package; /** * Created by chenxm on 11/3/14. */ public class PPPair{ /* * A ping-pong pair consists of two AP records. * The first can be any record of the AP sequence and the other * be the nearest record of the same AP after it. * Here, we define dist(pair) <= 3. * E.g., for AP sequence {A B C A D E C} we only get AP pair * p(0,3) for "A". */ public int offset; // offset to the head of AP sequence. public int distance; // distance between the head and tail of AP pair public PPPair(int offset, int distance){ this.offset = offset; this.distance = distance; } public int coverage(PPPair p){ /* * c(.) is the function to calculate the coverage of two AP pairs. * Here we define c(.) as dist(i) - |offset(i) - offset(j)| where i < j; */ return (this.offset < p.offset ? this.distance : p.distance) - Math.abs(this.offset - p.offset); } }