Java Examples for com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference

The following java examples will help you to understand the usage of com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference. These source code samples are taken from different open source projects.

Example 1
Project: intellij-community-master  File: View source code
public static List<Process> getProcessesUsing(File file) {
    List<Process> processes = new LinkedList<>();
    // If the DLL was not present (XP or other OS), do not try to find it again.
    if (ourFailed) {
        return processes;
    try {
        IntByReference session = new IntByReference();
        char[] sessionKey = new char[Win32RestartManager.CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY + 1];
        int error = Win32RestartManager.INSTANCE.RmStartSession(session, 0, sessionKey);
        if (error != 0) {
            Runner.logger().warn("Unable to start restart manager session");
            return processes;
        StringArray resources = new StringArray(new WString[] { new WString(file.toString()) });
        error = Win32RestartManager.INSTANCE.RmRegisterResources(session.getValue(), 1, resources, 0, Pointer.NULL, 0, null);
        if (error != 0) {
            Runner.logger().warn("Unable to register restart manager resource " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            return processes;
        IntByReference procInfoNeeded = new IntByReference();
        Win32RestartManager.RmProcessInfo info = new Win32RestartManager.RmProcessInfo();
        Win32RestartManager.RmProcessInfo[] infos = (Win32RestartManager.RmProcessInfo[]) info.toArray(MAX_PROCESSES);
        IntByReference procInfo = new IntByReference(infos.length);
        error = Win32RestartManager.INSTANCE.RmGetList(session.getValue(), procInfoNeeded, procInfo, info, new LongByReference());
        if (error != 0) {
            Runner.logger().warn("Unable to get the list of processes using " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            return processes;
        for (int i = 0; i < procInfo.getValue(); i++) {
            processes.add(new Process(infos[i].Process.dwProcessId, new String(infos[i].strAppName).trim()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        ourFailed = true;
    return processes;
Example 2
Project: Java-Thread-Affinity-master  File: View source code
public BitSet getAffinity() {
    final CLibrary lib = CLibrary.INSTANCE;
    final LongByReference cpuset1 = new LongByReference(0);
    final LongByReference cpuset2 = new LongByReference(0);
    try {
        final int ret = lib.GetProcessAffinityMask(-1, cpuset1, cpuset2);
        if (ret <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("GetProcessAffinityMask(( -1 ), &(" + cpuset1 + "), &(" + cpuset2 + ") ) return " + ret);
        long[] longs = new long[1];
        longs[0] = cpuset1.getValue();
        return BitSet.valueOf(longs);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return new BitSet();
Example 3
Project: sheepit-client-master  File: View source code
public static boolean generate() {
    devices = new LinkedList<GPUDevice>();
    OS os = OS.getOS();
    String path = os.getCUDALib();
    if (path == null) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate no CUDA lib path found");
        return false;
    CUDA cudalib = null;
    try {
        cudalib = (CUDA) Native.loadLibrary(path, CUDA.class);
    } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate failed to load CUDA lib (path: " + path + ")");
        return false;
    } catch (java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate ExceptionInInitializerError " + e);
        return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate generic exception " + e);
        return false;
    int result = CUresult.CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
    result = cudalib.cuInit(0);
    if (result != CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate cuInit failed (ret: " + result + ")");
        if (result == CUresult.CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) {
            System.out.println("If you are running Linux, this error is usually due to nvidia kernel module 'nvidia_uvm' not loaded.");
            System.out.println("Relaunch the application as root or load the module.");
            System.out.println("Most of time it does fix the issue.");
        return false;
    if (result == CUresult.CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE) {
        return false;
    IntByReference count = new IntByReference();
    result = cudalib.cuDeviceGetCount(count);
    if (result != CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        System.out.println("GPU::generate cuDeviceGetCount failed (ret: " + CUresult.stringFor(result) + ")");
        return false;
    for (int num = 0; num < count.getValue(); num++) {
        byte name[] = new byte[256];
        result = cudalib.cuDeviceGetName(name, 256, num);
        if (result != CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS) {
            System.out.println("GPU::generate cuDeviceGetName failed (ret: " + CUresult.stringFor(result) + ")");
        LongByReference ram = new LongByReference();
        try {
            result = cudalib.cuDeviceTotalMem_v2(ram, num);
        } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
            result = cudalib.cuDeviceTotalMem(ram, num);
        if (result != CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS) {
            System.out.println("GPU::generate cuDeviceTotalMem failed (ret: " + CUresult.stringFor(result) + ")");
            return false;
        devices.add(new GPUDevice(new String(name).trim(), ram.getValue(), "CUDA_" + Integer.toString(num)));
    return true;
Example 4
Project: floe2-master  File: View source code
     * Returns the affinity mask using JNA call to the clibrary.
     * @param pid pid of the process to get the affinity mask. 0 implies,
     *            current thread/process.
