/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Stephan Herrmann - contributions for * bug 336428 - [compiler][null] bogus warning "redundant null check" in condition of do {} while() loop * bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking * bug 365519 - editorial cleanup after bug 186342 and bug 365387 * bug 368546 - [compiler][resource] Avoid remaining false positives found when compiling the Eclipse SDK * bug 365859 - [compiler][null] distinguish warnings based on flow analysis vs. null annotations * bug 385626 - @NonNull fails across loop boundaries * bug 345305 - [compiler][null] Compiler misidentifies a case of "variable can only be null" * bug 376263 - Bogus "Potential null pointer access" warning * bug 403147 - [compiler][null] FUP of bug 400761: consolidate interaction between unboxing, NPE, and deferred checking * bug 406384 - Internal error with I20130413 * Bug 415413 - [compiler][null] NullpointerException in Null Analysis caused by interaction of LoopingFlowContext and FinallyFlowContext * Jesper S Moller - contributions for * bug 404657 - [1.8][compiler] Analysis for effectively final variables fails to consider loops *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FakedTrackingVariable; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Reference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.BranchLabel; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalVariableBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TagBits; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.VariableBinding; /** * Reflects the context of code analysis, keeping track of enclosing * try statements, exception handlers, etc... */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public class LoopingFlowContext extends SwitchFlowContext { public BranchLabel continueLabel; public UnconditionalFlowInfo initsOnContinue = FlowInfo.DEAD_END; private UnconditionalFlowInfo upstreamNullFlowInfo; private LoopingFlowContext innerFlowContexts[] = null; private UnconditionalFlowInfo innerFlowInfos[] = null; private int innerFlowContextsCount = 0; private LabelFlowContext breakTargetContexts[] = null; private int breakTargetsCount = 0; Reference finalAssignments[]; VariableBinding finalVariables[]; int assignCount = 0; // the following three arrays are in sync regarding their indices: LocalVariableBinding[] nullLocals; // slots can be null for checkType == IN_UNBOXING ASTNode[] nullReferences; // Expressions for null checking, Statements for resource analysis // cast to Expression is safe if corresponding nullCheckType != EXIT_RESOURCE int[] nullCheckTypes; int nullCount; // see also the related field FlowContext#expectedTypes // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321926 static private class EscapingExceptionCatchSite { final ReferenceBinding caughtException; final ExceptionHandlingFlowContext catchingContext; public EscapingExceptionCatchSite(ExceptionHandlingFlowContext catchingContext, ReferenceBinding caughtException) { this.catchingContext = catchingContext; this.caughtException = caughtException; } void simulateThrowAfterLoopBack(FlowInfo flowInfo) { this.catchingContext.recordHandlingException(this.caughtException, flowInfo.unconditionalInits(), null, // raised exception, irrelevant here, null, null, /* invocation site, irrelevant here */ true // we have no business altering the needed status. ); } } private ArrayList escapingExceptionCatchSites = null; Scope associatedScope; public LoopingFlowContext( FlowContext parent, FlowInfo upstreamNullFlowInfo, ASTNode associatedNode, BranchLabel breakLabel, BranchLabel continueLabel, Scope associatedScope, boolean isPreTest) { super(parent, associatedNode, breakLabel, isPreTest); this.tagBits |= FlowContext.PREEMPT_NULL_DIAGNOSTIC; // children will defer to this, which may defer to its own parent this.continueLabel = continueLabel; this.associatedScope = associatedScope; this.upstreamNullFlowInfo = upstreamNullFlowInfo.unconditionalCopy(); } /** * Perform deferred checks relative to final variables duplicate initialization * of lack of initialization. * @param scope the scope to which this context is associated * @param flowInfo the flow info against which checks must be performed */ public void complainOnDeferredFinalChecks(BlockScope scope, FlowInfo flowInfo) { // complain on final assignments in loops for (int i = 0; i < this.assignCount; i++) { VariableBinding variable = this.finalVariables[i]; if (variable == null) continue; boolean complained = false; // remember if have complained on this final assignment if (variable instanceof FieldBinding) { if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyAssigned((FieldBinding)variable)) { complained = true; scope.problemReporter().duplicateInitializationOfBlankFinalField( (FieldBinding) variable, this.finalAssignments[i]); } } else { if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyAssigned((LocalVariableBinding)variable)) { variable.tagBits &= ~TagBits.IsEffectivelyFinal; if (variable.isFinal()) { complained = true; scope.problemReporter().duplicateInitializationOfFinalLocal( (LocalVariableBinding) variable, this.finalAssignments[i]); } } } // any reference reported at this level is removed from the parent context where it // could also be reported again if (complained) { FlowContext context = this.getLocalParent(); while (context != null) { context.removeFinalAssignmentIfAny(this.finalAssignments[i]); context = context.getLocalParent(); } } } } /** * Perform