/* * Ara - Capture Species and Specimen Data * * Copyright © 2009 INBio (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad). * Heredia, Costa Rica. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.inbio.ara.inventory; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.DropDown; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TextField; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar; import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option; import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.SingleSelectOptionsList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import javax.faces.FacesException; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.inbio.ara.AraSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.dto.gis.GeographicLayerDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.inventory.GatheringObservationDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.inventory.PersonDTO; import org.inbio.ara.persistence.gathering.CollectionProtocolValuesEntity; import org.inbio.ara.persistence.gathering.ProtocolAtributeEntity; import org.inbio.ara.persistence.person.ProfileEntity; import org.inbio.ara.util.AddRemoveList; import org.inbio.ara.util.BundleHelper; import org.inbio.ara.util.MessageBean; /** * <p>Page bean that corresponds to a similarly named JSP page. This * class contains component definitions (and initialization code) for * all components that you have defined on this page, as well as * lifecycle methods and event handlers where you may add behavior * to respond to incoming events.</p> * * @version ListGathering.java * @version Created on 17/08/2009, 05:15:14 PM * @author esmata */ public class ListGathering extends AbstractPageBean { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition"> /** * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong> * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted * here is subject to being replaced.</p> */ private void _init() throws Exception { } // </editor-fold> //Contexto utilizado para obtener el current locale private FacesContext context; private Locale myLocale; //Componentes graficos utilizados para las busquedas de especimenes private HtmlPanelGrid gridpAdvancedSearch = new HtmlPanelGrid(); private TextField txGatheringId = new TextField(); private TextField txResponsible = new TextField(); private TextField txCollector = new TextField(); private TextField txLocality = new TextField(); private TextField txLatitudeShort = new TextField(); private TextField txLongitudeShort = new TextField(); private HtmlInputText txSearch = new HtmlInputText(); //Input text de busqueda simple private TextField txRadio = new TextField(); private DropDown ddCountry = new DropDown(); private DropDown ddProvince = new DropDown(); private HtmlCommandButton btnSeach = new HtmlCommandButton(); //Boton busqueda simple private HtmlCommandButton btnAdvSeach = new HtmlCommandButton(); //Boton busqueda avanzada private Calendar initial_date = new com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar(); private Calendar final_date = new com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar(); //Data table binding para la tabla que muetra los especimnes private HtmlDataTable dataTableGathering = new HtmlDataTable(); //Variable que contiene los datos de la paginacion para ser mostrados en la tabla private String quantityTotal = new String(); //En esta variable se setearan los datos del drop down de psises private SingleSelectOptionsList countryData = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); //En esta variable se setearan los datos del drop down de provincias private SingleSelectOptionsList provincesData = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); /** * <p>Construct a new Page bean instance.</p> */ public ListGathering() { } /** * <p>Callback method that is called whenever a page is navigated to, * either directly via a URL, or indirectly via page navigation. * Customize this method to acquire resources that will be needed * for event handlers and lifecycle methods, whether or not this * page is performing post back processing.</p> * * <p>Note that, if the current request is a postback, the property * values of the components do <strong>not</strong> represent any * values submitted with this request. Instead, they represent the * property values that were saved for this view when it was rendered.</p> */ @Override public void init() { // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass super.init(); // Perform application initialization that must complete // *before* managed components are initialized // TODO - add your own initialiation code here // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Initialization"> // Initialize automatically managed components // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified try { _init(); } catch (Exception e) { log("ListGathering Initialization Failure", e); throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e); } // </editor-fold> // Perform application initialization that must complete // *after* managed components are initialized // TODO - add your own initialization code here } /** * <p>Callback method that is called after the component tree has been * restored, but before any event processing takes place. This method * will <strong>only</strong> be called on a postback request that * is processing a form submit. Customize this method to allocate * resources that will be required in your event handlers.