/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Stephan Herrmann <stephan@cs.tu-berlin.de> - Contributions for * bug 282152 - [1.5][compiler] Generics code rejected by Eclipse but accepted by javac * bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources * bug 359362 - FUP of bug 349326: Resource leak on non-Closeable resource * bug 358903 - Filter practically unimportant resource leak warnings * bug 395002 - Self bound generic class doesn't resolve bounds properly for wildcards for certain parametrisation. * bug 392384 - [1.8][compiler][null] Restore nullness info from type annotations in class files * Bug 415043 - [1.8][null] Follow-up re null type annotations after bug 392099 * Bug 417295 - [1.8[[null] Massage type annotated null analysis to gel well with deep encoded type bindings. * Bug 400874 - [1.8][compiler] Inference infrastructure should evolve to meet JLS8 18.x (Part G of JSR335 spec) * Bug 426792 - [1.8][inference][impl] generify new type inference engine * Bug 428019 - [1.8][compiler] Type inference failure with nested generic invocation. * Bug 429384 - [1.8][null] implement conformance rules for null-annotated lower / upper type bounds * Bug 431269 - [1.8][compiler][null] StackOverflow in nullAnnotatedReadableName * Bug 431408 - Java 8 (1.8) generics bug * Bug 435962 - [RC2] StackOverFlowError when building *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NullAnnotationMatching; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeParameter; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Wildcard; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; /** * Binding for a type parameter, held by source/binary type or method. */ public class TypeVariableBinding extends ReferenceBinding { public Binding declaringElement; // binding of declaring type or method public int rank; // declaration rank, can be used to match variable in parameterized type /** * Denote the first explicit (binding) bound amongst the supertypes (from declaration in source) * If no superclass was specified, then it denotes the first superinterface, or null if none was specified. */ public TypeBinding firstBound; // MUST NOT be modified directly, use setter ! // actual resolved variable supertypes (if no superclass bound, then associated to Object) public ReferenceBinding superclass; // MUST NOT be modified directly, use setter ! public ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces; // MUST NOT be modified directly, use setter ! public char[] genericTypeSignature; LookupEnvironment environment; public TypeVariableBinding(char[] sourceName, Binding declaringElement, int rank, LookupEnvironment environment) { this.sourceName = sourceName; this.declaringElement = declaringElement; this.rank = rank; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPublic | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature; // treat type var as public this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasTypeVariable; this.environment = environment; this.typeBits = TypeIds.BitUninitialized; } public TypeVariableBinding(TypeVariableBinding prototype) { super(prototype); this.declaringElement = prototype.declaringElement; this.rank = prototype.rank; this.firstBound = prototype.firstBound; this.superclass = prototype.superclass; this.superInterfaces = prototype.superInterfaces; this.genericTypeSignature = prototype.genericTypeSignature; this.environment = prototype.environment; prototype.tagBits |= TagBits.HasAnnotatedVariants; this.tagBits &= ~TagBits.HasAnnotatedVariants; } /** * Returns true if the argument type satisfies all bounds of the type parameter */ public int boundCheck(Substitution substitution, TypeBinding argumentType, Scope scope) { int code = internalBoundCheck(substitution, argumentType, scope); if (code == TypeConstants.MISMATCH) { if (argumentType instanceof TypeVariableBinding && scope != null) { TypeBinding bound = ((TypeVariableBinding)argumentType).firstBound; if (bound instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) { int code2 = boundCheck(substitution, bound.capture(scope, -1), scope); // no position needed as this capture will never escape this context return Math.min(code, code2); } } } return code; } private int internalBoundCheck(Substitution substitution, TypeBinding argumentType, Scope scope) { if (argumentType == TypeBinding.NULL || TypeBinding.equalsEquals(argumentType, this)) { return TypeConstants.OK; } boolean hasSubstitution = substitution != null; if (!