package de.uniluebeck.itm.wsn.drivers.core.operation; import; import; import de.uniluebeck.itm.wsn.drivers.core.exception.TimeoutException; import de.uniluebeck.itm.wsn.drivers.core.util.ClassUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.event.EventListenerSupport; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import static; import static; /** * An abstract base class for {@link Operation} implementations. * * @param <ResultType> * The return type of the operation. * * @author Malte Legenhausen * @author Daniel Bimschas */ public abstract class TimeLimitedOperation<ResultType> implements Operation<ResultType> { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * Listeners for <code>OperationRunnable</code> changes. */ protected final EventListenerSupport<OperationListener<ResultType>> listeners = EventListenerSupport.create(ClassUtil.<OperationListener<ResultType>>castClass(OperationListener.class)); /** * Limiter for the execution time of an runnable. */ protected final TimeLimiter timeLimiter; /** * The timeout after which the application will be canceled. */ protected final long timeoutMillis; /** * A lock for controlling concurrent access to {@link TimeLimitedOperation#state}. */ protected final Lock stateLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * The current state of the <code>OperationRunnable</code>. */ protected State state = State.WAITING; /** * A condition that becomes true as soon as the operation is done. */ protected final Condition operationDone = stateLock.newCondition(); /** * Boolean that stores if the operation has to be canceled. */ protected boolean canceled = false; private float progress = 0f; public TimeLimitedOperation(final TimeLimiter timeLimiter, final long timeoutMillis, @Nullable final OperationListener<ResultType> listener) { checkNotNull(timeLimiter); checkArgument(timeoutMillis > 0, "Timeout must be larger than larger than zero milliseconds!"); this.timeLimiter = timeLimiter; this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; if (listener != null) { this.listeners.addListener(listener); } } @Override public void cancel() { canceled = true; stateLock.lock(); try { operationDone.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { stateLock.unlock(); } } @Override public final ResultType call() throws Exception { setState(State.RUNNING);; ResultType result = null; try { // Cancel execution if runnable was canceled before runnable changed to running. if (!canceled) { progress(0f); log.trace("Running {} operation with {} ms timeout", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), timeoutMillis); result = timeLimiter.callWithTimeout(new Callable<ResultType>() { @Override public ResultType call() throws Exception { return callInternal(); } }, timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, false ); progress(1f); } } catch (UncheckedTimeoutException e) { setState(State.TIMEOUT); TimeoutException timeoutException = new TimeoutException("Operation timed out after " + timeoutMillis + " ms");; throw timeoutException; } catch (Exception e) { setState(State.FAILED);; throw e; } if (canceled) { setState(State.CANCELED);; result = null; } else { setState(State.DONE);; } return result; } /** * All operation execution code goes here. This method is call by {@link de.uniluebeck.itm.wsn.drivers.core.operation.TimeLimitedOperation#call()} * which manages the operation state and notifies listeners about operation start and end. * * @return the result of the operation * * @throws Exception * if an arbitrary exception occurs */ protected abstract ResultType callInternal() throws Exception; @Override public State getState() { return state; } @Override public long getTimeoutMillis() { return timeoutMillis; } @Override public void addListener(OperationListener<ResultType> listener) { listeners.addListener(listener); } @Override public void removeListener(OperationListener<ResultType> listener) { listeners.removeListener(listener); } protected boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } protected <R> R runSubOperation(final Operation<R> subOperation, final float subFraction) throws Exception { checkNotNull(subOperation, "Null operations are not allowed"); subOperation.addListener(new OperationAdapter<R>() { private final float initialParentOperationProgress = TimeLimitedOperation.this.progress; @Override public void onProgressChange(final float fraction) { log.trace( "Operation {}, progress: {}, suboperation {}, suboperation progress: {}", TimeLimitedOperation.this.getClass().getSimpleName(), TimeLimitedOperation.this.progress, subOperation.getClass().getSimpleName(), fraction ); progress(initialParentOperationProgress + subFraction * fraction); } } ); return; } /** * Use this method to set the progress of work that was already done. * The amount of work starts at 0.0f and goes up to 1.0f. * * @param progress * The progress amount. */ protected void progress(float progress) { log.trace("{} progress (old={}, new={})", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), this.progress, progress ); checkArgument(progress >= this.progress, "A new progress value (%s) must be larger than the old value (%s). " + "It wouldn't be a progress otherwise, would it?", progress, this.progress ); checkArgument(progress >= 0f && progress <= 1f, "Progress must be between zero and one (is %s).", progress); this.progress = progress;; } /** * Thread safe state change function. * * @param newState * The new State of this runnable. */ private void setState(State newState) { stateLock.lock(); try { State oldState = state; fireBeforeStateChangedEvent(new StateChangedEvent<ResultType>(this, oldState, newState)); state = newState; if (State.isFinishState(state)) { operationDone.signalAll(); } fireAfterStateChangedEvent(new StateChangedEvent<ResultType>(this, oldState, newState)); } finally { stateLock.unlock(); } } private void fireBeforeStateChangedEvent(StateChangedEvent<ResultType> event) { String msg = "{} state changing from {} to {}"; log.trace(msg, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getOldState(), event.getNewState());; } /** * Notify all listeners that the state has changed. * * @param event * The state change event. */ private void fireAfterStateChangedEvent(StateChangedEvent<ResultType> event) { String msg = "{} state changed from {} to {}"; log.trace(msg, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getOldState(), event.getNewState());; } }