/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.inbio.ara.eao.gathering.impl; import java.util.List; import org.inbio.ara.eao.gathering.*; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.inbio.ara.eao.BaseEAOImpl; import org.inbio.ara.persistence.gathering.Project; /** * * @author esmata */ @Stateless public class ProjectEAOImpl extends BaseEAOImpl<Project,Long> implements ProjectEAOLocal { /** * To get all the projets * @return */ public List<Project> findAllProjects(){ return this.findAll(Project.class); } public List<Long> findByDescription(String description){ String lowerDescription = description.toLowerCase(); String sql = "Select p.projectId "; sql += "from Project p "; sql += "where lower(p.description) like '%"+lowerDescription+"%'"+ " order by p.description"; Query q = em.createQuery(sql); //q.setParameter("lowerDescription", lowerDescription); return (List<Long>)q.getResultList(); } public List<Long> findByProjectManager(String name){ String lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); String sql = "Select p.projectId "; sql += "from Project p "; sql += "where lower(p.projectManagerName) like '%"+lowerName+"%'"+ " order by p.description"; Query q = em.createQuery(sql); //q.setParameter("lowerName", lowerName); return (List<Long>)q.getResultList(); } public List<Long> findByInitialDate(String date){ List<Long> result = null; String sql = "select p.project_id from atta.project p where to_char(initial_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') like '%"+date+"%'"; //Connection connPostgis; try { Query comparisonDateQuery = em.createNativeQuery(sql); result = (List<Long>)comparisonDateQuery.getResultList(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error al crear la conexion;"); e.printStackTrace(); } //return (List<Long>)q.getResultList(); return result; } public List<Long> findByFinalDate(String date){ List<Long> result = null; String sql = "select p.project_id from atta.project p where to_char(initial_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') like '%"+date+"%'"; //Connection connPostgis; try { Query comparisonDateQuery = em.createNativeQuery(sql); result = (List<Long>)comparisonDateQuery.getResultList(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error al crear la conexion;"); e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } }