/* * TouchGraph LLC. Apache-Style Software License * * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Alexander Shapiro. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by * TouchGraph LLC (http://www.touchgraph.com/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "TouchGraph" or "TouchGraph LLC" must not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without prior written * permission. For written permission, please contact * alex@touchgraph.com * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "TouchGraph", * nor may "TouchGraph" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of alex@touchgraph.com. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL TOUCHGRAPH OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * */ package com.touchgraph.graphlayout; import com.touchgraph.graphlayout.graphelements.*; /** TGLayout is the thread responsible for graph layout. It updates * the real coordinates of the nodes in the graphEltSet object. * TGPanel sends it resetDamper commands whenever the layout needs * to be adjusted. After every adjustment cycle, TGLayout triggers * a repaint of the TGPanel. * * ******************************************************************** * This is the heart of the TouchGraph application. Please provide a * Reference to TouchGraph.com if you are influenced by what you see * below. Your cooperation will insure that this code remains * opensource * ******************************************************************** * * <p><b> * Parts of this code build upon Sun's Graph Layout example. * http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.1/demo/GraphLayout/Graph.java * </b></p> * * @author Alexander Shapiro * @version 1.21 $Id: TGLayout.java,v 2007/01/07 07:58:19 andrew Exp $ */ public class TGLayout implements Runnable { //private ImmutableGraphEltSet graphEltSet; private TGPanel tgPanel; private Thread relaxer; private double damper=0.0; // A low damper value causes the graph to move slowly private double maxMotion=0; // Keep an eye on the fastest moving node to see if the graph is stabilizing private double lastMaxMotion=0; private double motionRatio = 0; // It's sort of a ratio, equal to lastMaxMotion/maxMotion-1 private boolean damping = true; // When damping is true, the damper value decreases private double rigidity = 1; // Rigidity has the same effect as the damper, except that it's a constant // a low rigidity value causes things to go slowly. // a value that's too high will cause oscillation private double newRigidity = 1; Node dragNode=null; // ............ /** Constructor with a supplied TGPanel <tt>tgp</tt>. */ public TGLayout( TGPanel tgp ) { tgPanel = tgp; //graphEltSet = tgPanel.getGES(); relaxer = null; } void setRigidity(double r) { newRigidity = r; //update rigidity at the end of the relax() thread } void setDragNode(Node n) { dragNode = n; } //relaxEdges is more like tense edges up. All edges pull nodes closes together; private synchronized void relaxEdges() { TGForEachEdge fee = new TGForEachEdge() { public void forEachEdge(Edge e) { double vx = e.to.x - e.from.x; double vy = e.to.y - e.from.y; double len = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); double dx=vx*rigidity; //rigidity makes edges tighter double dy=vy*rigidity; dx /=(e.getLength()*100); dy /=(e.getLength()*100); // Edges pull directly in proportion to the distance between the nodes. This is good, // because we want the edges to be stretchy. The edges are ideal rubberbands. They // They don't become springs when they are too short. That only causes the graph to // oscillate. if (e.to.justMadeLocal || !e.from.justMadeLocal) { e.to.dx -= dx*len; e.to.dy -= dy*len; } else { e.to.dx -= dx*len/10; e.to.dy -= dy*len/10; } if (e.from.justMadeLocal || !e.to.justMadeLocal) { e.from.dx += dx*len; e.from.dy += dy*len; } else { e.from.dx += dx*len/10; e.from.dy += dy*len/10; } } }; tgPanel.getGES().forAllEdges(fee); } /* private synchronized void avoidLabels() { for (int i = 0 ; i < graphEltSet.nodeNum() ; i++) { Node n1 = graphEltSet.nodeAt(i); double dx = 0; double dy = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < graphEltSet.nodeNum() ; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; // It's kind of dumb to do things this way. j should go from i+1 to nodeNum. } Node n2 = graphEltSet.nodeAt(j); double vx = n1.x - n2.x; double vy = n1.y - n2.y; double len = vx * vx + vy * vy; // so it's length squared if (len == 0) { dx += Math.random(); // If two nodes are right on top of each other, randomly separate dy += Math.random(); } else if (len <600*600) { //600, because we don't want deleted nodes to fly too far away dx += vx / len; // If it was sqrt(len) then a single node surrounded by many others will dy += vy / len; // always look like a circle. This might look good at first, but I think // it makes large graphs look ugly + it contributes to oscillation. A // linear function does not fall off fast enough, so you get rough edges // in the 'force field' } } n1.dx += dx*100*rigidity; // rigidity makes nodes avoid each other more. n1.dy += dy*100*rigidity; // I