package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class Command { String command_name; public Command(String name){ this.command_name = name; this.options = new LinkedList<CLOption> (); } private class CLOption { String name; int number_of_arguments; public CLOption (String n, int a){ = n; this.number_of_arguments = a; } public String getName(){ return; } public int getNumberOfArgs(){ return this.number_of_arguments; } public boolean is_matching_flag(String f){ return f.equals("-" + || f.equals("--" +; } } private List<CLOption> options; public void add_option (CLOption o){ this.options.add(o); } public void add_options(Collection<CLOption> opts){ this.options.addAll(opts); } private boolean is_flag(String f){ return f.startsWith("-"); } public LinkedList<String> arguments; public LinkedList<String[]> flags; public LinkedList<String> errors; public boolean parseCommand(String [] clargs){ // If there is no first argument equal to this command's name // then we simply return false as this is not our command. if (clargs.length < 1 || !this.command_name.equals(clargs[0])){ return false; } // Otherwise we can parse the remainder of the flags and arguments int index = 1; arguments = new LinkedList<String>(); flags = new LinkedList<String[]>(); errors = new LinkedList<String>(); while (index < clargs.length){ if (is_flag(clargs[index])){ boolean recognised = false; for (CLOption clopt : options){ // Should check that the arguments are not flags. if (clopt.is_matching_flag(clargs[index]) && index + clopt.getNumberOfArgs() < clargs.length){ String[] flag = new String[1 + clopt.getNumberOfArgs()]; flag[0] = clopt.getName(); index++; for (int i = 1; i < clopt.getNumberOfArgs(); i++){ flag[i] = clargs[index]; index++; } flags.addLast(flag); recognised = true; break; } } if (!recognised){ errors.addLast("Unrecognised flag: " + clargs[index]); } } else { arguments.addLast(clargs[index]); index++; } } // Eventually if we get to here and we haven't reported an // error then we are good to go return true; } public boolean hasErrors(){ return !this.errors.isEmpty(); } }