/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.inbio.ara.germplasm; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Calendar; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TextField; import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option; import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.SingleSelectOptionsList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.faces.FacesException; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid; import org.inbio.ara.inventory.GatheringDetailSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.admin.AdminGeographicLayersSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.admin.ProfileSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.inventory.IdentificationSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.statistics.StatisticsSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.AraSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.admin.AudienceSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.reports.SnapshotSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.inventory.GatheringSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.gis.MapController; import org.inbio.ara.admin.PersonSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.admin.InstitutionSessionBean; import org.inbio.ara.dto.agent.InstitutionDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.germplasm.PassportDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.inventory.PersonDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.inventory.SelectionListDTO; import org.inbio.ara.dto.inventory.SelectionListEntity; import org.inbio.ara.util.BundleHelper; import org.inbio.ara.util.MessageBean; /** * <p>Page bean that corresponds to a similarly named JSP page. This * class contains component definitions (and initialization code) for * all components that you have defined on this page, as well as * lifecycle methods and event handlers where you may add behavior * to respond to incoming events.</p> * * @version ListPassport.java * @version Created on 09/02/2010, 09:49:31 AM * @author dasolano */ public class ListPassport extends AbstractPageBean { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition"> /** * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong> * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted * here is subject to being replaced.</p> */ private void _init() throws Exception { } // </editor-fold> //Variable que contiene los datos de la paginacion para ser mostrados en la tabla private String quantityTotal = new String(); //Data table binding para la tabla que muetra los passport private HtmlDataTable dataTablePassport = new HtmlDataTable(); private HtmlPanelGrid alertMessage = new HtmlPanelGrid(); private HtmlPanelGrid mainPanel = new HtmlPanelGrid(); /*Componentes para las busquedas*/ private HtmlInputText txSearch = new HtmlInputText(); //Input text de busqueda simple private HtmlPanelGrid gridpAdvancedSearch = new HtmlPanelGrid(); private HtmlCommandButton btnSearch = new HtmlCommandButton(); //Boton busqueda simple private HtmlCommandButton btnAdvSearch = new HtmlCommandButton(); //Boton busqueda avanzada //componentes para busuqedas avanzadas private TextField textfieldGatheringId = new TextField(); private TextField textfieldPassportId = new TextField(); private Calendar plantNurseryDate = new Calendar(); private Calendar plantingSeasonDate = new Calendar(); private Calendar harvestingSeasonDate = new Calendar(); private SingleSelectOptionsList donorPersons = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); private SingleSelectOptionsList donorInstitutions = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); private SingleSelectOptionsList materialTypes = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); private SingleSelectOptionsList sampleStatus = new SingleSelectOptionsList(); /** * <p>Construct a new Page bean instance.</p> */ public ListPassport() { } /** * <p>Callback method that is called whenever a page is navigated to, * either directly via a URL, or indirectly via page navigation. * Customize this method to acquire resources that will be needed * for event handlers and lifecycle methods, whether or not this * page is performing post back processing.</p> * * <p>Note that, if the current request is a postback, the property * values of the components do <strong>not</strong> represent any * values submitted with this request. Instead, they represent the * property values that were saved for this view when it was rendered.</p> */ @Override public void init() { // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass super.init(); // Perform application initialization that must complete // *before* managed components are initialized // TODO - add your own initialiation code here // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Initialization"> // Initialize automatically managed components // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified try { _init(); } catch (Exception e) { log("ListPassport Initialization Failure", e); throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e); } // </editor-fold> // Perform application initialization that must complete // *after* managed components are initialized // TODO - add your own initialization code here } /** * <p>Callback method that is called after the component tree has been * restored, but before any event processing takes place. This method * will <strong>only</strong> be called on a postback request that * is processing a form submit. Customize this method to allocate * resources that will be required in your event handlers.