deferred checks relative to the null status of local variables. * @param scope the scope to which this context is associated * @param callerFlowInfo the flow info against which checks must be performed */ public void complainOnDeferredNullChecks(BlockScope scope, FlowInfo callerFlowInfo) { for (int i = 0 ; i < this.innerFlowContextsCount ; i++) { this.upstreamNullFlowInfo. addPotentialNullInfoFrom( this.innerFlowContexts[i].upstreamNullFlowInfo). addPotentialNullInfoFrom(this.innerFlowInfos[i]); } this.innerFlowContextsCount = 0; FlowInfo upstreamCopy = this.upstreamNullFlowInfo.copy(); UnconditionalFlowInfo flowInfo = this.upstreamNullFlowInfo. addPotentialNullInfoFrom(callerFlowInfo.unconditionalInitsWithoutSideEffect()); if ((this.tagBits & FlowContext.DEFER_NULL_DIAGNOSTIC) != 0) { // check only immutable null checks on innermost looping context for (int i = 0; i < this.nullCount; i++) { LocalVariableBinding local = this.nullLocals[i]; ASTNode location = this.nullReferences[i]; // final local variable switch (this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) { case CAN_ONLY_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == (CAN_ONLY_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL)) { if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNonNull(local, location); } } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNonNullComparedToNull(local, location); } continue; } break; case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == (CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL)) { if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNonNull(local, location); } } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNonNullComparedToNull(local, location); } continue; } if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == (CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL)) { if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNull(local, location); } } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullComparedToNonNull(local, location); } continue; } break; case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_ASSIGNMENT: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_INSTANCEOF: Expression expression = (Expression)location; if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; switch(this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, expression); continue; } if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNull(local, expression); } continue; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, expression); continue; } scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullComparedToNonNull(local, expression); continue; case FlowContext.IN_ASSIGNMENT: scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantNullAssignment(local, expression); continue; case FlowContext.IN_INSTANCEOF: scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullInstanceof(local, expression); continue; } } else if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { switch(this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: this.nullReferences[i] = null; if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, expression); continue; } break; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: this.nullReferences[i] = null; if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, expression); continue; } break; } } break; case MAY_NULL: if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, location); continue; } break; case ASSIGN_TO_NONNULL: int nullStatus = flowInfo.nullStatus(local); if (nullStatus != FlowInfo.NON_NULL) { this.parent.recordNullityMismatch(scope, (Expression)location, this.providedExpectedTypes[i][0], this.providedExpectedTypes[i][1], nullStatus); } continue; // no more delegation to parent case EXIT_RESOURCE: FakedTrackingVariable trackingVar = local.closeTracker; if (trackingVar != null) { if (trackingVar.hasDefinitelyNoResource(flowInfo)) { continue; // no resource - no warning. } if (trackingVar.isClosedInFinallyOfEnclosing(scope)) { continue; } if (this.parent.recordExitAgainstResource(scope, flowInfo, trackingVar, location)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; continue; } } break; case IN_UNBOXING: checkUnboxing(scope, (Expression) location, flowInfo); continue; // delegation to parent already handled in the above. default: // never happens } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/376263: avoid further deferring if the upstream info // already has definite information (which might get lost for deferred checking). if (!(this.nullCheckTypes[i] == MAY_NULL && upstreamCopy.isDefinitelyNonNull(local))) { this.parent.recordUsingNullReference(scope, local, location, this.nullCheckTypes[i], flowInfo); } } } else { // check inconsistent null checks on outermost looping context for (int i = 0; i < this.nullCount; i++) { ASTNode location = this.nullReferences[i]; // final local variable LocalVariableBinding local = this.nullLocals[i]; switch (this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) { case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == (CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL)) { if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNonNull(local, location); } } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNonNullComparedToNull(local, location); } continue; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_ASSIGNMENT: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_INSTANCEOF: Expression expression = (Expression) location; if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; switch(this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, expression); continue; } if ((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNull(local, expression); } continue; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, expression); continue; } scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullComparedToNonNull(local, expression); continue; case FlowContext.IN_ASSIGNMENT: scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantNullAssignment(local, expression); continue; case FlowContext.IN_INSTANCEOF: scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullInstanceof(local, expression); continue; } } else if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { switch(this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: this.nullReferences[i] = null; if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, expression); continue; } break; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: this.nullReferences[i] = null; if (((this.nullCheckTypes[i] & CHECK_MASK & ~HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (expression.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, expression); continue; } break; } } break; case MAY_NULL: if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, location); continue; } if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { this.nullReferences[i] = null; scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, location); continue; } break; case ASSIGN_TO_NONNULL: int nullStatus = flowInfo.nullStatus(local); if (nullStatus != FlowInfo.NON_NULL) { char[][] annotationName = scope.environment().getNonNullAnnotationName(); scope.problemReporter().nullityMismatch((Expression) location, this.providedExpectedTypes[i][0], this.providedExpectedTypes[i][1], nullStatus, annotationName); } break; case EXIT_RESOURCE: nullStatus = flowInfo.nullStatus(local); if (nullStatus != FlowInfo.NON_NULL) { FakedTrackingVariable closeTracker = local.closeTracker; if (closeTracker != null) { if (closeTracker.hasDefinitelyNoResource(flowInfo)) { continue; // no resource - no warning. } if (closeTracker.isClosedInFinallyOfEnclosing(scope)) { continue; } nullStatus = closeTracker.findMostSpecificStatus(flowInfo, scope, null); closeTracker.recordErrorLocation(this.nullReferences[i], nullStatus); closeTracker.reportRecordedErrors(scope, nullStatus); this.nullReferences[i] = null; continue; } } break; case IN_UNBOXING: checkUnboxing(scope, (Expression) location, flowInfo); break; default: // never happens } } } // propagate breaks this.initsOnBreak.addPotentialNullInfoFrom(flowInfo); for (int i = 0; i < this.breakTargetsCount; i++) { this.breakTargetContexts[i].initsOnBreak.addPotentialNullInfoFrom(flowInfo); } } public BranchLabel continueLabel() { return this.continueLabel; } public String individualToString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Looping flow context"); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append("[initsOnBreak - ").append(this.initsOnBreak.toString()).append(']'); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append("[initsOnContinue - ").append(this.initsOnContinue.toString()).append(']'); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append("[finalAssignments count - ").append(this.assignCount).append(']'); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append("[nullReferences count - ").append(this.nullCount).append(']'); //$NON-NLS-1$ return buffer.toString(); } public boolean isContinuable() { return true; } public boolean isContinuedTo() { return this.initsOnContinue != FlowInfo.DEAD_END; } public void recordBreakTo(FlowContext targetContext) { if (targetContext instanceof LabelFlowContext) { int current; if ((current = this.breakTargetsCount++) == 0) { this.breakTargetContexts = new LabelFlowContext[2]; } else if (current == this.breakTargetContexts.length) { System.arraycopy(this.breakTargetContexts, 0, this.breakTargetContexts = new LabelFlowContext[current + 2], 0, current); } this.breakTargetContexts[current] = (LabelFlowContext) targetContext; } } public void recordContinueFrom(FlowContext innerFlowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) { if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) == 0) { if ((this.initsOnContinue.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) == 0) { this.initsOnContinue = this.initsOnContinue. mergedWith(flowInfo.unconditionalInitsWithoutSideEffect()); } else { this.initsOnContinue = flowInfo.unconditionalCopy(); } FlowContext inner = innerFlowContext; while (inner != this && !(inner instanceof LoopingFlowContext)) { inner = inner.parent; // we know that inner is reachable from this without crossing a type boundary } if (inner == this) { this.upstreamNullFlowInfo. addPotentialNullInfoFrom( flowInfo.unconditionalInitsWithoutSideEffect()); } else { int length = 0; if (this.innerFlowContexts == null) { this.innerFlowContexts = new LoopingFlowContext[5]; this.innerFlowInfos = new UnconditionalFlowInfo[5]; } else if (this.innerFlowContextsCount == (length = this.innerFlowContexts.length) - 1) { System.arraycopy(this.innerFlowContexts, 0, (this.innerFlowContexts = new LoopingFlowContext[length + 5]), 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.innerFlowInfos, 0, (this.innerFlowInfos= new UnconditionalFlowInfo[length + 5]), 