package ecologylab.bigsemantics.model.text; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import ecologylab.appframework.types.prefs.Pref; import ecologylab.bigsemantics.html.utils.StringBuilderUtils; import ecologylab.generic.FeatureVector; import ecologylab.generic.IFeatureVector; import ecologylab.generic.StringTools; /** * TermVector represents a collection of Terms, each associated with a particular value. Usually * this value represents the Term's frequency in a particular document, however, it may also * represent the amount of interest in a Term, as is the case in * * @author jmole * */ public class TermVector extends FeatureVector<Term> implements ITermVector { private static final Double DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1.0; private static final String SHOW_WEIGHTS_PREF = "show_weights"; public static Pattern WORD_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]+(-[a-zA-Z]+)*([a-zA-Z]+)"); public TermVector () { } public TermVector ( IFeatureVector<Term> tv ) { super(tv); } public TermVector ( int size ) { super(size); // lol } /** * Creates a new TermVector from a given String, using the TermDictionary to stem and find the * Term associated with each word. * * @param input */ public TermVector ( CharSequence input ) { if(input != null) reset(input); } /** * Totally reconstructs this term vector based on a new string. Useful for maintaining the * observers and such while changing the actual terms. * * @param input */ public void reset (CharSequence input) { super.reset(); // StringTools.toLowerCase(s); add(input); } public void add(CharSequence input) { add(input, DEFAULT_WEIGHT); } /** * @param input */ public void add(CharSequence input, Double weight) { Matcher m = WORD_REGEX.matcher(input); StringBuilder termBuffy = StringBuilderUtils.acquire(); while (m.find()) { int start = m.start(); termBuffy.append(input, start, m.end()); StringTools.toLowerCase(termBuffy); addWithoutNotify(TermDictionary.getTermForWord(termBuffy), weight); StringTools.clear(termBuffy); } StringBuilderUtils.release(termBuffy); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } private void addWithoutNotify ( Term term, Double val ) { if (term == null || term.isStopword()) return; super.add(term, val); } public void add ( Term term, Double val ) { if (!term.isStopword()) { super.add(term, val); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } } /** * Pairwise multiplies this Vector by another Vector, in-place. * * @param v * Vector by which to multiply */ public void multiply ( IFeatureVector<Term> v ) { super.multiply(v); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } /** * Scalar multiplication of this vector by some constant * * @param c * Constant to multiply this vector by. */ public void multiply ( double c ) { super.multiply(c); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } /** * Pairwise addition of this vector by some other vector times some constant.<br> * i.e. this + (c*v)<br> * Vector v is not modified. * * @param c * Constant which Vector v is multiplied by. * @param v * Vector to add to this one */ public void add ( double c, ITermVector v ) { add(c, (IFeatureVector<Term>) v); } /** * Adds another Vector to this Vector, in-place. * * @param v * Vector to add to this */ public void add (ITermVector v ) { add((IFeatureVector<Term>) v); } /** * Pairwise addition of this vector by some other vector times some constant.<br> * i.e. this + (c*v)<br> * Vector v is not modified. * * @param c * Constant which Vector v is multiplied by. * @param v * Vector to add to this one */ public void add ( double c, IFeatureVector<Term> v ) { super.add(c, v); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } /** * Adds another Vector to this Vector, in-place. * * @param v * Vector to add to this */ public void add ( IFeatureVector<Term> v ) { super.add(v); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } public String toString ( ) { if (values == null) return "{}"; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("{"); synchronized (values) { for (Term t : values.keySet()) { s.append(t.toString()); if (Pref.usePrefBoolean(SHOW_WEIGHTS_PREF, false).value()) { s.append("("); s.append((int) (t.idf() * 