/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.activiti.engine.impl.db; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiOptimisticLockingException; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiWrongDbException; import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngine; import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration; import org.activiti.engine.impl.DeploymentQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.ExecutionQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.GroupQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricActivityInstanceQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricDetailQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricProcessInstanceQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricTaskInstanceQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.JobQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.ModelQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.Page; import org.activiti.engine.impl.ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.ProcessInstanceQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.TaskQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.UserQueryImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl; import org.activiti.engine.impl.context.Context; import org.activiti.engine.impl.db.upgrade.DbUpgradeStep; import org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.Session; import org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.PropertyEntity; import org.activiti.engine.impl.util.IoUtil; import org.activiti.engine.impl.util.ReflectUtil; import org.activiti.engine.impl.variable.DeserializedObject; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** responsibilities: * - delayed flushing of inserts updates and deletes * - optional dirty checking * - db specific statement name mapping * * @author Tom Baeyens * @author Joram Barrez */ public class DbSqlSession implements Session { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbSqlSession.class); protected static final Pattern CLEAN_VERSION_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\d\\.\\d*"); protected static final List<ActivitiVersion> ACTIVITI_VERSIONS = new ArrayList<ActivitiVersion>(); static { /* Previous */ ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.7")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.8")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.9")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.10")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.11")); // 5.12.1 was a bugfix release on 5.12 and did NOT change the version in ACT_GE_PROPERTY // On top of that, DB2 create script for 5.12.1 was shipped with a 'T' suffix ... ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.12", Arrays.asList("5.12.1", "5.12T"))); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.13")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.14")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.15")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.15.1")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.16")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.16.1")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.16.2-SNAPSHOT")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("5.16.2")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion("")); /* Current */ ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.add(new ActivitiVersion(ProcessEngine.VERSION)); } protected SqlSession sqlSession; protected DbSqlSessionFactory dbSqlSessionFactory; protected Map<Class<? extends PersistentObject>, List<PersistentObject>> insertedObjects = new HashMap<Class<? extends PersistentObject>, List<PersistentObject>>(); protected Map<Class<?>, Map<String, CachedObject>> cachedObjects = new HashMap<Class<?>, Map<String,CachedObject>>(); protected List<DeleteOperation> deleteOperations = new ArrayList<DeleteOperation>(); protected List<DeserializedObject> deserializedObjects = new ArrayList<DeserializedObject>(); protected String connectionMetadataDefaultCatalog; protected String connectionMetadataDefaultSchema; public DbSqlSession(DbSqlSessionFactory dbSqlSessionFactory) { this.dbSqlSessionFactory = dbSqlSessionFactory; this.sqlSession = dbSqlSessionFactory .getSqlSessionFactory() .openSession(); } public DbSqlSession(DbSqlSessionFactory dbSqlSessionFactory, Connection connection, String catalog, String schema) { this.dbSqlSessionFactory = dbSqlSessionFactory; this.sqlSession = dbSqlSessionFactory .getSqlSessionFactory() .openSession(connection); this.connectionMetadataDefaultCatalog = catalog; this.connectionMetadataDefaultSchema = schema; } // insert /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void insert(PersistentObject persistentObject) { if (persistentObject.getId()==null) { String id = dbSqlSessionFactory.getIdGenerator().getNextId(); persistentObject.setId(id); } Class<? extends PersistentObject> clazz = persistentObject.getClass(); if (!insertedObjects.containsKey(clazz)) { insertedObjects.put(clazz, new ArrayList<PersistentObject>()); } insertedObjects.get(clazz).add(persistentObject); cachePut(persistentObject, false); } // update /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void update(PersistentObject persistentObject) { cachePut(persistentObject, false); } public int update(String statement, Object parameters) { String updateStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(statement); return getSqlSession().update(updateStatement, parameters); } // delete /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void delete(String statement, Object parameter) { deleteOperations.add(new BulkDeleteOperation(statement, parameter)); } public void delete(PersistentObject persistentObject) { for (DeleteOperation deleteOperation: deleteOperations) { if (deleteOperation.sameIdentity(persistentObject)) { log.debug("skipping redundant delete: {}", persistentObject); return; // Skip this delete. It was already added. } } deleteOperations.add(new CheckedDeleteOperation(persistentObject)); } public interface DeleteOperation { /** * @return The persistent object class that is being deleted. * Null in case there are multiple objects of different types! */ Class<? extends PersistentObject> getPersistentObjectClass(); boolean