package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.xmlsh.core.CoreException; import org.xmlsh.core.ScriptSource; import org.xmlsh.core.XClassLoader; import org.xmlsh.core.XValue; import; import; import; import org.xmlsh.util.Util; public abstract class Module implements IModule { static Logger mLogger = LogManager.getLogger(); private ModuleConfig mConfig; // Predeclared function classes indexed by *simple name* (no package component) private HashMap<String, Class<?>> mFunctionClassCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); // Maps complete class name to class for caching private HashMap<String, Class<?>> mClassCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); private HashMap<String, Boolean> mClassCacheMisses = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); private XClassLoader mClassLoader; protected StaticContext mStaticContext = null; protected Module( ModuleConfig config , XClassLoader parent ) { mConfig = config ; List<URL> classPath = config.getClassPath() ; if( parent == null ) parent = XClassLoader.newInstance(Shell.getContextClassLoader()); if( classPath == null || classPath.isEmpty() ) mClassLoader = parent ; else mClassLoader = XClassLoader.newInstance( classPath , parent ); } @Override public void addClassPaths(Shell shell, List<URL> urls) throws CoreException { // Augment the class path and hence possibly augment the class loader if( mConfig.addClassPaths( urls ) ){ // changed chainClassLoader( shell , urls ); } } // Map complete class name to class for caching protected void cacheClass(String className, Class<?> cls) { // Store class in cache even if null synchronized( mClassCache ){ mClassCache.put(className, cls); } } /* * Most derived classes should override parent classes * */ protected void cacheFunctionClass(List<String> names, Class<?> cls) { mLogger.entry(names, cls); // Names start with primary name and may have aliases for( String name : names ){ synchronized( mFunctionClassCache ){ Class<?> exists = mFunctionClassCache.get(name); if( exists == null ) mFunctionClassCache.put( name , cls ); else { // Override with most derived type if( exists.isAssignableFrom(cls)){ // Exists is equal to or a super class mLogger.trace("Overriding base class {} with derived class {} ",exists, cls ); // Override it with sub class mFunctionClassCache.put( name , cls ); } } } } cacheClass( cls.getName() , cls ); } protected void cacheCommandClass(List<String> names, Class<?> cls) { cacheFunctionClass( names , cls ); } // // Reset the modules ClassLoader to be a new one child of the current one private synchronized void chainClassLoader(Shell shell, List<URL> urls) throws CoreException { mLogger.entry(shell, urls ); synchronized( mClassLoader ){ mClassLoader.add( urls ); } mLogger.exit( mClassLoader ); } @Override protected void finalize() { // Clear refs if (mClassCache != null) mClassCache.clear(); mClassCache = null; if( mFunctionClassCache != null ) mFunctionClassCache.clear(); mFunctionClassCache = null; if(mClassCacheMisses != null) mClassCacheMisses.clear(); mClassCacheMisses = null; } protected Class<?> findClass(String className) { mLogger.entry(className); // Find cached class name even if null // This caches failures as well as successes // Consider changing to a WeakHashMap<> if this uses up too much memory // caching failed lookups synchronized( mClassCache ){ if (mClassCache.containsKey(className)) return mClassCache.get(className); } Class<?> cls = null; try { cls = Class.forName(className, true, getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } cacheClass(className, cls); return cls; } protected Class<?> findClass(String name, List<String> packages) { for (String pkg : packages) { Class<?> cls = findClass(Util.isEmpty(pkg) ? name : (pkg + "." + name)); if (cls != null) return cls; } return null; } protected Class<?> findFunctionClass(String className) { synchronized( mFunctionClassCache ){ return mFunctionClassCache.get(className); } } protected Class<?> findCommandClass(String className) { synchronized( mFunctionClassCache ){ return mFunctionClassCache.get(className); } } protected URL findResourceInPackages(String name, List<String> packages) { /* * Undocumented: When using a classloader to get a resource, then the * name should NOT begin with a "/" */ /* * Get cached indication of if there is a resource by this name */ if (hasClassLookupFailed(name)) return null; for (String pkg : packages) { URL is = getClassLoader().getResource(toResourceName(name, pkg)); if (is != null) { setCacheHit(name); return is; } } setCacheMissed(name); return null; } @Override public synchronized XClassLoader getClassLoader() { return mClassLoader; } public List<URL> getClassPath() { return mConfig.getClassPath(); } @Override public ModuleConfig getConfig() { return mConfig; } @Override public URL getHelpURL() { return null ; } protected Logger getLogger() { return LogManager.getLogger(getClass()); } @Override public ModuleConfig getModuleConfig(Shell shell , String name , List<URL> at ) throws Exception { mLogger.error("NOT IMPLEMENTED"); return null; } @Override public String getName() { return mConfig.getName(); } @Override public URL getResource(String res) { /* * Undocumented: When using a classloader to get a resource, then the * name should NOT begin with a "/" */ if (res.startsWith("/")) res = res.substring(1); return getClassLoader().getResource(res); } @Override public StaticContext getStaticContext() { getLogger().entry(); return mStaticContext; } public String getTextEncoding() { return mConfig.getInputTextEncoding(); } protected boolean hasClassLookupFailed(String name) { synchronized( mClassCacheMisses ) { Boolean hasResource = mClassCacheMisses.get(name); if (hasResource != null && !hasResource.booleanValue()) return true; return false; } } @Override public void onInit(Shell shell, List<XValue> args) throws Exception { getLogger().trace("module {} onInit()", getName()); } @Override public void onLoad(Shell shell) { getLogger().trace("module {} onLoad()", getName()); } protected void setCacheHit(String name) { synchronized( mClassCacheMisses ) { mClassCacheMisses.put(name, true); } } protected void setCacheMissed(String name) { synchronized( mClassCacheMisses ) { mClassCacheMisses.put(name, false); } } protected String toResourceName(String name, String pkg) { if( Util.isBlank(pkg)) return name ; String resource = pkg.replace(ShellConstants.kDOT_CHAR, '/') + "/" + name; return resource; } @Override public String toString() { return describe(); } }