(argumentType instanceof ReferenceBinding || argumentType.isArrayType())) return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; // special case for re-entrant source types (selection, code assist, etc)... // can request additional types during hierarchy walk that are found as source types that also 'need' to connect their hierarchy if (this.superclass == null) return TypeConstants.OK; if (argumentType.kind() == Binding.WILDCARD_TYPE) { WildcardBinding wildcard = (WildcardBinding) argumentType; switch(wildcard.boundKind) { case Wildcard.EXTENDS : TypeBinding wildcardBound = wildcard.bound; if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(wildcardBound, this)) return TypeConstants.OK; boolean isArrayBound = wildcardBound.isArrayType(); if (!wildcardBound.isInterface()) { TypeBinding substitutedSuperType = hasSubstitution ? Scope.substitute(substitution, this.superclass) : this.superclass; if (substitutedSuperType.id != TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) { if (isArrayBound) { if (!wildcardBound.isCompatibleWith(substitutedSuperType, scope)) return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } else { TypeBinding match = wildcardBound.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(substitutedSuperType); if (match != null) { if (substitutedSuperType.isProvablyDistinct(match)) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } } else { match = substitutedSuperType.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(wildcardBound); if (match != null) { if (match.isProvablyDistinct(wildcardBound)) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } } else { if (!wildcardBound.isTypeVariable() && !substitutedSuperType.isTypeVariable()) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } } } } } } boolean mustImplement = isArrayBound || ((ReferenceBinding)wildcardBound).isFinal(); for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { TypeBinding substitutedSuperType = hasSubstitution ? Scope.substitute(substitution, this.superInterfaces[i]) : this.superInterfaces[i]; if (isArrayBound) { if (!wildcardBound.isCompatibleWith(substitutedSuperType, scope)) return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } else { TypeBinding match = wildcardBound.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(substitutedSuperType); if (match != null) { if (substitutedSuperType.isProvablyDistinct(match)) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } } else if (mustImplement) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; // cannot be extended further to satisfy missing bounds } } } break; case Wildcard.SUPER : // if the wildcard is lower-bounded by a type variable that has no relevant upper bound there's nothing to check here (bug 282152): if (wildcard.bound.isTypeVariable() && ((TypeVariableBinding)wildcard.bound).superclass.id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) break; return boundCheck(substitution, wildcard.bound, scope); case Wildcard.UNBOUND : break; } return TypeConstants.OK; } boolean unchecked = false; if (this.superclass.id != TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) { TypeBinding substitutedSuperType = hasSubstitution ? Scope.substitute(substitution, this.superclass) : this.superclass; if (TypeBinding.notEquals(substitutedSuperType, argumentType)) { if (!argumentType.isCompatibleWith(substitutedSuperType, scope)) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } TypeBinding match = argumentType.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(substitutedSuperType); if (match != null){ // Enum#RAW is not a substitute for <E extends Enum<E>> (86838) if (match.isRawType() && substitutedSuperType.isBoundParameterizedType()) unchecked = true; } } } for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { TypeBinding substitutedSuperType = hasSubstitution ? Scope.substitute(substitution, this.superInterfaces[i]) : this.superInterfaces[i]; if (TypeBinding.notEquals(substitutedSuperType, argumentType)) { if (!argumentType.isCompatibleWith(substitutedSuperType, scope)) { return TypeConstants.MISMATCH; } TypeBinding match = argumentType.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(substitutedSuperType); if (match != null){ // Enum#RAW is not a substitute for <E extends Enum<E>> (86838) if (match.isRawType() && substitutedSuperType.isBoundParameterizedType()) unchecked = true; } } } long nullTagBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(this.tagBits); if (nullTagBits != 0) { long argBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(argumentType.tagBits); if (argBits != nullTagBits) { // System.err.println("TODO(stephan): issue proper error: bound conflict at "+String.valueOf(this.declaringElement.readableName())); } } return unchecked ? TypeConstants.UNCHECKED : TypeConstants.OK; } public int boundsCount() { if (this.firstBound == null) { return 0; } else if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { return this.superInterfaces.length + 1; } else { return