sameIdentity(PersistentObject other); void clearCache(); void execute(); } /** * Use this {@link DeleteOperation} to execute a dedicated delete statement. * It is important to note there won't be any optimistic locking checks done * for these kind of delete operations! * * For example, a usage of this operation would be to delete all variables for * a certain execution, when that certain execution is removed. The optimistic locking * happens on the execution, but the variables can be removed by a simple * 'delete from var_table where execution_id is xxx'. It could very well be there * are no variables, which would also work with this query, but not with the * regular {@link CheckedDeleteOperation}. */ public class BulkDeleteOperation implements DeleteOperation { private String statement; private Object parameter; public BulkDeleteOperation(String statement, Object parameter) { this.statement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(statement); this.parameter = parameter; } @Override public Class<? extends PersistentObject> getPersistentObjectClass() { return null; } @Override public boolean sameIdentity(PersistentObject other) { // this implementation is unable to determine what the identity of the removed object(s) will be. return false; } @Override public void clearCache() { // this implementation cannot clear the object(s) to be removed from the cache. } @Override public void execute() { sqlSession.delete(statement, parameter); } @Override public String toString() { return "bulk delete: " + statement + "(" + parameter + ")"; } } /** * A {@link DeleteOperation} that checks for concurrent modifications if the persistent object implements {@link HasRevision}. * That is, it employs optimisting concurrency control. Used when the persistent object has been fetched already. */ public class CheckedDeleteOperation implements DeleteOperation { protected final PersistentObject persistentObject; public CheckedDeleteOperation(PersistentObject persistentObject) { this.persistentObject = persistentObject; } @Override public Class<? extends PersistentObject> getPersistentObjectClass() { return persistentObject.getClass(); } @Override public boolean sameIdentity(PersistentObject other) { return persistentObject.getClass().equals(other.getClass()) && persistentObject.getId().equals(other.getId()); } @Override public void clearCache() { cacheRemove(persistentObject.getClass(), persistentObject.getId()); } @Override public void execute() { String deleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDeleteStatement(persistentObject.getClass()); deleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(deleteStatement); if (deleteStatement == null) { throw new ActivitiException("no delete statement for " + persistentObject.getClass() + " in the ibatis mapping files"); } // It only makes sense to check for optimistic locking exceptions for objects that actually have a revision if (persistentObject instanceof HasRevision) { int nrOfRowsDeleted = sqlSession.delete(deleteStatement, persistentObject); if (nrOfRowsDeleted == 0) { throw new ActivitiOptimisticLockingException(persistentObject + " was updated by another transaction concurrently"); } } else { sqlSession.delete(deleteStatement, persistentObject); } } public PersistentObject getPersistentObject() { return persistentObject; } @Override public String toString() { return "delete " + persistentObject; } } /** * A bulk version of the {@link CheckedDeleteOperation}. */ public class BulkCheckedDeleteOperation implements DeleteOperation { protected Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass; protected List<PersistentObject> persistentObjects = new ArrayList<PersistentObject>(); public BulkCheckedDeleteOperation(Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass) { this.persistentObjectClass = persistentObjectClass; } public void addPersistentObject(PersistentObject persistentObject) { persistentObjects.add(persistentObject); } @Override public boolean sameIdentity(PersistentObject other) { for (PersistentObject persistentObject : persistentObjects) { if (persistentObject.getClass().equals(other.getClass()) && persistentObject.getId().equals(other.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void clearCache() { for (PersistentObject persistentObject : persistentObjects) { cacheRemove(persistentObject.getClass(), persistentObject.getId()); } } @Override public void execute() { if (persistentObjects.isEmpty()) { return; } String bulkDeleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getBulkDeleteStatement(persistentObjectClass); bulkDeleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(bulkDeleteStatement); if (bulkDeleteStatement == null) { throw new ActivitiException("no bulk delete statement for " + persistentObjectClass + " in the mapping files"); } // It only makes sense to check for optimistic locking exceptions for objects that actually have a revision if (persistentObjects.get(0) instanceof HasRevision) { int nrOfRowsDeleted = sqlSession.delete(bulkDeleteStatement, persistentObjects); if (nrOfRowsDeleted < persistentObjects.size()) { throw new ActivitiOptimisticLockingException("One of the entities " + persistentObjectClass + " was updated by another transaction concurrently while trying to do a bulk delete"); } } else { sqlSession.delete(bulkDeleteStatement, persistentObjects); } } public Class<? extends PersistentObject> getPersistentObjectClass() { return persistentObjectClass; } public void setPersistentObjectClass( Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass) { this.persistentObjectClass = persistentObjectClass; } public List<PersistentObject> getPersistentObjects() { return persistentObjects; } public void setPersistentObjects(List<PersistentObject> persistentObjects) { this.persistentObjects = persistentObjects; } @Override public String toString() { return "bulk delete of " + persistentObjects.size() + (!persistentObjects.isEmpty() ? " entities of " + persistentObjects.get(0).getClass() : 0 ); } } // select /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) public List selectList(String statement) { return selectList(statement, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List selectList(String statement, Object parameter) { return selectList(statement, parameter, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List selectList(String statement, Object parameter, Page page) { if (page!