package zinara.code_generator; import zinara.ast.*; import zinara.ast.instructions.*; import zinara.ast.expression.*; import zinara.exceptions.InvalidArchitectureException; import zinara.exceptions.InvalidCodeException; import zinara.exceptions.TypeClashException; import zinara.parser.sym; import zinara.symtable.SymTable; import zinara.symtable.SymValue; import zinara.ast.type.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public class Genx86{ private String[] regs; private String[] dwordRegs; private String[] byteRegs; private String stackp; private String framep; private String stackAlig; //Alineamiento de la pila private String global_offset; private int n_regs; private int next_reg; private int bits; private int labelCounter = 0; private int word_size; private BufferedWriter file; private String save; private String restore; public Genx86(int bits, String fileName) throws InvalidArchitectureException, IOException{ if (bits == 64){ regs = new String[14]; dwordRegs = new String[14]; byteRegs = new String[14]; regs[0] = "rax"; regs[1] = "rbx"; regs[2] = "rcx"; regs[3] = "rdx"; regs[4] = "rsi"; regs[5] = "rdi"; regs[6] = "r8"; regs[7] = "r9"; regs[8] = "r10"; regs[9] = "r11"; regs[10] = "r12"; regs[11] = "r13"; regs[12] = "r14"; regs[13] = "r15"; dwordRegs[0] = "eax"; dwordRegs[1] = "ebx"; dwordRegs[2] = "ecx"; dwordRegs[3] = "edx"; dwordRegs[4] = "esi"; dwordRegs[5] = "edi"; dwordRegs[6] = "r8d"; dwordRegs[7] = "r9d"; dwordRegs[8] = "r10d"; dwordRegs[9] = "r11d"; dwordRegs[10] = "r12d"; dwordRegs[11] = "r13d"; dwordRegs[12] = "r14d"; dwordRegs[13] = "r15d"; byteRegs[0] = "al"; byteRegs[1] = "bl"; byteRegs[2] = "cl"; byteRegs[3] = "dl"; byteRegs[4] = "sil"; byteRegs[5] = "dil"; byteRegs[6] = "r8b"; byteRegs[7] = "r9b"; byteRegs[8] = "r10b"; byteRegs[9] = "r11b"; byteRegs[10] = "r12b"; byteRegs[11] = "r13b"; byteRegs[12] = "r14b"; byteRegs[13] = "r15b"; stackp = "rsp"; framep = "rbp"; stackAlig = "8"; n_regs = 14; word_size = 8; } else if (bits == 32){ regs = new String[6]; byteRegs = new String[6]; regs[0] = "eax"; regs[1] = "ebx"; regs[2] = "ecx"; regs[3] = "edx"; regs[4] = "esi"; regs[5] = "edi"; byteRegs[0] = "al"; byteRegs[1] = "bl"; byteRegs[2] = "cl"; byteRegs[3] = "dl"; byteRegs[4] = "sil"; byteRegs[5] = "dil"; stackp = "esp"; framep = "ebp"; stackAlig = "4"; n_regs = 6; word_size = 4; } else throw new InvalidArchitectureException(bits); global_offset = "glob"; next_reg = 0; this.bits = bits; save = null; restore = null; file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(fileName))); file.write("%include \"\"\n"); if (this.bits == 64) this.file.write("BITS 64\n"); } public void generateProgram(Program program) throws IOException,InvalidCodeException,TypeClashException { // Main program.getMain().register = 0; program.getMain().getCode().nextInst = "halt"; program.tox86(this); // Exits the program writeLabel(program.getMain().getCode().nextInst); exitSyscall(0); writeLabel("haltNI"); //negative Index exitSyscall(1); writeLabel("haltOOB");//Out Of Bounds exitSyscall(2); closeFile(); } public void generateHeader(SymTable symtable) throws IOException,InvalidCodeException { String identifier; SymValue symValue; // Espacio para variable globales Iterator keyIt = symtable.keySet().iterator(); int total_size = 0; while(keyIt.hasNext()) { identifier = (String); symValue = symtable.getSymbol(identifier); if (symValue.type.size() == 0){continue;} symValue.setArea(global_offset()); symValue.setOffset("+"+Integer.toString(total_size)); total_size += symValue.type.size(); } // Luego para variables del Main // La tabla del main siempre queda al final de la lista de tablas hijo SymTable mainSymTable = symtable.getSon(symtable.getSons().size()-1); total_size = mainSymTable.reserve_mem_main(total_size,global_offset); // .ASM HEADER // El espacio para variables, texto de las funciones // y el comienzo del texto del main se crean aca write(reserve_space_str(global_offset, total_size)); write(main_header_str()); } //Reserva tanta memoria como le