package; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; public class OutlineAnalyser { public SimpleTree[] createOutlineTree(SBAModel sbaModel){ if(sbaModel == null) { SimpleTree[] treearray = new SimpleTree[1]; treearray[0] = new SimpleTree(); treearray[0].name = "Non-parseable Bio-PEPA model"; return treearray; } else { CompartmentData[] compartments = sbaModel.getCompartments(); ComponentNode[] species = sbaModel.getComponents(); SBAReaction[] reactions = sbaModel.getReactions(); boolean needCompartmentTree = compartments.length != 0; /* We now set up a list of sources and sinks*/ boolean[] speciesSources = new boolean[species.length]; boolean[] speciesSinks = new boolean[species.length]; int numberSources = 0; int numberSinks = 0; /* A species is a source if it a reactant is never * anything but a reactant. */ for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < species.length; sIndex++) { boolean isReactant = false; boolean isProduct = false; ComponentNode potentialReactant = species[sIndex]; String sourceName = potentialReactant.getName(); for (SBAReaction reaction : reactions) { for (SBAComponentBehaviour cb : reaction.getReactants()) { if (cb.getName().equals(sourceName) && cb.getType().equals(Type.REACTANT)) { isReactant = true; } } for (SBAComponentBehaviour cb : reaction.getProducts()) { if (cb.getName().equals(sourceName)) { isProduct = true; } } speciesSources[sIndex] = isReactant && !isProduct; speciesSinks[sIndex] = !isReactant && isProduct; } } /* Now we just wish to count the number of sources and sinks */ for (boolean sourceBool : speciesSources){ if (sourceBool) { numberSources++ ; } } for (boolean sinkBool : speciesSinks){ if (sinkBool){ numberSinks++ ; } } /* * Now the sources and sinks we do the same but for actions * so that we obtain action sources and actions sinks * an action source is one that produces something * "out of the ether" that is it has no reactant but some * product */ LinkedList<SBAReaction> sourceActions = new LinkedList<SBAReaction>(); LinkedList<SBAReaction> sinkActions = new LinkedList<SBAReaction>(); for(SBAReaction reaction : reactions){ List<SBAComponentBehaviour> reactants = reaction.getReactants(); List<SBAComponentBehaviour> products = reaction.getProducts(); /* So if there are no products then the reaction is said to be * a sink */ boolean isSink = false; boolean isSource = true; for (SBAComponentBehaviour cb : reactants){ if (cb.getType().equals(Type.REACTANT)) { // to be source it must have no reactants isSource = false; // to be a sink it must have at least one // reactant. isSink = true; break; } } // To be a sink action it must have at least one // reactant which we have checked above and the products // must be empty. if (isSink && products.isEmpty()){ sinkActions.add(reaction); } // To be a source there must be no reactants which we // have checked above and there must be at least one // product. if (isSource && !products.isEmpty()){ sourceActions.add(reaction); } } // We build up a list of simple trees and then simply turn // that into an array of simple trees. LinkedList<SimpleTree> treelist = new LinkedList<SimpleTree>(); if (needCompartmentTree) { String name = compartments.length + " Location" + (compartments.length > 1 ? "s" : ""); SimpleTree cTree = new SimpleTree(name); treelist.addLast(cTree); = "Locations"; //for (int i = 0; i < compartments.length; i++) { for (CompartmentData cd : compartments){ // cd = compartments[i]; SimpleTree tree = new SimpleTree(cd.getName()); cTree.addChild(tree); String infoName = cd.getType().toString(); SimpleTree infoTree = new SimpleTree(infoName); tree.addChild(infoTree); String volname = "Volume = " + cd.getVolume(); SimpleTree volTree = new SimpleTree(volname); tree.addChild(volTree); if(!Double.isNaN(cd.getStepSize())) { String stepName = "Step-size = " + cd.getStepSize(); SimpleTree stepTree = new SimpleTree(stepName); tree.addChild(stepTree); } } } String speciesName = species.length + " Species"; SimpleTree speciesTree = new SimpleTree(speciesName); = "Species"; treelist.addLast(speciesTree); String lastname = null; // This initialisation is redundant and is only here // to avoid errors about a possibly uninitialised variable. // However because on the first iteration of the for loop // lastname is null, we