/* * This is public domain software - that is, you can do whatever you want * with it, and include it software that is licensed under the GNU or the * BSD license, or whatever other licence you choose, including proprietary * closed source licenses. I do ask that you leave this header in tact. * * If you make modifications to this code that you think would benefit the * wider community, please send me a copy and I'll post it on my site. * * If you make use of this code, I'd appreciate hearing about it. * metadata_extractor [at] drewnoakes [dot] com * Latest version of this software kept at * http://drewnoakes.com/ */ package com.drew.metadata.exif; import com.drew.metadata.Directory; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Describes tags specific to Sony cameras. * * At present, this class doesn't define any tags. If you are able to decode some of the Sony * tags, please feel free to provide a patched version of this class ;) */ public class SonyMakernoteDirectory extends Directory { protected static final HashMap _tagNameMap = new HashMap(); public SonyMakernoteDirectory() { this.setDescriptor(new SonyMakernoteDescriptor(this)); } public String getName() { return "Sony Makernote"; } protected HashMap getTagNameMap() { return _tagNameMap; } }