</p> */ @Override public void preprocess() { } /** * <p>Callback method that is called just before rendering takes place. * This method will <strong>only</strong> be called for the page that * will actually be rendered (and not, for example, on a page that * handled a postback and then navigated to a different page). Customize * this method to allocate resources that will be required for rendering * this page.</p> */ @Override public void prerender() { this.donorPersons.setOptions(SetResponsibleDropDownData()); this.donorInstitutions.setOptions(SetInstitutionDropDownData()); this.materialTypes.setOptions(getSelectionListDropDownData (SelectionListEntity.MATERIAL_TYPE.getId())); this.sampleStatus.setOptions(getSelectionListDropDownData (SelectionListEntity.SAMPLE_STATUS.getId())); //Preguntar si la bandera de busqueda avanzada esta prendida if(getPassportListSessionBean().isAdvancedSearch()){ this.getGridpAdvancedSearch().setRendered(true);//Muestra el panel de busqueda avanzada } if (getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination()==null) { getPassportListSessionBean().initDataProvider(); } //Actualizar los datos del paginador else getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().refreshList(); } /** * Metodo para obtener los datos a mostrar en los drop downs de la * ventana de generacion que pertenecen a listas de seleccion * @param selectionListEntityId que es el id del enum de listas de seleccion * @return */ public Option[] getSelectionListDropDownData(Long selectionListEntityId) { //getAllSelectionListElementsByCollection List<SelectionListDTO> DTOList = this.getPassportSessionBean(). getInventoryFacadeRemote(). getAllSelectionListElementsByCollection (selectionListEntityId, getAraSessionBean().getGlobalCollectionId()); /*List<SelectionListDTO> DTOList = this.getPassportSessionBean(). getGermplasmFacadeRemote().getElementsForSelectionList(selectionListEntityId);*/ ArrayList<Option> allOptions = new ArrayList<Option>(); Option[] allOptionsInArray; Option option; //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null, " -- " + BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue ("drop_down_default", getMyLocale()) + " --"); allOptions.add(option); //Crear todas las opciones del drop down for (SelectionListDTO slDTO : DTOList) { option = new Option(slDTO.getValueId(), slDTO.getValueName()); allOptions.add(option); } allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; return allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray); } /** * Obtener los datos del drop down de Instituciones */ public Option[] SetInstitutionDropDownData(){ List<InstitutionDTO> instDTOList = this.getadmin$AudienceSessionBean().getAdminFacade().getAllInstitutions(); ArrayList<Option> allOptions = new ArrayList<Option>(); Option[] allOptionsInArray; Option option; //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null," -- "+BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("drop_down_default",getMyLocale())+" --"); allOptions.add(option); //Crear todas las opciones del drop down for(InstitutionDTO instDTO : instDTOList){ option = new Option(instDTO.getInstitutionId(), instDTO.getInstitutionName().trim()); allOptions.add(option); } //Sets the elements in the SingleSelectedOptionList Object allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; return allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray); } /** * Obtener los datos del drop down de responsables */ public Option[] SetResponsibleDropDownData(){ List<PersonDTO> personDTOList = this.getPassportSessionBean(). getGermplasmFacadeRemote().getDonorPersons(); ArrayList<Option> allOptions = new ArrayList<Option>(); Option[] allOptionsInArray; Option option; //Crear opcion titulo option = new Option(null," -- "+BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("drop_down_default",getMyLocale())+" --"); allOptions.add(option); //Crear todas las opciones del drop down for(PersonDTO perDTO : personDTOList){ option = new Option(perDTO.getPersonKey(), perDTO.getNaturalLongName().trim()); allOptions.add(option); } //Sets the elements in the SingleSelectedOptionList Object allOptionsInArray = new Option[allOptions.size()]; return allOptions.toArray(allOptionsInArray); } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton de busqueda simple * @return */ public String btnPassportSearch_action() { String userInput = ""; if(this.getTxSearch().getValue()!