=null) { return selectList(statement, parameter, page.getFirstResult(), page.getMaxResults()); } else { return selectList(statement, parameter, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List selectList(String statement, ListQueryParameterObject parameter, Page page) { if (page != null) { parameter.setFirstResult(page.getFirstResult()); parameter.setMaxResults(page.getMaxResults()); } return selectList(statement, parameter); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List selectList(String statement, Object parameter, int firstResult, int maxResults) { return selectList(statement, new ListQueryParameterObject(parameter, firstResult, maxResults)); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List selectList(String statement, ListQueryParameterObject parameter) { return selectListWithRawParameter(statement, parameter, parameter.getFirstResult(), parameter.getMaxResults()); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public List selectListWithRawParameter(String statement, Object parameter, int firstResult, int maxResults) { statement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(statement); if (firstResult == -1 || maxResults == -1) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } List loadedObjects = sqlSession.selectList(statement, parameter); return filterLoadedObjects(loadedObjects); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) public List selectListWithRawParameterWithoutFilter(String statement, Object parameter, int firstResult, int maxResults) { statement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(statement); if (firstResult == -1 || maxResults == -1) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return sqlSession.selectList(statement, parameter); } public Object selectOne(String statement, Object parameter) { statement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(statement); Object result = sqlSession.selectOne(statement, parameter); if (result instanceof PersistentObject) { PersistentObject loadedObject = (PersistentObject) result; result = cacheFilter(loadedObject); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends PersistentObject> T selectById(Class<T> entityClass, String id) { T persistentObject = cacheGet(entityClass, id); if (persistentObject!=null) { return persistentObject; } String selectStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getSelectStatement(entityClass); selectStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(selectStatement); persistentObject = (T) sqlSession.selectOne(selectStatement, id); if (persistentObject==null) { return null; } cachePut(persistentObject, true); return persistentObject; } // internal session cache /////////////////////////////////////////////////// @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected List filterLoadedObjects(List<Object> loadedObjects) { if (loadedObjects.isEmpty()) { return loadedObjects; } if (!(loadedObjects.get(0) instanceof PersistentObject)) { return loadedObjects; } List<PersistentObject> filteredObjects = new ArrayList<PersistentObject>(loadedObjects.size()); for (Object loadedObject: loadedObjects) { PersistentObject cachedPersistentObject = cacheFilter((PersistentObject) loadedObject); filteredObjects.add(cachedPersistentObject); } return filteredObjects; } protected CachedObject cachePut(PersistentObject persistentObject, boolean storeState) { Map<String, CachedObject> classCache = cachedObjects.get(persistentObject.getClass()); if (classCache==null) { classCache = new HashMap<String, CachedObject>(); cachedObjects.put(persistentObject.getClass(), classCache); } CachedObject cachedObject = new CachedObject(persistentObject, storeState); classCache.put(persistentObject.getId(), cachedObject); return cachedObject; } /** returns the object in the cache. if this object was loaded before, * then the original object is returned. if this is the first time * this object is loaded, then the loadedObject is added to the cache. */ protected PersistentObject cacheFilter(PersistentObject persistentObject) { PersistentObject cachedPersistentObject = cacheGet(persistentObject.getClass(), persistentObject.getId()); if (cachedPersistentObject!=null) { return cachedPersistentObject; } cachePut(persistentObject, true); return persistentObject; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T cacheGet(Class<T> entityClass, String id) { CachedObject cachedObject = null; Map<String, CachedObject> classCache = cachedObjects.get(entityClass); if (classCache!=null) { cachedObject = classCache.get(id); } if (cachedObject!=null) { return (T) cachedObject.getPersistentObject(); } return null; } protected void cacheRemove(Class<?> persistentObjectClass, String persistentObjectId) { Map<String, CachedObject> classCache = cachedObjects.get(persistentObjectClass); if (classCache==null) { return; } classCache.remove(persistentObjectId); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<T> findInCache(Class<T> entityClass) { Map<String, CachedObject> classCache = cachedObjects.get(entityClass); if (classCache!=null) { List<T> entities = new ArrayList<T>(classCache.size()); for (CachedObject cachedObject: classCache.values()) { entities.add((T) cachedObject.getPersistentObject()); } return entities; } return Collections.emptyList(); } public <T> T findInCache(Class<T> entityClass, String id) { return cacheGet(entityClass, id); } public static class CachedObject { protected PersistentObject persistentObject; protected Object persistentObjectState; public CachedObject(PersistentObject persistentObject, boolean storeState) { this.persistentObject = persistentObject; if (storeState) { this.persistentObjectState = persistentObject.getPersistentState(); } } public PersistentObject getPersistentObject() { return persistentObject; } public Object getPersistentObjectState() { return persistentObjectState; } } // deserialized objects ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void addDeserializedObject(DeserializedObject deserializedObject) { deserializedObjects.add(deserializedObject); } // flush //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void flush() { List<DeleteOperation> removedOperations = removeUnnecessaryOperations(); flushDeserializedObjects(); List<PersistentObject> updatedObjects = getUpdatedObjects(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Collection<List<PersistentObject>> insertedObjectLists = insertedObjects.values(); int nrOfInserts = 0, nrOfUpdates = 0, nrOfDeletes = 0; for (List<PersistentObject> insertedObjectList: insertedObjectLists) { for (PersistentObject insertedObject : insertedObjectList) { log.debug(" insert {}", insertedObject); nrOfInserts++; } } for (PersistentObject updatedObject: updatedObjects) { log.debug(" update {}", updatedObject); nrOfUpdates++; } for (DeleteOperation deleteOperation: deleteOperations) { log.debug(" {}", deleteOperation); nrOfDeletes++; } log.debug("flush summary: {} insert, {} update, {} delete.", nrOfInserts, nrOfUpdates, nrOfDeletes); log.debug("now executing flush..."); } flushInserts(); flushUpdates(updatedObjects); flushDeletes(removedOperations); } /** * Clears all deleted and inserted objects from the cache, * and removes inserts and deletes that cancel each other. */ protected List<DeleteOperation> removeUnnecessaryOperations() { List<DeleteOperation> removedDeleteOperations = new ArrayList<DeleteOperation>(); for (Iterator<DeleteOperation> deleteIterator = deleteOperations.iterator(); deleteIterator.hasNext();) { DeleteOperation deleteOperation = deleteIterator.next(); Class<? extends PersistentObject> deletedPersistentObjectClass = deleteOperation.getPersistentObjectClass(); List<PersistentObject> insertedObjectsOfSameClass = insertedObjects.get(deletedPersistentObjectClass); if (insertedObjectsOfSameClass != null && insertedObjectsOfSameClass.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<PersistentObject> insertIterator = insertedObjectsOfSameClass.iterator(); insertIterator.hasNext();) { PersistentObject insertedObject = insertIterator.next(); // if the deleted object is inserted, if (deleteOperation.sameIdentity(insertedObject)) { // remove the insert and the delete, they cancel each other insertIterator.remove(); deleteIterator.remove(); // add removed operations to be able to fire events removedDeleteOperations.add( deleteOperation); } } if (insertedObjects.get(deletedPersistentObjectClass).size() == 0) { insertedObjects.remove(deletedPersistentObjectClass); } } // in any case, remove the deleted object from the cache deleteOperation.clearCache(); } for (Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass : insertedObjects.keySet()) { for (PersistentObject insertedObject : insertedObjects.get(persistentObjectClass)) { cacheRemove(insertedObject.getClass(), insertedObject.getId()); } } return removedDeleteOperations; } // // [Joram] Put this in comments. Had all kinds of errors. // // /** // * Optimizes the given delete operations: // * for example, if there are two deletes for two different variables, merges this into // * one bulk delete which improves performance // */ // protected List<DeleteOperation> optimizeDeleteOperations(List<DeleteOperation> deleteOperations) { // // // No optimization possible for 0 or 1 operations // if (!isOptimizeDeleteOperationsEnabled || deleteOperations.size() <= 1) { // return deleteOperations; // } // // List<DeleteOperation> optimizedDeleteOperations = new ArrayList<DbSqlSession.DeleteOperation>(); // boolean[] checkedIndices = new boolean[deleteOperations.size()]; // for (int i=0; i<deleteOperations.size(); i++) { // // if (checkedIndices[i] == true) { // continue; // } // // DeleteOperation deleteOperation = deleteOperations.get(i); // boolean couldOptimize = false; // if (deleteOperation instanceof CheckedDeleteOperation) { // // PersistentObject persistentObject = ((CheckedDeleteOperation) deleteOperation).getPersistentObject(); // if (persistentObject instanceof BulkDeleteable) { // String bulkDeleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getBulkDeleteStatement(persistentObject.getClass()); // bulkDeleteStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(bulkDeleteStatement); // if (bulkDeleteStatement != null) { // BulkCheckedDeleteOperation bulkCheckedDeleteOperation = null; // // // Find all objects of the same type // for (int j=0; j<deleteOperations.size(); j++) { // DeleteOperation otherDeleteOperation = deleteOperations.get(j); // if (j != i && checkedIndices[j] == false && otherDeleteOperation instanceof CheckedDeleteOperation) { // PersistentObject otherPersistentObject = ((CheckedDeleteOperation) otherDeleteOperation).getPersistentObject(); // if (otherPersistentObject.getClass().equals(persistentObject.getClass())) { // if (bulkCheckedDeleteOperation == null) { // bulkCheckedDeleteOperation = new BulkCheckedDeleteOperation(persistentObject.getClass()); // bulkCheckedDeleteOperation.addPersistentObject(persistentObject); // optimizedDeleteOperations.add(bulkCheckedDeleteOperation); // } // couldOptimize = true; // bulkCheckedDeleteOperation.addPersistentObject(otherPersistentObject); // checkedIndices[j] = true; // } else { // // We may only optimize subsequent delete operations of the same type, to prevent messing up // // the order of deletes of related entities which may depend on the referenced entity being deleted before // break; // } // } // // } // } // } // } // // if (!couldOptimize) { // optimizedDeleteOperations.add(deleteOperation); // } // checkedIndices[i]=true; // // } // return optimizedDeleteOperations; // } protected void flushDeserializedObjects() { for (DeserializedObject deserializedObject: deserializedObjects) { deserializedObject.flush(); } } public List<PersistentObject> getUpdatedObjects() { List<PersistentObject> updatedObjects = new ArrayList<PersistentObject>(); for (Class<?