     * @return the affinity mask.
public long getAffinity(final int pid) {
    final CLibrary lib = CLibrary.INSTANCE;
    //TODO: for systems with 64+ cores...
    final LongByReference cpuset = new LongByReference(0L);
    try {
        final int ret = lib.sched_getaffinity(pid, Long.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE, cpuset);
        if (ret < 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("sched_getaffinity((" + Long.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE + ") , &(" + cpuset + ") ) return " + ret);
        return cpuset.getValue();
    } catch (LastErrorException e) {
        if (e.getErrorCode() != MASK_ERROR) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("sched_getaffinity((" + Long.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE + ") , &(" + cpuset + ") ) errorNo=" + e.getErrorCode(), e);
    final IntByReference cpuset32 = new IntByReference(0);
    try {
        final int ret = lib.sched_getaffinity(pid, Integer.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE, cpuset32);
        if (ret < 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("sched_getaffinity((" + Integer.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE + ") , &(" + cpuset32 + ") ) return " + ret);
        return cpuset32.getValue() & LONG_MASK;
    } catch (LastErrorException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("sched_getaffinity((" + Integer.SIZE / BYTE_SIZE + ") , &(" + cpuset32 + ") ) errorNo=" + e.getErrorCode(), e);
Example 5
Project: gst1-java-core-master  File: View source code
public void getLatency(long[] minmax) {
    LongByReference minRef = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference maxRef = new LongByReference();
    gst().gst_app_src_get_latency(this, minRef, minRef);
    if ((minmax == null) || (minmax.length != 2))
        minmax = new long[2];
    minmax[0] = minRef.getValue();
    minmax[1] = maxRef.getValue();
Example 6
Project: gstreamer-java-master  File: View source code
public void getLatency(long[] minmax) {
    LongByReference minRef = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference maxRef = new LongByReference();
    gst().gst_app_src_get_latency(this, minRef, minRef);
    if ((minmax == null) || (minmax.length != 2))
        minmax = new long[2];
    minmax[0] = minRef.getValue();
    minmax[1] = maxRef.getValue();
Example 7
Project: gstreamer1.x-java-master  File: View source code
public void getLatency(long[] minmax) {
    LongByReference minRef = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference maxRef = new LongByReference();
    gst().gst_app_src_get_latency(this, minRef, minRef);
    if ((minmax == null) || (minmax.length != 2))
        minmax = new long[2];
    minmax[0] = minRef.getValue();
    minmax[1] = maxRef.getValue();
Example 8
Project: jhllib-master  File: View source code
public long itemGetSizeOnDiskEx(DirectoryItem item) {
    LongByReference temp = new LongByReference();
    boolean success = lib.itemGetSizeOnDiskEx(item, temp);
    if (success) {
        return temp.getValue();
    } else {
        logger.error("Failed getting size-on-disk for DirectoryItem: {} ", this.itemGetPath(item));
        return -1;
Example 9
Project: jna-master  File: View source code
private void testAlignStruct(int index) {
    AlignmentTest lib = Native.loadLibrary("testlib", AlignmentTest.class);
    try {
        IntByReference offset = new IntByReference();
        LongByReference value = new LongByReference();
        Class<?> cls = Class.forName(getClass().getName() + "$TestStructure" + index);
        Structure s = (Structure) cls.newInstance();
        int result = lib.testStructureAlignment(s, index, offset, value);
        assertEquals("Wrong native value at field " + result + "=0x" + Long.toHexString(value.getValue()) + " (actual native field offset=" + offset.getValue() + ") in " + s, -2, result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Error(e);
Example 10
Project: ps3mediaserver-master  File: View source code
/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
public String getDiskLabel(File f) {
    String driveName;
    try {
        driveName = f.getCanonicalPath().substring(0, 2) + "\\";
        char[] lpRootPathName_chars = new char[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            lpRootPathName_chars[i] = driveName.charAt(i);
        lpRootPathName_chars[3] = '\0';
        int nVolumeNameSize = 256;
        CharBuffer lpVolumeNameBuffer_char = CharBuffer.allocate(nVolumeNameSize);
        LongByReference lpVolumeSerialNumber = new LongByReference();
        LongByReference lpMaximumComponentLength = new LongByReference();
        LongByReference lpFileSystemFlags = new LongByReference();
        int nFileSystemNameSize = 256;
        CharBuffer lpFileSystemNameBuffer_char = CharBuffer.allocate(nFileSystemNameSize);
        boolean result2 = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetVolumeInformationW(lpRootPathName_chars, lpVolumeNameBuffer_char, nVolumeNameSize, lpVolumeSerialNumber, lpMaximumComponentLength, lpFileSystemFlags, lpFileSystemNameBuffer_char, nFileSystemNameSize);
        if (!result2) {
            return null;
        String diskLabel = charString2String(lpVolumeNameBuffer_char);
        return diskLabel;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
Example 11
Project: che-master  File: View source code
public void run() {
    final String cf = containerCgroup + "cgroup.event_control";
    final String oomf = containerCgroup + "memory.oom_control";