</p> */ @Override public void preprocess() { } /** * <p>Callback method that is called just before rendering takes place. * This method will <strong>only</strong> be called for the page that * will actually be rendered (and not, for example, on a page that * handled a postback and then navigated to a different page). Customize * this method to allocate resources that will be required for rendering * this page.</p> */ @Override public void prerender() { GatheringSessionBean gsb = getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(); //------------------------------ Control de GUI ------------------------------- //Preguntar si la bandera de busqueda avanzada esta prendida if(gsb.isAdvancedSearch()){ this.getGridpAdvancedSearch().setRendered(true);//Muestra el panel de busqueda avanzada //Carga los datos de los dropdowns de pais y provincia this.SetCountryDropDownData(); //Cargar valores del DD de paises this.SetProvincesDropDownData();//Cargar valores del DD de provincias } //-------------------------- Control de Paginador ------------------------------ //Inicializar el dataprovider la primera vez (si la paginación es nula) if (gsb.getPagination()==null) { gsb.initDataProvider(); } //Actualizar los datos del paginador else gsb.getPagination().refreshList(); } /** * <p>Callback method that is called after rendering is completed for * this request, if <code>init()</code> was called (regardless of whether * or not this was the page that was actually rendered). Customize this * method to release resources acquired in the <code>init()</code>, * <code>preprocess()</code>, or <code>prerender()</code> methods (or * acquired during execution of an event handler).</p> */ @Override public void destroy() { } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton que muestra el panel de busqueda avanzada * Su funcion es mostrar y esconder dicho panel * @return */ public String btnAdvGatheringSearch_action() { boolean advanced = getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().isAdvancedSearch(); if(advanced==false){ //Mostrar panel de busqueda avanzada getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setAdvancedSearch(true); //Deshabilitar busqueda simple this.getTxSearch().setRendered(false); this.getBtnSeach().setRendered(false); //Cambia el text del boton de busqueda avanzada this.btnAdvSeach.setValue(BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("advanced_search_specimen_back",getMyLocale())); return null; } else if(advanced==true){ this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setAdvancedSearch(false); //Ocultar el panel this.gridpAdvancedSearch.setRendered(false); //Habilitar busqueda simple this.getTxSearch().setRendered(true); this.getBtnSeach().setRendered(true); //Cambia el text del boton de busqueda avanzada this.btnAdvSeach.setValue(BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("advanced_search",getMyLocale())); //Reestablecer los valores por defecto de los drop downs Long auxDefault = new Long(-1); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setSelectedCountry(auxDefault); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setSelectedProvince(auxDefault); //Reestablecer los valores por defecto de los textfields this.getTxGatheringId().setText(null); this.getTxResponsible().setText(null); this.getTxLocality().setText(null); this.getTxLatitudeShort().setText(null); this.getTxLongitudeShort().setText(null); this.getTxRadio().setText(null); this.getInitial_date().setText(null); this.getFinal_date().setText(null); } return null; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton de busqueda simple * @return */ public String btnGatheringSearch_action() { Long collectionId = getAraSessionBean().getGlobalCollectionId(); String userInput = ""; if(this.getTxSearch().getValue()!= null) userInput = this.getTxSearch().getValue().toString(); userInput = userInput.trim(); if(userInput.length()==0){ //Se desabilitan las banderas de busqueda simple y avanzada this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(false); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryMode(false); } else{ //Setear el string para consulta simple del SessionBean this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setConsultaSimple(userInput); //Indicarle al SessionBean que el paginador debe "trabajar" en modo busqueda simple this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(true); //Desabilitar la bandera de busqueda avanzada this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryMode(false); } this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().getPagination().firstResults(); return null; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton de proceder con la busqueda avanzada * este boton es el que esta dentro del panel de busqueda avanzada * @return */ public String btnAdvSearchGO_action() { Long collectionId = getAraSessionBean().getGlobalCollectionId(); //Capturar el dato de gatheringId Long gatheringId = null; String gId = (String)this.getTxGatheringId().getText(); if(gId!