> clazz: cachedObjects.keySet()) { Map<String, CachedObject> classCache = cachedObjects.get(clazz); for (CachedObject cachedObject: classCache.values()) { PersistentObject persistentObject = cachedObject.getPersistentObject(); if (!isPersistentObjectDeleted(persistentObject)) { Object originalState = cachedObject.getPersistentObjectState(); if (persistentObject.getPersistentState() != null && !persistentObject.getPersistentState().equals(originalState)) { updatedObjects.add(persistentObject); } else { log.trace("loaded object '{}' was not updated", persistentObject); } } } } return updatedObjects; } protected boolean isPersistentObjectDeleted(PersistentObject persistentObject) { for (DeleteOperation deleteOperation : deleteOperations) { if (deleteOperation.sameIdentity(persistentObject)) { return true; } } return false; } public <T extends PersistentObject> List<T> pruneDeletedEntities(List<T> listToPrune) { List<T> prunedList = new ArrayList<T>(listToPrune); for (T potentiallyDeleted : listToPrune) { for (DeleteOperation deleteOperation: deleteOperations) { if (deleteOperation.sameIdentity(potentiallyDeleted)) { prunedList.remove(potentiallyDeleted); } } } return prunedList; } protected void flushInserts() { // Handle in entity dependency order for (Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass : EntityDependencyOrder.INSERT_ORDER) { if (insertedObjects.containsKey(persistentObjectClass)) { flushPersistentObjects(persistentObjectClass, insertedObjects.get(persistentObjectClass)); insertedObjects.remove(persistentObjectClass); } } // Next, in case of custom entities or we've screwed up and forgotten some entity if (insertedObjects.size() > 0) { for (Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass : insertedObjects.keySet()) { flushPersistentObjects(persistentObjectClass, insertedObjects.get(persistentObjectClass)); } } insertedObjects.clear(); } protected void flushPersistentObjects(Class<? extends PersistentObject> persistentObjectClass, List<PersistentObject> persistentObjectsToInsert) { if (persistentObjectsToInsert.size() == 1) { flushRegularInsert(persistentObjectsToInsert.get(0), persistentObjectClass); } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(dbSqlSessionFactory.isBulkInsertable(persistentObjectClass))) { for (PersistentObject persistentObject : persistentObjectsToInsert) { flushRegularInsert(persistentObject, persistentObjectClass); } } else { flushBulkInsert(insertedObjects.get(persistentObjectClass), persistentObjectClass); } } protected void flushRegularInsert(PersistentObject persistentObject, Class<? extends PersistentObject> clazz) { String insertStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getInsertStatement(persistentObject); insertStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(insertStatement); if (insertStatement==null) { throw new ActivitiException("no insert statement for " + persistentObject.getClass() + " in the ibatis mapping files"); } log.debug("inserting: {}", persistentObject); sqlSession.insert(insertStatement, persistentObject); // See https://activiti.atlassian.net/browse/ACT-1290 if (persistentObject instanceof HasRevision) { ((HasRevision) persistentObject).setRevision(((HasRevision) persistentObject).getRevisionNext()); } } protected void flushBulkInsert(List<PersistentObject> persistentObjectList, Class<? extends PersistentObject> clazz) { String insertStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getBulkInsertStatement(clazz); insertStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(insertStatement); if (insertStatement==null) { throw new ActivitiException("no insert statement for " + persistentObjectList.get(0).getClass() + " in the ibatis mapping files"); } if (persistentObjectList.size() <= dbSqlSessionFactory.getMaxNrOfStatementsInBulkInsert()) { sqlSession.insert(insertStatement, persistentObjectList); } else { for (int start = 0; start < persistentObjectList.size(); start += dbSqlSessionFactory.getMaxNrOfStatementsInBulkInsert()) { List<PersistentObject> subList = persistentObjectList.subList(start, Math.min(start + dbSqlSessionFactory.getMaxNrOfStatementsInBulkInsert(), persistentObjectList.size())); sqlSession.insert(insertStatement, subList); } } if (persistentObjectList.get(0) instanceof HasRevision) { for (PersistentObject insertedObject: persistentObjectList) { ((HasRevision) insertedObject).setRevision(((HasRevision) insertedObject).getRevisionNext()); } } } protected void flushUpdates(List<PersistentObject> updatedObjects) { for (PersistentObject updatedObject: updatedObjects) { String updateStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.getUpdateStatement(updatedObject); updateStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement(updateStatement); if (updateStatement==null) { throw new ActivitiException("no update statement for "+updatedObject.getClass()+" in the ibatis mapping files"); } log.debug("updating: {}", updatedObject); int updatedRecords = sqlSession.update(updateStatement, updatedObject); if (updatedRecords!=1) { throw new ActivitiOptimisticLockingException(updatedObject + " was updated by another transaction concurrently"); } // See https://activiti.atlassian.net/browse/ACT-1290 if (updatedObject instanceof HasRevision) { ((HasRevision) updatedObject).setRevision(((HasRevision) updatedObject).getRevisionNext()); } } updatedObjects.clear(); } protected void flushDeletes(List<DeleteOperation> removedOperations) { flushRegularDeletes(); deleteOperations.clear(); } protected void flushRegularDeletes() { for (DeleteOperation delete : deleteOperations) { log.debug("executing: {}", delete); delete.execute(); } } @Override public void close() { sqlSession.close(); } public void commit() { sqlSession.commit(); } public void rollback() { sqlSession.rollback(); } // schema operations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void dbSchemaCheckVersion() { try { String dbVersion = getDbVersion(); if (!ProcessEngine.VERSION.equals(dbVersion)) { throw new ActivitiWrongDbException(ProcessEngine.VERSION, dbVersion); } String errorMessage = null; if (!isEngineTablePresent()) { errorMessage = addMissingComponent(errorMessage, "engine"); } if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbHistoryUsed() && !isHistoryTablePresent()) { errorMessage = addMissingComponent(errorMessage, "history"); } if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbIdentityUsed() && !isIdentityTablePresent()) { errorMessage = addMissingComponent(errorMessage, "identity"); } if (errorMessage!