package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class AtlasData extends WorldSavedData { private static final int VERSION = 2; private static final String TAG_VERSION = "aaVersion"; private static final String TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST = "qDimensionMap"; private static final String TAG_DIMENSION_ID = "qDimensionID"; private static final String TAG_VISITED_CHUNKS = "qVisitedChunks"; // Navigation private static final String TAG_BROWSING_X = "qBrowseX"; private static final String TAG_BROWSING_Y = "qBrowseY"; private static final String TAG_BROWSING_ZOOM = "qBrowseZoom"; /** Maps dimension ID to biomeAnalyzer. */ private final Map<Integer, IBiomeDetector> biomeAnalyzers = new HashMap<>(); private final BiomeDetectorBase biomeDetectorOverworld = new BiomeDetectorBase(); private final BiomeDetectorNether biomeDetectorNether = new BiomeDetectorNether(); private final BiomeDetectorEnd biomeDetectorEnd = new BiomeDetectorEnd(); /** This map contains, for each dimension, a map of chunks the player * has seen. This map is thread-safe. * CAREFUL! Don't modify chunk coordinates that are already put in the map! */ private final Map<Integer /*dimension ID*/, DimensionData> dimensionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(2, 0.75f, 2); /** Set of players this Atlas data has been sent to. */ private final Set<EntityPlayer> playersSentTo = new HashSet<>(); private NBTTagCompound nbt; public AtlasData(String key) { super(key); biomeDetectorOverworld.setScanPonds(AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.doScanPonds); setBiomeDetectorForDimension(0, biomeDetectorOverworld); setBiomeDetectorForDimension(-1, biomeDetectorNether); setBiomeDetectorForDimension(1, biomeDetectorEnd); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { this.nbt = compound; int version = compound.getInteger(TAG_VERSION); if (version < VERSION) { Log.warn("Outdated atlas data format! Was %d but current is %d", version, VERSION); this.markDirty(); } NBTTagList dimensionMapList = compound.getTagList(TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST, Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int d = 0; d < dimensionMapList.tagCount(); d++) { NBTTagCompound dimTag = dimensionMapList.getCompoundTagAt(d); int dimensionID = dimTag.getInteger(TAG_DIMENSION_ID); int[] intArray = dimTag.getIntArray(TAG_VISITED_CHUNKS); DimensionData dimData = getDimensionData(dimensionID); for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i += 3) { dimData.setTile(intArray[i], intArray[i+1], new Tile(intArray[i+2])); } double zoom = (double)dimTag.getInteger(TAG_BROWSING_ZOOM) / BrowsingPositionPacket.ZOOM_SCALE_FACTOR; if (zoom == 0) { zoom = 0.5; } dimData.setBrowsingPosition(dimTag.getInteger(TAG_BROWSING_X), dimTag.getInteger(TAG_BROWSING_Y), zoom); } } @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { compound.setInteger(TAG_VERSION, VERSION); NBTTagList dimensionMapList = new NBTTagList(); for (Entry<Integer, DimensionData> dimensionEntry : dimensionMap.entrySet()) { NBTTagCompound dimTag = new NBTTagCompound(); dimTag.setInteger(TAG_DIMENSION_ID, dimensionEntry.getKey()); DimensionData dimData = dimensionEntry.getValue(); Map<ShortVec2, Tile> seenChunks = dimData.getSeenChunks(); int[] intArray = new int[seenChunks.size()*3]; int i = 0; for (Entry<ShortVec2, Tile> entry : seenChunks.entrySet()) { intArray[i++] = entry.getKey().x; intArray[i++] = entry.getKey().y; intArray[i++] = entry.getValue().biomeID; } dimTag.setIntArray(TAG_VISITED_CHUNKS, intArray); dimTag.setInteger(TAG_BROWSING_X, dimData.getBrowsingX()); dimTag.setInteger(TAG_BROWSING_Y, dimData.getBrowsingY()); dimTag.setInteger(TAG_BROWSING_ZOOM, (int)Math.round(dimData.getBrowsingZoom() * BrowsingPositionPacket.ZOOM_SCALE_FACTOR)); dimensionMapList.appendTag(dimTag); } compound.setTag(TAG_DIMENSION_MAP_LIST, dimensionMapList); return compound; } private void setBiomeDetectorForDimension(int dimension, IBiomeDetector biomeAnalyzer) { biomeAnalyzers.put(dimension, biomeAnalyzer); } /** If not found, returns the analyzer for overworld. */ private IBiomeDetector getBiomeDetectorForDimension(int dimension) { IBiomeDetector biomeAnalyzer = biomeAnalyzers.get(dimension); return biomeAnalyzer == null ? biomeDetectorOverworld : biomeAnalyzer; } public void updateMapAroundPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { // Update the actual map only