pidan. data_size es la cantidad //de bytes. public String reserve_space_str(String label, int data_size){ String code = ""; code += "section .bss\n "+label+": resb "+data_size+"\n"; code += "section .rodata\n"; code += " int_format db \"%i\",0\n"; code += " float_format db \"%f\",0\n"; code += " string_format db \"%s\",0\n"; code += " write_format db \"w\",0\n"; return code; } public String main_header_str(){ return "section .text\n global main\nextern printf\nmain:\n"; } public int stack_align(){ return Integer.parseInt(this.stackAlig); } public String newLabel() { return "zn" + labelCounter++; } public int word_size() { return word_size; } private String regId(int regNumber) { return regs[regNumber % n_regs]; } public String dwordRegId(int regNumber) { return dwordRegs[regNumber % n_regs]; } public String byteRegId(int regNumber) { return byteRegs[regNumber % n_regs]; } public String intRegName(int regNumber){ if (this.bits == 32){ return regId(regNumber); } else return dwordRegId(regNumber); } public String realRegName(int regNumber){ return regId(regNumber); } public String charRegName(int regNumber){ return byteRegId(regNumber); } public String boolRegName(int regNumber){ if (this.bits == 32){ return regId(regNumber); } else return dwordRegId(regNumber); } public String addrRegName(int regNumber){ return regId(regNumber); } public String regName(int r, Type type) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (type instanceof IntType) return intRegName(r); else if (type instanceof FloatType) return realRegName(r); else if (type instanceof BoolType) return boolRegName(r); else if (type instanceof CharType) return charRegName(r); else if ((type instanceof ListType)|| (type instanceof DictType)|| (type instanceof TupleType)|| (type instanceof VariantType)|| (type instanceof StringType)) return addrRegName(r); else throw new InvalidCodeException("No se tienen registros para el tipo "+type); } public void write(String thing) throws IOException{ file.write(thing); } public void writeLabel(String label) throws IOException { file.write(label + ":\n"); } public void closeFile() throws IOException{ file.close(); } public String stack_pointer(){ return this.stackp; } public String frame_pointer(){ return this.framep; } public String global_offset(){ return global_offset; } public String get_reg(int reg){ return regs[reg%n_regs]; } //Push public String push (String thing){ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32) return "push "+thing+"\n"; else{ code += sub("rsp",stackAlig); code += mov("[rsp]",thing); return code; } } //Push con resta arbitraria public String push (String thing, int size){ String code = ""; code += sub(this.stackp,Integer.toString(size)); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",thing); return code; } //Push de 1 byte (word) public String pushb (String thing){ String code = ""; code += sub(this.stackp,"1"); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",thing,"byte"); return code; } //Push de 32 bits (dword) public String pushw (String thing){ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32) return "push "+thing+"\n"; else{ code += sub("rsp","4"); code += mov("[rsp]",thing,"dword"); return code; } } //Push de 64 bits (quad-word) public String pushq (String thing) throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 64){ code += sub("rsp",stackAlig); code += mov("[rsp]",thing,"qword"); return code; } else{ throw new InvalidCodeException("pushq en 32 bits"); } } // Pop, la cantidad de bits es la misma //que la del destino (thing). Si nasm no //puede deducir la cantidad de bits, //va a dar error. En ese caso usar el otro pop. //(Esta funcion esta sobrecargada) public String pop (String thing){ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32) return "pop "+thing+"\n"; else{ code += mov(thing,"[rsp]"); code += add("rsp",this.stackAlig); return code; } } // Pop que especifica la cantidad de bits //que se deben mover. Si los bits son vacios //nasm deduce cuantos se deben mover, si