0, length); } this.innerFlowContexts[this.innerFlowContextsCount] = (LoopingFlowContext) inner; this.innerFlowInfos[this.innerFlowContextsCount++] = flowInfo.unconditionalInitsWithoutSideEffect(); } } } protected boolean recordFinalAssignment( VariableBinding binding, Reference finalAssignment) { // do not consider variables which are defined inside this loop if (binding instanceof LocalVariableBinding) { Scope scope = ((LocalVariableBinding) binding).declaringScope; while ((scope = scope.parent) != null) { if (scope == this.associatedScope) return false; } } if (this.assignCount == 0) { this.finalAssignments = new Reference[5]; this.finalVariables = new VariableBinding[5]; } else { if (this.assignCount == this.finalAssignments.length) System.arraycopy( this.finalAssignments, 0, (this.finalAssignments = new Reference[this.assignCount * 2]), 0, this.assignCount); System.arraycopy( this.finalVariables, 0, (this.finalVariables = new VariableBinding[this.assignCount * 2]), 0, this.assignCount); } this.finalAssignments[this.assignCount] = finalAssignment; this.finalVariables[this.assignCount++] = binding; return true; } protected void recordNullReference(LocalVariableBinding local, ASTNode expression, int checkType) { if (this.nullCount == 0) { this.nullLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[5]; this.nullReferences = new ASTNode[5]; this.nullCheckTypes = new int[5]; } else if (this.nullCount == this.nullLocals.length) { System.arraycopy(this.nullLocals, 0, this.nullLocals = new LocalVariableBinding[this.nullCount * 2], 0, this.nullCount); System.arraycopy(this.nullReferences, 0, this.nullReferences = new ASTNode[this.nullCount * 2], 0, this.nullCount); System.arraycopy(this.nullCheckTypes, 0, this.nullCheckTypes = new int[this.nullCount * 2], 0, this.nullCount); } this.nullLocals[this.nullCount] = local; this.nullReferences[this.nullCount] = expression; this.nullCheckTypes[this.nullCount++] = checkType; } public void recordUnboxing(Scope scope, Expression expression, int nullStatus, FlowInfo flowInfo) { if (nullStatus == FlowInfo.NULL) super.recordUnboxing(scope, expression, nullStatus, flowInfo); else // defer checking: recordNullReference(null, expression, IN_UNBOXING); } /** Record the fact that we see an early exit (in 'reference') while 'trackingVar' is in scope and may be unclosed. */ public boolean recordExitAgainstResource(BlockScope scope, FlowInfo flowInfo, FakedTrackingVariable trackingVar, ASTNode reference) { LocalVariableBinding local = trackingVar.binding; if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { return false; } if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { scope.problemReporter().unclosedCloseable(trackingVar, reference); return true; // handled } if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { scope.problemReporter().potentiallyUnclosedCloseable(trackingVar, reference); return true; // handled } recordNullReference(trackingVar.binding, reference, EXIT_RESOURCE); return true; // handled } public void recordUsingNullReference(Scope scope, LocalVariableBinding local, ASTNode location, int checkType, FlowInfo flowInfo) { if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) != 0 || flowInfo.isDefinitelyUnknown(local)) { return; } // if reference is being recorded inside an assert, we will not raise redundant null check warnings checkType |= (this.tagBits & FlowContext.HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING); int checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning = checkType & ~FlowContext.HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK; switch (checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning) { case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: Expression reference = (Expression)location; if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { if (checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning == (CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL)) { if ((this.tagBits & FlowContext.HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNonNull(local, reference); } flowInfo.initsWhenFalse().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNonNullComparedToNull(local, reference); flowInfo.initsWhenTrue().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); } } else if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { if (checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning == (CAN_ONLY_NULL_NON_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL)) { if ((this.tagBits & FlowContext.HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNull(local, reference); } flowInfo.initsWhenFalse().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); } else { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullComparedToNonNull(local, reference); flowInfo.initsWhenTrue().