package com.mime.qweibo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import com.mime.qweibo.utils.Base64Encoder; public class OAuth implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = -8736851024315996L; private static final String OAuthVersion = "1.0"; private static final String OAuthQParameterPrefix = "oauth_"; private static final String OAuthConsumerKeyKey = "oauth_consumer_key"; private static final String OAuthCallbackKey = "oauth_callback"; private static final String OAuthVersionKey = "oauth_version"; private static final String OAuthSignatureMethodKey = "oauth_signature_method"; private static final String OAuthSignatureKey = "oauth_signature"; private static final String OAuthTimestampKey = "oauth_timestamp"; private static final String OAuthNonceKey = "oauth_nonce"; private static final String OAuthTokenKey = "oauth_token"; private static final String oAauthVerifier = "oauth_verifier"; private static final String OAuthTokenSecretKey = "oauth_token_secret"; private static final String HMACSHA1SignatureType = "HmacSHA1"; private static final String HMACSHA1SignatureType_TEXT = "HMAC-SHA1"; private Random random = new Random(); private String unreservedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.~"; /** * Get the URL based on the specified key. * * @param url * The full url that needs to be signed including its non OAuth * url parameters * @param httpMethod * The http method used. Must be a valid HTTP method verb * (POST,GET,PUT, etc) * @param customKey * The consumer key * @param customSecrect * The consumer seceret * @param tokenKey * The token, if available. If not available pass null or an * empty string * @param tokenSecrect * The token secret, if available. If not available pass null or * an empty string * @param verify * The oAauth Verifier. * @param callbackUrl * The OAuth Callback URL(You should encode this url if it * contains some unreserved characters). * @param parameters * @param queryString * @return */ public String getOauthUrl(String url, String httpMethod, String customKey, String customSecrect, String tokenKey, String tokenSecrect, String verify, String callbackUrl, List<QParameter> parameters, StringBuffer queryString) { String parameterString = normalizeRequestParameters(parameters); String urlWithQParameter = url; if (parameterString != null && !parameterString.equals("")) { urlWithQParameter += "?" + parameterString; } URL aUrl = null; try { aUrl = new URL(urlWithQParameter); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.err.println("URL parse error:" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } String nonce = generateNonce(); String timeStamp = generateTimeStamp(); parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthVersionKey, OAuthVersion)); parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthNonceKey, nonce)); parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthTimestampKey, timeStamp)); parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthSignatureMethodKey, HMACSHA1SignatureType_TEXT)); parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthConsumerKeyKey, customKey)); if (tokenKey != null && !tokenKey.equals("")) { parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthTokenKey, tokenKey)); } if (verify != null && !verify.equals("")) { parameters.add(new QParameter(oAauthVerifier, verify)); } if (callbackUrl != null && !callbackUrl.equals("")) { parameters.add(new QParameter(OAuthCallbackKey, callbackUrl)); } StringBuffer normalizedUrl = new StringBuffer(); String signature = generateSignature(aUrl, customSecrect, tokenSecrect, httpMethod, parameters, normalizedUrl, queryString); queryString.append("&oauth_signature="); queryString.append(encode(signature)); return normalizedUrl.toString(); } /** * Normalizes the request parameters according to the spec. * * @param parameters * The list of parameters already sorted * @return a string representing the normalized parameters */ private String normalizeRequestParameters(List<QParameter> parameters) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); QParameter p = null; for (int i = 0, size = parameters.size(); i < size; i++) { p = parameters.get(i); sb.append(p.mName); sb.append("="); sb.append(p.mValue); if (i < size - 1) { sb.append("&"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Generate the timestamp for the signature. * * @return */ private String generateTimeStamp() { return String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } /** * Just a simple implementation of a random number between 123400 and * 9999999 * * @return */ private String generateNonce() { return String.valueOf(random.nextInt(9876599) + 123400); } /** * @param value * string to be encoded * @return encoded string * @see <a href="">OAuth / TestCases</a> * @see <a * href="">Space * encoding - OAuth | Google Groups</a> * @see <a href="">RFC 3986 - * Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax - 2.1. * Percent-Encoding</a> */ public static String encode(String value) { String encoded = null; try { encoded = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignore) { } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(encoded.length()); char focus; for (int i = 0; i < encoded.length(); i++) { focus = encoded.charAt(i); if (focus == '*') { buf.append("%2A"); } else if (focus == '+') { buf.append("%20"); } else if (focus == '%' && (i + 1) < encoded.length() && encoded.charAt(i + 1) == '7' && encoded.charAt(i + 2) == 'E') { buf.append('~'); i += 2; } else { buf.append(focus); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Generates a signature using the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm * * @param url * The full url that needs to be signed including its non OAuth * url parameters * @param consumerSecret * The consumer seceret * @param tokenSecret * The token secret, if available. If not available pass null or * an empty string * @param httpMethod * The http method used. Must be a valid HTTP method verb * (POST,GET,PUT, etc) * @param parameters * @param normalizedUrl * @param normalizedRequestParameters * @return A base64 string of the hash value */ private String generateSignature(URL url, String consumerSecret, String tokenSecret, String httpMethod, List<QParameter> parameters, StringBuffer normalizedUrl, StringBuffer normalizedRequestParameters) { String signatureBase = generateSignatureBase(url, httpMethod, parameters, normalizedUrl, normalizedRequestParameters); byte[] oauthSignature = null; try { Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMACSHA1SignatureType); String oauthKey = encode(consumerSecret) + "&" + ((tokenSecret == null || tokenSecret.equals("")) ? "" : encode(tokenSecret)); SecretKeySpec spec = new SecretKeySpec( oauthKey.getBytes("US-ASCII"), HMACSHA1SignatureType); mac.init(spec); oauthSignature = mac.doFinal(signatureBase.getBytes("US-ASCII")); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Base64Encoder.encode(oauthSignature); } /** * Generate the signature base that is used to produce the signature * * @param url * The full url that needs to be signed including its non OAuth * url parameters * @param httpMethod * The http method used. Must be a valid HTTP method verb * (POST,GET,PUT, etc) * @param parameters * @param normalizedUrl * @param normalizedRequestParameters * @return */ private String generateSignatureBase(URL url, String httpMethod, List<QParameter> parameters, StringBuffer normalizedUrl, StringBuffer normalizedRequestParameters) { Collections.sort(parameters); normalizedUrl.append(url.getProtocol()); normalizedUrl.append("://"); normalizedUrl.append(url.getHost()); if ((url.getProtocol().equals("http") || url.getProtocol().equals( "https")) && url.getPort() != -1) { normalizedUrl.append(":"); normalizedUrl.append(url.getPort()); } normalizedUrl.append(url.getPath()); normalizedRequestParameters.append(formEncodeParameters(parameters)); StringBuffer signatureBase = new StringBuffer(); signatureBase.append(httpMethod.toUpperCase()); signatureBase.append("&"); signatureBase.append(encode(normalizedUrl.toString())); signatureBase.append("&"); signatureBase.append(encode(normalizedRequestParameters.toString())); return signatureBase.toString(); } /** * Encode each parameters in list. * * @param parameters * List of parameters * @return Encoded parameters */ private String formEncodeParameters(List<QParameter> parameters) { List<QParameter> encodeParams = new ArrayList<QParameter>(); for (QParameter a : parameters) { encodeParams.add(new QParameter(a.mName, encode(a.mValue))); } return normalizeRequestParameters(encodeParams); } }