=null) { throw new ActivitiException("Activiti database problem: "+errorMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isMissingTablesException(e)) { throw new ActivitiException("no activiti tables in db. set <property name=\"databaseSchemaUpdate\" to value=\"true\" or value=\"create-drop\" (use create-drop for testing only!) in bean processEngineConfiguration in activiti.cfg.xml for automatic schema creation", e); } else { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } else { throw new ActivitiException("couldn't get db schema version", e); } } } log.debug("activiti db schema check successful"); } protected String addMissingComponent(String missingComponents, String component) { if (missingComponents==null) { return "Tables missing for component(s) "+component; } return missingComponents+", "+component; } protected String getDbVersion() { String selectSchemaVersionStatement = dbSqlSessionFactory.mapStatement("selectDbSchemaVersion"); return (String) sqlSession.selectOne(selectSchemaVersionStatement); } public void dbSchemaCreate() { if (isEngineTablePresent()) { String dbVersion = getDbVersion(); if (!ProcessEngine.VERSION.equals(dbVersion)) { throw new ActivitiWrongDbException(ProcessEngine.VERSION, dbVersion); } } else { dbSchemaCreateEngine(); } if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbHistoryUsed()) { dbSchemaCreateHistory(); } if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbIdentityUsed()) { dbSchemaCreateIdentity(); } } protected void dbSchemaCreateIdentity() { executeMandatorySchemaResource("create", "identity"); } protected void dbSchemaCreateHistory() { executeMandatorySchemaResource("create", "history"); } protected void dbSchemaCreateEngine() { executeMandatorySchemaResource("create", "engine"); } public void dbSchemaDrop() { executeMandatorySchemaResource("drop", "engine"); if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbHistoryUsed()) { executeMandatorySchemaResource("drop", "history"); } if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbIdentityUsed()) { executeMandatorySchemaResource("drop", "identity"); } } public void dbSchemaPrune() { if (isHistoryTablePresent() && !dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbHistoryUsed()) { executeMandatorySchemaResource("drop", "history"); } if (isIdentityTablePresent() && dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbIdentityUsed()) { executeMandatorySchemaResource("drop", "identity"); } } public void executeMandatorySchemaResource(String operation, String component) { executeSchemaResource(operation, component, getResourceForDbOperation(operation, operation, component), false); } public static String[] JDBC_METADATA_TABLE_TYPES = {"TABLE"}; public String dbSchemaUpdate() { String feedback = null; boolean isUpgradeNeeded = false; int matchingVersionIndex = -1; if (isEngineTablePresent()) { PropertyEntity dbVersionProperty = selectById(PropertyEntity.class,"schema.version"); String dbVersion = dbVersionProperty.getValue(); // Determine index in the sequence of Activiti releases int index = 0; while (matchingVersionIndex < 0 && index < ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.size()) { if (ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.get(index).matches(dbVersion)) { matchingVersionIndex = index; } else { index++; } } // Exception when no match was found: unknown/unsupported version if (matchingVersionIndex < 0) { throw new ActivitiException( "Could not update Activiti database schema: unknown version from database: '" + dbVersion + "'"); } isUpgradeNeeded = (matchingVersionIndex != (ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.size() - 1)); if (isUpgradeNeeded) { dbVersionProperty.setValue(ProcessEngine.VERSION); PropertyEntity dbHistoryProperty; if ("5.0".equals(dbVersion)) { dbHistoryProperty = new PropertyEntity("schema.history", "create(5.0)"); insert(dbHistoryProperty); } else { dbHistoryProperty = selectById(PropertyEntity.class, "schema.history"); } // Set upgrade history String dbHistoryValue = dbHistoryProperty.getValue() + " upgrade(" + dbVersion + "->" + ProcessEngine.VERSION + ")"; dbHistoryProperty.setValue(dbHistoryValue); // Engine upgrade dbSchemaUpgrade("engine", matchingVersionIndex); feedback = "upgraded Activiti from " + dbVersion + " to "+ ProcessEngine.VERSION; } } else { dbSchemaCreateEngine(); } if (isHistoryTablePresent()) { if (isUpgradeNeeded) { dbSchemaUpgrade("history", matchingVersionIndex); } } else if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbHistoryUsed()) { dbSchemaCreateHistory(); } if (isIdentityTablePresent()) { if (isUpgradeNeeded) { dbSchemaUpgrade("identity", matchingVersionIndex); } } else if (dbSqlSessionFactory.isDbIdentityUsed()) { dbSchemaCreateIdentity(); } return feedback; } public boolean isEngineTablePresent(){ return isTablePresent("ACT_RU_EXECUTION"); } public boolean isHistoryTablePresent(){ return isTablePresent("ACT_HI_PROCINST"); } public boolean isIdentityTablePresent(){ return isTablePresent("ACT_ID_USER"); } public boolean isTablePresent(String tableName) { // ACT-1610: in case the prefix IS the schema itself, we don't add the prefix, since the // check is already aware of the schema if (!dbSqlSessionFactory.isTablePrefixIsSchema()) { tableName = prependDatabaseTablePrefix(tableName); } Connection connection = null; try { connection = sqlSession.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet tables = null; String catalog = this.connectionMetadataDefaultCatalog; if (dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseCatalog() != null && dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseCatalog().length() > 0) { catalog = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseCatalog(); } String schema = this.connectionMetadataDefaultSchema; if (dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseSchema() != null && dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseSchema().length() > 0) { schema = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseSchema(); } String databaseType = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseType(); if ("postgres".equals(databaseType)) { tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); } try { tables = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName, JDBC_METADATA_TABLE_TYPES); return tables.next(); } finally { try { tables.