this.superInterfaces.length; } } /** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding#canBeInstantiated() */ public boolean canBeInstantiated() { return false; } /** * Collect the substitutes into a map for certain type variables inside the receiver type * e.g. Collection<T>.collectSubstitutes(Collection<List<X>>, Map), will populate Map with: T --> List<X> * Constraints: * A << F corresponds to: F.collectSubstitutes(..., A, ..., CONSTRAINT_EXTENDS (1)) * A = F corresponds to: F.collectSubstitutes(..., A, ..., CONSTRAINT_EQUAL (0)) * A >> F corresponds to: F.collectSubstitutes(..., A, ..., CONSTRAINT_SUPER (2)) */ public void collectSubstitutes(Scope scope, TypeBinding actualType, InferenceContext inferenceContext, int constraint) { // only infer for type params of the generic method if (this.declaringElement != inferenceContext.genericMethod) return; // cannot infer anything from a null type switch (actualType.kind()) { case Binding.BASE_TYPE : if (actualType == TypeBinding.NULL) return; TypeBinding boxedType = scope.environment().computeBoxingType(actualType); if (boxedType == actualType) return; //$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$ actualType = boxedType; break; case Binding.POLY_TYPE: // cannot steer inference, only learn from it. case Binding.WILDCARD_TYPE : return; // wildcards are not true type expressions (JLS, p.453 2nd discussion) } // reverse constraint, to reflect variable on rhs: A << T --> T >: A int variableConstraint; switch(constraint) { case TypeConstants.CONSTRAINT_EQUAL : variableConstraint = TypeConstants.CONSTRAINT_EQUAL; break; case TypeConstants.CONSTRAINT_EXTENDS : variableConstraint = TypeConstants.CONSTRAINT_SUPER; break; default: //case CONSTRAINT_SUPER : variableConstraint =TypeConstants.CONSTRAINT_EXTENDS; break; } inferenceContext.recordSubstitute(this, actualType, variableConstraint); } /* * declaringUniqueKey : genericTypeSignature * p.X<T> { ... } --> Lp/X;:TT; * p.X { <T> void foo() {...} } --> Lp/X;.foo()V:TT; */ public char[] computeUniqueKey(boolean isLeaf) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Binding declaring = this.declaringElement; if (!isLeaf && declaring.kind() == Binding.METHOD) { // see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=97902 MethodBinding methodBinding = (MethodBinding) declaring; ReferenceBinding declaringClass = methodBinding.declaringClass; buffer.append(declaringClass.computeUniqueKey(false/*not a leaf*/)); buffer.append(':'); MethodBinding[] methods = declaringClass.methods(); if (methods != null) for (int i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) { MethodBinding binding = methods[i]; if (binding == methodBinding) { buffer.append(i); break; } } } else { buffer.append(declaring.computeUniqueKey(false/*not a leaf*/)); buffer.append(':'); } buffer.append(genericTypeSignature()); int length = buffer.length(); char[] uniqueKey = new char[length]; buffer.getChars(0, length, uniqueKey, 0); return uniqueKey; } public char[] constantPoolName() { /* java/lang/Object */ if (this.firstBound != null) { return this.firstBound.constantPoolName(); } return this.superclass.constantPoolName(); // java/lang/Object } public TypeBinding clone(TypeBinding enclosingType) { return new TypeVariableBinding(this); } public String annotatedDebugName() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(10); buffer.append(super.annotatedDebugName()); if (!this.inRecursiveFunction) { this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.superclass != null && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" extends ").append(this.superclass.annotatedDebugName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (this.superInterfaces != null && this.superInterfaces != Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES) { if (TypeBinding.notEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0 || TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" & "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } buffer.append(this.superInterfaces[i].annotatedDebugName()); } } } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } return buffer.toString(); } /** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding#debugName() */ public String debugName() { if (this.hasTypeAnnotations()) return super.annotatedDebugName(); return new String(this.sourceName); } public TypeBinding erasure() { if (this.firstBound != null) { return this.firstBound.erasure(); } return this.superclass; // java/lang/Object } /** * T::Ljava/util/Map;:Ljava/io/Serializable; * T:LY<TT;> */ public char[] genericSignature() { StringBuffer sig = new StringBuffer(10); sig.append(this.sourceName).append(':'); int interfaceLength = this.superInterfaces == null ? 