package org.xmlsh.marklogic; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem; import org.xmlsh.core.CoreException; import org.xmlsh.core.InputPort; import org.xmlsh.core.InvalidArgumentException; import org.xmlsh.core.Options; import org.xmlsh.core.UnimplementedException; import org.xmlsh.core.XValue; import; import org.xmlsh.marklogic.util.MLCommand; import org.xmlsh.marklogic.util.MLUtil; import; import org.xmlsh.util.StringPair; import org.xmlsh.util.Util; import org.xmlsh.util.commands.Checksum; import com.marklogic.xcc.AdhocQuery; import com.marklogic.xcc.Content; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentCreateOptions; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentFactory; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentPermission; import com.marklogic.xcc.DocumentRepairLevel; import com.marklogic.xcc.ResultSequence; import com.marklogic.xcc.Session; import com.marklogic.xcc.exceptions.RequestException; public class put extends MLCommand { private ContentCreateOptions mCreateOptions; private ThreadPoolExecutor mPool = null; private static final Checksum.Format md5format = Checksum.Format.HEX ; private static class SumContent { String mURI; Content mContent ; Checksum mSum; // Optional File mDeleteFile; // optinal public SumContent( String uri, Content content , Checksum sum, File deleteFile ) { mURI = uri ; mContent = content ; mSum = sum; mDeleteFile = deleteFile; } } private abstract class ContentIterator { abstract boolean hasNext() throws IOException, CoreException; abstract Content next(String baseUri); abstract boolean canReset(); abstract void reset() throws UnimplementedException; abstract boolean isDirectory() ; abstract File getFile(); abstract String getUri(String baseURI); } private abstract class ContentFilenameIterator extends ContentIterator { protected File mFile = null ; private String mName = null ; abstract protected String nextName() throws IOException; @Override boolean hasNext() throws IOException { mName = nextName(); if( mName == null ) mFile = null ; else mFile = getShell().getFile( mName ); return mFile != null; } public boolean isDirectory() { return mFile.isDirectory(); } @Override String getUri(String baseUri) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return baseUri +mName; } @Override Content next(String baseUri) { Content content= ContentFactory.newContent (getUri(baseUri) , mFile , mCreateOptions); return content ; } File getFile() { return mFile ; } } private class ContentListIterator extends ContentFilenameIterator { private List<String> mList; private Iterator<String> mIter; public ContentListIterator( List<String> list ){ mList = list ; mIter = list.iterator(); } @Override protected String nextName() { if( mIter.hasNext() ) return; else return null ; } @Override boolean canReset() { return true ; } @Override void reset(){ mIter = mList.iterator(); } } private class ContentStreamIterator extends ContentFilenameIterator { private BufferedReader mReader; public ContentStreamIterator( Reader reader ){ mReader = new BufferedReader(reader) ; } @Override boolean canReset() { return false ; } @Override void reset() throws UnimplementedException{ throw new UnimplementedException("reset not implemented"); } @Override protected String nextName() throws IOException { return mReader.readLine(); } } public class ContentXdmStreamIterator extends ContentIterator { private IXdmItemInputStream mInput ; private XdmItem mItem ; private String mUriPattern; public ContentXdmStreamIterator(IXdmItemInputStream input, String uriPattern ) { mInput = input ; mUriPattern = uriPattern ; } @Override boolean hasNext() throws IOException, CoreException { mItem =; return mItem != null ; } @Override Content next(String baseUri) { Content content; try { content = ContentFactory.newContent (getUri(baseUri) , MLUtil.bytesFromItem(mItem,getSerializeOpts()) , mCreateOptions); } catch (Exception e) { mShell.printErr("Exception serializing XML" , e ); return null ; } return content ; } @Override boolean canReset() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override void reset() throws UnimplementedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override boolean isDirectory() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override File getFile() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override String getUri(String baseURI) { return baseURI + parseURI( mUriPattern ); } } private class PutContent implements Runnable { List<SumContent> mContents; Session mSession; public