    int efd = -1;
    int oomfd = -1;
    try {
        if ((efd = cLib.eventfd(0, 1)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable create a file descriptor for event notification");
        int cfd;
        if ((cfd =, CLibrary.O_WRONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open event control file '{}' for write", cf);
        if ((oomfd =, CLibrary.O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open OOM event file '{}' for read", oomf);
        final byte[] data = String.format("%d %d", efd, oomfd).getBytes();
        if (cLib.write(cfd, data, data.length) != data.length) {
            LOG.error("Unable write event control data to file '{}'", cf);
        if (cLib.close(cfd) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Error closing of event control file '{}'", cf);
        final LongByReference eventHolder = new LongByReference();
        if (cLib.eventfd_read(efd, eventHolder) == 0) {
            if (stopped) {
            LOG.warn("OOM event received for container '{}'", container);
            if (readCgroupValue("memory.failcnt") > 0) {
                try {
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] The processes in this machine need more RAM. This machine started with " + Size.toHumanSize(memory)));
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] Create a new machine configuration that allocates additional RAM or increase" + " the workspace RAM limit in the user dashboard."));
                } catch (/*IOException*/
                Exception e) {
                    LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!stopped) {
Example 12
Project: che-plugins-master  File: View source code
public void run() {
    final String cf = containerCgroup + "cgroup.event_control";
    final String oomf = containerCgroup + "memory.oom_control";
    int efd = -1;
    int oomfd = -1;
    try {
        if ((efd = cLib.eventfd(0, 1)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable create a file descriptor for event notification");
        int cfd;
        if ((cfd =, CLibrary.O_WRONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open event control file '{}' for write", cf);
        if ((oomfd =, CLibrary.O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open OOM event file '{}' for read", oomf);
        final byte[] data = String.format("%d %d", efd, oomfd).getBytes();
        if (cLib.write(cfd, data, data.length) != data.length) {
            LOG.error("Unable write event control data to file '{}'", cf);
        if (cLib.close(cfd) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Error closing of event control file '{}'", cf);
        final LongByReference eventHolder = new LongByReference();
        if (cLib.eventfd_read(efd, eventHolder) == 0) {
            if (stopped) {
            LOG.warn("OOM event received for container '{}'", container);
            if (readCgroupValue("memory.failcnt") > 0) {
                try {
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] The processes in this machine need more RAM. This machine started with " + Size.toHumanSize(memory)));
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] Create a new machine configuration that allocates additional RAM or increase" + " the workspace RAM limit in the user dashboard."));
                } catch (/*IOException*/
                Exception e) {
                    LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!stopped) {
Example 13
Project: DevTools-master  File: View source code
public void run() {
    final String cf = containerCgroup + "cgroup.event_control";
    final String oomf = containerCgroup + "memory.oom_control";
    int efd = -1;
    int oomfd = -1;
    try {
        if ((efd = cLib.eventfd(0, 1)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable create a file descriptor for event notification");
        int cfd;
        if ((cfd =, CLibrary.O_WRONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open event control file '{}' for write", cf);
        if ((oomfd =, CLibrary.O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Unable open OOM event file '{}' for read", oomf);
        final byte[] data = String.format("%d %d", efd, oomfd).getBytes();
        if (cLib.write(cfd, data, data.length) != data.length) {
            LOG.error("Unable write event control data to file '{}'", cf);
        if (cLib.close(cfd) == -1) {
            LOG.error("Error closing of event control file '{}'", cf);
        final LongByReference eventHolder = new LongByReference();
        if (cLib.eventfd_read(efd, eventHolder) == 0) {
            if (stopped) {
            LOG.warn("OOM event received for container '{}'", container);
            if (readCgroupValue("memory.failcnt") > 0) {
                try {
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] The processes in this machine need more RAM. This machine started with " + Size.toHumanSize(memory)));
                    containerLogProcessor.process(new LogMessage(LogMessage.Type.DOCKER, "[ERROR] Create a new machine configuration that allocates additional RAM or increase" + " the workspace RAM limit in the user dashboard."));
                } catch (/*IOException*/
                Exception e) {
                    LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!stopped) {
Example 14
Project: oshi-master  File: View source code
     * Enumerate the results of a WMI query. This method is called while results
     * are still being retrieved and may iterate in the forward direction only.
