(); left = finch.getAccelerations(); System.out.println("Tilt the finch to the right and press return."); in.readLine(); right = finch.getAccelerations(); System.out.println("flat = "+flat[0]+" : "+flat[1]+": "+flat[2]); System.out.println("forward = "+forward[0]+" : "+forward[1]+": "+forward[2]); System.out.println("back = "+back[0]+" : "+back[1]+": "+back[2]); System.out.println("left = "+left[0]+" : "+left[1]+": "+left[2]); System.out.println("right = "+right[0]+" : "+right[1]+": "+right[2]); HUD(); System.out.println("Press any key to exit"); while(!in.ready()) { //get the current accelerometer values double[] currAccel = finch.getAccelerations(); int minIndex = 0; update_HUD(currAccel); //The max difference on either forward/back or left/right is the one we'll //use to compare against flat. diffs[FLAT] = Math.max(Math.abs(flat[0]-currAccel[0]),Math.abs(flat[1]-currAccel[1])); diffs[FORW] = Math.abs(forward[0]-currAccel[0]); diffs[BACK] = Math.abs(back[0]-currAccel[0]); diffs[LEFT] = Math.abs(left[1]-currAccel[1]); diffs[RIGHT] = Math.abs(right[1]-currAccel[1]); for(int i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) { if(diffs[i] < diffs[minIndex]) { minIndex = i; } } if(minIndex != state) { if(changed) { state = minIndex; finch.setWheelVelocities(0,0); changed = false; } else { changed = true; } } else { switch(minIndex) { case FLAT: finch.setWheelVelocities(0,0); break; case FORW: finch.setWheelVelocities(-255,-255); break; case BACK: finch.setWheelVelocities(255,255); break; case LEFT: finch.setWheelVelocities(-255,255); break; case RIGHT: finch.setWheelVelocities(255,-255); break; default: System.out.println("I shouldn't have come to this conclusion. minIndex = " + minIndex); break; } } } finch.quit(); System.exit(0); } public void update_HUD(double[] accelerometerState) { accelerometerPlotter.setCurrentValues(accelerometerState[0], accelerometerState[1], accelerometerState[2]); xPlot.setCurrentValues(accelerometerState[0]); yPlot.setCurrentValues(accelerometerState[1]); zPlot.setCurrentValues(accelerometerState[2]); } public void HUD() { accelerometerPlotter = new DatasetPlotter<Double>(-1.5, 1.5, 610, 610, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); accelerometerPlotter.addDataset(Color.RED); accelerometerPlotter.addDataset(Color.GREEN); accelerometerPlotter.addDataset(Color.BLUE); xPlot = new DatasetPlotter<Double>(-1.5, 1.5, 200, 200, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); xPlot.addDataset(Color.RED); yPlot = new DatasetPlotter<Double>(-1.5, 1.5, 200, 200, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); yPlot.addDataset(Color.GREEN); zPlot = new DatasetPlotter<Double>(-1.5, 1.5, 200, 200, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); zPlot.addDataset(Color.BLUE); //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread: creating and showing this application's GUI. SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { final Component plotComponent = accelerometerPlotter.getComponent(); final Component xPlotComponent = xPlot.getComponent(); final Component yPlotComponent = yPlot.getComponent(); final Component zPlotComponent = zPlot.getComponent(); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); final GroupLayout groupLayout = new GroupLayout(panel); panel.setLayout(groupLayout); panel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY, 1), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1))); groupLayout.setHorizontalGroup( groupLayout.createSequentialGroup() .add(plotComponent) .add( groupLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.CENTER) .add(xPlotComponent) .add(yPlotComponent) .add(zPlotComponent)) ); groupLayout.setVerticalGroup( groupLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.CENTER) .add(plotComponent) .add( groupLayout.createSequentialGroup() .add(xPlotComponent) .add(yPlotComponent) .add(zPlotComponent)) ); // create the main frame final JFrame jFrame = new JFrame("Accelerometer HUD"); // add the root panel to the JFrame jFrame.add(panel); // set various properties for the JFrame jFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); jFrame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) { finch.quit(); System.exit(0); } }); jFrame.setBackground(Color.WHITE); jFrame.setResizable(false); jFrame.pack(); jFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);// center the window on the screen jFrame.setVisible(true); } }); } public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { new AlwaysUpHill(); System.exit(0); } }