puede. // Independiente de la arquitectura public String pop (String thing, String size_mod) throws InvalidCodeException{ String size; if (size_mod.compareTo("qword")==0){ if (this.bits != 64) throw new InvalidCodeException("pop de un qword en 32 bits"); size = "8"; } else if (size_mod.compareTo("dword")==0){ size = "4"; } else if (size_mod.compareTo("word")==0){ size = "2"; } else if (size_mod.compareTo("byte")==0){ size = "1"; } else throw new InvalidCodeException("modificador de tamano invalido"); String code = ""; code += mov(thing,"["+this.stackp+"]",size_mod); code += add(this.stackp,size); return code; } public String push(String t, Type type) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (type instanceof IntType) return pushInt(t); else if (type instanceof FloatType) return pushReal(t); else if (type instanceof BoolType) return pushInt(t); else if (type instanceof CharType) return pushChar(t); else if ((type instanceof ListType)|| (type instanceof DictType)|| (type instanceof TupleType)|| (type instanceof StringType)) return pushAddr(t); else throw new InvalidCodeException("No se tiene push para el tipo "+type); } public String pushInt (String in){ if (this.bits == 32) return push(in); else return pushw(in); } public String pushReal (String real) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (this.bits == 32) return pushFloat(real); else return pushDouble(real); } public String pushFloat (String flo){ if (this.bits == 32) return push(flo); else return pushw(flo); } public String pushDouble (String dou) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (this.bits == 64) return push(dou); else{ throw new InvalidCodeException("pushDouble en 32 bits"); } } public String pushChar (String ch){ return pushb(ch); } public String pushAddr (String addr){ return push(addr); } public String pop(String t, Type type) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (type instanceof IntType) return popInt(t); else if (type instanceof FloatType) return popReal(t); else if (type instanceof BoolType) return popInt(t); else if (type instanceof CharType) return popChar(t); else if ((type instanceof ListType)|| (type instanceof DictType)|| (type instanceof TupleType)|| (type instanceof StringType)) return popAddr(t); else throw new InvalidCodeException("No se tiene pop para el tipo "+type); } public String popInt (String in) throws InvalidCodeException{ return pop(in,"dword"); } public String popReal (String real) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (this.bits == 32) return popFloat(real); else return popDouble(real); } public String popFloat (String flo) throws InvalidCodeException{ return pop(flo,"dword"); } public String popDouble (String dou) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (this.bits == 64) return pop(dou,"qword"); else{ throw new InvalidCodeException("popDouble en 32 bits"); } } public String popChar (String ch) throws InvalidCodeException{ return pop(ch,"byte"); } public String popAddr (String addr) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (this.bits == 32) return pop(addr,"dword"); else return pop(addr,"qword"); } // Usando este mov, nasm deducira la cantidad de //bytes a mover a partir del contexto. public String mov(String dst, String orig){ return "mov "+dst+","+orig+"\n"; } // Usando este mov, se le especifica explicitamente //a nasm la cantidad de bytes (byte,word,dword o qword). private String mov(String dst, String orig, String size_mod){ return "mov "+size_mod+" "+dst+","+orig+"\n"; } public String movInt(String dst, String orig){ return mov(dst,orig,"dword"); } public String movReal(String dst, String orig){ if (this.bits == 32) return mov(dst,orig,"dword"); else return mov(dst,orig,"qword"); } public String movBool(String dst, String orig){ return mov(dst,orig,"dword"); } public String movChar(String dst, String orig){ return mov(dst,orig,"byte"); } public String movAddr(String dst, String orig){ if (this.bits == 32) return mov(dst,orig,"dword"); else return mov(dst,orig,"qword"); } public