= null) userInput = this.getTxSearch().getValue().toString(); userInput = userInput.trim(); if(userInput.length()==0){ //Se desabilitan las banderas de busqueda simple y avanzada this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(false); this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryMode(false); } else{ //Setear el string para consulta simple del SessionBean this.getPassportListSessionBean().setConsultaSimple(userInput); //Indicarle al SessionBean que el paginador debe "trabajar" en modo busqueda simple this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(true); //Desabilitar la bandera de busqueda avanzada this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryMode(false); } //set the first result of the query this.getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().firstResults(); return null; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton de proceder con la busqueda avanzada * este boton es el que esta dentro del panel de busqueda avanzada * @return */ public String btnAdvSearchPassport_action() { PassportDTO passportDTO = getPassportListSessionBean().getQueryPassportDTO(); GregorianCalendar plantNurseryDateGC = new GregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar plantationDateGC = new GregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar harvestingDateGC = new GregorianCalendar(); Date plantNurseryDateD = this.getPlantNurseryDate().getSelectedDate(); Date plantationDateD = this.getPlantingSeasonDate().getSelectedDate(); Date harvestingDateD = this.getHarvestingSeasonDate().getSelectedDate(); if (plantNurseryDateD != null) { plantNurseryDateGC.setTime(plantNurseryDateD); passportDTO.setPlantNurseryDate(plantNurseryDateGC); } if (plantationDateD != null) { plantationDateGC.setTime(plantationDateD); passportDTO.setPlantingSeasonDate(plantationDateGC); } if (harvestingDateD != null) { harvestingDateGC.setTime(harvestingDateD); passportDTO.setHarvestingSeasonDate(harvestingDateGC); } //Indicarle al SessionBean que el paginador debe "trabajar" en modo busqueda avanzada this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryMode(true); //Desabilitar la bandera de busqueda simple this.getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryModeSimple(false); //Finalmente se inicializa el data provider del paginador con los resultados de la consulta this.getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().firstResults(); this.getTxSearch().setValue(""); return null; } /** * Metodo ejecutado por el boton que muestra el panel de busqueda avanzada * Su funcion es mostrar y esconder dicho panel * @return */ public String btnAdvPassportSearch_action() { boolean advanced = getPassportListSessionBean().isAdvancedSearch(); if(advanced==false){ //Mostrar panel de busqueda avanzada getPassportListSessionBean().setAdvancedSearch(true); //Deshabilitar busqueda simple this.getTxSearch().setRendered(false); this.getBtnSearch().setRendered(false); //Cambia el text del boton de busqueda avanzada this.getBtnAdvSearch().setValue(BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("advanced_search_specimen_back",getMyLocale())); return null; } else if(advanced==true){ this.getPassportListSessionBean().setAdvancedSearch(false); //Ocultar el panel this.gridpAdvancedSearch.setRendered(false); //Habilitar busqueda simple this.getTxSearch().setRendered(true); this.getBtnSearch().setRendered(true); //Cambia el text del boton de busqueda avanzada this.getBtnAdvSearch().setValue(BundleHelper.getDefaultBundleValue("advanced_search",getMyLocale())); //Reestablecer los valores por defecto de los textfields getPassportListSessionBean().setQueryPassportDTO(new PassportDTO()); this.getPlantNurseryDate().setText(null); this.getPlantingSeasonDate().setText(null); this.getHarvestingSeasonDate().setText(null); } return null; } /** * <p>Callback method that is called after rendering is completed for * this request, if <code>init()</code> was called (regardless of whether * or not this was the page that was actually rendered). Customize this * method to release resources acquired in the <code>init()</code>, * <code>preprocess()</code>, or <code>prerender()</code> methods (or * acquired during execution of an event handler).</p> */ @Override public void destroy() { } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected AudienceSessionBean getadmin$AudienceSessionBean() { return (AudienceSessionBean) getBean("admin$AudienceSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected GatheringDetailSessionBean getinventory$GatheringDetailSessionBean() { return (GatheringDetailSessionBean) getBean("inventory$GatheringDetailSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected AdminGeographicLayersSessionBean getadmin$AdminGeographicLayersSessionBean() { return (AdminGeographicLayersSessionBean) getBean("admin$AdminGeographicLayersSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected ProfileSessionBean getadmin$ProfileSessionBean() { return (ProfileSessionBean) getBean("admin$ProfileSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected IdentificationSessionBean getinventory$IdentificationSessionBean() { return (IdentificationSessionBean) getBean("inventory$IdentificationSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected StatisticsSessionBean getstatistics$StatisticsSessionBean() { return (StatisticsSessionBean) getBean("statistics$StatisticsSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected AraSessionBean getAraSessionBean() { return (AraSessionBean) getBean("AraSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected SnapshotSessionBean getreports$SnapshotSessionBean() { return (SnapshotSessionBean) getBean("reports$SnapshotSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected GatheringSessionBean getinventory$GatheringSessionBean() { return (GatheringSessionBean) getBean("inventory$GatheringSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected MapController getgis$MapController() { return (MapController) getBean("gis$MapController"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected PersonSessionBean getadmin$PersonSessionBean() { return (PersonSessionBean) getBean("admin$PersonSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected InstitutionSessionBean getadmin$InstitutionSessionBean() { return (InstitutionSessionBean) getBean("admin$InstitutionSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected PassportSessionBean getPassportSessionBean() { return (PassportSessionBean) getBean("germplasm$PassportSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected PassportListSessionBean getPassportListSessionBean() { return (PassportListSessionBean) getBean("germplasm$PassportListSessionBean"); } /** * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> * * @return reference to the scoped data bean */ protected AccessionSessionBean getAccessionListSessionBean() { return (AccessionSessionBean) getBean("germplasm$AccessionSessionBean"); } /** * @return the myLocale */ public Locale getMyLocale() { return this.getAraSessionBean().getCurrentLocale(); } /** * @return the quantityTotal */ public String getQuantityTotal() { quantityTotal= this.getPassportListSessionBean().getQuantityTotal(); return quantityTotal; } /** * @param quantityTotal the quantityTotal to set */ public void setQuantityTotal(String quantityTotal) { this.quantityTotal = quantityTotal; } /** * @return the dataTablePassport */ public HtmlDataTable getDataTablePassport() { return dataTablePassport; } /** * @param dataTablePassport the dataTablePassport to set */ public void setDataTablePassport(HtmlDataTable dataTablePassport) { this.dataTablePassport = dataTablePassport; } /** * @return the gridpAdvancedSearch */ public HtmlPanelGrid getGridpAdvancedSearch() { return gridpAdvancedSearch; } /** * @param gridpAdvancedSearch the gridpAdvancedSearch to set */ public void setGridpAdvancedSearch(HtmlPanelGrid gridpAdvancedSearch) { this.gridpAdvancedSearch = gridpAdvancedSearch; } /** * Redirect to New Passport * @return */ public String btn_new_action() { getPassportSessionBean().resetValues(); return "new"; } public String btn_edit_action(){ int n = this.getDataTablePassport().getRowCount(); ArrayList<PassportDTO> selectedPassport = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //Obtener elementos seleccionados this.getDataTablePassport().setRowIndex(i); PassportDTO aux = (PassportDTO) this. getDataTablePassport().getRowData(); if (aux.isSelected()) { selectedPassport.add(aux); } } if(selectedPassport == null || selectedPassport.size() == 0){ //En caso de que no se seleccione ningun elemento MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_selected", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } else if(selectedPassport.size() == 1){ //En caso de que solo se seleccione un elemento //reset values getPassportSessionBean().resetValues(); //set the passportDTO getPassportSessionBean().setPassportDTO(selectedPassport.get(0)); //set the taxonomical range (level) getPassportSessionBean().setSelectedTaxonomicLevel( getPassportSessionBean().getGermplasmFacadeRemote(). getTaxonomicalLevelForTaxon(selectedPassport.get(0). getTaxonId())); //set the left selected option of the add remove /*getPassportSessionBean().updateAddRemoveSelectedItems( selectedPassport.get(0). getPassportNomenclaturalGroupList());*/ //Llamada al jsp encargado de la edicion de recolecciones return "edit"; } else{ //En caso de que sea seleccion multiple MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_yet", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } } public String btn_delete_action() { int n = this.getDataTablePassport().getRowCount(); ArrayList<PassportDTO> selectedPassport = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //Obtener elementos seleccionados this.getDataTablePassport().setRowIndex(i); PassportDTO aux = (PassportDTO) this. getDataTablePassport().getRowData(); if (aux.isSelected()) { selectedPassport.add(aux); } } if(selectedPassport == null || selectedPassport.size() == 0){ //En caso de que no se seleccione ningun elemento MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_selected", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } else if(selectedPassport.size() == 1) { //En caso de que solo se seleccione un elemento, lo elimina //si tiene hijos o asociacions despliega el mensaje de alerta if(getPassportListSessionBean().getGermplasmFacadeRemote(). haveAccessions(selectedPassport.get(0).getPassportId())) { this.getAlertMessage().setRendered(true); this.getMainPanel().setRendered(false); getPassportListSessionBean().setDeletePassport( selectedPassport.get(0).getPassportId()); } else { //delete the passport getPassportListSessionBean().getGermplasmFacadeRemote(). deletePassport(selectedPassport.get(0).getPassportId()); //refresh the list getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().refreshList(); MessageBean.setSuccessMessageFromBundle("delete_passports", this.getMyLocale()); } return null; } else { //En caso de que sea seleccion multiple MessageBean.setErrorMessageFromBundle("not_yet", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } } public String btn_confirm_delete_action() { //delete the accession getPassportListSessionBean().getGermplasmFacadeRemote(). deletePassport( getPassportListSessionBean().getDeletePassport()); //refresh the list getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().deleteItem(); getPassportListSessionBean().getPagination().refreshList(); getAccessionListSessionBean().setPagination(null); //getAccessionListSessionBean().getPagination().refreshList(); //show and hidde panels this.getMainPanel().setRendered(true); this.getAlertMessage().setRendered(false); MessageBean.setSuccessMessageFromBundle("delete_passports", this.getMyLocale()); return null; } public String btn_cancel_delete_action() { //show and hidde panels this.getMainPanel().setRendered(true); this.getAlertMessage().setRendered(false); return null; } /** * @return the txSearch */ public HtmlInputText getTxSearch() { return txSearch; } /** * @param txSearch the txSearch to set */ public void setTxSearch(HtmlInputText txSearch) { this.txSearch = txSearch; } /** * @return the btnSearch */ public HtmlCommandButton getBtnSearch() { return btnSearch; } /** * @param btnSearch the btnSearch to set */ public void setBtnSearch(HtmlCommandButton btnSearch) { this.btnSearch = btnSearch; } /** * @return the btnAdvSearch */ public HtmlCommandButton getBtnAdvSearch() { return btnAdvSearch; } /** * @param btnAdvSearch the btnAdvSearch to set */ public void setBtnAdvSearch(HtmlCommandButton btnAdvSearch) { this.btnAdvSearch = btnAdvSearch; } /** * @return the textfieldGatheringId */ public TextField getTextfieldGatheringId() { return textfieldGatheringId; } /** * @param textfieldGatheringId the textfieldGatheringId to set */ public void setTextfieldGatheringId(TextField textfieldGatheringId) { this.textfieldGatheringId = textfieldGatheringId; } /** * @return the textfieldPassportId */ public TextField getTextfieldPassportId() { return textfieldPassportId; } /** * @param textfieldPassportId the textfieldPassportId to set */ public void setTextfieldPassportId(TextField textfieldPassportId) { this.textfieldPassportId = textfieldPassportId; } /** * @return the plantNurseryDate */ public Calendar getPlantNurseryDate() { return plantNurseryDate; } /** * @param plantNurseryDate the plantNurseryDate to set */ public void setPlantNurseryDate(Calendar plantNurseryDate) { this.plantNurseryDate = plantNurseryDate; } /** * @return the plantingSeasonDate */ public Calendar getPlantingSeasonDate() { return plantingSeasonDate; } /** * @param plantingSeasonDate the plantingSeasonDate to set */ public void setPlantingSeasonDate(Calendar plantingSeasonDate) { this.plantingSeasonDate = plantingSeasonDate; } /** * @return the harvestingSeasonDate */ public Calendar getHarvestingSeasonDate() { return harvestingSeasonDate; } /** * @param harvestingSeasonDate the harvestingSeasonDate to set */ public void setHarvestingSeasonDate(Calendar harvestingSeasonDate) { this.harvestingSeasonDate = harvestingSeasonDate; } /** * @return the donorPersons */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getDonorPersons() { return donorPersons; } /** * @param donorPersons the donorPersons to set */ public void setDonorPersons(SingleSelectOptionsList donorPersons) { this.donorPersons = donorPersons; } /** * @return the donorInstitutions */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getDonorInstitutions() { return donorInstitutions; } /** * @param donorInstitutions the donorInstitutions to set */ public void setDonorInstitutions(SingleSelectOptionsList donorInstitutions) { this.donorInstitutions = donorInstitutions; } /** * @return the materialTypes */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getMaterialTypes() { return materialTypes; } /** * @param materialTypes the materialTypes to set */ public void setMaterialTypes(SingleSelectOptionsList materialTypes) { this.materialTypes = materialTypes; } /** * @return the sampleStatus */ public SingleSelectOptionsList getSampleStatus() { return sampleStatus; } /** * @param sampleStatus the sampleStatus to set */ public void setSampleStatus(SingleSelectOptionsList sampleStatus) { this.sampleStatus = sampleStatus; } /** * @return the alertMessage */ public HtmlPanelGrid getAlertMessage() { return alertMessage; } /** * @param alertMessage the alertMessage to set */ public void setAlertMessage(HtmlPanelGrid alertMessage) { this.alertMessage = alertMessage; } /** * @return the mainPanel */ public HtmlPanelGrid getMainPanel() { return mainPanel; } /** * @param mainPanel the mainPanel to set */ public void setMainPanel(HtmlPanelGrid mainPanel) { this.mainPanel = mainPanel; } }