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); } } else if (this.upstreamNullFlowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local) && !flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local) && !flowInfo.isPotentiallyUnknown(local)) { // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=291418 flowInfo.markAsDefinitelyNonNull(local); recordNullReference(local, reference, checkType); } else if (flowInfo.cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull(local)) { return; // no reason to complain, since there is definitely some uncertainty making the comparison relevant. } else { // note: pot non-null & pot null is already captured by cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull() if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNonNull(local)) { // knowing 'local' can be non-null, we're only interested in seeing whether it can *only* be non-null recordNullReference(local, reference, CAN_ONLY_NON_NULL | checkType & (CONTEXT_MASK|HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK)); } else if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { // knowing 'local' can be null, we're only interested in seeing whether it can *only* be null recordNullReference(local, reference, CAN_ONLY_NULL | checkType & (CONTEXT_MASK|HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING_MASK)); } else { recordNullReference(local, reference, checkType); } } return; case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_ASSIGNMENT: case CAN_ONLY_NULL | IN_INSTANCEOF: reference = (Expression)location; if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNonNull(local) || flowInfo.isPotentiallyUnknown(local) || flowInfo.isProtectedNonNull(local)) { // if variable is not null, we are not interested in recording null reference for deferred checks. // This is because CAN_ONLY_NULL means we're only interested in cases when variable can be null. return; } if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { switch(checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: if (((checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CHECK_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (reference.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, reference); return; } if ((this.tagBits & FlowContext.HIDE_NULL_COMPARISON_WARNING) == 0) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantCheckOnNull(local, reference); } flowInfo.initsWhenFalse().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); return; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (((checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CHECK_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (reference.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, reference); return; } scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullComparedToNonNull(local, reference); flowInfo.initsWhenTrue().setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_BY_NULLANALYSIS); return; case FlowContext.IN_ASSIGNMENT: scope.problemReporter().localVariableRedundantNullAssignment(local, reference); return; case FlowContext.IN_INSTANCEOF: scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullInstanceof(local, reference); return; } } else if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { switch(checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CONTEXT_MASK) { case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NULL: if (((checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CHECK_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (reference.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, reference); return; } break; case FlowContext.IN_COMPARISON_NON_NULL: if (((checkTypeWithoutHideNullWarning & CHECK_MASK) == CAN_ONLY_NULL) && (reference.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { // check for auto-unboxing first and report appropriate warning scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, reference); return; } break; } } recordNullReference(local, reference, checkType); return; case MAY_NULL : if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNonNull(local)) { return; } if (flowInfo.isDefinitelyNull(local)) { scope.problemReporter().localVariableNullReference(local, location); return; } if (flowInfo.isPotentiallyNull(local)) { scope.problemReporter().localVariablePotentialNullReference(local, location); return; } recordNullReference(local, location, checkType); return; default: // never happens } } void removeFinalAssignmentIfAny(Reference reference) { for (int i = 0; i < this.assignCount; i++) { if (this.finalAssignments[i] == reference) { this.finalAssignments[i] = null; this.finalVariables[i] = null; return; } } } /* Simulate a throw of an exception from inside a loop in its second or subsequent iteration. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321926 */ public void simulateThrowAfterLoopBack(FlowInfo flowInfo) { if (this.escapingExceptionCatchSites != null) { for (int i = 0, exceptionCount = this.escapingExceptionCatchSites.size(); i < exceptionCount; i++) { ((EscapingExceptionCatchSite) this.escapingExceptionCatchSites.get(i)).simulateThrowAfterLoopBack(flowInfo); } this.escapingExceptionCatchSites = null; // don't care for it anymore. } } /* Record the fact that some exception thrown by code within this loop is caught by an outer catch block. This is used to propagate data flow along the edge back to the next iteration. See simulateThrowAfterLoopBack */ public void recordCatchContextOfEscapingException(ExceptionHandlingFlowContext catchingContext, ReferenceBinding caughtException) { if (this.escapingExceptionCatchSites == null) { this.escapingExceptionCatchSites = new ArrayList(5); } this.escapingExceptionCatchSites.add(new EscapingExceptionCatchSite(catchingContext, caughtException)); } public boolean hasEscapingExceptions() { return this.escapingExceptionCatchSites != null; } protected boolean internalRecordNullityMismatch(Expression expression, TypeBinding providedType, int nullStatus, TypeBinding expectedType, int checkType) { recordProvidedExpectedTypes(providedType, expectedType, this.nullCount); recordNullReference(expression.localVariableBinding(), expression, checkType); return true; } }