package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class PPDetector { /* * Main class to detect Ping-Pong effect and remove it from the ap records */ private static DataPoint calculate_ppe_measure( ArrayList<String> aps, int start, int mask_len) { /* * Calculating the PP measure for a list of given AP records. */ DataPoint dp = new DataPoint(mask_len-3, start); if ( start+mask_len-1 < aps.size() ) { // valid AP sequence dp.item_total = aps.size(); Map<String, Integer> apsta = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for ( int k = start; k < start + mask_len; k++ ){ String apname = aps.get(k); int v; if ( apsta.containsKey(apname)) v = apsta.get(apname).intValue()+1; else v = 1; apsta.put(apname, v); } dp.pair_count = mask_len - apsta.size(); for ( Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : apsta.entrySet() ) { int first = -1; if ( e.getValue().intValue() == 1 ) dp.item_undup++; else for ( int k = start; k < start+mask_len; k++ ) if ( aps.get(k).equals(e.getKey())){ if ( first == -1 ) first = k; else { int pair_dist = k - first; if ( dp.max_distance < pair_dist ) dp.max_distance = pair_dist; dp.distance += pair_dist; first = k; } } } } return dp; } private static boolean is_local_maxima(double[] seq, int j){ boolean found = false; if ( j == 0 && seq[j] != -1 ) { if ( j+1>=seq.length || seq[j+1] == -1 || seq[j+1] < seq[j]){ found = true; } } else if ( j == seq.length-1 && seq[j] != -1 ) { if ( j-1<0 || seq[j-1] == -1 || seq[j-1]<seq[j]) { found = true; } } else if ( j > 0 && j < seq.length-1) { if ( (seq[j-1] == -1 && seq[j+1]!=-1 && seq[j+1] < seq[j]) || (seq[j+1] == -1 && seq[j-1]!=-1 && seq[j-1] < seq[j]) || (seq[j-1]!=-1 && seq[j-1]<seq[j] && seq[j+1]!=-1 && seq[j+1]<seq[j])) { found = true; } } return found; } private static ArrayList<Integer> find_local_maxima(double[] seq) { ArrayList<Integer> max_js = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j=0; j<seq.length; j++) { if ( j == 0 && seq[j] != -1 ) { if ( j+1>=seq.length || seq[j+1] == -1 || seq[j+1] < seq[j]) max_js.add(j); } else if ( j == seq.length-1 && seq[j] != -1) { if ( j-1<0 || seq[j-1] == -1 || seq[j-1]<seq[j]) max_js.add(j); } else if ( j > 0 && j < seq.length-1) { if ( (seq[j-1] == -1 && seq[j+1]!=-1 && seq[j+1] < seq[j]) || (seq[j+1] == -1 && seq[j-1]!=-1 && seq[j-1] < seq[j]) || (seq[j-1]!=-1 && seq[j-1]<seq[j] && seq[j+1]!=-1 && seq[j+1]<seq[j])) max_js.add(j); } } return max_js; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<DataPoint> find_pp_points(DataPoint[][] ppm) { /* * Find the optimal data points the measure matrix in three directions */ ArrayList<DataPoint> points = new ArrayList<DataPoint>(); // Find the local maxima points for( int i = 0; i < ppm.length; i++) { // Find the local maxima in row, col and diag directions // row direction double[] measures_row = new double[ppm[i].length]; for ( int j=0; j<ppm[i].length; j++) { measures_row[j] = ppm[i][j].measure(); } List<Integer> max_js = find_local_maxima(measures_row); for ( Integer j : max_js) { // col direction double[] measures_col = new double[ppm.length]; // diag direction List<Double> measures_diagArrayList = new ArrayList<Double>(); for ( int k = 0; k<ppm.length; k++) { measures_col[k] = ppm[k][j].measure(); if (i+j-k >=0 && i+j-k < ppm[k].length) measures_diagArrayList.add(ppm[k][i+j-k].measure()); } double[] measures_diag = new double[measures_diagArrayList.size()]; for ( int k = 0; k<measures_diag.length; k++) measures_diag[k] = measures_diagArrayList.get(k).doubleValue(); // Final decision if ( is_local_maxima(measures_col, i) && is_local_maxima(measures_diag, i)) points.add(ppm[i][j]); } } // Reduce the local mexima set Set<DataPoint> removed = new HashSet<DataPoint>(); for ( DataPoint dp1 : points) for ( DataPoint dp2 : points) if (! removed.contains(dp1) && !removed.contains(dp2)) { if ( dp2.max_distance > 3) { removed.add(dp2); continue; } if ( !dp1.equals(dp2)) { int cover_num = 0; for ( int i=dp1.start_index(); i<=dp1.stop_index(); i++) if ( i>= dp2.start_index() && i<= dp2.stop_index()) cover_num++; if ( cover_num > 1) { if (dp1.mask_length() < dp2.mask_length()) removed.add(dp2); else if (dp1.mask_length() > dp2.mask_length()) { removed.add(dp1); } else { if ( dp1.start_index() <= dp2.start_index()) removed.add(dp2); else removed.add(dp1); } } } } for ( DataPoint dp : (ArrayList<DataPoint>)points.clone()){ if ( removed.contains(dp)){ points.remove(dp); } } return points; } public static ArrayList<APRecord> RemovePP(ArrayList<String> tmp_ap_list, ArrayList<Long> tmp_start_times, ArrayList<Long> tmp_durations, ArrayList<Boolean> tmp_flags) /* * The core algorithm of filtering the Ping-Pong-Effect data points */ { System.out.println("len: " + tmp_ap_list.size()); ArrayList<APRecord> filtered_records = new ArrayList<APRecord>(); int ap_count = tmp_durations.size(); if ( ap_count >= 3) { // Calculating the Ping-pong-effect measure matrix int m = ap_count-2; int n = ap_count-2; DataPoint[][] ppe_measure_matrix = new DataPoint[m][n]; for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++) for ( int j =0; j < n; j++) ppe_measure_matrix[i][j] = calculate_ppe_measure(tmp_ap_list, j, i+3); if (DebugFlag.debug) { // Print out the measure matrix System.out.println("\nPPE measure matrix:"); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for ( int j =0; j < n; j++) System.out.print(format.format(ppe_measure_matrix[i][j].measure()) + "\t"); System.out.println(); } } // Find the Ping-pong segments List<DataPoint> ppps = find_pp_points(ppe_measure_matrix); if ( DebugFlag.debug) System.out.println("\nindex(0,0)\tstart_index(0:)\tmask_length(1:)\tscore"); for ( DataPoint dp : ppps ){ if ( DebugFlag.debug) System.out.println("("+dp.i+","+dp.j+")"+"\t"+dp.start_index()+"\t"+dp.mask_length()+"\t"+dp.measure()); String fap_name = ""; Set<String> fap_name_set = new HashSet<String>(); long fap_start_time = -1; long fap_duration = 0; for ( int i=dp.start_index(); i<=dp.stop_index(); i++) { // NOTE: we accumulate the durations from start to stop and without the // stop, to avoid the repeated addition of the item when two segments // have the covered number (==1) fap_name_set.add(tmp_ap_list.get(i)); if ( fap_start_time == -1 && tmp_flags.get(i).booleanValue() == true ) fap_start_time = tmp_start_times.get(i); if ( tmp_flags.get(i).booleanValue() == true){ fap_duration += tmp_durations.get(i); tmp_flags.set(i, false); } } for ( String s : fap_name_set) { if ( fap_name.equals("")) fap_name += s; else fap_name += (","+s); } filtered_records.add(new APRecord(fap_name, fap_start_time, fap_duration)); } } // Add the left records which are not contained by the ping-pong segments for ( int j=0; j<tmp_flags.size(); j++) if ( tmp_flags.get(j) ) filtered_records.add(new APRecord(tmp_ap_list.get(j), tmp_start_times.get(j), tmp_durations.get(j))); // Order the records by start_time Collections.sort(filtered_records,new Comparator<APRecord>(){ public int compare(APRecord arg0, APRecord arg1) { return new Long(arg0.start_time).compareTo(new Long(arg1.start_time)); } }); return filtered_records; } }