/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package com.xpn.xwiki.doc; import java.util.Date; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version; import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiConfig; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException; import com.xpn.xwiki.test.AbstractBridgedXWikiComponentTestCase; import com.xpn.xwiki.user.api.XWikiRightService; /** * Unit tests for {@link XWikiDocumentArchive}. * * @version $Id: 7cb0ae11dff0005b2bc4bc63fdbb560b713544eb $ */ public class XWikiDocumentArchiveTest extends AbstractBridgedXWikiComponentTestCase { private XWikiContext context; private Mock mockXWiki; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.mockXWiki = mock(XWiki.class); this.mockXWiki.stubs().method("getEncoding").will(returnValue("iso-8859-1")); this.mockXWiki.stubs().method("getConfig").will(returnValue(new XWikiConfig())); this.context = new XWikiContext(); this.context.setWiki((XWiki) this.mockXWiki.proxy()); } /** * JRCS uses the user.name system property to set the author of a change. Verify that it * works if the user name has a space in its name. This used to fail and this test is here to * ensure it'll continue to work fine in the future... * * @todo simplify this test. Not sure how to do it. I guess we could create a real document. */ public void testUpdateArchiveWhenSpaceInUsername() throws Exception { String originalArchive = "head\t1.1;\n" + "access;\n" + "symbols;\n" + "locks; strict;\n" + "comment\t@# @;\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "1.1\n" + "date\t2007.;\tauthor vmassol;\tstate Exp;\n" + "branches;\n" + "next\t;\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "desc\n" + "@@\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "1.1\n" + "log\n" + "@KnowledgeBase.WebHome\n" + "@\n" + "text\n" + "@<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" + "\n" + "<xwikidoc>\n" + "<web>KnowledgeBase</web>\n" + "<name>WebHome</name>\n" + "<language></language>\n" + "<defaultLanguage>en</defaultLanguage>\n" + "<translation>0</translation>\n" + "<parent>Main.Notes</parent>\n" + "<creator>XWiki.Admin</creator>\n" + "<author>XWiki.Admin</author>\n" + "<customClass></customClass>\n" + "<contentAuthor>XWiki.Admin</contentAuthor>\n" + "<creationDate>1165874272000</creationDate>\n" + "<date>1166177448000</date>\n" + "<contentUpdateDate>1171458116000</contentUpdateDate>\n" + "<version>1.1</version>\n" + "<title></title>\n" + "<template></template>\n" + "<defaultTemplate></defaultTemplate>\n" + "<validationScript></validationScript>\n" + "<object>\n" + "<class>\n" + "<name>XWiki.TagClass</name>\n" + "<customClass></customClass>\n" + "<customMapping></customMapping>\n" + "<defaultViewSheet></defaultViewSheet>\n" + "<defaultEditSheet></defaultEditSheet>\n" + "<defaultWeb></defaultWeb>\n" + "<nameField></nameField>\n" + "<validationScript></validationScript>\n" + "<tags>\n" + "<name>tags</name>\n" + "<prettyName>Tags</prettyName>\n" + "<unmodifiable>0</unmodifiable>\n" + "<relationalStorage>1</relationalStorage>\n" + "<displayType>checkbox</displayType>\n" + "<multiSelect>1</multiSelect>\n" + "<size>30</size>\n" + "<separator> </separator>\n" + "<separators> ,|</separators>\n" + "<values></values>\n" + "<number>1</number>\n" + "<classType>com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass</classType>\n" + "</tags>\n" + "</class>\n" + "<name>KnowledgeBase.WebHome</name>\n" + "<number>0</number>\n" + "<className>XWiki.TagClass</className>\n" + "<property>\n" + "<tags/>\n" + "</property>\n" + "</object>\n" + "<content>1 Wiki Knowledge Base\n" + "\n" + "This is the Wiki Knowledge Base, where you can start writing about your favorite subjects.\n" + "\n" + "To create new pages, click edit button and write links using brackets around words.\n" + "\n" + "* [Example Link 1]\n" + "* [Example Link 2]</content>\n" + "</xwikidoc>\n" + "@"; XWikiDocumentArchive archive = new XWikiDocumentArchive(123456789L); archive.setArchive(originalArchive); // Set a username with a space System.setProperty("user.name", "Vincent Massol"); XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference("Wiki", "KnowledgeBase", "WebHome")); doc.setContent(doc.getContent() + "\nsomething added"); archive.updateArchive(doc, XWikiRightService.GUEST_USER_FULLNAME, new Date(), "some comment", null, context); // Try to construct again the archive from the last modification. This will happen when // XWiki loads a document from the database for example. We verify here that a username // with a space works. new XWikiDocumentArchive(123456789L).setArchive(archive.getArchive(context)); } public void testUpdateLoad() throws XWikiException { XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference("Test", "Test", "Test")); doc.setContent("content 1.1"); XWikiDocumentArchive archive = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); assertEquals(0, archive.getNodes().size()); String author = "XWiki.some author"; archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "initial, 1.1", null, context); assertEquals(new Version(1,1), archive.getLatestVersion()); String archive11 = archive.getArchive(context); assertEquals(1, archive.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(1, archive.getUpdatedNodeInfos().size()); assertEquals(1, archive.getUpdatedNodeContents().size()); XWikiDocumentArchive archive2 = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); archive2.setArchive(archive11); assertEquals(new Version(1,1), archive2.getLatestVersion()); assertEquals(archive11, archive2.getArchive(context)); assertEquals(1, archive2.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(1, archive2.getUpdatedNodeInfos().size()); assertEquals(1, archive2.getUpdatedNodeContents().size()); doc.setContent("content\n1.2"); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "1.2", new Version(1,2), context); assertEquals(new Version(1,2), archive.getLatestVersion()); String archive12 = archive.getArchive(context); assertEquals(2, archive.