     * @param values
     *            A map to hold the results of the query using the property as
     *            the key, and placing each enumerated result in a
     *            (common-index) list for each property
     * @param enumerator
     *            The enumerator with the results
     * @param properties
     *            Comma-delimited list of properties to retrieve
     * @param propertyTypes
     *            An array of property types matching the properties or a single
     *            property type which will be used for all properties
     * @param svc
     *            The WbemServices object
private static void enumerateProperties(Map<String, List<Object>> values, EnumWbemClassObject enumerator, String[] properties, ValueType[] propertyTypes, WbemServices svc) {
    if (propertyTypes.length > 1 && properties.length != propertyTypes.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property type array size must be 1 or equal to properties array size.");
    // Step 7: -------------------------------------------------
    // Get the data from the query in step 6 -------------------
    PointerByReference pclsObj = new PointerByReference();
    LongByReference uReturn = new LongByReference(0L);
    while (enumerator.getPointer() != Pointer.NULL) {
        HRESULT hres = enumerator.Next(new NativeLong(EnumWbemClassObject.WBEM_INFINITE), new NativeLong(1), pclsObj, uReturn);
        // Requested 1; if 0 objects returned, we're done
        if (0L == uReturn.getValue() || COMUtils.FAILED(hres)) {
            // release it here.
        VARIANT.ByReference vtProp = new VARIANT.ByReference();
        // Get the value of the properties
        WbemClassObject clsObj = new WbemClassObject(pclsObj.getValue());
        for (int p = 0; p < properties.length; p++) {
            String property = properties[p];
            hres = clsObj.Get(new BSTR(property), new NativeLong(0L), vtProp, null, null);
            ValueType propertyType = propertyTypes.length > 1 ? propertyTypes[p] : propertyTypes[0];
            switch(propertyType) {
                case STRING:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? "unknown" : vtProp.stringValue());
                // uint16 == VT_I4, a 32-bit number
                case UINT16:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0L : vtProp.intValue());
                // WMI Uint32s will return as longs
                case UINT32:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0L : vtProp.longValue());
                // letting this method do the parsing
                case UINT64:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0L : ParseUtil.parseLongOrDefault(vtProp.stringValue(), 0L));
                case FLOAT:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0f : vtProp.floatValue());
                case DATETIME:
                    // Read a string in format 20160513072950.782000-420 and
                    // parse to a long representing ms since eopch
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0L : ParseUtil.cimDateTimeToMillis(vtProp.stringValue()));
                case BOOLEAN:
                    values.get(property).add(vtProp.getValue() == null ? 0L : vtProp.booleanValue());
                case PROCESS_GETOWNER:
                    // Win32_Process object GetOwner method
                    String owner = FormatUtil.join("\\", execMethod(svc, vtProp.stringValue(), "GetOwner", "Domain", "User"));
                    values.get("\\".equals(owner) ? "N/A" : owner);
                case PROCESS_GETOWNERSID:
                    // Win32_Process object GetOwnerSid method
                    String[] ownerSid = execMethod(svc, vtProp.stringValue(), "GetOwnerSid", "Sid");
                    values.get( < 1 ? "" : ownerSid[0]);
                    // added something to the enum without adding it here. Tsk.
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unimplemented enum type: " + propertyType.toString());
Example 15
Project: Tank-master  File: View source code
public static ProxySettings getProxySettings() {
    if (available != null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialise JNA libraries", available);
    options[0].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS;
    options[1].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER;
    options[2].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS;
    options[3].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL;
    options[4].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTODISCOVERY_FLAGS;
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) options[i].write();
    list.dwOptionCount = options.length;
    list.dwOptionError = 0;
    list.pOptions = options[0].getPointer();
    list.dwSize = list.size();
    LongByReference size = new LongByReference(list.size());
    boolean result = wininet.InternetQueryOptionA(null, WinInet.INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION, list.getPointer(), size);
    if (!result) {
        System.out.println("Error: " + kernel32.GetLastError());
        System.out.println("Option error: " + list.dwOptionError);
        return null;
    } else {
        ProxySettings settings = new ProxySettings();;
        for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            switch(options[i].dwOption) {
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS:
                    settings.flags = getInt(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER:
                    settings.proxyServer = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS:
                    settings.proxyBypass = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL:
                    settings.autoConfigUrl = getString(options[i]);
                    settings.autoDiscoveryFlags = getInt(options[i]);
        return settings;
Example 16
Project: UniversalMediaServer-master  File: View source code
/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
public String getDiskLabel(File f) {
    String driveName;
    try {
        driveName = f.getCanonicalPath().substring(0, 2) + "\\";
        char[] lpRootPathName_chars = new char[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            lpRootPathName_chars[i] = driveName.charAt(i);
        lpRootPathName_chars[3] = '\0';
        int nVolumeNameSize = 256;
        CharBuffer lpVolumeNameBuffer_char = CharBuffer.allocate(nVolumeNameSize);
        LongByReference lpVolumeSerialNumber = new LongByReference();
        LongByReference lpMaximumComponentLength = new LongByReference();
        LongByReference lpFileSystemFlags = new LongByReference();
        int nFileSystemNameSize = 256;
        CharBuffer lpFileSystemNameBuffer_char = CharBuffer.allocate(nFileSystemNameSize);
        boolean result2 = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetVolumeInformationW(lpRootPathName_chars, lpVolumeNameBuffer_char, nVolumeNameSize, lpVolumeSerialNumber, lpMaximumComponentLength, lpFileSystemFlags, lpFileSystemNameBuffer_char, nFileSystemNameSize);
        if (!result2) {
            return null;
