/* RelationRu.java - names of semantic relations in Russian. * * Copyright (c) 2012 Andrew Krizhanovsky <andrew.krizhanovsky at gmail.com> * Distributed under EPL/LGPL/GPL/AL/BSD multi-license. */ package wikokit.base.wikt.multi.ru.name; import wikokit.base.wikt.constant.Relation; import wikokit.base.wikt.constant.RelationLocal; /** Names of semantic relations in Russian and the links to the Relation objects. * * @attention: initialize class before using, e.g. "RelationLocal _ = RelationRu.synonymy;" */ public class RelationRu extends RelationLocal { private RelationRu(String _name, String _short_name, Relation _rel) { super(_name, _short_name, _rel); } public static final RelationLocal synonymy, antonymy, relational_antonym, hypernymy, hyponymy, holonymy, meronymy, troponymy, coordinate_term, otherwise_related; static { // public static final RelationLocal unknown = new RelationRu("неизвестные", "неизв.", Relation.uknown); /** The relation is unknown :( */ synonymy = new RelationRu("синонимы", "син.", Relation.synonymy); antonymy = new RelationRu("антонимы", "ант.", Relation.antonymy); relational_antonym = new RelationRu("конверсивы", "конв.", Relation.relational_antonym); hypernymy = new RelationRu("гиперонимы", "гиперн.", Relation.hypernymy); hyponymy = new RelationRu("гипонимы", "гипон.", Relation.hyponymy); holonymy = new RelationRu("холонимы", "холон.", Relation.holonymy); meronymy = new RelationRu("меронимы", "мерон.", Relation.meronymy); troponymy = new RelationRu("тропонимы", "тропон.", Relation.troponymy); coordinate_term = new RelationRu("согипонимы", "согип.", Relation.coordinate_term); otherwise_related = new RelationRu("смотри также", "см.", Relation.otherwise_related); } }