package org.eclipse.jdt.postfixcompletion.resolver; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.template.contentassist.MultiVariable; import org.eclipse.jdt.postfixcompletion.core.JavaStatementPostfixContext; import org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateContext; import org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateVariable; /** * This class is responsible for resolving a given type or the type of another variable to its * actual type. * * TODO Maybe <code>ActualType</code> is not the best term in this context. */ @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class ActualTypeResolver extends TypeResolver { @Override public void resolve(TemplateVariable variable, TemplateContext context) { List<String> params= variable.getVariableType().getParams(); if (params.size() > 0 && context instanceof JavaContext) { String param = params.get(0); JavaStatementPostfixContext jc = (JavaStatementPostfixContext) context; TemplateVariable ref = jc.getTemplateVariable(param); MultiVariable mv = (MultiVariable) variable; if (ref instanceof JavaVariable) { // Reference is another variable JavaVariable refVar = (JavaVariable) ref; jc.addDependency(refVar, mv); param = refVar.getParamType(); if (param != null && "".equals(param) == false) { param = param.replace("? extends ", ""); if (param.endsWith("[]")) { // In case of List<Integer[]> we must not remove [] // Variable is an array, i.e. String[] or List<String>[] // Actual type is supposed to be: // String[] => String // List<String>[] => List<String> // String[][] => String[] param = param.substring(0, param.length() - 2); } else if (param.endsWith(">")) { // Generic // Actual type of a generic is supposed to be: // List<Integer> => Integer // List<List<Integer>> => List<Integer> // List<Map<Integer,String>> => Map<Integer,String> // Map<Integer,String>> => Integer // Something<Integer,Float,String> => Integer param = param.substring(param.indexOf("<") + 1, param.lastIndexOf(">")); if (!param.contains("<") && param.contains(",")) { param = param.substring(0, param.indexOf(",")); } } else { // The given parameter is already an actual type } String reference = jc.addImportGenericClass(param); mv.setValue(reference); mv.setUnambiguous(true); mv.setResolved(true); return; } } } super.resolve(variable, context); } }