0 : this.superInterfaces.length; if (interfaceLength == 0 || TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { if (this.superclass != null) sig.append(this.superclass.genericTypeSignature()); } for (int i = 0; i < interfaceLength; i++) { sig.append(':').append(this.superInterfaces[i].genericTypeSignature()); } int sigLength = sig.length(); char[] genericSignature = new char[sigLength]; sig.getChars(0, sigLength, genericSignature, 0); return genericSignature; } /** * T::Ljava/util/Map;:Ljava/io/Serializable; * T:LY<TT;> */ public char[] genericTypeSignature() { if (this.genericTypeSignature != null) return this.genericTypeSignature; return this.genericTypeSignature = CharOperation.concat('T', this.sourceName, ';'); } /** * Compute the initial type bounds for one inference variable as per JLS8 sect 18.1.3. */ TypeBound[] getTypeBounds(InferenceVariable variable, InferenceSubstitution theta) { int n = boundsCount(); if (n == 0) return NO_TYPE_BOUNDS; TypeBound[] bounds = new TypeBound[n]; bounds[0] = TypeBound.createBoundOrDependency(theta, this.firstBound, variable); int ifcOffset = TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass) ? -1 : 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) bounds[i] = TypeBound.createBoundOrDependency(theta, this.superInterfaces[i+ifcOffset], variable); return bounds; } boolean hasOnlyRawBounds() { if (this.superclass != null && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) if (!this.superclass.isRawType()) return false; if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int i = 0, l = this.superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) if (!this.superInterfaces[i].isRawType()) return false; return true; } public boolean hasTypeBit(int bit) { if (this.typeBits == TypeIds.BitUninitialized) { // initialize from bounds this.typeBits = 0; if (this.superclass != null && this.superclass.hasTypeBit(~TypeIds.BitUninitialized)) this.typeBits |= (this.superclass.typeBits & TypeIds.InheritableBits); if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int i = 0, l = this.superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) if (this.superInterfaces[i].hasTypeBit(~TypeIds.BitUninitialized)) this.typeBits |= (this.superInterfaces[i].typeBits & TypeIds.InheritableBits); } return (this.typeBits & bit) != 0; } /** * Returns true if the type variable is directly bound to a given type */ public boolean isErasureBoundTo(TypeBinding type) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.superclass.erasure(), type)) return true; for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.superInterfaces[i].erasure(), type)) return true; } return false; } public boolean isHierarchyConnected() { return (this.modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccUnresolved) == 0; } /** * Returns true if the 2 variables are playing exact same role: they have * the same bounds, providing one is substituted with the other: <T1 extends * List<T1>> is interchangeable with <T2 extends List<T2>>. */ public boolean isInterchangeableWith(TypeVariableBinding otherVariable, Substitution substitute) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this, otherVariable)) return true; int length = this.superInterfaces.length; if (length != otherVariable.superInterfaces.length) return false; if (TypeBinding.notEquals(this.superclass, Scope.substitute(substitute, otherVariable.superclass))) return false; next : for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeBinding superType = Scope.substitute(substitute, otherVariable.superInterfaces[i]); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(superType, this.superInterfaces[j])) continue next; return false; // not a match } return true; } @Override public boolean isSubtypeOf(TypeBinding other) { if (isSubTypeOfRTL(other)) return true; if (this.firstBound != null && this.firstBound.isSubtypeOf(other)) return true; if (this.superclass != null && this.superclass.isSubtypeOf(other)) return true; if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int i = 0, l = this.superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) if (this.superInterfaces[i].isSubtypeOf(other)) return true; return other.id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject; } // to prevent infinite recursion when inspecting recursive generics: boolean inRecursiveFunction = false; @Override public boolean enterRecursiveFunction() { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return false; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; return true; } @Override public void exitRecursiveFunction() { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } public boolean isProperType(boolean admitCapture18) { // handle recursive calls: if (this.inRecursiveFunction) // be optimistic, since this node is not an inference variable return true; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.superclass != null && !this.superclass.isProperType(admitCapture18)) { return false; } if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int i = 0, l = this.superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) if (!this.superInterfaces[i].isProperType(admitCapture18)) { return false; } return true; } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } TypeBinding substituteInferenceVariable(InferenceVariable var, TypeBinding substituteType) { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return this; this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { boolean haveSubstitution = false; ReferenceBinding currentSuperclass = this.superclass; if (currentSuperclass != null) { currentSuperclass = (ReferenceBinding) currentSuperclass.substituteInferenceVariable(var, substituteType); haveSubstitution |= TypeBinding.notEquals(currentSuperclass, this.superclass); } ReferenceBinding[] currentSuperInterfaces = null; if (this.superInterfaces != null) { int length = this.superInterfaces.length; if (haveSubstitution) System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 0, currentSuperInterfaces=new ReferenceBinding[length], 0, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ReferenceBinding currentSuperInterface = this.superInterfaces[i]; if (currentSuperInterface != null) { currentSuperInterface = (ReferenceBinding) currentSuperInterface.substituteInferenceVariable(var, substituteType); if (TypeBinding.notEquals(currentSuperInterface, this.superInterfaces[i])) { if (currentSuperInterfaces == null) System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 0, currentSuperInterfaces=new ReferenceBinding[length], 0, length); currentSuperInterfaces[i] = currentSuperInterface; haveSubstitution = true; } } } } if (haveSubstitution) { TypeVariableBinding newVar = new TypeVariableBinding(this.sourceName, this.declaringElement, this.rank, this.environment); newVar.superclass = currentSuperclass; newVar.superInterfaces = currentSuperInterfaces; newVar.tagBits = this.tagBits; return newVar; } return this; } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } /** * Returns true if the type was declared as a type variable */ public boolean isTypeVariable() { return true; } // /** // * Returns the original type variable for a given variable. // * Only different from receiver for type variables of generic methods of parameterized types // * e.g. X<U> { <V1 extends U> U foo(V1) } --> X<String> { <V2 extends String> String foo(V2) } // * and V2.original() --> V1 // */ // public TypeVariableBinding original() { // if (this.declaringElement.kind() == Binding.METHOD) { // MethodBinding originalMethod = ((MethodBinding)this.declaringElement).original(); // if (originalMethod != this.declaringElement) { // return originalMethod.typeVariables[this.rank]; // } // } else { // ReferenceBinding originalType = (ReferenceBinding)((ReferenceBinding)this.declaringElement).erasure(); // if (originalType != this.declaringElement) { // return originalType.typeVariables()[this.rank]; // } // } // return this; // } public int kind() { return Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER; } public boolean mentionsAny(TypeBinding[] parameters, int idx) { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return false; // nothing seen this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (super.mentionsAny(parameters, idx)) return true; if (this.superclass != null && this.superclass.mentionsAny(parameters, idx)) return true; if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int j = 0; j < this.superInterfaces.length; j++) { if (this.superInterfaces[j].mentionsAny(parameters, idx)) return true; } return false; } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } void collectInferenceVariables(Set<InferenceVariable> variables) { if (this.inRecursiveFunction) return; // nothing seen this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.superclass != null) this.superclass.collectInferenceVariables(variables); if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int j = 0; j < this.superInterfaces.length; j++) { this.superInterfaces[j].collectInferenceVariables(variables); } } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } public TypeBinding[] otherUpperBounds() { if (this.firstBound == null) return Binding.NO_TYPES; if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) return this.superInterfaces; int otherLength = this.superInterfaces.length - 1; if (otherLength > 0) { TypeBinding[] otherBounds; System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 1, otherBounds = new TypeBinding[otherLength], 0, otherLength); return otherBounds; } return Binding.NO_TYPES; } /** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding#readableName() */ public char[] readableName() { return this.sourceName; } ReferenceBinding resolve() { if ((this.modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccUnresolved) == 0) return this; long nullTagBits = this.