package sushi.monitoring; import java.util.List; import sushi.bpmn.decomposition.RPSTBuilder; import sushi.bpmn.element.BPMNProcess; import sushi.correlation.AttributeCorrelator; import sushi.correlation.TimeCondition; import sushi.event.SushiEvent; import sushi.event.SushiEventType; import sushi.event.attribute.SushiAttribute; import sushi.event.attribute.SushiAttributeTree; import sushi.event.attribute.SushiAttributeTypeEnum; import sushi.eventhandling.Broker; import sushi.monitoring.bpmn.BPMNQueryMonitor; import sushi.monitoring.querycreation.IQueryCreationTest; import sushi.process.SushiProcess; import sushi.process.SushiProcessInstance; import sushi.query.bpmn.PatternQueryGenerator; import sushi.xml.importer.BPMNParser; /** * This class centralizes methods for monitoring and query creation tests. * All these tests should derive from these class. * It provides a template method for the query creation and monitoring testing process. * @author micha */ public abstract class AbstractMonitoringTest implements IQueryCreationTest{ protected String filePath; protected BPMNProcess BPMNProcess; protected SushiProcess process; protected List<SushiEventType> eventTypes; /** * Template method for the query creation for Esper. * @param filePath * @param processName * @param correlationAttributes */ protected void queryCreationTemplateMethod(String filePath, String processName, List<SushiAttribute> correlationAttributes){ this.filePath = filePath; eventTypes = createEventTypes(); sendEventTypes(eventTypes); BPMNProcess = createBPMNProcess(filePath); //Prozess und Corelation anlegen process = createProcess(eventTypes, BPMNProcess, processName); correlate(eventTypes, correlationAttributes, process, null); generateQueries(BPMNProcess); simulate(eventTypes); assertQueryStatus(); } /** * Creates the event types used in the test for query creation. * @return */ protected abstract List<SushiEventType> createEventTypes(); /** * Sends the given event types to Esper and to the database. * @param eventTypes */ protected void sendEventTypes(List<SushiEventType> eventTypes) { for(SushiEventType eventType : eventTypes){ Broker.send(eventType); } } /** * Creates a sample {@link BPMNProcess} and saves it in the database. * @param filePath * @return */ protected BPMNProcess createBPMNProcess(String filePath){ BPMNProcess BPMNProcess = BPMNParser.generateProcessFromXML(filePath);; return BPMNProcess; } /** * Creates a sample {@link SushiProcess} with the given eventtypes, processName and BPMNProcess and saves it in the database. * @param eventTypes * @param bpmnProcess * @param processName * @return */ protected SushiProcess createProcess(List<SushiEventType> eventTypes, BPMNProcess bpmnProcess, String processName){ SushiProcess process = new SushiProcess(processName, eventTypes); process.setBpmnProcess(bpmnProcess);; return process; } /** * Creates a correlation for the sample process. * @param eventTypes * @param correlationAttributes * @param process * @param timeCondition */ protected void correlate(List<SushiEventType> eventTypes, List<SushiAttribute> correlationAttributes, SushiProcess process, TimeCondition timeCondition) { AttributeCorrelator.correlate(eventTypes, correlationAttributes, process, timeCondition); } /** * Creates the queries from the given {@link BPMNProcess}. * Therefore, computes the RPST of the BPMNProcess and derives queries from that. * Finally, the queries are registered at Esper. * @param BPMNProcess */ protected void generateQueries(BPMNProcess BPMNProcess) { RPSTBuilder rpst = new RPSTBuilder(BPMNProcess); System.out.println(rpst.getProcessDecompositionTree()); process.setProcessDecompositionTree(rpst.getProcessDecompositionTree()); PatternQueryGenerator queryGenerator = new PatternQueryGenerator(rpst); queryGenerator.generateQueries(); } /** * Creates events for the different process instances and send them to the {@link Broker}. * The ordering of the events is important for the monitoring of the execution and is assured because of the usage of a ordered list. * @param eventTypes */ protected abstract void simulate(List<SushiEventType> eventTypes); /** * Asserts, that all monitored queries have the right status after the simulation. */ protected abstract void assertQueryStatus(); /** * Removes all created test data from the database. */ public static void resetDatabase() { SushiEvent.removeAll(); SushiEventType.removeAll(); SushiProcess.removeAll(); SushiProcessInstance.removeAll(); //TODO: Ist es sinnvoll für den Test jedesmal wieder von einem frischen QueryEditor auszugehen? BPMNQueryMonitor.reset(); } /** * Creates the tree of attributes for the event types. * @return */ protected SushiAttributeTree createAttributeTree() { SushiAttributeTree values = new SushiAttributeTree(); values.addRoot(new SushiAttribute("Location", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.INTEGER)); values.addRoot(new SushiAttribute("Movie", SushiAttributeTypeEnum.STRING)); return values; } }