String mov(String dst, String orig, Type type) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (type instanceof IntType) return movInt(dst,orig); else if (type instanceof FloatType) return movReal(dst,orig); else if (type instanceof BoolType) return movBool(dst,orig); else if (type instanceof CharType) return movChar(dst,orig); else if ((type instanceof ListType)|| (type instanceof DictType)|| (type instanceof TupleType)|| (type instanceof StringType)) return movAddr(dst,orig); else throw new InvalidCodeException("No se tiene mov para el tipo "+type); } public String fst(String dst, String size){ return "fst "+size+" "+dst+"\n"; } public String fstp(String dst, String size){ return "fstp "+size+" "+dst+"\n"; } public String fld(String orig, String size){ return "fld "+size+" "+orig+"\n"; } public String fst(String dst){ if (this.bits == 32) return "fst dword"+dst+"\n"; else return "fst qword"+dst+"\n"; } public String fstp(String dst){ if (this.bits == 32) return "fstp dword"+dst+"\n"; else return "fstp qword"+dst+"\n"; } public String fld(String orig){ if (this.bits == 32) return "fld dword"+orig+"\n"; else return "fld qword"+orig+"\n"; } public String fist(String dst){ if (this.bits == 32) return "fist dword"+dst+"\n"; else return "fist qword"+dst+"\n"; } public String fild(String orig){ if (this.bits == 32) return "fild dword"+orig+"\n"; else return "fild qword"+orig+"\n"; } public String fxch(){ return "fxch\n"; } public String fxchR(String st){ return "fxch "+st+"\n"; } public String ffree(String st){ return "ffree "+st+"\n"; } public String fninit(){ return "fninit\n"; } //Suma de enteros public String add(String dst, String op2){ return "add "+dst+","+op2+"\n"; } //Resta de enteros public String sub(String dst, String op2){ return "sub "+dst+","+op2+"\n"; } //Multiplicacion de enteros public String imul(String dst, String op2){ return "imul "+dst+","+op2+"\n"; } //Division de enteros, el resultado queda en dividend public String idiv(String dividend, String diviser) throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; String ax = regId(0); String bx = regId(1); String dx = regId(3); code += push(ax); //Parte baja del dividendo code += push(bx); //Divisor code += push(dx); //Parte alta del dividendo //Aqui pongo los argumentos en los registros code += pushInt(dividend); code += pushInt(diviser); code += popInt("ebx"); code += popInt("eax"); code += mov(dx,"0h"); //Limpio la parte alta porque no se va a usar code += "idiv ebx\n"; code += pop(dx);//Restauro registros code += pop(bx);//Restauro registros //If en caso de que el registro donde debe quedar la division //esa el mismo eax, no lo puedo sobreescribir if (dividend.compareTo("eax") == 0) code += add(this.stackp,this.stackAlig); else{ code += mov(dividend,"eax"); code += pop(ax); } return code; } //Modulo de enteros, el resultado queda en dividend public String imod(String dividend, String diviser){ String code = ""; code += pushw("eax"); //Parte baja del dividendo code += pushw("ebx"); //Divisor code += pushw("edx"); //Parte alta del dividendo //Aqui pongo los argumentos en los registros code += pushw(dividend); code += pushw(diviser); code += pop("ebx"); code += pop("eax"); code += mov("edx","0h","dword"); //Limpio la parte alta porque no se va a usar code += "idiv ebx\n"; code += pop("edx");//Restauro registros code += pop("ebx");//Restauro registros //If en caso de que el registro donde debe quedar la division //esa el mismo eax, no lo puedo sobreescribir if (dividend.compareTo("edx") == 0) code += add(this.stackp,this.stackAlig); else{ code += mov(dividend,"edx"); code += pop("edx"); } return code; } //Suma de flotantes //Para que esto funcione dst y op2 deben ser registros public String fadd(String dst, String op2){ String code = ""; String size; if (this.bits == 32) size = "dword"; else size = "qword"; code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",dst); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",op2); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += "fadd