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; TypeBinding oldSuperclass = this.superclass, oldFirstInterface = null; if (this.superclass != null) { ReferenceBinding resolveType = (ReferenceBinding) BinaryTypeBinding.resolveType(this.superclass, this.environment, true /* raw conversion */); this.tagBits |= resolveType.tagBits & TagBits.ContainsNestedTypeReferences; long superNullTagBits = resolveType.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; if (superNullTagBits != 0L) { if (nullTagBits == 0L) { this.tagBits |= (superNullTagBits | TagBits.HasNullTypeAnnotation); } else { // System.err.println("TODO(stephan): report proper error: conflict binary TypeVariable vs. first bound"); } } this.setSuperClass(resolveType); } ReferenceBinding[] interfaces = this.superInterfaces; int length; if ((length = interfaces.length) != 0) { oldFirstInterface = interfaces[0]; for (int i = length; --i >= 0;) { ReferenceBinding resolveType = (ReferenceBinding) BinaryTypeBinding.resolveType(interfaces[i], this.environment, true /* raw conversion */); this.tagBits |= resolveType.tagBits & TagBits.ContainsNestedTypeReferences; long superNullTagBits = resolveType.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; if (superNullTagBits != 0L) { if (nullTagBits == 0L) { this.tagBits |= (superNullTagBits | TagBits.HasNullTypeAnnotation); } else { // System.err.println("TODO(stephan): report proper error: conflict binary TypeVariable vs. bound "+i); } } interfaces[i] = resolveType; } } // refresh the firstBound in case it changed if (this.firstBound != null) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, oldSuperclass)) { this.setFirstBound(this.superclass); } else if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, oldFirstInterface)) { this.setFirstBound(interfaces[0]); } } this.modifiers &= ~ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccUnresolved; return this; } public void setTypeAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations, boolean evalNullAnnotations) { this.environment.getUnannotatedType(this); // exposes original TVB/capture to type system for id stamping purposes. super.setTypeAnnotations(annotations, evalNullAnnotations); } /** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding#shortReadableName() */ public char[] shortReadableName() { return readableName(); } public ReferenceBinding superclass() { return this.superclass; } public ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces() { return this.superInterfaces; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { if (this.hasTypeAnnotations()) return annotatedDebugName(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(10); buffer.append('<').append(this.sourceName);//.append('[').append(this.rank).append(']'); if (this.superclass != null && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" extends ").append(this.superclass.debugName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (this.superInterfaces != null && this.superInterfaces != Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES) { if (TypeBinding.notEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0 || TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { buffer.append(" & "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } buffer.append(this.superInterfaces[i].debugName()); } } buffer.append('>'); return buffer.toString(); } @Override public char[] nullAnnotatedReadableName(CompilerOptions options, boolean shortNames) { StringBuffer nameBuffer = new StringBuffer(10); appendNullAnnotation(nameBuffer, options); nameBuffer.append(this.sourceName()); if (!this.inRecursiveFunction) { this.inRecursiveFunction = true; try { if (this.superclass != null && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { nameBuffer.append(" extends ").append(this.superclass.nullAnnotatedReadableName(options, shortNames)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (this.superInterfaces != null && this.superInterfaces != Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES) { if (TypeBinding.notEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { nameBuffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0 || TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this.firstBound, this.superclass)) { nameBuffer.append(" & "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } nameBuffer.append(this.superInterfaces[i].nullAnnotatedReadableName(options, shortNames)); } } } finally { this.inRecursiveFunction = false; } } int nameLength = nameBuffer.length(); char[] readableName = new char[nameLength]; nameBuffer.getChars(0, nameLength, readableName, 0); return readableName; } // May still carry declaration site annotations. public TypeBinding unannotated() { return this.hasTypeAnnotations() ? this.environment.getUnannotatedType(this) : this; } /** * Upper bound doesn't perform erasure */ public TypeBinding upperBound() { if (this.firstBound != null) { return this.firstBound; } return this.superclass; // java/lang/Object } public void evaluateNullAnnotations(Scope scope, TypeParameter parameter) { long nullTagBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(this.tagBits); if (this.firstBound != null && this.firstBound.isValidBinding()) { long superNullTagBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(this.firstBound.tagBits); if (superNullTagBits != 0L) { if (nullTagBits == 0L) { nullTagBits |= superNullTagBits; } else if (superNullTagBits != nullTagBits) { // not finding either bound or ann should be considered a compiler bug TypeReference bound = findBound(this.firstBound, parameter); Annotation ann = bound.findAnnotation(superNullTagBits); scope.problemReporter().contradictoryNullAnnotationsOnBounds(ann, nullTagBits); this.tagBits &= ~TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; } } } ReferenceBinding[] interfaces = this.superInterfaces; int length; if ((length = interfaces.length) != 0) { for (int i = length; --i >= 0;) { ReferenceBinding resolveType = interfaces[i]; long superNullTagBits = NullAnnotationMatching.validNullTagBits(resolveType.tagBits); if (superNullTagBits != 0L) { if (nullTagBits == 0L) { nullTagBits |= superNullTagBits; } else if (superNullTagBits != nullTagBits) { // not finding either bound or ann should be considered a compiler bug TypeReference bound = findBound(this.firstBound, parameter); Annotation ann = bound.findAnnotation(superNullTagBits); scope.problemReporter().contradictoryNullAnnotationsOnBounds(ann, nullTagBits); this.tagBits &= ~TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; } } interfaces[i] = resolveType; } } if (nullTagBits != 0) this.tagBits |= nullTagBits | TagBits.HasNullTypeAnnotation; } private TypeReference findBound(TypeBinding bound, TypeParameter parameter) { if (parameter.type != null && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(parameter.type.resolvedType, bound)) return parameter.type; TypeReference[] bounds = parameter.bounds; if (bounds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(bounds[i].resolvedType, bound)) return bounds[i]; } } return null; } /* An annotated type variable use differs from its declaration exactly in its annotations and in nothing else. Propagate writes to all annotated variants so the clones evolve along. */ public TypeBinding setFirstBound(TypeBinding firstBound) { this.firstBound = firstBound; if ((this.tagBits & TagBits.HasAnnotatedVariants) != 0) { TypeBinding [] annotatedTypes = this.environment.getAnnotatedTypes(this); for (int i = 0, length = annotatedTypes == null ? 0 : annotatedTypes.length; i < length; i++) { TypeVariableBinding annotatedType = (TypeVariableBinding) annotatedTypes[i]; annotatedType.firstBound = firstBound; } } if (firstBound != null && firstBound.hasNullTypeAnnotations()) this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasNullTypeAnnotation; return firstBound; } /* An annotated type variable use differs from its declaration exactly in its annotations and in nothing else. Propagate writes to all annotated variants so the clones evolve along. */ public ReferenceBinding setSuperClass(ReferenceBinding superclass) { this.superclass = superclass; if ((this.tagBits & TagBits.HasAnnotatedVariants) != 0) { TypeBinding [] annotatedTypes = this.environment.getAnnotatedTypes(this); for (int i = 0, length = annotatedTypes == null ? 0 : annotatedTypes.length; i < length; i++) { TypeVariableBinding annotatedType = (TypeVariableBinding) annotatedTypes[i]; annotatedType.superclass = superclass; } } return superclass; } /* An annotated type variable use differs from its declaration exactly in its annotations and in nothing else. Propagate writes to all annotated variants so the clones evolve along. */ public ReferenceBinding [] setSuperInterfaces(ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces) { this.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; if ((this.tagBits & TagBits.HasAnnotatedVariants) != 0) { TypeBinding [] annotatedTypes = this.environment.getAnnotatedTypes(this); for (int i = 0, length = annotatedTypes == null ? 0 : annotatedTypes.length; i < length; i++) { TypeVariableBinding annotatedType = (TypeVariableBinding) annotatedTypes[i]; annotatedType.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; } } return superInterfaces; } }