package de.uniluebeck.itm.wsn.drivers.core.util; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class for JAR handling. * * @author Malte Legenhausen */ public final class JarUtil { /** * Path to the root directory of the jni libary files. */ private static final String JNI_PATH_ROOT = "/de/uniluebeck/itm/wsn/drivers/core/jni"; /** * The directory name of the library folder in the home directory. */ private static final String LIB_HOME = SystemUtils.getJavaIoTmpDir().toString() + File.separator + ".wsn-device-drivers"; /** * System property for the java class path. */ private static final String JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH = "java.library.path"; /** * Property name for library paths. */ private static final String USR_PATHS = "usr_paths"; /** * Constructor. */ private JarUtil() { } /** * Load a DLL or SO file that is contained in a JAR. * This method is designed to work like System.loadLibrary(libName). * * @param libName The name of the library without file extension. */ public static void loadLibrary(final String libName) { final String lib = nativeLibraryName(libName); final String path = archAwarePath(lib); try { extractLibrary(path, lib); prepareClassPath(); System.loadLibrary(libName); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to extract libary to: " + path, e); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to extract libary to: " + path, e); } } /** * Adds the library home to the java library path. */ private static void prepareClassPath() throws IOException { try { // This enables the java.library.path to be modified at runtime // From a Sun engineer at Object[] paths = (Object[]) FieldUtils.readDeclaredStaticField(ClassLoader.class, USR_PATHS, true); if (!ArrayUtils.contains(paths, LIB_HOME)) { paths = ArrayUtils.add(paths, LIB_HOME); FieldUtils.writeDeclaredStaticField(ClassLoader.class, USR_PATHS, paths, true); } System.setProperty(JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH, SystemUtils.JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH + File.pathSeparator + LIB_HOME); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to get permissions to set library path"); } } /** * Add the native file extension to the given libName dependent of the operating system. * * @param libName The name of the library that has to be extended. * @return The name of the library with system file extension. */ private static String nativeLibraryName(final String libName) { String pattern; if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { pattern = "%s.dll"; } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) { pattern = "lib%s.jnilib"; } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) { pattern = ""; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Your operating system is not supported."); } return String.format(pattern, libName); } /** * Generate the path to the lib. * The path dependents on the architecture of the system. * * @param lib The native file name for the system. * @return The path to the library. */ private static String archAwarePath(final String lib) { return Joiner.on("/").join(JNI_PATH_ROOT, SystemUtils.OS_ARCH, lib); } /** * Create the target file and all necessary directories. * * @param lib The full library name with extensions. * @return The target file. * @throws IOException when something during the IO operation happens. */ private static File createTargetFile(final String lib) throws IOException { final String path = LIB_HOME + File.separator + lib; final File target = new File(path); if (!target.exists()) { Files.createParentDirs(target); target.createNewFile(); } return target; } /** * Extracts the library from the jar in the current working directory. * * @param path The path of the libary. * @param lib The destinated library name. * @throws IOException When a file operation during the extraction failed. * @throws URISyntaxException When the classloader url can not be converted to a uri. */ private static void extractLibrary(final String path, final String lib) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { final InputStream stream = JarUtil.class.getResourceAsStream(path); if (stream == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to find library on classpath: " + path); } // Initialize the target file and create if necessary. final File target = createTargetFile(lib); // Read the library from the resource to a temporary file. final File temp = readStreamToTemp(stream); // Only copy the source to target when the file has changed. if (hasFileChanged(temp, target)) { Files.copy(temp, target); } // Remove the temporary file when the program is closed. temp.deleteOnExit(); } /** * Reads all data from the given stream and save it to a temp file. * * @param stream The stream with the data that has to be read. * @return The temp file object. * @throws IOException When something happend during the file operations. */ private static File readStreamToTemp(final InputStream stream) throws IOException { final File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); final File temp = new File(tempDir, "tmplib" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); temp.createNewFile(); ByteSource.wrap(ByteStreams.toByteArray(stream)).copyTo(Files.asByteSink(temp)); return temp; } /** * Check via Adler32 if a given targte file differs from the given source. * * @param source The source file. * @param target The target file. * @return True when the files are not equal, so they changed, else false. * @throws IOException when something happened current the checksum calculation. */ private static boolean hasFileChanged(final File source, final File target) throws IOException { return Files.hash(source, Hashing.adler32()) != Files.hash(target, Hashing.adler32()); } }