package; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import ecologylab.bigsemantics.cyberneko.CybernekoWrapper; import ecologylab.bigsemantics.html.dom.IDOMProvider; import ecologylab.bigsemantics.html.utils.StringBuilderUtils; import; //import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy; public class XPathTest { private static final String ACM_CHILD_XPATH = "./child::text()"; private static final String ACM_CITATION = ""; private static final String CITATION_XPATH = ".//a[@name='references']/../following-sibling::table//a[@href[starts-with(.,'citation')]]"; private static final String WIKIPEDIA = ""; private static final String WIKIPEDIA_XPATH = "//*[starts-with(@class,'infobox')]//img[1]"; private static final String WIKIPEDIA_CHILD_XPATH = "./@height"; // private static final String XPATH = CITATION_XPATH; // private static final String LOCATION = ACM_CITATION; // private static final String XPATH = CITATION_XPATH; private static final String TRENDS = ""; private static final String TRENDS_XPATH = "//td[@class='hotListTable']"; private static final String TRENDS_CHILD_XPATH = "."; private static final String FLICKR = ""; private static final String FLICKR_XPATH = "//html/head/link[2]/@href"; private static final String FLICKR_CHILD_XPATH = "."; private static final String IMDB = ""; ///div[@id='filmo-head-Actor']/following-sibling::* private static final String IMDB_XPATH = "//div[@class='mediastrip']//img/@src"; private static final String IMDB_CHILD_XPATH = "."; private static final String GOOGLE_BOOKS = ""; private static final String GOOGLE_BOOKS_XPATH = "//div[@id='citations_module_v']/div[2]//div"; private static final String GOOGLE_BOOKS_CHILD_XPATH = "./div/a"; private static final String SLASHDOT = ""; private static final String SLASHDOT_XPATH = "//div[@id='firehoselist']//h2[@class='story'][1]/following-sibling::div[@class='grid_14'][1]//a[@class='popular tag']"; private static final String SLASHDOT_CHILD_XPATH = "."; private static final String LOCATION = SLASHDOT; private static final String XPATH = SLASHDOT_XPATH; private static final String CHILD_XPATH = SLASHDOT_CHILD_XPATH; private static final ParsedURL PURL = ParsedURL.getAbsolute(LOCATION); /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // IDOMProvider domProvider = new Tidy(); // we used to use JTidy as the DOM provider. IDOMProvider domProvider = new CybernekoWrapper(); domProvider.setQuiet(true); domProvider.setShowWarnings(false); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); try { // InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(new File("C:\\abhinavCode\\ecologylabSemantics\\testcases\\file2.xml")); InputStream inStream = PURL.connect().inputStream(); Document contextNode = domProvider.parseDOM(inStream, null); String parentXPathString=XPATH; NodeList parentNodeList = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(parentXPathString, contextNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); String childXPath = CHILD_XPATH; System.out.println("List Size: " + parentNodeList.getLength()); for(int i=0;i<parentNodeList.getLength();i++) { Node node = parentNodeList.item(i); System.out.println(node); String pNode = xpath.evaluate(childXPath, node); System.out.println("Result "+i+" =\t"+pNode); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String getAllTextFromNode(Node node) { StringBuilder buffy = StringBuilderUtils.acquire(); getAllTextFromNode(node, buffy); String result = buffy.toString(); StringBuilderUtils.release(buffy); return result; } /** * This method get all the text from the subtree rooted at a node.The reason for this * implementation is that when we write a xpath we might get node of any type. Now if the node has * some text inside it we would like to get it. And so this method get all the text in the subtree * rooted at that node. Eliminates all formatting tags. * * @param node * @return */ private static void getAllTextFromNode(Node node, StringBuilder buffy) { short nodeType = node.getNodeType(); switch (nodeType) { case Node.TEXT_NODE: case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: buffy.append(node.getNodeValue()); break; case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: break; default: NodeList cList = node.getChildNodes(); if (cList != null) { for (int k = 0; k < cList.getLength(); k++) { buffy.append(getAllTextFromNode(cList.item(k))); } } break; } } }