package org.wikipedia.miner.extract.steps.pageDepth; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroCollector; import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroReducer; import org.apache.avro.mapred.Pair; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.wikipedia.miner.extract.model.struct.PageDepthSummary; public abstract class DepthCombinerOrReducer extends AvroReducer<Integer, PageDepthSummary, Pair<Integer, PageDepthSummary>> { public enum Counts {unforwarded, withDepth,withoutDepth} ; public abstract boolean isReducer() ; @Override public void reduce(Integer pageId, Iterable<PageDepthSummary> partials, AvroCollector<Pair<Integer, PageDepthSummary>> collector, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { Integer minDepth = null ; boolean depthForwarded = false ; List<Integer> childIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (PageDepthSummary partial:partials) { if (partial.getDepth() != null) { if (minDepth == null || minDepth > partial.getDepth()) { minDepth = partial.getDepth().intValue() ; depthForwarded = partial.getDepthForwarded() ; } } if (!partial.getChildIds().isEmpty()) childIds.addAll(partial.getChildIds()) ; } //if we haven't reached this node yet, just pass on as it is if (minDepth == null) { if (isReducer()) reporter.getCounter(Counts.withoutDepth).increment(1); InitialDepthMapper.collect(pageId, new PageDepthSummary(minDepth, depthForwarded, childIds), collector); return ; } if (isReducer() ) { //depth forwarding is only required for pages with children if (childIds.isEmpty()) depthForwarded = true ; //if we have already forwarded all details to children, then we don't need to keep track of them any more if (depthForwarded) childIds = new ArrayList<Integer>() ; //count stuff reporter.getCounter(Counts.withDepth).increment(1); if (!depthForwarded) reporter.getCounter(Counts.unforwarded).increment(1); } InitialDepthMapper.collect(pageId, new PageDepthSummary(minDepth, depthForwarded, childIds), collector); } public static class DepthCombiner extends DepthCombinerOrReducer { @Override public boolean isReducer() { return false; } } public static class DepthReducer extends DepthCombinerOrReducer { @Override public boolean isReducer() { return true; } } }