        String diskLabel = charString2String(lpVolumeNameBuffer_char);
        return diskLabel;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
Example 17
Project: basic-algorithm-operations-master  File: View source code
	 * Invokes WinInet.InternetQueryOptionA to obtain Windows Proxy Settings
	 * @return a {@link ProxySettings} object containing the extracted values
	 * @throws LastErrorException
	 *             if there is an error retrieving the settings
public static ProxySettings getProxySettings() throws LastErrorException {
    if (available != null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialise JNA libraries", available);
    INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION[] options = (INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION[]) optRef.toArray(5);
    options[0].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS;
    options[1].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER;
    options[2].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS;
    options[3].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL;
    options[4].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTODISCOVERY_FLAGS;
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) options[i].write();
    list.dwOptionCount = options.length;
    list.dwOptionError = 0;
    list.pOptions = optRef;
    list.dwSize = list.size();
    LongByReference size = new LongByReference(list.size());
    boolean result = wininet.InternetQueryOptionA(null, WinInet.INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION, list.getPointer(), size);
    if (!result) {
        System.out.println("Error: " + Native.getLastError());
        System.out.println("Option error: " + list.dwOptionError);
        return null;
    } else {
        ProxySettings settings = new ProxySettings();;
        for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            switch(options[i].dwOption) {
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS:
                    settings.flags = getInt(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER:
                    settings.proxyServer = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS:
                    settings.proxyBypass = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL:
                    settings.autoConfigUrl = getString(options[i]);
                    settings.autoDiscoveryFlags = getInt(options[i]);
        return settings;
Example 18
Project: jmonkeyengine-master  File: View source code
public boolean initialize() {
    logger.config("Initializing OpenVR system...");
    hmdErrorStore = new IntByReference();
    vrsystemFunctions = null;
    JOpenVRLibrary.VR_InitInternal(hmdErrorStore, JOpenVRLibrary.EVRApplicationType.EVRApplicationType_VRApplication_Scene);
    if (hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0) {
        vrsystemFunctions = new VR_IVRSystem_FnTable(JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetGenericInterface(JOpenVRLibrary.IVRSystem_Version, hmdErrorStore).getPointer());
    if (vrsystemFunctions == null || hmdErrorStore.getValue() != 0) {
        logger.severe("OpenVR Initialize Result: " + JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(hmdErrorStore.getValue()).getString(0));
        logger.severe("Initializing OpenVR system [FAILED]");
        return false;
    } else {
        logger.config("OpenVR initialized & VR connected.");
        tlastVsync = new FloatByReference();
        _tframeCount = new LongByReference();
        hmdDisplayFrequency = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
        hmdDisplayFrequency.put((int) JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float);
        hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference = new TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference();
        hmdTrackedDevicePoses = (TrackedDevicePose_t[]) hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference.toArray(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount);
        poseMatrices = new Matrix4f[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < poseMatrices.length; i++) poseMatrices[i] = new Matrix4f();
        timePerFrame = 1.0 / hmdDisplayFrequency.get(0);
        // disable all this stuff which kills performance
        for (int i = 0; i < JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++) {
        // init controllers for the first time
        VRinput = new OpenVRInput(environment);
        // init bounds & chaperone info
        logger.config("Initializing OpenVR system [SUCCESS]");
        initSuccess = true;
        return true;
Example 19
Project: OWASP-Proxy-master  File: View source code
	 * Invokes WinInet.InternetQueryOptionA to obtain Windows Proxy Settings
	 * @return a {@link ProxySettings} object containing the extracted values
	 * @throws LastErrorException
	 *             if there is an error retrieving the settings
public static ProxySettings getProxySettings() throws LastErrorException {
    if (available != null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialise JNA libraries", available);
    INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION[] options = (INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION[]) optRef.toArray(5);
    options[0].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS;
    options[1].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER;
    options[2].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS;
    options[3].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL;
    options[4].dwOption = WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTODISCOVERY_FLAGS;
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) options[i].write();
    list.dwOptionCount = options.length;
    list.dwOptionError = 0;
    list.pOptions = optRef;
    list.dwSize = list.size();
    LongByReference size = new LongByReference(list.size());
    boolean result = wininet.InternetQueryOptionA(null, WinInet.INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION, list.getPointer(), size);
    if (!result) {
        System.out.println("Error: " + Native.getLastError());
        System.out.println("Option error: " + list.dwOptionError);
        return null;
    } else {
        ProxySettings settings = new ProxySettings();;
        for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            switch(options[i].dwOption) {
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS:
                    settings.flags = getInt(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER:
                    settings.proxyServer = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS:
                    settings.proxyBypass = getString(options[i]);
                case WinInet.INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL:
                    settings.autoConfigUrl = getString(options[i]);
                    settings.autoDiscoveryFlags = getInt(options[i]);
        return settings;
Example 20
Project: muCommander-master  File: View source code
     * Uses platform dependent functions to retrieve the total and free space on the volume where this file resides.