=null){ gatheringId = Long.parseLong(gId); } //Crear el DTO para la consulta GatheringObservationDTO consulta = new GatheringObservationDTO(); consulta.setResponsibleName((String)this.getTxResponsible().getText()); List<PersonDTO> collectorsDTO = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().getPersonByFilterProfile ( ProfileEntity.RECOLECTOR.getId(), (String)this.getTxCollector().getText()); consulta.setColectorsList(collectorsDTO); consulta.setLocalityDescription((String)this.getTxLocality().getText()); consulta.setGatheringObservationId(gatheringId); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Double latitude_short = null; Double longitude_short = null; Integer radio = null; try{ latitude_short = Double.valueOf(this.getTxLatitudeShort().getText(). toString()); longitude_short = Double.valueOf(this.getTxLongitudeShort().getText(). toString()); radio = Integer.valueOf(this.getTxRadio().getText().toString()); } catch(Exception e){} if(latitude_short!=null&&longitude_short!=null&&radio!=null){ consulta.setLatitude(latitude_short); consulta.setLongitude(longitude_short); consulta.setRadio(radio); } //En caso de que alguno de los tres sea nulo if((latitude_short==null||longitude_short==null||radio==null)&&(latitude_short!=null||longitude_short!=null||radio!=null)){ MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("error_coordinates_search", this.getMyLocale()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- consulta.setCountryId(this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(). getSelectedCountry()); consulta.setProvinceId(this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(). getSelectedProvince()); GregorianCalendar iniCal = new GregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar finCal = new GregorianCalendar(); Date iniDate = this.getInitial_date().getSelectedDate(); Date finDate = this.getFinal_date().getSelectedDate(); if(iniDate!=null){ iniCal.setTime(iniDate); consulta.setInitialDateTime(iniCal); } if(finDate!=null){ finCal.setTime(finDate); consulta.setFinalDateTime(finCal); } //Setear el GatheringDTO del SessionBean utilizado para realizar la consulta this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryGatheringDTO(consulta); //Indicarle al SessionBean que el paginador debe "trabajar" en modo busqueda avanzada this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryMode(true); //Desabilitar la bandera de busqueda simple this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(false); //Finalmente se inicializa el data provider del paginador con los resultados de la consulta this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().getPagination().firstResults(); this.getTxSearch().setValue(""); return null; } /** * Obtener los datos para el drop down de paises */ public void SetCountryDropDownData(){ List<GeographicLayerDTO> geoDTOList = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().SetCountryDropDownData(); ArrayList<Option> allOptions = new ArrayList<Option>(); Option[] allOptionsInArray; Option option; //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null," -- "+BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue ("drop_down_default",getMyLocale())+" --"); allOptions.add(option); //Crear todas las opciones del drop down for(GeographicLayerDTO geoDTO : geoDTOList){ option = new Option(geoDTO.getGeographicalLayerKey(), geoDTO.getName()); allOptions.add(option); } //Sets the elements in the SingleSelectedOptionList Object allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; this.getCountryData().setOptions(allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray)); } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el drop down de paises para calcular las provincias correspondientes */ public void SetProvincesDropDownData(){ List<GeographicLayerDTO> geoDTOList = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().SetProvincesDropDownData(); ArrayList<Option> allOptions = new ArrayList<Option>(); Option[] allOptionsInArray; Option option; if(geoDTOList!=null){ //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null," -- "+BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue ("drop_down_default",getMyLocale())+" --"); allOptions.add(option); //Crear todas las opciones del drop down for(GeographicLayerDTO geoDTO : geoDTOList){ option = new Option(geoDTO.getGeographicalLayerKey(), geoDTO.getName()); allOptions.add(option); } //Sets the elements in the SingleSelectedOptionList Object allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; this.getProvincesData().setOptions(allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray)); } else{ //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null," -- "+BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue ("drop_down_default",getMyLocale())+" --"); allOptions.add(option); //Sets the elements in the SingleSelectedOptionList Object allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; this.getProvincesData().setOptions(allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray)); } } /** * Metodo ejecutado por los botones de editar gathering * @return */ public String btnGatheringEdit() { int n = this.getDataTableGathering().getRowCount(); ArrayList<GatheringObservationDTO> selectedGathering = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //Obtener elementos seleccionados this.getDataTableGathering().setRowIndex(i); GatheringObservationDTO aux = (GatheringObservationDTO) this. getDataTableGathering().getRowData(); if (aux.isSelected()) { selectedGathering.add(aux); } } if(selectedGathering == null || selectedGathering.size() == 0){ //En caso de que no se seleccione ningun elemento MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_selected", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } else if(selectedGathering.size() == 1){ //En caso de que solo se seleccione un elemento //Reestablecer el valor default del DTO y de los add remove components