package net.oauth.client; import; import; import; /** A decorator that retains a copy of the first few bytes of data. */ public class ExcerptInputStream extends BufferedInputStream { /** * A marker that's appended to the excerpt if it's less than the complete * stream. */ public static final byte[] ELLIPSIS = " ...".getBytes(); public ExcerptInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { super(in); mark(LIMIT); int total = 0; int read; while ((read = read(excerpt, total, LIMIT - total)) != -1 && ((total += read) < LIMIT)); if (total == LIMIT) { // Only add the ellipsis if there are at least LIMIT bytes System.arraycopy(ELLIPSIS, 0, excerpt, total, ELLIPSIS.length); } else { byte[] tmp = new byte[total]; System.arraycopy(excerpt, 0, tmp, 0, total); excerpt = tmp; } reset(); } private static final int LIMIT = 1024; private byte[] excerpt = new byte[LIMIT + ELLIPSIS.length]; /** The first few bytes of data, plus ELLIPSIS if there are more bytes. */ public byte[] getExcerpt() { return excerpt; } }