     * @return a {totalSpace, freeSpace} long array, both values can be <code>null</code> if the information could not
     * be retrieved.
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
protected long[] getNativeVolumeInfo() throws IOException {
    BufferedReader br = null;
    String absPath = getAbsolutePath();
    long dfInfo[] = new long[] { -1, -1 };
    try {
        // OS is Windows
        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
            // Use the Kernel32 DLL if it is available
            if (Kernel32.isAvailable()) {
                // Retrieves the total and free space information using the GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function of the
                // Kernel32 API.
                LongByReference totalSpaceLBR = new LongByReference();
                LongByReference freeSpaceLBR = new LongByReference();
                if (Kernel32.getInstance().GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(absPath, null, totalSpaceLBR, freeSpaceLBR)) {
                    dfInfo[0] = totalSpaceLBR.getValue();
                    dfInfo[1] = freeSpaceLBR.getValue();
                } else {
                    LOGGER.warn("Call to GetDiskFreeSpaceEx failed, absPath={}", absPath);
            } else // appear briefly every time this method is called (See ticket #63).
            if (OsVersion.WINDOWS_NT.isCurrentOrHigher()) {
                // 'dir' command returns free space on the last line
                Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec((OsVersion.getCurrent().compareTo(OsVersion.WINDOWS_NT) >= 0 ? "cmd /c" : " /c") + " dir \"" + absPath + "\"");
                // Check that the process was correctly started
                if (process != null) {
                    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
                    String line;
                    String lastLine = null;
                    // Retrieves last line of dir
                    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                        if (!line.trim().equals(""))
                            lastLine = line;
                    // 6 Rep(s)  14 767 521 792 octets libres
                    if (lastLine != null) {
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(lastLine, " \t\n\r\f,.");
                        // Discard first token
                        // Concatenates as many contiguous groups of numbers
                        String token;
                        String freeSpace = "";
                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                            token = st.nextToken();
                            char c = token.charAt(0);
                            if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                                freeSpace += token;
                            else if (!freeSpace.equals(""))
                        dfInfo[1] = Long.parseLong(freeSpace);
        } else if (OsFamily.getCurrent().isUnixBased()) {
            // Parses the output of 'df -P -k "filePath"' command on UNIX-based systems to retrieve free and total space information
            // 'df -P -k' returns totals in block of 1K = 1024 bytes, -P uses the POSIX output format, ensures that line won't break
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "df", "-P", "-k", absPath }, null, file);
            // Check that the process was correctly started
            if (process != null) {
                br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
                // Discard the first line ("Filesystem   1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on");
                String line = br.readLine();
                // Sample lines:
                // /dev/disk0s2            116538416 109846712  6179704    95%    /
                // automount -fstab [202]          0         0        0   100%    /automount/Servers
                // /dev/disk2s2                 2520      1548      972    61%    /Volumes/muCommander 0.8
                // We're interested in the '1K-blocks' and 'Avail' fields (only).
                // The 'Filesystem' and 'Mounted On' fields can contain spaces (e.g. 'automount -fstab [202]' and
                // '/Volumes/muCommander 0.8' resp.) and therefore be made of several tokens. A stable way to
                // determine the position of the fields we're interested in is to look for the last token that
                // starts with a '/' character which should necessarily correspond to the first token of the
                // 'Mounted on' field. The '1K-blocks' and 'Avail' fields are 4 and 2 tokens away from it
                // respectively.
