package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Contains markers, mapped to dimensions, and then to their chunk coordinates. * <p> * On the server a separate instance of MarkersData contains all the global * markers, which are also copied to atlases, but not saved with them. * At runtime clients have both types of markers in the same collection.. * </p> * @author Hunternif */ public class MarkersData extends WorldSavedData { private static final int VERSION = 3; private static final String TAG_VERSION = "aaVersion"; private static final String TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST = "dimMap"; private static final String TAG_DIMENSION_ID = "dimID"; private static final String TAG_MARKERS = "markers"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_ID = "id"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_TYPE = "markerType"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_LABEL = "label"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_X = "x"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_Y = "y"; private static final String TAG_MARKER_VISIBLE_AHEAD = "visAh"; /** Markers are stored in lists within square areas this many MC chunks * across. */ public static final int CHUNK_STEP = 8; /** Set of players this data has been sent to, only once after they connect. */ private final Set<EntityPlayer> playersSentTo = new HashSet<>(); private final AtomicInteger largestID = new AtomicInteger(0); private int getNewID() { return largestID.incrementAndGet(); } private final Map<Integer /*marker ID*/, Marker> idMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(2, 0.75f, 2); /** * Maps a list of markers in a square to the square's coordinates, then to * dimension ID. It exists in case someone needs to quickly find markers * located in a square. * Within the list markers are ordered by the Z coordinate, so that markers * placed closer to the south will appear in front of those placed closer to * the north. * TODO: consider using Quad-tree. At small zoom levels iterating through * chunks to render markers gets very slow. */ private final Map<Integer /*dimension ID*/, DimensionMarkersData> dimensionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(2, 0.75f, 2); public MarkersData(String key) { super(key); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { int version = compound.getInteger(TAG_VERSION); if (version < VERSION) { Log.warn("Outdated atlas data format! Was %d but current is %d", version, VERSION); this.markDirty(); } NBTTagList dimensionMapList = compound.getTagList(TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST, Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int d = 0; d < dimensionMapList.tagCount(); d++) { NBTTagCompound tag = dimensionMapList.getCompoundTagAt(d); int dimensionID = tag.getInteger(TAG_DIMENSION_ID); NBTTagList tagList = tag.getTagList(TAG_MARKERS, Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound markerTag = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i); boolean visibleAhead = true; if (version < 2) { Log.warn("Marker is visible ahead by default"); } else { visibleAhead = markerTag.getBoolean(TAG_MARKER_VISIBLE_AHEAD); } int id; if (version < 3) { id = getNewID(); } else { id = markerTag.getInteger(TAG_MARKER_ID); if (getMarkerByID(id) != null) { Log.warn("Loading marker with duplicate id %d. Getting new id", id); id = getNewID(); } this.markDirty(); } if (largestID.intValue() < id) { largestID.set(id); } Marker marker = new Marker( id, MarkerRegistry.find(markerTag.getString(TAG_MARKER_TYPE)), markerTag.getString(TAG_MARKER_LABEL), dimensionID, markerTag.getInteger(TAG_MARKER_X), markerTag.getInteger(TAG_MARKER_Y), visibleAhead); loadMarker(marker); } } } @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {"Saving local markers data to NBT"); compound.setInteger(TAG_VERSION, VERSION); NBTTagList dimensionMapList = new NBTTagList(); for (Integer dimension : dimensionMap.keySet()) { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setInteger(TAG_DIMENSION_ID, dimension); DimensionMarkersData data = getMarkersDataInDimension(dimension); NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); for (Marker marker : data.getAllMarkers()) { Log.debug("Saving marker %s", marker.toString()); NBTTagCompound markerTag = new NBTTagCompound(); markerTag.setInteger(TAG_MARKER_ID, marker.getId()); markerTag.setString(TAG_MARKER_TYPE, marker.getType().getRegistryName().toString()); markerTag.setString(TAG_MARKER_LABEL, marker.getLabel()); markerTag.setInteger(TAG_MARKER_X, marker.getX()); markerTag.setInteger(TAG_MARKER_Y, marker.getZ()); markerTag.setBoolean(TAG_MARKER_VISIBLE_AHEAD, marker.isVisibleAhead()); tagList.appendTag(markerTag); } tag.setTag(TAG_MARKERS, tagList); dimensionMapList.appendTag(tag); } compound.setTag(TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST, dimensionMapList); return compound; } public Set<Integer> getVisitedDimensions() { return dimensionMap.keySet(); } /** This method is rather inefficient, use it sparingly. */ public Collection<Marker> getMarkersInDimension(int dimension) { return getMarkersDataInDimension(dimension).getAllMarkers(); } /** Creates a new instance of {@link DimensionMarkersData}, if necessary. */ public DimensionMarkersData getMarkersDataInDimension(int dimension) { return dimensionMap.computeIfAbsent(dimension, k -> new DimensionMarkersData(this, dimension)); } /** The "chunk" here is {@link MarkersData#CHUNK_STEP} times larger than the * Minecraft 16x16 chunk! May return null. */ public List<Marker> getMarkersAtChunk(int dimension, int x, int z) { return getMarkersDataInDimension(dimension).getMarkersAtChunk(x, z); } private Marker getMarkerByID(int id) { return idMap.get(id); } public Marker removeMarker(int id) { Marker marker = getMarkerByID(id); if (marker == null) return null; if (idMap.remove(id) != null) { getMarkersDataInDimension(marker.getDimension()).removeMarker(marker); markDirty(); } return marker; } /** For internal use. Use the {@link MarkerAPI} to put markers! This method * creates a new marker from the given data, saves and returns it. * Server side only! */ public Marker createAndSaveMarker(MarkerType type, String label, int dimension, int x, int z, boolean visibleAhead) { Marker marker = new Marker(getNewID(), type, label, dimension, x, z, visibleAhead);"Created new marker %s", marker.toString()); idMap.put(marker.getId(), marker); getMarkersDataInDimension(marker.getDimension()).insertMarker(marker); markDirty(); return marker; } /** * For internal use, when markers are loaded from NBT or sent from the * server. IF a marker's id is conflicting, the marker will not load! * @return the marker instance that was added. */ public Marker loadMarker(Marker marker) { if (!idMap.containsKey(marker.getId())) { idMap.put(marker.getId(), marker); getMarkersDataInDimension(marker.getDimension()).insertMarker(marker); } return marker; } public boolean isSyncedOnPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { return playersSentTo.contains(player); } /** Send all data to the player in several packets. Called once during the * first run of ItemAtals.onUpdate(). */ public void syncOnPlayer(int atlasID, EntityPlayer player) { for (Integer dimension : dimensionMap.keySet()) { MarkersPacket packet = newMarkersPacket(atlasID, dimension); DimensionMarkersData data = getMarkersDataInDimension(dimension); for (Marker marker : data.getAllMarkers()) { packet.putMarker(marker); } PacketDispatcher.sendTo(packet, (EntityPlayerMP) player); }"Sent markers data #%d to player %s", atlasID, player.getName()); playersSentTo.add(player); } /** To be overridden in GlobalMarkersData. */ MarkersPacket newMarkersPacket(int atlasID, int dimension) { return new MarkersPacket(atlasID, dimension); } public boolean isEmpty() { return idMap.isEmpty(); } }