package sushi.correlation; import; import sushi.event.collection.SushiMapTree; /** * Parses attribute-value pairs of events from a string. * * @author micha * */ public class ConditionParser { /** * Parses attribute-value pairs of events from a string. * Syntax of the string must be: attribute1=attributevalue1[;attribute2=attributevalue2] */ public static SushiMapTree<String, Serializable> extractEventAttributes(String conditionString) { SushiMapTree<String, Serializable> eventAttributes = new SushiMapTree<String, Serializable>(); String[] attributes = conditionString.split(";"); for(String attribute : attributes){ String[] attributePair = attribute.split("="); if (attributePair.length == 2) { eventAttributes.put(attributePair[0], attributePair[1]); } } return eventAttributes; } }