                // Start by tokenizing the whole line
                Vector<String> tokenV = new Vector<String>();
                if (line != null) {
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
                    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) tokenV.add(st.nextToken());
                int nbTokens = tokenV.size();
                if (nbTokens < 6) {
                    // This shouldn't normally happen
                    LOGGER.warn("Failed to parse output of df -k {} line={}", absPath, line);
                    return dfInfo;
                // Find the last token starting with '/'
                int pos = nbTokens - 1;
                while (!tokenV.elementAt(pos).startsWith("/")) {
                    if (pos == 0) {
                        // This shouldn't normally happen
                        LOGGER.warn("Failed to parse output of df -k {} line={}", absPath, line);
                        return dfInfo;
                // '1-blocks' field (total space)
                dfInfo[0] = Long.parseLong(tokenV.elementAt(pos - 4)) * 1024;
                // 'Avail' field (free space)
                dfInfo[1] = Long.parseLong(tokenV.elementAt(pos - 2)) * 1024;
        //                // Retrieves the total and free space information using the POSIX statvfs function
        //                POSIX.STATVFSSTRUCT struct = new POSIX.STATVFSSTRUCT();
        //                if(POSIX.INSTANCE.statvfs(absPath, struct)==0) {
        //                    dfInfo[0] = struct.f_blocks * (long)struct.f_frsize;
        //                    dfInfo[1] = struct.f_bfree * (long)struct.f_frsize;
        //                }
    } finally {
        if (br != null)
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
    return dfInfo;
Example 21
Project: Couverjure-master  File: View source code
private void testAlignStruct(int index) {
    AlignmentTest lib = (AlignmentTest) Native.loadLibrary("testlib", AlignmentTest.class);
    try {
        IntByReference offset = new IntByReference();
        LongByReference value = new LongByReference();
        Class cls = Class.forName(getClass().getName() + "$TestStructure" + index);
        Structure s = (Structure) cls.newInstance();
        int result = lib.testStructureAlignment(s, index, offset, value);
        assertEquals("Wrong native value at field " + result + "=0x" + Long.toHexString(value.getValue()) + " (actual native field offset=" + offset.getValue() + ") in " + s, -2, result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Error(e);
Example 22
Project: jna-mirror-master  File: View source code
private void testAlignStruct(int index) {
    AlignmentTest lib = (AlignmentTest) Native.loadLibrary("testlib", AlignmentTest.class);
    try {
        IntByReference offset = new IntByReference();
        LongByReference value = new LongByReference();
        Class cls = Class.forName(getClass().getName() + "$TestStructure" + index);
        Structure s = (Structure) cls.newInstance();
        int result = lib.testStructureAlignment(s, index, offset, value);
        assertEquals("Wrong native value at field " + result + "=0x" + Long.toHexString(value.getValue()) + " (actual native field offset=" + offset.getValue() + ") in " + s, -2, result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Error(e);
Example 23
Project: JNAerator-master  File: View source code
public void initTypes() {
    result.prim("void", JavaPrim.Void);
    result.prim("VOID", JavaPrim.Void);
    result.prim("UTF32Char", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("unichar", JavaPrim.Char);
    result.prim("int64_t", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("uint64_t", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("u_int64_t", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("long long", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("long long int", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("long int", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("LONGLONG", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("ULONGLONG", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("INT", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("UINT", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("SHORT", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("USHORT", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("CHAR", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("byte", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("BYTE", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("UBYTE", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("DOUBLE", JavaPrim.Double);
    result.prim("FLOAT", JavaPrim.Float);
    result.prim("WORD", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("DWORD", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("DWORD64", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("LONG64", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("UInt64", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("SInt64", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("__int64", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("__int64_t", JavaPrim.Long);
    result.prim("int32_t", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("uint32_t", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("__int32_t", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("__uint32_t", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("u_int32_t", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("uint32", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("int32", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("int", JavaPrim.Int);
    //prim("NSUInteger", JavaPrim.NativeSize);
    //prim("NSInteger", JavaPrim.NativeSize);
    result.prim("SInt32", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("UInt32", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("GLint", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("GLuint", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("GLenum", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("GLsizei", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("__int32", JavaPrim.Int);
    result.prim("NSInteger", JavaPrim.NSInteger);
    result.prim("NSUInteger", JavaPrim.NSUInteger);
    result.prim("CGFloat", JavaPrim.CGFloat);
    JavaPrim longPrim = result.config.gccLong ? JavaPrim.NativeSize : JavaPrim.NativeLong;
    result.prim("long", longPrim);
    result.prim("LONG", longPrim);
    result.prim("ULONG", longPrim);
    result.prim("time_t", JavaPrim.NativeTime);
    JavaPrim sizePrim = result.config.sizeAsLong ? longPrim : JavaPrim.NativeSize;
    result.prim("size_t", sizePrim);
    result.prim("ptrdiff_t", sizePrim);
    result.prim("__darwin_size_t", JavaPrim.NativeSize);
    result.prim("complex double", JavaPrim.ComplexDouble);
    result.prim("int16_t", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("uint16_t", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("__int16_t", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("__uint16_t", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("u_int16_t", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("uint16", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("int16", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("SInt16", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("UInt16", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("short", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("WCHAR", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("wchar_t", result.config.wcharAsShort ? JavaPrim.Short : JavaPrim.Char);
