package com.digitalwolf.drona.sprites; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.digitalwolf.drona.assets.Assets; import com.moribitotech.mtx.settings.AppSettings; public class IntelligentBossEnemy extends AISprite{ public static final int APPEARING = 0; public static final int FLYING = 1; public static final int ATTACKING = 2; public static final int HIT = 3; public static final int DYING = 4; public static float width = 288/3f*AppSettings.getWorldSizeRatio(); public static float height = 384/4f*AppSettings.getWorldSizeRatio(); private boolean toggleBoolean; public int life; private int state; public boolean visible; private ArrayList<Weapon> weapons; boolean reloaded = false; // Start with a reload because the weapons of the enemy will not reload itself float reloadTime = 100; // This is the "timer" (The value doesn't matter) final float startReloadTime = 100; private boolean rescued; public IntelligentBossEnemy(Array<Vector2> path, float x, float y) { super(path, x, y); stateTime = 0; visible =true; weapons = new ArrayList<Weapon>(); life = 10; state = APPEARING; rescued = false; toggleBoolean = false; } @Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch){ //DRAW THE LIFE INDICATOR TextureRegion indicator = null; switch(life/2){ case 0: indicator = Assets.enerylevel1; break; case 1: indicator = Assets.enerylevel1; break; case 2: indicator = Assets.enerylevel2; break; case 3: indicator = Assets.enerylevel3; break; case 4: indicator = Assets.enerylevel4; break; case 5: indicator = Assets.enerylevel5; break; } //DRAW THE CHARACTER TextureRegion frame = null; switch(state){ case 0: frame = Assets.bossEnemyAppearing.getKeyFrame(getStateTime()); break; case 1: frame = Assets.bossEnemyFlying.getKeyFrame(getStateTime()); break; case 2: frame = Assets.bossEnemyFlying.getKeyFrame(getStateTime()); break; case 3: frame = Assets.bossEnemyFlying.getKeyFrame(getStateTime()); break; case 4: frame = Assets.bossEnemyFlyAway.getKeyFrame(getStateTime()); break; } batch.begin(); batch.draw(frame, getX(), getY(), 0, 0, width, height, 1.0f, 1.0f, getRotation()); batch.draw(indicator, AppSettings.SCREEN_W - 60, 100, 50,150); //DRAW THE WEAPONS if(weapons.size() >0){ for(int i=0; i< weapons.size();i++){ Weapon w = weapons.get(i); TextureRegion weaponFrame = Assets.splashAnim.getKeyFrame(getStateTime());//change if(w.visible){ batch.draw(weaponFrame, w.position.x, w.position.y, 282/6*0.7f, 66*0.7f); } } } batch.end(); } public void fire(){ state = ATTACKING; Weapon w = new Weapon(getX()-width/2, getY(), Weapon.NORMAL); weapons.add(w); } public void appearing(){ setY(getY()-1); if(getY()<= AppSettings.SCREEN_H/2){ state = FLYING; } } public ArrayList<Weapon> getWeapons(){ return this.weapons; } @Override public void update(float deltaTime, float targetX, float targetY) { super.update(deltaTime,targetX,targetY); //CHECK THIS CONDITION IN WORST CASE if(state == APPEARING && getLifeTime()>=5){ state = FLYING; } if(state == HIT || state == ATTACKING){ if(!rescued){ setLifeTime(0); rescued = true; } if(getLifeTime() >=3){ setState(FLYING); rescued = false; } } if(state == APPEARING){ appearing(); } if(state!=APPEARING){ // The enemy will be updated once it has appeared from the top if (!reloaded) { reloadTime -= 500*deltaTime; // As I said, this is the timer // If the reload finished, set the timer back to the reload time if (reloadTime <= 0) { reloaded = true; // reloaded, we can shoot reloadTime = startReloadTime; } } if(isWayPointReached()){ setPosition(path.get(waypoint).x, path.get(waypoint).y); if(waypoint+1 >= path.size){ } else{ waypoint+=1; } } if(state == FLYING){ if(Math.abs(targetY- getY())<=30 && reloaded){ fire(); reloaded = false; } if(SECONDS_TIME%1==0){ boolean moveDecision = getNextToggle(); if(moveDecision){ getFarPositionPath(targetY); } else{ getNearPositionPath(targetY); } } } } if(path.size >=3){ path.removeIndex(0); } //}//END OF IF CONDITION } private void getNearPositionPath(float targetY) { path.add(new Vector2(AppSettings.SCREEN_W/2, targetY)); } private void getFarPositionPath(float targetY) { path.add(new Vector2(AppSettings.SCREEN_W-width, targetY )); } public boolean getNextToggle(){ return toggleBoolean=!toggleBoolean; } private boolean isWayPointReached() { return path.get(waypoint).x - getX() <= speed* && path.get(waypoint).y -getY() <= speed* ; } public Array<Vector2> getPath(){ return this.path; } public void setPath( Array<Vector2> path){ this.path = path; } public int getWayPoint(){ return waypoint; } public Rectangle getBounds() { return new Rectangle(getX(), getY(), width, height); } public int getState(){ return this.state; } public void setState(int s){ stateTime = 0; this.state = s; } }