package android.source.tuangou.framework.util; import android.util.Log; public class LogUtil { public static final String LOG_TAG = "tuan800_android"; public LogUtil() { } public static void d(String s) { d(null, s); } public static void d(Throwable throwable, String s) { try { System.out.println("log s = "+s); log(3, s, throwable); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = (new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to d: "); String s1 = e.getMessage(); String s2 = stringbuilder.append(s1).toString(); int j = Log.e("tuan800_android", s2); // TODO: handle exception } } public static void e(Throwable throwable) { String s = throwable.getMessage(); e(throwable, s); } public static void e(Throwable throwable, String s) { try { log(6, s, throwable); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = (new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to e: "); String s1 = e.getMessage(); String s2 = stringbuilder.append(s1).toString(); int j = Log.e("tuan800_android", s2); // TODO: handle exception } } public static void i(String s){ log(4, s, null); } private static void log(int j, String s, Throwable throwable) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = (new StringBuilder()).append(s); String s1 = ""; if (throwable != null){ String s3 = Log.getStackTraceString(throwable); try { s1 = s3; String s2 = stringbuilder.append(s1).toString(); int k = Log.println(j, "tuan800_android", s2); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder stringbuilder1 = (new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to log: "); String s4 = e.getMessage(); String s5 = stringbuilder1.append(s4).toString(); int l = Log.e("tuan800_android", s5); // TODO: handle exception } } } }