so often: int newScanInterval = Math.round(AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.newScanInterval * 20); int rescanInterval = newScanInterval * AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.rescanRate; if (player.ticksExisted % newScanInterval != 0) { return; } int playerX = MathHelper.floor(player.posX) >> 4; int playerZ = MathHelper.floor(player.posZ) >> 4; ITileStorage seenChunks = this.getDimensionData(player.dimension); IBiomeDetector biomeDetector = getBiomeDetectorForDimension(player.dimension); int scanRadius = AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.scanRadius; // Look at chunks around in a circular area: for (double dx = -scanRadius; dx <= scanRadius; dx++) { for (double dz = -scanRadius; dz <= scanRadius; dz++) { if (dx*dx + dz*dz > scanRadius*scanRadius) { continue; // Outside the circle } int x = (int)(playerX + dx); int z = (int)(playerZ + dz); Tile oldTile = seenChunks.getTile(x, z); // Check if there's a custom tile at the location: int biomeId = AntiqueAtlasMod.extBiomeData.getData().getBiomeIdAt(player.dimension, x, z); // Custom tiles overwrite even the chunks already seen. // If there's no custom tile, check the actual chunk: if (biomeId == -1) { Chunk chunk = player.getEntityWorld().getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z); // Force loading of chunk, if required: if (AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.forceChunkLoading && !chunk.isLoaded()) { player.getEntityWorld().getChunkProvider().provideChunk(x << 4, z << 4); } // Skip chunk if it hasn't loaded yet: if (!chunk.isLoaded()) { continue; } if (oldTile != null) { // If the chunk has been scanned previously, only re-scan it so often: if (!AntiqueAtlasMod.settings.doRescan || player.ticksExisted % rescanInterval != 0) { continue; } biomeId = biomeDetector.getBiomeID(chunk); if (biomeId == IBiomeDetector.NOT_FOUND) { // If the new tile is empty, remove the old one: this.removeTile(player.dimension, x, z); } else if (oldTile.biomeID != biomeId) { // Only update if the old tile's biome ID doesn't match the new one: this.setTile(player.dimension, x, z, new Tile(biomeId)); } } else { // Scanning new chunk: biomeId = biomeDetector.getBiomeID(chunk); if (biomeId != IBiomeDetector.NOT_FOUND) { this.setTile(player.dimension, x, z, new Tile(biomeId)); } } } else { // Only update the custom tile if it doesn't rewrite itself: if (oldTile == null || oldTile.biomeID != biomeId) { this.setTile(player.dimension, x, z, new Tile(biomeId)); this.markDirty(); } } } } } /** Puts a given tile into given map at specified coordinates and, * if tileStitcher is present, sets appropriate sectors on adjacent tiles. */ public void setTile(int dimension, int x, int y, Tile tile) { DimensionData dimData = getDimensionData(dimension); dimData.setTile(x, y, tile); } /** Returns the Tile previously set at given coordinates. */ private Tile removeTile(int dimension, int x, int y) { DimensionData dimData = getDimensionData(dimension); return dimData.removeTile(x, y); } public Set<Integer> getVisitedDimensions() { return dimensionMap.keySet(); } /** If this dimension is not yet visited, empty DimensionData will be created. */ public DimensionData getDimensionData(int dimension) { return dimensionMap.computeIfAbsent(dimension, k -> new DimensionData(this, dimension)); } public Map<ShortVec2, Tile> getSeenChunksInDimension(int dimension) { return getDimensionData(dimension).getSeenChunks(); } /** The set of players this AtlasData has already been sent to. */ public Collection<EntityPlayer> getSyncedPlayers() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(playersSentTo); } /** Whether this AtlasData has already been sent to the specified player. */ public boolean isSyncedOnPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { return playersSentTo.contains(player); } /** Send all data to the player in several zipped packets. Called once * during the first run of ItemAtals.onUpdate(). */ public void syncOnPlayer(int atlasID, EntityPlayer player) { if (nbt == null) { nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); } // Before syncing make sure the changes are written to the nbt: writeToNBT(nbt); PacketDispatcher.sendTo(new MapDataPacket(atlasID, nbt), (EntityPlayerMP) player);"Sent Atlas #%d data to player %s", atlasID, player.getName()); playersSentTo.add(player); } public boolean isEmpty() { return dimensionMap.isEmpty(); } }