this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setCurrentGatheringDTO (new GatheringObservationDTO()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollectionsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollectorsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArProjectsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); /*Indicar a la pantalla de edit que cargue 1 sola ves los datos seleccionados de los AddRemove*/ this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setFirstTime(true); //Dependiendo del valor la variable UseDetail, asi se va a renderizar en el editGathering Long currentCollection = this.getAraSessionBean().getGlobalCollectionId(); boolean useDetail = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(). matchCollectionProtocol(currentCollection, ProtocolAtributeEntity.USE_GATHERING_DETAIL.getId(), CollectionProtocolValuesEntity.TRUE_VALUE.getValue()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setUseDetail(useDetail); //Setear en el bean de session los datos correspondientes a la recoleccion seleccionada GatheringObservationDTO myDTO = selectedGathering.get(0); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setCurrentGatheringDTO(myDTO); //Llamada al jsp encargado de la edicion de recolecciones return "edit"; } else{ //En caso de que sea seleccion multiple MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_yet", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } } /** * Metodo ejecutado por los botones de eliminar gathering * @return */ public String btnGatheringDelete() { GatheringSessionBean gsb = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(); int n = this.getDataTableGathering().getRowCount(); ArrayList<GatheringObservationDTO> selectedGathering = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //Obtener elementos seleccionados this.getDataTableGathering().setRowIndex(i); GatheringObservationDTO aux = (GatheringObservationDTO) this. getDataTableGathering().getRowData(); if (aux.isSelected()) { selectedGathering.add(aux); } } if(selectedGathering == null || selectedGathering.size() == 0){ //En caso de que no se seleccione ningun elemento MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_selected", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } else if(selectedGathering.size() == 1){ //En caso de que solo se seleccione un elemento //Obtener el DTO seleccionado GatheringObservationDTO myDTO = selectedGathering.get(0); //Si no se puede borrar, debido a specimenes asociados if(!isDeletable(myDTO.getGatheringObservationId())){ MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle ("imposible_to_delete", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } //Si no se puede borrar, debido a detalles de recoleccion asociados if(!isDeletableDetails(myDTO.getGatheringObservationId())){ MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle ("imposible_to_delete", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } /*** else, procedemos a borrar la recoleccion ***/ //Borrar de la tabla CollectorObserver,GatheringObservationCollection,GatheringObservationProject gsb.getInventoryFacade().deleteAsociatedListByGatheringId (myDTO.getGatheringObservationId()); //Borrar de la tabla gatherinfObservation gsb.getInventoryFacade().deleteGatheringById(myDTO.getGatheringObservationId()); //Refrescar el dataprovider del paginador gsb.getPagination().refreshList(); //Notificar al usuario MessageBean.setSuccessMessageFromBundle("delete_success", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } else{ //En caso de que sea seleccion multiple MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_yet", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } } /** * True en caso de que la recoleccion se pueda eliminar * @return */ private boolean isDeletable(Long gId){ GatheringSessionBean gsb = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(); int specimensByGathering = gsb.getInventoryFacade().findSpecimensByGathObsId(gId); if(specimensByGathering==0){ return true; } else return false; } /** * True en caso de que la recoleccion se pueda eliminar * @return */ private boolean isDeletableDetails(Long gId){ GatheringSessionBean gsb = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean(); int specimensByGathering = gsb.getInventoryFacade().findDetailsByGathObsId(gId); if(specimensByGathering==0){ return true; } else return false; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton de new gathering * @return */ public String btn_new_action() { //Reestablecer el valor default del DTO y de los add remove components this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setCurrentGatheringDTO (new GatheringObservationDTO()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollectionsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollectorsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArProjectsEdit (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollections (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArCollectors (new AddRemoveList()); this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().setArProjects (new AddRemoveList()); //Llamada al jsp encargado de la creacion de recolecciones return "new"; } protected PersonAutoCompleteSessionBean getPersonAutoCompleteSessionBean() { return (PersonAutoCompleteSessionBean) getBean("inventory$PersonAutoCompleteBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected IdentificationSessionBean getinventory$IdentificationSessionBean() { return (IdentificationSessionBean) getBean("inventory$IdentificationSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected GatheringSessionBean getinventory$GatheringSessionBean() { return (GatheringSessionBean) getBean("inventory$GatheringSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected AraSessionBean getAraSessionBean() { return (AraSessionBean) getBean("AraSessionBean"); } /** * @return the quantityTotal */ public String getQuantityTotal() { quantityTotal = this.getinventory$GatheringSessionBean().getQuantityTotal(); return quantityTotal; } /** * @param quantityTotal the quantityTotal to set */ public void setQuantityTotal(String quantityTotal) { this.quantityTotal = quantityTotal; } /** * @return the gridpAdvancedSearch */ public HtmlPanelGrid getGridpAdvancedSearch() { return gridpAdvancedSearch; } /** * @param gridpAdvancedSearch the gridpAdvancedSearch to set */ public void setGridpAdvancedSearch(HtmlPanelGrid gridpAdvancedSearch) { this.gridpAdvancedSearch = gridpAdvancedSearch; } /** * @return the txGatheringId */ public TextField getTxGatheringId() { return txGatheringId; } /** * @param txGatheringId the txGatheringId to set */ public void setTxGatheringId(TextField txGatheringId) { this.txGatheringId = txGatheringId; } /** * @return the txResponsible */ public TextField getTxResponsible() { return txResponsible; } /** * @param txResponsible the txResponsible to set */ public void setTxResponsible(TextField txResponsible) { this.txResponsible = txResponsible; } /** * @return the ddCountry */ public DropDown getDdCountry() { return ddCountry; } /** * @param ddCountry the ddCountry to set */ public void setDdCountry(DropDown ddCountry) { this.ddCountry = ddCountry; } /** * @return the countryData */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getCountryData() { return countryData; } /** * @param countryData the countryData to set */ public void setCountryData(SingleSelectOptionsList countryData) { this.countryData = countryData; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el drop down de paises para calcular las provincias correspondientes */ public String setProvinces(){ this.provincesData = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); this.SetProvincesDropDownData(); return null; } /** * @return the ddProvince */ public DropDown getDdProvince() { return ddProvince; } /** * @param ddProvince the ddProvince to set */ public void setDdProvince(DropDown ddProvince) { this.ddProvince = ddProvince; } /** * @return the provincesData */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getProvincesData() { return provincesData; } /** * @param provincesData the provincesData to set */ public void setProvincesData(SingleSelectOptionsList provincesData) { this.provincesData = provincesData; } /** * @return the txLocality */ public TextField getTxLocality() { return txLocality; } /** * @param txLocality the txLocality to set */ public void setTxLocality(TextField txLocality) { this.txLocality = txLocality; } /** * @return the txLatitudeShort */ public TextField getTxLatitudeShort() { return txLatitudeShort; } /** * @param txLatitudeShort the txLatitudeShort to set */ public void setTxLatitudeShort(TextField txLatitudeShort) { this.txLatitudeShort = txLatitudeShort; } /** * @return the txLongitudeShort */ public TextField getTxLongitudeShort() { return txLongitudeShort; } /** * @param txLongitudeShort the txLongitudeShort to set */ public void setTxLongitudeShort(TextField txLongitudeShort) { this.txLongitudeShort = txLongitudeShort; } /** * @return the txRadio */ public TextField getTxRadio() { return txRadio; } /** * @param txRadio the txRadio to set */ public void setTxRadio(TextField txRadio) { this.txRadio = txRadio; } /** * @return the myLocale */ public Locale getMyLocale() { return this.getAraSessionBean().getCurrentLocale(); } /** * @return the txSearch */ public HtmlInputText getTxSearch() { return txSearch; } /** * @param txSearch the txSearch to set */ public void setTxSearch(HtmlInputText txSearch) { this.txSearch = txSearch; } /** * @return the btnSeach */ public HtmlCommandButton getBtnSeach() { return btnSeach; } /** * @param btnSeach the btnSeach to set */ public void setBtnSeach(HtmlCommandButton btnSeach) { this.btnSeach = btnSeach; } /** * @return the btnAdvSeach */ public HtmlCommandButton getBtnAdvSeach() { return btnAdvSeach; } /** * @param btnAdvSeach the btnAdvSeach to set */ public void setBtnAdvSeach(HtmlCommandButton btnAdvSeach) { this.btnAdvSeach = btnAdvSeach; } /** * @return the initial_date */ public Calendar getInitial_date() { return initial_date; } /** * @param initial_date the initial_date to set */ public void setInitial_date(Calendar initial_date) { this.initial_date = initial_date; } /** * @return the final_date */ public Calendar getFinal_date() { return final_date; } /** * @param final_date the final_date to set */ public void setFinal_date(Calendar final_date) { this.final_date = final_date; } /** * @return the dataTableGathering */ public HtmlDataTable getDataTableGathering() { return dataTableGathering; } /** * @param dataTableGathering the dataTableGathering to set */ public void setDataTableGathering(HtmlDataTable dataTableGathering) { this.dataTableGathering = dataTableGathering; } /** * @return the txCollector */ public TextField getTxCollector() { return txCollector; } /** * @param txCollector the txCollector to set */ public void setTxCollector(TextField txCollector) { this.txCollector = txCollector; } }