know that the // if (componentName.equals(lastname)) // will be false and hence this will be 'reinitialised' on the // first iteration of the for loop. SimpleTree compTree = new SimpleTree(); for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) { ComponentNode component = species[i]; String componentName = component.getComponent(); /* * We only want one tree for each species, but there * will be more than one component node if the species * exists in more than one compartment. Hence we only * create a new componentTree if we are not just adding * to the previous one. */ if(!componentName.equals(lastname)) { compTree = new SimpleTree(componentName); speciesTree.addChild(compTree); lastname = componentName; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(needCompartmentTree) { sb.append("in "); sb.append(component.getCompartment().getName()); sb.append(" "); } sb.append("with initial #molecules = "); sb.append(component.getCount()); if (speciesSources[i]){ sb.append(" (is-source)"); } if (speciesSinks[i]){ sb.append(" (is-sink)"); } SimpleTree initTree = new SimpleTree(sb.toString()); compTree.addChild(initTree); // Underneath the tree of the component we add a // leaf for ever reaction in which it is involved. // Originally I had a single tree which you could // expand to show all the reactions but I think expanding // the component node is enough, generally each component // in only involved in a few reactions. for (SBAReaction reaction : reactions){ String involvedName = component.getName(); if (AnalysisUtils.compInvolvedInReaction(involvedName, reaction)){ SimpleTree rTree = new SimpleTree(reaction.toString()); compTree.addChild(rTree); } } } /* * At this point we used to have a for loop which would look * through all the comptrees and see which had more than one * child. This would mean that there were several species in * different locations had the same name and were put under the * same tree. We can't do that now because we have the reactions * as children as well. I'm not sure how worthwhile it is anyway. * If we really want to we can keep a count of how many species * are under each component name and update the titles here * accordinly, but I'm not convinced it is worth it. */ /* Reactions Tree */ String rTreeName = reactions.length + " Reaction" + (reactions.length > 1 ? "s" : ""); SimpleTree reactionsTree = new SimpleTree (rTreeName); = "Reactions"; treelist.addLast(reactionsTree); for (SBAReaction reaction : reactions) { String enabled ; if (reaction.isEnabled()){ enabled = ""; } else { enabled = " disabled"; } String name = reaction.toString() + enabled; SimpleTree rTree = new SimpleTree (name); reactionsTree.addChild(rTree); } /* Source and Sinks Tree, first Sources */ if (numberSources > 0) { String name = numberSources + " Sources"; SimpleTree sourcesTree = new SimpleTree (name); = "Sources"; treelist.addLast(sourcesTree); for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < species.length; sIndex++) { if (speciesSources[sIndex]) { ComponentNode comp = species[sIndex]; String sourceName = comp.getName(); sourcesTree.addNamedChild(sourceName); } } } /* Second sinks */ if (numberSinks > 0) { String name = numberSinks + " Sinks"; SimpleTree sinksTree = new SimpleTree(name); = "Sinks"; treelist.addLast(sinksTree); for (int sIndex = 0; sIndex < species.length; sIndex++) { if (speciesSinks[sIndex]) { ComponentNode comp = species[sIndex]; sinksTree.addNamedChild(comp.getName()); } } } /* * The same again for source actions and for sink actions. */ if (sourceActions.size() > 0){ String sourceName = sourceActions.size() + " source actions"; SimpleTree sourcesTree = new SimpleTree (sourceName); = "source actions"; treelist.addLast(sourcesTree); for (SBAReaction reaction : sourceActions){ String name = reaction.toString(); sourcesTree.addNamedChild(name); } } // Same again for the sink actions if (sinkActions.size() > 0){ String sinksName = sinkActions.size() + " sink actions"; SimpleTree sinksTree = new SimpleTree(sinksName); treelist.addLast(sinksTree); = "sink actions"; for (SBAReaction reaction : sinkActions){ String name = reaction.toString(); sinksTree.addNamedChild(name); } } // Finally (within the 'else') return the array of trees. return treelist.toArray(new SimpleTree[treelist.size()]); } } }