st0,st1\n"; code += fstp("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov(dst,"["+this.stackp+"]"); code += fninit(); return code; } //Resta de flotantes public String fsub(String dst, String op2){ String code = ""; String size; if (this.bits == 32) size = "dword"; else size = "qword"; code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",dst); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",op2); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += "fsub st0,st1\n"; code += fstp("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov(dst,"["+this.stackp+"]"); code += fninit(); return code; } //Multiplicacion de flotantes public String fmul(String dst, String op2){ String code = ""; String size; if (this.bits == 32) size = "dword"; else size = "qword"; code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",dst); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",op2); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += "fmul st0,st1\n"; code += fstp("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov(dst,"["+this.stackp+"]"); code += fninit(); return code; } //Multiplicacion de flotantes public String fdiv(String dst, String op2){ String code = ""; String size; if (this.bits == 32) size = "dword"; else size = "qword"; code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",dst); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov("["+this.stackp+"]",op2); code += fld("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += "fdiv st0,st1\n"; code += fstp("["+this.stackp+"]",size); code += mov(dst,"["+this.stackp+"]"); code += fninit(); return code; } public String and(String a, String b){ return "and "+a+","+b+"\n"; } public String or(String a, String b){ return "or "+a+","+b+"\n"; } public String xor(String a, String b){ return "xor "+a+","+b+"\n"; } public String fcomi(){ return "fcomi st0, st1\n"; } public String ficom(String integer,String size){ return "ficom "+size+" "+integer+"\n"; } public String cmp(String a, String b){ return "cmp "+a+","+b+"\n"; } public String compare(String a, String b, Type at, Type bt) throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; String size; if (this.bits == 32) size = "dword"; else size = "qword"; if (at instanceof IntType){ if (bt instanceof IntType) return cmp(a,b); } else if (at instanceof FloatType){ if (bt instanceof FloatType){ code += fninit(); code += pushReal(a); code += fld("["+stackp+"]",size); code += movReal("["+stackp+"]",b); code += fld("["+stackp+"]",size); code += popReal(b); code += fcomi(); return code; } } else if ((at instanceof BoolType) && (bt instanceof BoolType)) { return cmp(a,b); //System.out.println(" -> " + a + " ; " + b); } else throw new InvalidCodeException("No se pueden comparar "+ at+ "contra "+ bt); return ""; } public String jump(String label){ return "jmp " + label + "\n"; } public String jz(String label){ return "jz "+label+"\n"; } public String jnz(String label){ return "jnz "+label+"\n"; } public String je(String label){ return "je "+label+"\n"; } public String jne(String label){ return "jne "+label+"\n"; } public String jg(String label){ return "jg "+label+"\n"; } public String jge(String label){ return "jge "+label+"\n"; } public String jl(String label){ return "jl "+label+"\n"; } public String jle(String label){ return "jle "+label+"\n"; } public String call(String label){ return "call "+label+"\n"; } public String ret(){ return "ret\n"; } public String syscall(){ if (this.bits == 32) return "int 80h\n"; else return "syscall\n"; } public String save(int reg) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (reg > n_regs) if (this.bits == 32) return pushw(regId(reg)); else return pushq(regId(reg)); else return ""; } public String restore(int reg) throws InvalidCodeException{ if (reg > n_regs) if (this.bits == 32) return pop(regId(reg),"dword"); else return pop(regId(reg),"qword"); else return ""; } public String save_print_regs() throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ code += pushw("eax");//Codigo del syscall code += pushw("ebx");//Descriptor code += pushw("ecx");//Direccion del string code += pushw("edx");//Cantidad a imprimir } else{ code += pushq("rax");//Codigo del syscall code += pushq("rdi");//Descriptor code += pushq("rsi");//Direccion del string code += pushq("rdx");//Cantidad a imprimir code += pushq("rcx");//Registro que destruye el kernel code += pushq("r11");//Registro que destruye el kernel } return code; } public String restore_print_regs(){ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ code += pop("edx"); code += pop("ecx"); code += pop("ebx"); code += pop("eax"); } else{ code += pop("r11"); code += pop("rcx"); code += pop("rdx"); code += pop("rsi"); code += pop("rdi"); code += pop("rax"); } return code; } //El llamado guarda los registros rbx y r12-r15 para x86_64 //El llamado guarda los registros eax,ecx y edx para x86 public String save_regs_callee() throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ //eax code += push(regs[0]); //ecx code += push(regs[2]); //edx code += push(regs[3]); } else{ //rbx code += push(regs[1]); //r12 - r15 for(int i=10; i<=13 ; ++i){ code += push(regs[i]); } } return code; } //El llamado guarda los registros rbx y r12-r15 para x86_64 //El llamado guarda los registros eax,ecx y edx para x86 public String restore_regs_callee() throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ //edx code += pop(regs[3]); //ecx code += pop(regs[2]); //eax code += pop(regs[0]); } else{ //r12 - r15 for(int i=13; i >= 10; --i){ code += pop(regs[i]); } //rbx code += pop(regs[1]); } return code; } /*El llamador guarda los registros rax, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi y r8-r11 para x86_64.*/ //El llamador solo guarda los registros ebx, esi y edi para x86 public String save_regs_caller(int reg) throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ //ebx if (reg > 1) code += push(regs[1]); //esi if (reg > 4) code += push(regs[4]); //edi if (reg > 5) code += push(regs[5]); } else{ //rax if (reg > 0) code += push(regs[0]); //rcx - r11 for(int i=2; i<reg && i<=9 ; ++i){ code += push(regs[i]); } } return code; } /*El llamador guarda los registros rax, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi y r8-r11 para x86_64.*/ //El llamador solo guarda los registros ebx, esi y edi para x86 public String restore_regs_caller(int reg) throws InvalidCodeException{ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ //ebx if (reg > 5) code += pop(regs[5]); //esi if (reg > 4) code += pop(regs[4]); //edi if (reg > 1) code += pop(regs[1]); } else{ //rcx - r11 for(int i=min(9,reg); i >= 2; --i){ code += pop(regs[i]); } //rax if (reg > 0) code += pop(regs[0]); } return code; } //El addr, si es un label, debe venir sin corchetes public String setup_print(String addr, String desc, String bytes){ String code = ""; if (this.bits == 32){ code += mov("eax","4"); //Codigo de sys_write 32 bits code += mov("ebx",desc); //Descriptor a donde escribir (1=stdout) code += mov("ecx",addr); //Direccion donde comienza el valor a imprimir code += mov("edx",bytes); //Cantidad de bytes que se van a imprimir } else{ code += mov("rax","1"); //Codigo de sys_write 64 bits code += mov("rdi",desc); //Descriptor a donde escribir (1=stdout) code += mov("rsi",addr); //Direccion donde comienza el valor a imprimir code += mov("rdx",bytes); //Cantidad de bytes que se van a imprimir } return code; } public void exitSyscall(int exit_code) throws IOException { String code = "\n"; String e_code = Integer.toString(exit_code); if (this.bits == 64){ code += mov("rax","60"); code += mov("rdi",e_code); } else{ code += mov("eax","1"); code += mov("ebx",e_code); } code += syscall(); write(code); } public String toASCII(char C){ return DataTranslator.toASCII(C); } public String toReal(double F){ if (bits == 32) return DataTranslator.toReal((float)F); else return DataTranslator.toReal(F); } public String toReal(float F){ return DataTranslator.toReal(F); } public int min(int a,int b){ if (a>b) return b; else return a; } }