100) / 100.); s.append("),"); } s.append(" "); } } s.append("}"); return s.toString(); } public String termString ( ) { if (values == null) return ""; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); synchronized (values) { for (Term t : values.keySet()) { s.append(t.getWord()); s.append(" "); } } return s.toString(); } public double idfDot ( IFeatureVector<Term> v ) { return idfDot(v, false); } public double idfDotSimplex ( IFeatureVector<Term> v ) { return idfDot(v, true); } private double idfDot ( IFeatureVector<Term> v, boolean simplex ) { Map<Term, Double> other =; if (other == null || other.size() == 0 || this.values == null || this.norm() == 0 || v.norm() == 0) return 0; double dot = 0; HashMap<Term, Double> vector = this.values; synchronized (values) { for (Term term : vector.keySet()) { if (other.containsKey(term)) { double tfIDF = term.idf() * vector.get(term); if (!simplex) tfIDF *= other.get(term); dot += tfIDF; } } dot /= values.size(); } return dot; } public void clamp ( double clampTo ) { super.clamp(clampTo); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } public void clampExp ( double clampTo ) { super.clampExp(clampTo); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } @Override public TermVector unit ( ) { TermVector v = new TermVector(this); v.clamp(1); return v; } @Override public TermVector simplex ( ) { TermVector v = new TermVector(this); if(v.size() > 0) { for (Term t : v.values.keySet()) { v.values.put(t, 1.0); } } return v; } /** * IDF trim (ignores tf). * Deletes lowest weighted terms until the TermVector only has "size" terms. If "size" is * greater than the number of Terms contained in this TermVector, this method does nothing. * * @param size * the new size (i.e. number of Terms) of the TermVector. */ public void trim ( int size ) { if (values == null) return; if (size >= values.size()) return; synchronized (values) { TreeMap<Term, Double> sortedTerms = new TreeMap<Term, Double>(values); // idf sorted, because Term implements Comparable<Term> values.clear(); for (Term t : sortedTerms.keySet()) { if (values.size() == size) break; values.put(t, sortedTerms.get(t)); } } } public Term[] tfIdfTrim(int size) { synchronized (values) { TreeMap<Double, Term> tfIdfMap = buildTfIdfMap(); Term[] result = new Term[size]; int i = 0; for (Term term : tfIdfMap.values()) { result[i++] = term; if (i >= size) break; } return result; } } /** * @return */ private TreeMap<Double, Term> buildTfIdfMap() { // build map ordered by tf-idf TreeMap<Double, Term> tfIdfMap = new TreeMap<Double, Term>(reverse); for (Term term : values.keySet()) { double tf = values.get(term); double idf = term.idf(); tfIdfMap.put(tf*idf, term); } return tfIdfMap; } public ArrayList<Term> tfIdfTrim(double threshold, TermVector ignoreTV) { synchronized (values) { TreeMap<Double, Term> tfIdfMap = buildTfIdfMap(); ArrayList<Term> result = new ArrayList<Term>(); for (Double tfIdf : tfIdfMap.keySet()) { if (tfIdf < threshold) continue; Term term = tfIdfMap.get(tfIdf); if( == null) //This term is not in the ignoreTV result.add(term); } return result; } } public ArrayList<Term> tfIdfTrimByCount(int maxCount, TermVector ignoreTV) { synchronized (values) { TreeMap<Double, Term> tfIdfMap = buildTfIdfMap(); ArrayList<Term> result = new ArrayList<Term>(); int count = 0; for (Double tfIdf : tfIdfMap.keySet()) { count += 1; if (count >= maxCount) break; Term term = tfIdfMap.get(tfIdf); if( == null) //This term is not in the ignoreTV result.add(term); } return result; } } public double tfIdfMean() { double result = 0; Set<Term> keySet = values.keySet(); int n = keySet.size(); for (Term term : keySet) { result += tfIdf(term); } return result / n; } public double tfIdf(Term term) { return values.get(term) * term.idf(); } Comparator<Double> reverse = new Comparator<Double>() { @Override public int compare(Double d1, Double d2) { if (d2 > d1) return 1; else if (d2.equals(d1)) return 0; else return -1; } }; @Override public void set ( Term term, Double val ) { super.set(term, val); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } public boolean hasObservers() { return countObservers() > 0; } }