package org.wikipedia.miner.db; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import; import*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.wikipedia.miner.db.WDatabase.DatabaseType; import org.wikipedia.miner.db.struct.*; import org.wikipedia.miner.model.Wikipedia; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.ProgressTracker; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.WikipediaConfiguration; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.text.TextProcessor; /** * A wrapper for {@link Environment}, that keeps track of all of the databases required for a single dump of Wikipedia. * * It is unlikely that you will want to work with this class directly: use {@link Wikipedia} instead. */ public class WEnvironment { /** * Statistics available about a wikipedia dump */ public enum StatisticName { /** * The number of articles (not disambiguations or redirects) available */ articleCount, /** * The number of categories available */ categoryCount, /** * The number of disambiguation pages available */ disambiguationCount, /** * The number of redirects available */ redirectCount, /** * A long value representation of the date and time this dump was last edited -- use new Date(long) to get to parse */ lastEdit, /** * The maximum path length between articles and the root category */ maxCategoryDepth, /** * The id of root category, below which all articles should be organized */ rootCategoryId } private WikipediaConfiguration conf ; private Environment env ; private PreparationThread prepThread ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbPage> dbPage ; private LabelDatabase dbLabel ; private HashMap<String, LabelDatabase> processedLabelDbs ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbLabelForPageList> dbLabelsForPage ; private WDatabase<String,Integer> dbArticlesByTitle ; private WDatabase<String,Integer> dbCategoriesByTitle ; private WDatabase<String,Integer> dbTemplatesByTitle ; private WDatabase<Integer,Integer> dbRedirectTargetBySource ; private WDatabase<Integer,DbIntList> dbRedirectSourcesByTarget ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> dbPageLinkIn ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbPageLinkInNoSentences ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> dbPageLinkOut ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbPageLinkOutNoSentences ; private PageLinkCountDatabase dbPageLinkCounts ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbCategoryParents ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbArticleParents ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbChildCategories ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbChildArticles ; private MarkupDatabase dbMarkup ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> dbSentenceSplits ; private WDatabase<Integer, DbTranslations> dbTranslations ; private WDatabase<Integer, Long> dbStatistics ; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private HashMap<DatabaseType, WDatabase> databasesByType ; /** * Returns the configuration of this environment * * @return the configuration of this environment */ public WikipediaConfiguration getConfiguration() { return conf ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#page} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#page} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbPage> getDbPage() { return dbPage; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#label} database for the given text processor * * @param textProcessor the text processor that should be applied to labels before indexing or searching (or null if the original label database is required) * @return see {@link DatabaseType#label} */ public LabelDatabase getDbLabel(TextProcessor textProcessor) { if (textProcessor == null) return dbLabel; else { LabelDatabase db = processedLabelDbs.get(textProcessor.getName()) ; if (db == null) { db = new LabelDatabase(this, textProcessor) ; processedLabelDbs.put(textProcessor.getName(), db) ; } return db ; } } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLabel} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLabel} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbLabelForPageList> getDbLabelsForPage() { return dbLabelsForPage ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#articlesByTitle} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#articlesByTitle} */ public WDatabase<String, Integer> getDbArticlesByTitle() { return dbArticlesByTitle ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#categoriesByTitle} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#categoriesByTitle} */ public WDatabase<String, Integer> getDbCategoriesByTitle() { return dbCategoriesByTitle ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#templatesByTitle} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#templatesByTitle} */ public WDatabase<String, Integer> getDbTemplatesByTitle() { return dbTemplatesByTitle ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#redirectTargetBySource} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#redirectTargetBySource} */ public