package sushi.traffic.importer; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import sushi.event.SushiEvent; import sushi.event.SushiEventType; import sushi.event.attribute.SushiAttributeTree; import sushi.event.attribute.SushiAttributeTypeEnum; import sushi.event.collection.SushiMapTree; import sushi.event.collection.SushiTree; import; import sushi.event.collection.SushiTree; /** * Adapter for traffic incidents from tomtom api */ public class TomTomTrafficimporter { String TOMTOMAPIKEY = "INSERT YOUR API KEY"; SushiEventType trafficEventType = null; public final static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TomTomTrafficimporter t = new TomTomTrafficimporter(); System.out.println("###############################################"); System.out.println(t.getTrafficSushiEventHamburgToBerlin()); System.out.println("###############################################"); } /** * returns list of SushiEvents which represent the trafficincidents * expire time is set to 2min, but events will not be deleted */ public ArrayList<SushiEvent> getTrafficSushiEventsPotsdam() throws JSONException{ return getTrafficSushiEventsForArea("52.355264", "12.997513", "52.430688", "13.137932", "16", "Potsdam"); } /** * returns list of SushiEvents which represent the trafficincidents * expire time is set to 2min, but events will not be deleted */ public ArrayList<SushiEvent> getTrafficSushiEventsBerlin() throws JSONException{ return getTrafficSushiEventsForArea("52.393201", "13.119049", "52.601379", "13.702698", "16", "Berlin"); } /** * returns a list of TrafficEvents from each area descriped in the DWDHelper */ public ArrayList<SushiEvent> getTrafficSushiEventHamburgToBerlin() throws JSONException, XPathExpressionException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException{ ArrayList<SushiEvent> incidents = new ArrayList<>(); // get the areaDescriptions with their rectangle provided by deutscher wetterdienst, the same used for the dwdimporter HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> dwdAreas = DWDHelper.getAreasAndCoordinatesFromXMLFile(); for (String areaDesc : dwdAreas.keySet()){ HashMap<String, String> minMaxLatLon = dwdAreas.get(areaDesc); incidents.addAll( getTrafficSushiEventsForArea(minMaxLatLon.get("minLat"), minMaxLatLon.get("minLon"), minMaxLatLon.get("maxLat"), minMaxLatLon.get("maxLon"), "16", areaDesc)); } // remove all trafficevents which do not affect the main route return filterEvents(incidents); } /** * returns the TrafficEvents which are in the given rectangle */ public ArrayList<SushiEvent> getTrafficSushiEventsForArea(String maxLat, String maxLon, String minLat, String minLon, String zoomlevel, String areaDesc) throws JSONException{ JSONObject mainRespondElement = getTrafficEventsJSON(maxLat, maxLon, minLat, minLon, zoomlevel); ArrayList<JSONObject> trafficincidents = getFlattenTrafficIncidents(mainRespondElement); return getEventFromJSON(trafficincidents, areaDesc); } /** * return the mapping of incidents type to english description */ public HashMap<String, String> getNameOfIncidentsMap(){ HashMap<String, String> incidentsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); incidentsMap.put("-", "-"); incidentsMap.put("0", "Unknown"); incidentsMap.put("1", "Accident"); incidentsMap.put("2", "Fog"); incidentsMap.put("3", "Dangerous Conditions"); incidentsMap.put("4", "Rain"); incidentsMap.put("5", "Ice"); incidentsMap.put("6", "Jam"); incidentsMap.put("7", "Lane Closed"); incidentsMap.put("8", "Road Closed"); incidentsMap.put("9", "Road Works"); incidentsMap.put("10", "Wind"); incidentsMap.put("11", "Flooding"); incidentsMap.put("12", "Detour"); incidentsMap.put("13", "Cluster – returned if a cluster contains incidents with different icon categories"); return incidentsMap; } /** * for internal usage / debugging */ private JSONObject getTrafficEventsJSONPotsdam(){ return getTrafficEventsJSON("52.355264", "12.997513", "52.430688", "13.137932", "16"); } /** * for internal usage / debugging */ private JSONObject getTrafficEventsJSONBerlin(){ return getTrafficEventsJSON("52.393201", "13.119049", "52.601379", "13.702698", "16"); } /** * return the respond element ("tm") of the traffic request send to tomtom * * lat/lon = latidude/longitude from Google maps (lat is the first value) * zoomfactor stands for the visible size of the map, use 10 or higher for cities and lower for rural area * example for potsdam: getTraffic(52.355264, 12.997513, 52.430688, 13.137932, 11) */ private JSONObject getTrafficEventsJSON(String maxLat, String maxLon, String minLat, String minLon, String