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error closing meta data tables", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActivitiException("couldn't check if tables are already present using metadata: "+e.getMessage(), e); } } protected boolean isUpgradeNeeded(String versionInDatabase) { if(ProcessEngine.VERSION.equals(versionInDatabase)) { return false; } String cleanDbVersion = getCleanVersion(versionInDatabase); String[] cleanDbVersionSplitted = cleanDbVersion.split("\\."); int dbMajorVersion = Integer.valueOf(cleanDbVersionSplitted[0]); int dbMinorVersion = Integer.valueOf(cleanDbVersionSplitted[1]); String cleanEngineVersion = getCleanVersion(ProcessEngine.VERSION); String[] cleanEngineVersionSplitted = cleanEngineVersion.split("\\."); int engineMajorVersion = Integer.valueOf(cleanEngineVersionSplitted[0]); int engineMinorVersion = Integer.valueOf(cleanEngineVersionSplitted[1]); if((dbMajorVersion > engineMajorVersion) || ( (dbMajorVersion <= engineMajorVersion) && (dbMinorVersion > engineMinorVersion) )) { throw new ActivitiException("Version of activiti database (" + versionInDatabase + ") is more recent than the engine (" + ProcessEngine.VERSION +")"); } else if(cleanDbVersion.compareTo(cleanEngineVersion) == 0) { // Versions don't match exactly, possibly snapshot is being used log.warn("Engine-version is the same, but not an exact match: {} vs. {}. Not performing database-upgrade.", versionInDatabase, ProcessEngine.VERSION); return false; } return true; } protected String getCleanVersion(String versionString) { Matcher matcher = CLEAN_VERSION_REGEX.matcher(versionString); if(!matcher.find()) { throw new ActivitiException("Illegal format for version: " + versionString); } String cleanString = matcher.group(); try { Double.parseDouble(cleanString); // try to parse it, to see if it is really a number return cleanString; } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ActivitiException("Illegal format for version: " + versionString); } } protected String prependDatabaseTablePrefix(String tableName) { return dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseTablePrefix() + tableName; } protected void dbSchemaUpgrade(final String component, final int currentDatabaseVersionsIndex) { ActivitiVersion activitiVersion = ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.get(currentDatabaseVersionsIndex); String dbVersion = activitiVersion.getMainVersion(); log.info("upgrading activiti {} schema from {} to {}", component, dbVersion, ProcessEngine.VERSION); // Actual execution of schema DDL SQL for (int i=currentDatabaseVersionsIndex + 1; i<ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.size(); i++) { String nextVersion = ACTIVITI_VERSIONS.get(i).getMainVersion(); // Taking care of -SNAPSHOT version in development if (nextVersion.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { nextVersion = nextVersion.substring(0, nextVersion.length()-"-SNAPSHOT".length()); } dbVersion = dbVersion.replace(".", ""); nextVersion = nextVersion.replace(".", ""); log.info("Upgrade needed: {} -> {}. Looking for schema update resource for component '{}'", dbVersion, nextVersion, component); executeSchemaResource("upgrade", component, getResourceForDbOperation("upgrade", "upgradestep." + dbVersion + ".to." + nextVersion, component), true); dbVersion = nextVersion; } } public String getResourceForDbOperation(String directory, String operation, String component) { String databaseType = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseType(); return "org/activiti/db/" + directory + "/activiti." + databaseType + "." + operation + "."+component+".sql"; } public void executeSchemaResource(String operation, String component, String resourceName, boolean isOptional) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = ReflectUtil.getResourceAsStream(resourceName); if (inputStream == null) { if (isOptional) { log.info("no schema resource {} for {}", resourceName, operation); } else { throw new ActivitiException("resource '" + resourceName + "' is not available"); } } else { executeSchemaResource(operation, component, resourceName, inputStream); } } finally { IoUtil.closeSilently(inputStream); } } private void executeSchemaResource(String operation, String component, String resourceName, InputStream inputStream) { log.info("performing {} on {} with resource {}", operation, component, resourceName); String sqlStatement = null; String exceptionSqlStatement = null; try { Connection connection = sqlSession.getConnection(); Exception exception = null; byte[] bytes = IoUtil.readInputStream(inputStream, resourceName); String ddlStatements = new String(bytes); String databaseType = dbSqlSessionFactory.getDatabaseType(); // Special DDL handling for certain databases try { if ("mysql".equals(databaseType)) { DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); int majorVersion = databaseMetaData.getDatabaseMajorVersion(); int minorVersion = databaseMetaData.getDatabaseMinorVersion(); log.info("Found MySQL: majorVersion=" + majorVersion + " minorVersion=" + minorVersion); // Special care for MySQL < 5.6 if (majorVersion <= 5 && minorVersion < 6) { ddlStatements = updateDdlForMySqlVersionLowerThan56(ddlStatements); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Could not get database metadata", e); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(ddlStatements)); String line = readNextTrimmedLine(reader); boolean inOraclePlsqlBlock = false; while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("# ")) { log.debug(line.substring(2)); } else if (line.startsWith("-- ")) { log.debug(line.substring(3)); } else if (line.startsWith("execute java ")) { String upgradestepClassName = line.substring(13).trim(); DbUpgradeStep dbUpgradeStep = null; try { dbUpgradeStep = (DbUpgradeStep) ReflectUtil.instantiate(upgradestepClassName); } catch (ActivitiException e) { throw new ActivitiException("database update java class '"+upgradestepClassName+"' can't be instantiated: "+e.getMessage(), e); } try { log.debug("executing upgrade step java class {}", upgradestepClassName); dbUpgradeStep.execute(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActivitiException("error while executing database update java class '"+upgradestepClassName+"': "+e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (line.length()>0) { if ("oracle".equals(databaseType) && line.startsWith("begin")) { inOraclePlsqlBlock = true; sqlStatement = addSqlStatementPiece(sqlStatement, line); } else if ((line.endsWith(";") && inOraclePlsqlBlock == false) || (line.startsWith("/") && inOraclePlsqlBlock == true)) { if (inOraclePlsqlBlock) { inOraclePlsqlBlock = false; } else { sqlStatement = addSqlStatementPiece(sqlStatement, line.substring(0, line.length()-1)); } Statement jdbcStatement = null; try { jdbcStatement = connection.createStatement(); // no logging needed as