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(2, archive.getUpdatedNodeInfos().size()); assertEquals(2, archive.getUpdatedNodeContents().size()); XWikiDocumentArchive archive3 = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); archive3.setArchive(archive12); assertEquals(new Version(1,2), archive3.getLatestVersion()); assertEquals(2, archive3.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(2, archive3.getUpdatedNodeInfos().size()); assertEquals(2, archive3.getUpdatedNodeContents().size()); doc.setContent("major change\ncontent\n2.1"); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.1", new Version(1,1), context); assertEquals(new Version(2,1), archive.getLatestVersion()); assertEquals(3, archive.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(3, archive.getUpdatedNodeInfos().size()); assertEquals(3, archive.getUpdatedNodeContents().size()); doc.setContent("major change\ncontent\n 3.3"); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.1", new Version(3,3), context); assertEquals(new Version(3,3), archive.getLatestVersion()); } public void testRemoveVersions() throws XWikiException { XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference("Test", "Test", "Test")); XWikiDocumentArchive archive = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); doc.setDocumentArchive(archive); String author = "XWiki.some author"; addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 1.1", author, "initial 1.1"); XWikiDocument doc11 = doc.clone(); doc.setContent("content 2.1\nqwe @ "); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.1", new Version(2,1), context); doc.setContent("content 2.2\nqweq@ "); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.2", new Version(2,2), context); doc.setContent("content 2.3\nqweqe @@"); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.3", new Version(2,3), context); assertEquals(new Version(2,3), archive.getLatestVersion()); archive.removeVersions(new Version(2,1), new Version(2,2), context); assertEquals(2, archive.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(2, archive.getDeletedNodeInfo().size()); assertNull(archive.getNode(new Version(2,1))); assertNull(archive.getNode(new Version(2,2))); XWikiDocument actual = archive.loadDocument(new Version(1,1), context); assertEquals(doc11.getContent(), actual.getContent()); assertEquals(doc11.getDate(), actual.getDate()); assertEquals(doc11.getAuthor(), actual.getAuthor()); assertEquals(doc11.getComment(), actual.getComment()); } /** * Verify issue "When loading a revision of a document the creation date is incorrectly set as the last * modification date". * @see <a href="https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-2029">XWIKI-2029</a> */ public void testVerifyCreationDateWhenLoadingDocumentFromArchive() throws Exception { XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference("Test", "Test", "Test")); XWikiDocumentArchive archive = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); doc.setDocumentArchive(archive); String author = "XWiki.some author"; addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 1.1", author, "initial 1.1"); Date creationDate = doc.getCreationDate(); // Wait for 2 seconds and make a change. We'll then load the last revision and verify it has a correct // creation date. Thread.sleep(1000L); doc.setContent("content 2.1\nqwe @ "); archive.updateArchive(doc, author, new Date(), "2.1", new Version(2,1), context); XWikiDocument latest = archive.loadDocument(new Version(2,1), context); assertEquals(creationDate, latest.getCreationDate()); } public void testVerifyDiffAndFullRevisionAlgorithm() throws Exception { XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference("Test", "Test", "Test")); XWikiDocumentArchive archive = new XWikiDocumentArchive(doc.getId()); doc.setDocumentArchive(archive); String author = "XWiki.some author"; // The first revision is always a full revision (not a diff) addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 1.1", author, "1.1"); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); // When a new revision is added the new revision is always the full revision but the previous one is // modified to be a diff. addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 2.1", author, "2.1"); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(2, 1)).isDiff()); addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 3.1", author, "3.1"); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(2, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(3, 1)).isDiff()); addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 4.1", author, "4.1"); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(2, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(3, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(4, 1)).isDiff()); // Every 5th revision we save the full content and not a diff addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 5.1", author, "5.1"); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(2, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(3, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(4, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(5, 1)).isDiff()); // Verify that the 5th revision is kept as a full content revision when the 6th is added addRevisionToHistory(archive, doc, "content 6.1", author, "6.1"); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(1, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(2, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(3, 1)).isDiff()); assertTrue(archive.getNode(new Version(4, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(5, 1)).isDiff()); assertFalse(archive.getNode(new Version(6, 1)).isDiff()); } private void addRevisionToHistory(XWikiDocumentArchive archive, XWikiDocument document, String content, String author, String comment) throws XWikiException { document.setContent(content); document.setAuthor(author); document.setComment(comment); document.setDate(new Date()); archive.updateArchive(document, document.getAuthor(), document.getDate(), document.getComment(), null, context); } }