zoomlevel) { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); JSONObject mainRespondElement = null; String requerstString = "" + maxLat + "," + maxLon+ "," + minLat + "," + minLon +"/" + zoomlevel + "/-1/json?language=de&projection=EPSG4326&expandCluster=true&key=" + TOMTOMAPIKEY; String responseBody = ""; try { HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(requerstString); System.out.println("executing request " + httpget.getURI()); // Create a response handler ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); JSONObject jsonRespond = new JSONObject(responseBody); mainRespondElement = jsonRespond.getJSONObject("tm"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("ERROR: unexpected tomtom respond or no connection possible: " + responseBody); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // When HttpClient instance is no longer needed, // shut down the connection manager to ensure // immediate deallocation of all system resources httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } return mainRespondElement; } /** * returns the eventtype for traffic incidents */ public SushiEventType getTrafficEventtype(){ // singelton if (trafficEventType == null){ // try to find the event type in db trafficEventType = SushiEventType.findByTypeName("TomTomTrafficEvent"); // create new if undefined if (trafficEventType == null){ SushiAttributeTree valueTree = new SushiAttributeTree(); valueTree.addRoot("expires", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.DATE); valueTree.addRoot("duration", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.INTEGER); valueTree.addRoot("length", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.INTEGER); valueTree.addRoot("startStreet", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("endStreet", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("onRoadnumbers", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("type", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.INTEGER); valueTree.addRoot("areaDesc", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("onCountry", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("xvalue", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); valueTree.addRoot("yvalue", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING); trafficEventType = new SushiEventType("TomTomTrafficEvent", valueTree, "detectedAt"); } } return trafficEventType; } /** * generates Events from TOMTOM JSON respond * just germany * location is used to name the area */ private ArrayList<SushiEvent> getEventFromJSON(ArrayList<JSONObject> trafficincidents, String areaDesc) throws JSONException { ArrayList<SushiEvent> sushiEvents = new ArrayList<SushiEvent>(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 2); String newTime = df.format(cal.getTime()); for (JSONObject incident : trafficincidents){ SushiMapTree<String, Serializable> values = new SushiMapTree<>(); String from = incident.has("f") ? incident.getString("f") : "-"; String to = incident.has("t") ? incident.getString("t") : "-"; DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); String duration = incident.has("dl") ? f.format((incident.getInt("dl")/60.0)) : "-"; String type = incident.has("ic") ? incident.getString("ic") : "-"; String length = incident.has("l") ? incident.getString("l") : "-"; String roadNumbersAffected = incident.has("r") ? incident.getString("r") : "-"; String xvalue = incident.has("p") ? incident.getJSONObject("p").getString("x") : "-"; String yvalue = incident.has("p") ? incident.getJSONObject("p").getString("y") : "-"; values.addRootElement("expires", newTime); values.addRootElement("duration", duration); values.addRootElement("length", length); values.addRootElement("startStreet", from); values.addRootElement("endStreet", to); values.addRootElement("onRoadnumbers", roadNumbersAffected); values.addRootElement("xvalue", xvalue); values.addRootElement("yvalue", yvalue); values.addRootElement("type", type); values.addRootElement("areaDesc", areaDesc); values.addRootElement("onCountry", "germany"); SushiEvent trafficEvent = new SushiEvent(getTrafficEventtype(), new Date(), values); sushiEvents.add(trafficEvent); } return sushiEvents; } /** * generates list of JSONObjects out of JSON respond */ public ArrayList<JSONObject> getFlattenTrafficIncidents(JSONObject mainRespondElement) throws JSONException{ ArrayList<JSONObject> trafficIncidents = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); // if there is no poi element, then there are no traffic incidents on this zoomlevel or location if (!mainRespondElement.has("poi")) return trafficIncidents; // mainRespondElement