the connection will log it log.debug("SQL: {}", sqlStatement); jdbcStatement.execute(sqlStatement); jdbcStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (exception == null) { exception = e; exceptionSqlStatement = sqlStatement; } log.error("problem during schema {}, statement {}", operation, sqlStatement, e); } finally { try{ jdbcStatement.close(); } catch (Exception ex){ /* ignored */ } sqlStatement = null; } } else { sqlStatement = addSqlStatementPiece(sqlStatement, line); } } line = readNextTrimmedLine(reader); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } log.debug("activiti db schema {} for component {} successful", operation, component); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActivitiException("couldn't "+operation+" db schema: "+exceptionSqlStatement, e); } } /** * MySQL is funny when it comes to timestamps and dates. * * More specifically, for a DDL statement like 'MYCOLUMN timestamp(3)': * - MySQL 5.6.4+ has support for timestamps/dates with millisecond (or smaller) precision. * The DDL above works and the data in the table will have millisecond precision * - MySQL < 5.5.3 allows the DDL statement, but ignores it. * The DDL above works but the data won't have millisecond precision * - MySQL 5.5.3 < [version] < 5.6.4 gives and exception when using the DDL above. * * Also, the 5.5 and 5.6 branches of MySQL are both actively developed and patched. * * Hence, when doing auto-upgrade/creation of the Activiti tables, the default * MySQL DDL file is used and all timestamps/datetimes are converted to not use the * millisecond precision by string replacement done in the method below. * * If using the DDL files directly (which is a sane choice in production env.), * there is a distinction between MySQL version < 5.6. */ protected String updateDdlForMySqlVersionLowerThan56(String ddlStatements) { return ddlStatements.replace("timestamp(3)", "timestamp") .replace("datetime(3)", "datetime") .replace("TIMESTAMP(3)", "TIMESTAMP") .replace("DATETIME(3)", "DATETIME"); } protected String addSqlStatementPiece(String sqlStatement, String line) { if (sqlStatement==null) { return line; } return sqlStatement + " \n" + line; } protected String readNextTrimmedLine(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line!=null) { line = line.trim(); } return line; } protected boolean isMissingTablesException(Exception e) { String exceptionMessage = e.getMessage(); if(e.getMessage() != null) { // Matches message returned from H2 if ((exceptionMessage.indexOf("Table") != -1) && (exceptionMessage.indexOf("not found") != -1)) { return true; } // Message returned from MySQL and Oracle if (((exceptionMessage.indexOf("Table") != -1 || exceptionMessage.indexOf("table") != -1)) && (exceptionMessage.indexOf("doesn't exist") != -1)) { return true; } // Message returned from Postgres if (((exceptionMessage.indexOf("relation") != -1 || exceptionMessage.indexOf("table") != -1)) && (exceptionMessage.indexOf("does not exist") != -1)) { return true; } } return false; } public void performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild() { String databaseSchemaUpdate = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getDatabaseSchemaUpdate(); if (ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_DROP_CREATE.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate)) { try { dbSchemaDrop(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ignore } } if ( org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE_DROP.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate) || ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_DROP_CREATE.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate) || ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate) ) { dbSchemaCreate(); } else if (org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate)) { dbSchemaCheckVersion(); } else if (ProcessEngineConfiguration.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_TRUE.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate)) { dbSchemaUpdate(); } } public void performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineClose() { String databaseSchemaUpdate = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getDatabaseSchemaUpdate(); if (org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration.DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE_DROP.equals(databaseSchemaUpdate)) { dbSchemaDrop(); } } public <T> T getCustomMapper(Class<T> type) { return sqlSession.getMapper(type); } // query factory methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////// public DeploymentQueryImpl createDeploymentQuery() { return new DeploymentQueryImpl(); } public ModelQueryImpl createModelQueryImpl() { return new ModelQueryImpl(); } public ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl createProcessDefinitionQuery() { return new ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl(); } public ProcessInstanceQueryImpl createProcessInstanceQuery() { return new ProcessInstanceQueryImpl(); } public ExecutionQueryImpl createExecutionQuery() { return new ExecutionQueryImpl(); } public TaskQueryImpl createTaskQuery() { return new TaskQueryImpl(); } public JobQueryImpl createJobQuery() { return new JobQueryImpl(); } public HistoricProcessInstanceQueryImpl createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery() { return new HistoricProcessInstanceQueryImpl(); } public HistoricActivityInstanceQueryImpl createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery() { return new HistoricActivityInstanceQueryImpl(); } public HistoricTaskInstanceQueryImpl createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery() { return new HistoricTaskInstanceQueryImpl(); } public HistoricDetailQueryImpl createHistoricDetailQuery() { return new HistoricDetailQueryImpl(); } public HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl createHistoricVariableInstanceQuery() { return new HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl(); } public UserQueryImpl createUserQuery() { return new UserQueryImpl(); } public GroupQueryImpl createGroupQuery() { return new GroupQueryImpl(); } // getters and setters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public SqlSession getSqlSession() { return sqlSession; } public DbSqlSessionFactory getDbSqlSessionFactory() { return dbSqlSessionFactory; } }