package org.activiti.async.executor.hazelcast; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.activiti.engine.impl.asyncexecutor.AsyncExecutor; import org.activiti.engine.impl.asyncexecutor.DefaultAsyncJobExecutor; import org.activiti.engine.impl.asyncexecutor.ExecuteAsyncRunnable; import org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.JobEntity; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstanceNotActiveException; import com.hazelcast.core.IQueue; import com.hazelcast.monitor.LocalQueueStats; /** * Note: very experimental and untested! * * Implementation of the Activiti {@link AsyncExecutor} using a distributed queue where the jobs * to be executed are put on. One of the distributed nodes will take the job off the queue, * and hand it off the local thread pool. * * Needs a config file (hazelcast.xml on the classpath) that defines a queue with the name 'activiti': * * for example: * * <hazelcast xsi:schemaLocation=" hazelcast-config-3.3.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <group> ... </group> <network> ... </network> <queue name="activiti"> <!-- Maximum size of the queue. When a JVM's local queue size reaches the maximum, all put/offer operations will get blocked until the queue size of the JVM goes down below the maximum. Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE. Default is 0. --> <max-size>1024</max-size> <!-- Number of backups. If 1 is set as the backup-count for example, then all entries of the map will be copied to another JVM for fail-safety. 0 means no backup. --> <backup-count>0</backup-count> <!-- Number of async backups. 0 means no backup. --> <async-backup-count>0</async-backup-count> <empty-queue-ttl>-1</empty-queue-ttl> </queue> </hazelcast> * * @author Joram Barrez */ public class HazelCastDistributedQueueBasedAsyncExecutor extends DefaultAsyncJobExecutor { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HazelCastDistributedQueueBasedAsyncExecutor.class); private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "activiti"; // Runtime protected HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance; protected IQueue<JobEntity> jobQueue; protected Thread jobQueueListenerThread; protected BlockingQueue<Runnable> threadPoolQueue; protected ExecutorService executorService; @Override public void start() { if (isActive) { return; }"Starting up the Hazelcast async job executor [{}].", getClass().getName()); hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); jobQueue = hazelcastInstance.getQueue(QUEUE_NAME); threadPoolQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(queueSize); ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, maxPoolSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, threadPoolQueue); threadPoolExecutor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); executorService = threadPoolExecutor; super.start(); // Needs to be done afterwards, since it depends on isActive initJobQueueListener(); } protected void initJobQueueListener() { jobQueueListenerThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (isActive) { JobEntity job = null; try { job = jobQueue.take(); // Blocking } catch (InterruptedException e1) {"jobQueueListenerThread interrupted. This is fine if the job executor is shutting down"); // Do nothing, this can happen when shutting down } catch (HazelcastInstanceNotActiveException notActiveException) {"Hazel cast not active exception caught. This is fine if the job executor is shutting down"); } if (job != null) { executorService.execute(new ExecuteAsyncRunnable(job, commandExecutor)); } } } }); jobQueueListenerThread.start(); } @Override public void shutdown() { super.shutdown(); // Shut down local execution service try {"Shutting down local executor service"); executorService.shutdown(); executorService.awaitTermination(secondsToWaitOnShutdown, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Exception while waiting for executor service shutdown", e); } // Shut down hazelcast try { LocalQueueStats localQueueStats = jobQueue.getLocalQueueStats();"This async job executor has processed " + localQueueStats.getPollOperationCount()); hazelcastInstance.shutdown(); } catch (HazelcastInstanceNotActiveException e) { // Nothing to do } // Shut down listener thread isActive = false; try {"Shutting down jobQueueListenerThread"); jobQueueListenerThread.interrupt(); jobQueueListenerThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("jobQueueListenerThread join was interrupted", e); } } @Override public void executeAsyncJob(JobEntity job) { try { jobQueue.put(job); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing to do about it, can happen at shutdown for example } } }