has incidents or cluster of incidents, if it has just one Cluster/incident then poi has just 1 JsonObject, otherwise it has a JsonArray of Objects Object poi = mainRespondElement.get("poi"); if (poi instanceof JSONArray) { // there are more than one traffic incident cluster (more then 1 poi element) JSONArray pois = (JSONArray) poi; for (int i = 0; i < pois.length(); ++i){ trafficIncidents.addAll(getFlattenTrafficIncidentsFromPoi(pois.getJSONObject(i))); } } else if (poi instanceof JSONObject) { // just one cluster (one 1 element) trafficIncidents.addAll(getFlattenTrafficIncidentsFromPoi((JSONObject)poi)); poi = (JSONObject) poi; } else { // ERROR // It's something else, like a string or number } return trafficIncidents; } /** * filters the traffic incidents out of the poi elements of the tomtom json respond, * breaks down the hierachical representation provided by tomtom, * used by getFlattenTrafficIncidents */ private ArrayList<JSONObject> getFlattenTrafficIncidentsFromPoi(JSONObject poi) throws JSONException { // poi elements can have nested incidents "cpois" or is itself an traffic incident, if it is nested, use just the nested incidents cause the clustering elemets has no information ArrayList<JSONObject> trafficIncidents = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); int clustersize = poi.getInt("cs"); //clustersize if (clustersize == 0){ // single traffic incident, no cluster, clustersize = 0 trafficIncidents.add(poi); } else if (clustersize == 1){ // just one incident in cluster, therefore cpoi element is single JSONObject trafficIncidents.add(poi.getJSONObject("cpoi")); } else { // more than 1 incident in cluster, extract all, therefore cpoi element is JSONArray of JSONObjects JSONArray incidentsCluster = poi.getJSONArray("cpoi"); for (int i = 0; i < incidentsCluster.length(); ++i){ trafficIncidents.add(incidentsCluster.getJSONObject(i)); } } return trafficIncidents; } /** * removes trafficevents which do not affect example usecase/route */ public ArrayList<SushiEvent> filterEvents(ArrayList<SushiEvent> trafficEvents) throws IOException{ ArrayList<String> useOnlyTheseStreets = TomTomHelper.getStreetnumbersOfExampleUsecase(); ArrayList<SushiEvent> filteredEvents = new ArrayList<SushiEvent>(); for (SushiEvent trafficEvent : trafficEvents){ SushiMapTree<String, Serializable> map = trafficEvent.getValues(); if ( areStreetsInSet((String)map.getValueOfAttribute("startStreet"), useOnlyTheseStreets) || areStreetsInSet((String)map.getValueOfAttribute("endStreet"), useOnlyTheseStreets) || areStreetsInSet((String)map.getValueOfAttribute("onRoadnumbers"), useOnlyTheseStreets)){ filteredEvents.add(trafficEvent); } } return filteredEvents; } /** * checks if the given streets string (e.g. "Berliner Straße / Neue Straße") includes a street that is in the useOnlyTheseStreets */ private boolean areStreetsInSet(String streets, ArrayList<String> useOnlyTheseStreets){ if (streets.equals("-")) return false; String[] splittedStreets = streets.split("/"); for (String street : splittedStreets){ for (String filterStreet : useOnlyTheseStreets){ if (street.contains(filterStreet)) return true; } } return false; } /** * prettyprints the trafficincidents */ private void prettyPrint(ArrayList<JSONObject> trafficIncidents) throws JSONException{ int maxLengthf = 0; int maxLengtht = 0; HashMap<String, String> incidentsMap = getNameOfIncidentsMap(); if (trafficIncidents.isEmpty()){ System.out.println("no traffic Incidents"); return; } for (JSONObject incident : trafficIncidents){ if (incident.has("f") && incident.getString("f").length() > maxLengthf) maxLengthf = incident.getString("f").length(); if (incident.has("t") && incident.getString("t").length() > maxLengtht) maxLengtht = incident.getString("t").length(); } System.out.format("%-"+maxLengthf+"s%-"+maxLengtht+"s%-8s%-20s%-9s%-5s%n", "from", "to", "street#", "type", "duration", "length"); for (JSONObject incident : trafficIncidents){ String from = incident.has("f") ? incident.getString("f") : "-"; String to = incident.has("t") ? incident.getString("t") : "-"; DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); String duration = incident.has("dl") ? f.format((incident.getInt("dl")/60.0)) : "-"; String type = incident.has("ic") ? incident.getString("ic") : "-"; type = type + " (" + incidentsMap.get(type) + ")"; String length = incident.has("l") ? incident.getString("l") : "-"; String roadNumbersAffected = incident.has("r") ? incident.getString("r") : "-"; System.out.format("%-"+maxLengthf+"s%-"+maxLengtht+"s%-8s%-20s%-9s%-5s%n", from, to, roadNumbersAffected, type, duration, length); } } }