PutContent(Session session, List<SumContent> contents) { mContents = contents ; mSession = session ; } @Override public void run() { print("Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Writing " + mContents.size() + " files"); Content[] contents = new Content[ mContents.size()]; int i = 0; for( SumContent sc : mContents ) contents[i++] = sc.mContent; try { mSession.insertContent( contents ); setChecksums( mSession , mContents ); for(SumContent sc : mContents) if(sc.mDeleteFile != null ) sc.mDeleteFile.delete(); } catch (RequestException e) { printError("Exception submitting data",e); } finally { mSession.close(); } } } private List<SumContent> mContents = null; private int mMaxFiles = 1; private boolean mDelete = false ; private int mSequence = 1; private Random mRandom; @Override public int run(List<XValue> args) throws Exception { Options opts = new Options("f=filenames:,v=verbose,c=connect:,md5,uri:,baseuri:,m=maxfiles:,r=recurse,d=mkdirs,t=text,b=binary,x=xml,maxthreads:,collection:+,forest:+,perm=permission:+,repair:,buffer:,language:,namespace:,quality:,+resolve,locale:,delete,stream:",SerializeOpts.getOptionDefs()); opts.parse(args); args = opts.getRemainingArgs(); String uri = opts.getOptString("uri", null); String baseUri = opts.getOptString("baseuri", ""); mMaxFiles = Util.parseInt(opts.getOptString("m", "1"),1); boolean bRecurse = opts.hasOpt("r"); boolean bMkdirs = opts.hasOpt("d"); boolean bMD5 = opts.hasOpt("md5"); bVerbose = opts.hasOpt("v"); int maxThreads = Util.parseInt(opts.getOptString("maxthreads", "1"),1); SerializeOpts serializeOpts = getSerializeOpts( opts ); /* * If content type is speciried the use it otherwise default to system defaults * */ boolean bText = opts.hasOpt("t"); boolean bBinary = opts.hasOpt("b"); boolean bXml = opts.hasOpt("x"); XValue listFileName = opts.getOptValue("filenames"); mDelete = opts.hasOpt("delete"); String stream = opts.getOptString("stream", null); setSerializeOpts(opts); /* * Get session before parsing args because some parsing requires to ping the server * */ mContentSource = getConnection(opts); mSession = mContentSource.newSession(); if( bText ) mCreateOptions = ContentCreateOptions.newTextInstance(); else if( bBinary ) mCreateOptions = ContentCreateOptions.newBinaryInstance(); else if( bXml ) mCreateOptions = ContentCreateOptions.newXmlInstance(); else mCreateOptions = new ContentCreateOptions(); /* * Set additional create options */ List<XValue> collections = opts.getOptValues("collection"); if( collections != null ) mCreateOptions.setCollections( Util.toStringArray(collections)); List<XValue> forests = opts.getOptValues("forest"); if( forests != null) mCreateOptions.setPlaceKeys( parseForestIds(forests)); List<XValue> perms = opts.getOptValues("permission"); if( perms != null ) mCreateOptions.setPermissions(toPermissionArray(perms)); if( opts.hasOpt("repair")) mCreateOptions.setRepairLevel(parseRepair(opts.getOptStringRequired("repair"))); if( opts.hasOpt("buffer")) mCreateOptions.setBufferSize(opts.getOptInt("buffer", ContentCreateOptions.MIN_BUFFER_SIZE)); if( opts.hasOpt("language")) mCreateOptions.setLanguage(opts.getOptStringRequired("language")); if( opts.hasOpt("namespace")) mCreateOptions.setNamespace(opts.getOptStringRequired("namespace")); if( opts.hasOpt("resolve")) mCreateOptions.setResolveEntities(opts.getOptFlag("resolve", false)); if( opts.hasOpt("quality")) mCreateOptions.setQuality(opts.getOptInt("quality", 0)); if( opts.hasOpt("locale")) mCreateOptions.setLocale(new Locale( opts.getOptStringRequired("locale"))); mOutput = getEnv().getStderr().asPrintWriter(serializeOpts); // Case with single file to put if( stream == null && listFileName == null && args.size() == 0 || (args.size() == 1 && baseUri.equals("") ) ){ InputPort in = null; if( args.size() > 0 ) in = this.getInput(args.get(0)); else in = getStdin(); if( uri == null ) uri = in.getSystemId(); this.load(in, uri,bMD5); } else { if(! baseUri.equals("") && ! baseUri.endsWith("/") ) baseUri = baseUri + "/"; // Get list iterator ContentIterator contentIter = null; // Streaming option if( stream != null ){ InputPort port = this.getEnv().getInputPort(stream); if( port == null ) throw new CoreException("Cannot open port: " + stream ); contentIter = new ContentXdmStreamIterator( port.asXdmItemInputStream(getSerializeOpts()) , uri ); } else if( listFileName != null ) contentIter = new ContentStreamIterator( (getInput(listFileName)).asReader(serializeOpts) ); else { List<String> filenames = new