    result.prim("__int16", JavaPrim.Short);
    result.prim("int8_t", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("uint8_t", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("u_int8_t", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("__uint8_t", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("__int8_t", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("SInt8", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("UInt8", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("char", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("unsigned char", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("__unsigned char", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("signed char", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("__signed char", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("SignedByte", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("__int8", JavaPrim.Byte);
    result.prim("float", JavaPrim.Float);
    result.prim("NSFloat", JavaPrim.Float);
    result.prim("CGFloat", JavaPrim.Float);
    result.prim("double_t", JavaPrim.Double);
    result.prim("double", JavaPrim.Double);
    result.prim("NSDouble", JavaPrim.Double);
    result.prim("CGDouble", JavaPrim.Double);
    JavaPrim cppBoolType = getCppBoolMappingType();
    result.prim("bool", cppBoolType);
    result.prim("Boolean", cppBoolType);
    result.prim("boolean_t", cppBoolType);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Int, IntByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Char, (Class) CharByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Short, ShortByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Byte, ByteByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Long, LongByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Float, FloatByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.Double, DoubleByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.NativeLong, NativeLongByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.NativeSize, (Class) NativeSizeByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.NSInteger, (Class) NativeSizeByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.NSUInteger, (Class) NativeSizeByReference.class);
    primToByReference.put(JavaPrim.CGFloat, CGFloatByReference.class);
    //primsByReference.put(JavaPrim.Void, PointerByReference.class);
    for (Class<?> c : primToByReference.values()) {
    //		byReferenceClassesNames.add(PointerByReference.class.getName());
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Int, GlobalInt.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Char, GlobalChar.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Short, GlobalShort.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Byte, GlobalByte.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Long, GlobalLong.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Float, GlobalFloat.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.Double, GlobalDouble.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.NativeLong, GlobalNativeLong.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.NativeSize, GlobalNativeSize.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.NSInteger, GlobalNativeSize.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.NSUInteger, GlobalNativeSize.class);
    primToGlobal.put(JavaPrim.CGFloat, GlobalCGFloat.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Int, IntBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Char, CharBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Short, ShortBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Byte, ByteBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Long, LongBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Float, FloatBuffer.class);
    primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.Double, DoubleBuffer.class);
    //primToBuffer.put(JavaPrim.NativeLong, NativeLongByReference.class);
    TypeRef pInt = new TypeRef.Pointer(new Primitive("int"), Declarator.PointerStyle.Pointer);
    result.addManualTypeDef("intptr_t", pInt);
    result.addManualTypeDef("uintptr_t", pInt);
// TODO: Add a windows failsafe mode that defines all the typedefs needed:
//        TypeRef pVoid = new TypeRef.Pointer(new Primitive("void"), Declarator.PointerStyle.Pointer);
//        result.addManualTypeDef("PVOID", pVoid);
//        result.addManualTypeDef("LPVOID", pVoid);
//        result.addManualTypeDef("LPCVOID", pVoid);
Example 24
Project: yajsw-master  File: View source code
	 * Gets the total cpu.
	 * @return the total cpu
public long getTotalCPU() {
    long result = -1;
    if (!isRunning())
        return -1;
    LongByReference lpCreationTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpExitTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpKernelTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpUserTime = new LongByReference();
    if (MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessTimes(_processInformation.hProcess, lpCreationTime, lpExitTime, lpKernelTime, lpUserTime))
        result = lpUserTime.getValue() + lpKernelTime.getValue();
    return result;
Example 25
Project: yajsw-maven-master  File: View source code
	 * Gets the total cpu.
	 * @return the total cpu
public long getTotalCPU() {
    long result = -1;
    if (!isRunning())
        return -1;
    LongByReference lpCreationTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpExitTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpKernelTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpUserTime = new LongByReference();
    if (MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessTimes(_processInformation.hProcess, lpCreationTime, lpExitTime, lpKernelTime, lpUserTime))
        result = lpUserTime.getValue() + lpKernelTime.getValue();
    return result;
Example 26
Project: yajsw-maven-mk2-master  File: View source code
	 * Gets the total cpu.
	 * @return the total cpu
public long getTotalCPU() {
    long result = -1;
    if (!isRunning())
        return -1;
    LongByReference lpCreationTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpExitTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpKernelTime = new LongByReference();
    LongByReference lpUserTime = new LongByReference();
    if (MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessTimes(_processInformation.hProcess, lpCreationTime, lpExitTime, lpKernelTime, lpUserTime))
        result = lpUserTime.getValue() + lpKernelTime.getValue();
    return result;
Example 27
Project: java-uia-bridge-master  File: View source code
public int getChildCount() {
    /*LongByReference lng = new LongByReference();
        return lng.getValue();*/
    Variant v = Dispatch.get(dispatch, "accChildCount");
    return v.getInt();
Example 28
Project: vlcj-master  File: View source code
public int open(Pointer opaque, PointerByReference datap, LongByReference sizep) {
    return onOpen() ? SUCCESS : ERROR;
Example 29
Project: vlove-master  File: View source code
     * Get the version of a connection.
     * @see <a
     *      href="">Libvirt
     *      Documentation</a>
     * @param conn
     *            the connection to use.
     * @return -1 in case of failure, versions have the format major * 1,000,000
     *         + minor * 1,000 + release.
public static long connectionVersion(Connect conn) {
    LongByReference libVer = new LongByReference();
    int result = Libvirt.INSTANCE.virConnectGetLibVersion(conn.VCP, libVer);
    return result != -1 ? libVer.getValue() : -1;