was surprised to see that this exactly balances multiplying edge tensions // by the rigidity, and thus has the effect of slowing the graph down, while // keeping it looking identical. } } */ private synchronized void avoidLabels() { TGForEachNodePair fenp = new TGForEachNodePair() { public void forEachNodePair(Node n1, Node n2) { double dx=0; double dy=0; double vx = n1.x - n2.x; double vy = n1.y - n2.y; double len = vx * vx + vy * vy; //so it's length squared if (len == 0) { dx = Math.random(); //If two nodes are right on top of each other, randomly separate dy = Math.random(); } else if (len <600*600) { //600, because we don't want deleted nodes to fly too far away dx = vx / len; // If it was sqrt(len) then a single node surrounded by many others will dy = vy / len; // always look like a circle. This might look good at first, but I think // it makes large graphs look ugly + it contributes to oscillation. A // linear function does not fall off fast enough, so you get rough edges // in the 'force field' } int repSum = n1.repulsion * n2.repulsion/100; if(n1.justMadeLocal || !n2.justMadeLocal) { n1.dx += dx*repSum*rigidity; n1.dy += dy*repSum*rigidity; } else { n1.dx += dx*repSum*rigidity/10; n1.dy += dy*repSum*rigidity/10; } if (n2.justMadeLocal || !n1.justMadeLocal) { n2.dx -= dx*repSum*rigidity; n2.dy -= dy*repSum*rigidity; } else { n2.dx -= dx*repSum*rigidity/10; n2.dy -= dy*repSum*rigidity/10; } } }; tgPanel.getGES().forAllNodePairs(fenp); } public void startDamper() { damping = true; } public void stopDamper() { damping = false; damper = 1.0; //A value of 1.0 means no damping } public void resetDamper() { //reset the damper, but don't keep damping. damping = true; damper = 1.0; } public void stopMotion() { // stabilize the graph, but do so gently by setting the damper to a low value damping = true; if (damper>0.3) damper = 0.3; else damper = 0; } public void damp() { if (damping) { if(motionRatio<=0.001) { //This is important. Only damp when the graph starts to move faster //When there is noise, you damp roughly half the time. (Which is a lot) // //If things are slowing down, then you can let them do so on their own, //without damping. //If max motion<0.2, damp away //If by the time the damper has ticked down to 0.9, maxMotion is still>1, damp away //We never want the damper to be negative though if ((maxMotion<0.2 || (maxMotion>1 && damper<0.9)) && damper > 0.01) damper -= 0.01; //If we've slowed down significanly, damp more aggresively (then the line two below) else if (maxMotion<0.4 && damper > 0.003) damper -= 0.003; //If max motion is pretty high, and we just started damping, then only damp slightly else if(damper>0.0001) damper -=0.0001; } } if(maxMotion<0.001 && damping) { damper=0; } } private synchronized void moveNodes() { lastMaxMotion = maxMotion; final double[] maxMotionA = new double[1]; maxMotionA[0]=0; TGForEachNode fen = new TGForEachNode() { public void forEachNode(Node n) { double dx = n.dx; double dy = n.dy; dx*=damper; //The damper slows things down. It cuts down jiggling at the last moment, and optimizes dy*=damper; //layout. As an experiment, get rid of the damper in these lines, and make a //long straight line of nodes. It wiggles too much and doesn't straighten out. n.dx=dx/2; //Slow down, but don't stop. Nodes in motion store momentum. This helps when the force n.dy=dy/2; //on a node is very low, but you still want to get optimal layout. double distMoved = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); //how far did the node actually move? if (!n.fixed && !(n==dragNode) ) { n.x += Math.max(-30, Math.min(30, dx)); //don't move faster then 30 units at a time. n.y += Math.max(-30, Math.min(30, dy)); //I forget when this is important. Stopping severed nodes from //flying away? } maxMotionA[0]=Math.max(distMoved,maxMotionA[0]); } }; tgPanel.getGES().forAllNodes(fen); maxMotion=maxMotionA[0]; if (maxMotion>0) motionRatio = lastMaxMotion/maxMotion-1; //subtract 1 to make a positive value mean that else motionRatio = 0; //things are moving faster damp(); } private synchronized void relax() { for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { relaxEdges(); avoidLabels(); moveNodes(); } if(rigidity!=newRigidity) rigidity= newRigidity; //update rigidity tgPanel.repaintAfterMove(); } private void myWait() { //I think it was Netscape that caused me not to use Wait, or was it java 1.1? try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //break; } } public void run() { Thread me = Thread.currentThread(); // me.setPriority(1); //Makes standard executable look better, but the applet look worse. while (relaxer == me) { relax(); try { relaxer.sleep(20); //Delay to wait for the prior repaint command to finish. while(damper<0.1 && damping && maxMotion<0.001) myWait(); //System.out.println("damping " + damping + " damp " + damper + " maxM " + maxMotion + " motR " + motionRatio ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } } public void start() { relaxer = new Thread(this); relaxer.start(); } public void stop() { relaxer = null; } } // end com.touchgraph.graphlayout.TGLayout