package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ConvSession { /* * Unit of clearing AP PingPong subsequence. * If the duration of a record is longer than SESSION_DURATION_WITHOUT_PPE, * it's treated as non-PPE. */ private int SESSION_DURATION_WITHOUT_PPE = 30; private int MAX_RECORDS_FOR_ONE_SESSION = 1000; private long latest_time; private String user_id; private ArrayList<String> ap_list; private ArrayList<Long> ap_start_times; private ArrayList<Long> ap_durations; public ConvSession (String uid) { latest_time = -1; user_id = uid; ap_list = new ArrayList<String>(); ap_durations = new ArrayList<Long>(); ap_start_times = new ArrayList<Long>(); } public void addRecord(long timestamp, String apname){ /** * Add an AP record to conversation session */ if ( ap_start_times.size() > 0) { ap_durations.add( new Long( timestamp - latest_time )); } ap_start_times.add(timestamp); ap_list.add(apname.trim()); this.latest_time = timestamp; } public List<APRecord> removePingPongEffect () { /* * Remove PingPong series from ap sequence and return * a list of ap records without PP. */ System.out.println("*****New session of user " + user_id + "*****"); if (DebugFlag.debug) { // Print the original records int i = 0; for ( ; i < ap_durations.size(); i++ ) System.out.println( ap_list.get(i) + "\t" + ap_durations.get(i)); System.out.println(ap_list.get(i)); } List<APRecord> final_records = new ArrayList<APRecord>(); List<String> tmp_ap_list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Long> tmp_start_times = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Long> tmp_durations = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Boolean> tmp_flags = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); for ( int d=0; d<ap_durations.size(); d++){ if ( tmp_ap_list.size() < MAX_RECORDS_FOR_ONE_SESSION ) { if (ap_durations.get(d) > SESSION_DURATION_WITHOUT_PPE ) { // Process the temperate AP list boundaries whose durations are // longer than SESSION_DURATION_WITHOUT_PPE; if (tmp_ap_list.size() == 0 || tmp_flags.get(tmp_flags.size()-1).booleanValue() == false){ // Add this record to the final list final_records.add(new APRecord(ap_list.get(d), ap_start_times.get(d), ap_durations.get(d))); // clear the tmp data tmp_ap_list.clear(); tmp_start_times.clear(); tmp_durations.clear(); tmp_flags.clear(); } else { // copy the record tmp_ap_list.add(ap_list.get(d)); tmp_start_times.add(ap_start_times.get(d)); tmp_durations.add(ap_durations.get(d)); tmp_flags.add(false); // Reduce PPE //final_records.addAll(PPDetector.RemovePP(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); final_records.addAll(PPDetector2.removePingPong(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); // clear the tmp data tmp_ap_list.clear(); tmp_start_times.clear(); tmp_durations.clear(); tmp_flags.clear(); // Add this record to the final list final_records.add(new APRecord(ap_list.get(d), ap_start_times.get(d), ap_durations.get(d))); } } // copy the record boolean flag = false; tmp_ap_list.add(ap_list.get(d)); tmp_start_times.add(ap_start_times.get(d)); tmp_durations.add(ap_durations.get(d)); if (ap_durations.get(d) <= SESSION_DURATION_WITHOUT_PPE ) flag = true; tmp_flags.add(flag); } else { // Reduce PPE //final_records.addAll(PPDetector.RemovePP(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); final_records.addAll(PPDetector2.removePingPong(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); // clear the tmp data tmp_ap_list.clear(); tmp_start_times.clear(); tmp_durations.clear(); tmp_flags.clear(); } } // Reduce PPE //final_records.addAll(PPDetector.RemovePP(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); final_records.addAll(PPDetector2.removePingPong(tmp_ap_list, tmp_start_times, tmp_durations, tmp_flags)); // clear the tmp data tmp_ap_list.clear(); tmp_start_times.clear(); tmp_durations.clear(); tmp_flags.clear(); // Process the final records return final_records; } }