package; import; import; /* * A visitor of the AST to override a particular value. * We make a note of whether or not at least one value was * changed/overriden (there should be no more than one). * This allows the caller to query whether any overriding was * actually performed and thus produce an error if not. */ public class OverrideValueVisitor implements ASTVisitor { private String nodeName; private String nodeValue; private boolean valueOverridden = false; public OverrideValueVisitor (String name, String value){ this.nodeName = name; this.nodeValue = value; this.valueOverridden = false; } public boolean getValueOverridden (){ return this.valueOverridden; } public boolean visit(NameSet nameSet) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(Component component) throws BioPEPAException { String componentName = component.getName().getIdentifier(); if (componentName.equals(nodeName)){ NumberLiteral level = component.ast.newNumberLiteral(); level.setToken(nodeValue); component.setLevel(level); this.valueOverridden = true; } return true; } public boolean visit(Cooperation cooperation) throws BioPEPAException { // For this we do not much care what the cooperation set is // since we will not find any overridable values there. cooperation.getLeftHandSide().accept(this); cooperation.getRightHandSide().accept(this); return true; } public boolean visit(ExpressionStatement statement) throws BioPEPAException { // This must be the system equation so we simply visit the // sub-expressions statement.getExpression().accept(this); return true; } public boolean visit(FunctionCall functionCall) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(InfixExpression infixExpression) throws BioPEPAException { // For this we do not care what the operator is, if we have gotten this // far then we are in the main system equation and hence we are looking // for component initial concentrations to override // NOTE: if we make all of these visit methods return true if they // have actually made a substitution or false if the overriding name // was not found, then we infixExpression.getLeftHandSide().accept(this); infixExpression.getRightHandSide().accept(this); return true; } public boolean visit(Model model) throws BioPEPAException { for (Statement s : model.statements()) { s.accept(this); } return true; } public boolean visit(Name name) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(NumberLiteral numberLiteral) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(PostfixExpression postfixExpression) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(Prefix prefix) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(PropertyInitialiser propertyInitialiser) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(PropertyLiteral propertyLiteral) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration) throws BioPEPAException { String varName = variableDeclaration.getName().getIdentifier(); Kind varKind = variableDeclaration.getKind(); // We can only override variables, not component or function // definitions. if (varName.equals(nodeName)){ if (varKind.equals(VariableDeclaration.Kind.VARIABLE)){ NumberLiteral value = variableDeclaration.ast.newNumberLiteral(); value.setToken(nodeValue); variableDeclaration.setRightHandSide(value); this.valueOverridden = true; } else if (varKind.equals(VariableDeclaration.Kind.FUNCTION) && nodeValue.equals("off")){ NumberLiteral value = variableDeclaration.ast.newNumberLiteral(); value.setToken("0"); variableDeclaration.setRightHandSide(value); this.valueOverridden = true; } } else { // We may have a variable declaring a portion of the model // for example: // Module_1 ::= A[10] <*> B[100] // And hence we would like to search within it. variableDeclaration.getRightHandSide().accept(this); } return true; } public boolean visit(Transport transport) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } public boolean visit(SystemVariable variable) throws BioPEPAException { return false; } }