LinkedList<String>(); getFiles(filenames , args, "" , bRecurse); contentIter = new ContentListIterator(filenames); } if( bMkdirs ){ if( contentIter.canReset() ){ createDirs( contentIter ,baseUri ); contentIter.reset(); } else getShell().printErr("Skipping mkdirs on non rewindable conent source"); } /* BlockingQueue<Runnable> q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxThreads); mPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxThreads, maxThreads, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS, q); */ print("Starting thread pool of " + maxThreads + " threads"); // mPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxThreads); mPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxThreads, maxThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxThreads * 2 ), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy() ); load( contentIter , baseUri , bMD5 ); flushContent(); } /* * Wait for all tasks to complete */ if( mPool != null ){ print("Waiting for tasks to complete"); mPool.shutdown(); mPool.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ; } mSession.close(); print("Complete"); mOutput.close(); return 0; } private DocumentRepairLevel parseRepair(String repair) throws InvalidArgumentException { if( "none".equalsIgnoreCase(repair)) return DocumentRepairLevel.NONE ; else if( "full".equalsIgnoreCase(repair)) return DocumentRepairLevel.FULL ; else if( "default".equalsIgnoreCase(repair)) return DocumentRepairLevel.DEFAULT ; else throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown repair level: " + repair + " expected none|full|default" ); } private ContentPermission[] toPermissionArray(List<XValue> values) throws InvalidArgumentException { ContentPermission[] perms = new ContentPermission[values.size()]; int i = 0; for( XValue v : values ) perms[i++] = parsePermission( v.toString() ); return perms; } private ContentPermission parsePermission(String string) throws InvalidArgumentException { StringPair pair = new StringPair(string,':'); if( "r".equals(pair.getLeft()) || "read".equals(pair.getLeft()) ) return ContentPermission.newReadPermission(pair.getRight()); else if( "x".equals(pair.getLeft()) || "execute".equals(pair.getLeft()) ) return ContentPermission.newExecutePermission(pair.getRight()); else if( "u".equals(pair.getLeft()) || "update".equals(pair.getLeft()) ) return ContentPermission.newUpdatePermission(pair.getRight()); else if( "i".equals(pair.getLeft()) || "insert".equals(pair.getLeft()) ) return ContentPermission.newInsertPermission(pair.getRight()); else throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to parse permissin: " + string); } private void getFiles(List<String> result , List<XValue> files, String baseUri , boolean bRecurse) throws IOException { for( XValue v : files ){ String fname = v.toString(); File file = getFile(fname); String uri = baseUri + file.getName(); if( file.isDirectory() ){ result.add(uri + "/"); if( bRecurse ){ List<XValue> sub = new ArrayList<XValue>(); for( String fn : file.list() ){ sub.add(XValue.newXValue(fname + "/" + fn)); } getFiles( result , sub , uri + "/" , bRecurse ); } } else result.add(uri); } } /** * Load the provided {@link File}s, using the provided URIs, into * the content server. * @param uris An array of URIs (identifiers) that correspond to the * {@link File} instances given in the "files" parameter. * @param files An array of {@link File} objects representing disk * files to be loaded. The {@link ContentCreateOptions} object * set with {@link #setOptions(com.marklogic.xcc.ContentCreateOptions)}, * if any, will be applied to all documents when they are loaded. * @throws RequestException If there is an unrecoverable problem * with sending the data to the server. If this exception is * thrown, none of the documents will have been committed to the * contentbase. */ public void load (InputPort port , String uri , boolean bMD5 ) throws CoreException, IOException { InputStream is = port.asInputStream(getSerializeOpts()); try { /* * if Not rewindable then make a temp file * */ Checksum sum = null ; Content content = null ; File tempf = null; if( bMD5 && ! is.markSupported() ){ tempf = File.createTempFile("mlput", null); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tempf); sum = Checksum.calcChecksum(is, out); is.close(); is = null; out.close(); content= ContentFactory.newContent (uri, tempf, mCreateOptions); } else { if( bMD5 ){ is.mark(Integer.MAX_VALUE); sum = Checksum.calcChecksum(is); is.reset(); } content = ContentFactory.newContent(uri, is, mCreateOptions); } try { // boolean bIsRewind = content.isRewindable(); mSession.insertContent (content); if( bMD5 && sum != null ){ List<SumContent> sc = new ArrayList<SumContent>(1); sc.add( new SumContent( uri , content , sum ,null)); setChecksums( mSession, sc ); } } catch (RequestException e) { printError("Exception submitting data",e); } finally { if( tempf != null ) tempf.delete(); } } finally { Util.safeClose(is); } } public void load (ContentIterator contentIter , String baseUri, boolean bMD5 ) throws CoreException, IOException { while( contentIter.hasNext() ){ if( contentIter.isDirectory() ){ continue; } Content content =; Checksum cs = null ; if( bMD5 ){ if( content.isRewindable() ){ cs = Checksum.calcChecksum( content.openDataStream() ); content.rewind(); } else getShell().getEnv().printErr("Skipping checksum on non rewindable content: " + content.getUri() ); } putContent( content.getUri() , content , cs , mDelete ? contentIter.getFile() : null ); } } private void putContent(String uri, Content content, Checksum checksum, File deleteFile) { if( mContents == null ) mContents = new ArrayList<SumContent>( mMaxFiles ); mContents.add( new SumContent( uri , content , checksum, deleteFile )); if( mContents.size() >= mMaxFiles ) flushContent(); } private void flushContent() { if( mContents == null ) return ; if( ! mContents.isEmpty()){ print("Submitting contents"); mPool.execute(new PutContent(mContentSource.newSession() , mContents) ); } mContents = null ; } private static void setChecksums( Session session , List<SumContent> list ) throws RequestException { StringBuffer sQuery = new StringBuffer(); for( SumContent sc : list ) if( sc.mSum != null ) sQuery.append( getChecksumString( sc.mURI , sc.mSum )); if( sQuery.length() == 0 ) return ; sQuery.append("0"); AdhocQuery request = session.newAdhocQuery ( sQuery.toString() ); session.submitRequest(request).close(); } private static String getChecksumString(String uri , Checksum sum) throws RequestException { return "xdmp:document-set-property( " + MLUtil.quote(uri) + ", <xmd5 md5='" + sum.getMD5(md5format) + "' length='"+ String.valueOf(sum.getLength()) + "'/>),\n" ; } private void createDirs(ContentIterator contentIter , String baseURI ) throws RequestException, IOException, CoreException { StringBuffer sReq = new StringBuffer(); while( contentIter.hasNext() ) { if( contentIter.isDirectory() ){ String uri = contentIter.getUri( baseURI ); String qd = MLUtil.quote(uri); sReq.append("if( exists(xdmp:document-properties(" + qd+ ")//prop:directory)) then () else xdmp:directory-create(" +qd + ");\n"); } } if( sReq.length() == 0 ) return ; sReq.append("0"); // printErr( sReq.toString() ); /* AdhocQuery request = session.newAdhocQuery ( "declare variable $dirs as xs:string+ external;\n" + "for $d in $dirs " + "return xdmp:directory-create($d) \n" ); */ /* for( XdmValue d : dirs ){ request.setNewVariable("dirs", ValueType.XS_STRING , d.asString() ); ResultSequence rs = session.submitRequest (request); rs.close(); } */ /* request.setNewVariable( new XName("", "dirs"), ValueFactory.newSequence(dirs.toArray(new XdmValue[dirs.size()]))); // SequenceImpl seq = new SequenceImpl( dirs.toArray(new XdmValue[dirs.size()])); // request.setNewVariable("dirs", ValueType.SEQUENCE, seq ); */ AdhocQuery request = mSession.newAdhocQuery ( "xquery version \"1.0-ml\"; " + sReq.toString() ); ResultSequence rs = mSession.submitRequest (request); rs.close(); } protected void print( String str ) { if( bVerbose ){ mOutput.println(str); mOutput.flush(); } } String parseURI( String uri ) { if( !uri.contains("{")) return uri ; return uri.replaceAll("\\{random}", random() ). replaceAll("\\{seq}", sequence() ); } private synchronized String sequence() { return String.valueOf(mSequence ++); } private synchronized String random() { if( mRandom == null ) mRandom = new Random(); long l = mRandom.nextLong(); if( l < 0 ) l = -l; return String.valueOf(l); } } // // //Copyright (C) 2008-2014 David A. Lee. // //The contents of this file are subject to the "Simplified BSD License" (the "License"); //you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the //License at // //Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, //WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. //See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. // //The Original Code is: all this file. // //The Initial Developer of the Original Code is David A. Lee // //Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved. // //Contributor(s): none. //