WDatabase<Integer, Integer> getDbRedirectTargetBySource() { return dbRedirectTargetBySource ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#redirectSourcesByTarget} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#redirectSourcesByTarget} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbRedirectSourcesByTarget() { return dbRedirectSourcesByTarget ; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksIn} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksIn} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> getDbPageLinkIn() { return dbPageLinkIn; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksInNoSentences} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksInNoSentences} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbPageLinkInNoSentences() { return dbPageLinkInNoSentences; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksOut} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksOut} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> getDbPageLinkOut() { return dbPageLinkOut; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksOutNoSentences} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLinksOutNoSentences} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbPageLinkOutNoSentences() { return dbPageLinkOutNoSentences; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#pageLinkCounts} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#pageLinkCounts} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbPageLinkCounts> getDbPageLinkCounts() { return dbPageLinkCounts; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#categoryParents} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#categoryParents} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbCategoryParents() { return dbCategoryParents; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#articleParents} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#articleParents} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbArticleParents() { return dbArticleParents; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#childCategories} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#childCategories} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbChildCategories() { return dbChildCategories; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#childArticles} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#childArticles} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbChildArticles() { return dbChildArticles; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#markup} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#markup} */ public MarkupDatabase getDbMarkup() { return dbMarkup; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#sentenceSplits} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#sentenceSplits} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbIntList> getDbSentenceSplits() { return dbSentenceSplits; } /** * Returns the {@link DatabaseType#translations} database * * @return see {@link DatabaseType#translations} */ public WDatabase<Integer, DbTranslations> getDbTranslations() { return dbTranslations ; } /** * Intitializes the environment defined in the given configuration, and immediately begins connecting to databases and caching them to memory. * * This preparation can be done in a separate thread if required, in which case progress can be tracked using {@link #getProgress()}, {@link #getPreparationTracker()} and {@link #isReady()}. * * @param conf configuration options * @param threaded true if this should be prepared (e.g. cached to memory) in a separate thread, otherwise false * @throws EnvironmentLockedException if the underlying {@link Environment} is unavailable */ public WEnvironment(WikipediaConfiguration conf, boolean threaded) throws EnvironmentLockedException { this.conf = conf ; EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig() ; envConf.setAllowCreate(false) ; envConf.setReadOnly(true) ; envConf.setCachePercent(10) ; env = new Environment(conf.getDatabaseDirectory(), envConf) ; initDatabases() ; prepThread = new PreparationThread(conf) ; if (threaded) prepThread.start() ; else prepThread.doPreparation() ; } private WEnvironment(WikipediaConfiguration conf) { this.conf = conf ; initDatabases() ; EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig() ; envConf.setCachePercent(10) ; envConf.setAllowCreate(true) ; envConf.setReadOnly(false) ; env = new Environment(conf.getDatabaseDirectory(), envConf) ; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void initDatabases() { WDatabaseFactory dbFactory = new WDatabaseFactory(this) ; databasesByType = new HashMap<DatabaseType, WDatabase>() ; dbPage = dbFactory.buildPageDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(, dbPage) ; dbLabel = dbFactory.buildLabelDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.label, dbLabel) ; processedLabelDbs = new HashMap<String, LabelDatabase>() ; dbLabelsForPage = dbFactory.buildPageLabelDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLabel, dbLabelsForPage) ; dbArticlesByTitle = dbFactory.buildTitleDatabase(DatabaseType.articlesByTitle) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.articlesByTitle, dbArticlesByTitle) ; dbCategoriesByTitle = dbFactory.buildTitleDatabase(DatabaseType.categoriesByTitle) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.categoriesByTitle, dbCategoriesByTitle) ; dbTemplatesByTitle = dbFactory.buildTitleDatabase(DatabaseType.templatesByTitle) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.templatesByTitle, dbTemplatesByTitle) ; dbPageLinkIn = dbFactory.buildPageLinkDatabase(DatabaseType.pageLinksIn) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLinksIn, dbPageLinkIn) ; dbPageLinkInNoSentences = dbFactory.buildPageLinkNoSentencesDatabase(DatabaseType.pageLinksInNoSentences) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLinksInNoSentences, dbPageLinkInNoSentences) ; dbPageLinkOut = dbFactory.buildPageLinkDatabase(DatabaseType.pageLinksOut) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLinksOut, dbPageLinkOut) ; dbPageLinkOutNoSentences = dbFactory.buildPageLinkNoSentencesDatabase(DatabaseType.pageLinksOutNoSentences) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLinksOutNoSentences, dbPageLinkOutNoSentences) ; dbPageLinkCounts = dbFactory.buildPageLinkCountDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.pageLinkCounts, dbPageLinkCounts) ; dbCategoryParents = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.categoryParents) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.categoryParents, dbCategoryParents) ; dbArticleParents = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.articleParents) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.articleParents, dbArticleParents) ; dbChildCategories = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.childCategories) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.childCategories, dbChildCategories) ; dbChildArticles = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.childArticles) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.childArticles, dbChildArticles) ; dbRedirectSourcesByTarget = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.redirectSourcesByTarget) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.redirectSourcesByTarget, dbRedirectSourcesByTarget) ; dbRedirectTargetBySource = dbFactory.buildRedirectTargetBySourceDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.redirectTargetBySource, dbRedirectTargetBySource) ; dbMarkup = new MarkupDatabase(this) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.markup, dbMarkup) ; dbSentenceSplits = dbFactory.buildIntIntListDatabase(DatabaseType.sentenceSplits) ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.sentenceSplits, dbSentenceSplits) ; dbTranslations = dbFactory.buildTranslationsDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.translations, dbTranslations) ; dbStatistics = dbFactory.buildStatisticsDatabase() ; databasesByType.put(DatabaseType.statistics, dbStatistics) ; } /** * @return true if the preparation work has been completed, otherwise false */ public boolean isReady() { return prepThread.isCompleted() ; } /** * @return a number between 0 (just started) and 1 (completed) indicating progress of the preparation work. */ public double getProgress() { return prepThread.getProgress() ; } /** * @return a tracker for progress of the preparation work. */ public ProgressTracker getPreparationTracker() { return prepThread.getTracker() ; } /** * @param sn the name of the desired statistic * @return the value of the desired statistic */ public Long retrieveStatistic(StatisticName sn) { return dbStatistics.retrieve(sn.ordinal()) ; } /** * @param tp a text processor * @return true if the environment is ready to be searched for labels using the given text processor, otherwise false */ public boolean isPreparedFor(TextProcessor tp) { LabelDatabase db = getDbLabel(tp) ; return db.exists() ; } /** * Identifies the set of valid article ids which fit the given constrains. Useful for specifying a subset of * articles that we are interested in caching. * * @param minLinkCount the minimum number of links that an article must receive from other articles to be included * @param tracker an optional progress notifier * @return the set of valid ids which fit the given constrains. */ public TIntHashSet getValidArticleIds(int minLinkCount, ProgressTracker tracker) { //TODO: ideally this should advance a page iterator at the same time, to check page type //TODO: ideally this should advance a pageLinkOut iterator at the same time, to check minimum outlinks TIntHashSet pageIds = new TIntHashSet() ; if (tracker == null) tracker = new ProgressTracker(1, WEnvironment.class) ; tracker.startTask(dbPageLinkIn.getDatabaseSize(), "gathering valid page ids") ; WIterator<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> iter = dbPageLinkIn.getIterator() ; while (iter.hasNext()) { WEntry<Integer, DbLinkLocationList> e = ; if (e.getValue().getLinkLocations().size() > minLinkCount) pageIds.add(e.getKey()) ; tracker.update(); } iter.close() ; return pageIds ; } protected void cleanAndCheckpoint() throws DatabaseException{ Logger.getLogger(WEnvironment.class).info("Starting cleaning") ; boolean anyCleaned = false; while (env.cleanLog() > 0) { System.out.println("cleaning") ; anyCleaned = true; } Logger.getLogger(WEnvironment.class).info("Finished cleaning") ; if (anyCleaned) { Logger.getLogger(WEnvironment.class).info("Starting checkpoint") ; CheckpointConfig force = new CheckpointConfig(); force.setForce(true); env.checkpoint(force); Logger.getLogger(WEnvironment.class).info("Finished checkpoint") ; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private WDatabase getDatabase(DatabaseType dbType) { return databasesByType.get(dbType) ; } private class PreparationThread extends Thread { WikipediaConfiguration conf ; private ProgressTracker tracker ; private boolean completed = false ; private Exception failureCause = null ; PreparationThread(WikipediaConfiguration conf) { this.conf = conf ; } public boolean isCompleted() { return completed ; } public boolean failed() { return (failureCause != null) ; } public double getProgress() { if (completed) return 1 ; if (tracker == null) return 0 ; return tracker.getGlobalProgress() ; } public ProgressTracker getTracker() { return tracker ; } @Override public void run() { doPreparation() ; } public void doPreparation() { boolean mustGatherIds = (conf.getMinLinksIn() > 0 && !conf.getDatabasesToCache().isEmpty()) && conf.getArticlesOfInterest() == null ; int taskCount = conf.getDatabasesToCache().size() + 1; if (mustGatherIds) taskCount++ ; tracker = new ProgressTracker(taskCount, WEnvironment.class) ; try { tracker.startTask(1, "Connecting to database") ; dbStatistics.cache(conf, null) ; tracker.update(); if (mustGatherIds) conf.setArticlesOfInterest(getValidArticleIds(conf.getMinLinksIn(), tracker)) ; for(DatabaseType dbName:conf.getDatabasesToCache()) { if (dbName == DatabaseType.label) getDbLabel(conf.getDefaultTextProcessor()).cache(conf, tracker) ; else getDatabase(dbName).cache(conf, tracker) ; } conf.setArticlesOfInterest(null) ; System.gc() ; } catch (Exception e) { failureCause = e ; } ; completed = true ; } } public Exception getCachingFailureReason() { if (this.prepThread == null) return null ; return this.prepThread.failureCause ; } /** * Tidily closes the environment, and all databases within it. This should always be called once you are finished with the environment. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void close() { for (WDatabase<String, DbLabel> dbProcessedLabel: processedLabelDbs.values()) { dbProcessedLabel.close(); } for (WDatabase db:this.databasesByType.values()) { db.close() ; } } @Override public void finalize() { if (env != null) { Logger.getLogger(WIterator.class).warn("Unclosed enviroment. You may be causing a memory leak.") ; } } /** * Builds a WEnvironment, by loading all of the data files stored in the given directory into persistent databases. * * It will not create the environment or any databases unless all of the required files are found in the given directory. * * It will not delete any existing databases, and will only overwrite them if explicitly specified (even if they are incomplete). * * @param conf a configuration specifying where the databases are to be stored, etc. * @param dataDirectory a directory containing the a single XML dump of wikipedia, and all of the CSV files produced by {@link DumpExtractor} * @param overwrite true if existing databases should be overwritten, otherwise false * @throws IOException if any of the required files cannot be read * @throws XMLStreamException if the XML dump of wikipedia cannot be parsed */ public static void buildEnvironment(WikipediaConfiguration conf, File dataDirectory, boolean overwrite) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { //check all files exist and are readable before doing anything File statistics = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "stats.csv") ; File page = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "page.csv") ; File label = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "label.csv") ; File pageLabel = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "pageLabel.csv") ; File pageLinksIn = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "pageLinkIn.csv") ; File pageLinksOut = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "pageLinkOut.csv") ; File categoryParents = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "categoryParents.csv") ; File articleParents = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "articleParents.csv") ; File childCategories = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "childCategories.csv") ; File childArticles = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "childArticles.csv") ; File redirectTargetBySource = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "redirectTargetsBySource.csv") ; File redirectSourcesByTarget = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "redirectSourcesByTarget.csv") ; File sentenceSplits = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "sentenceSplits.csv") ; File translations = getDataFile(dataDirectory, "translations.csv") ; File markup = getMarkupDataFile(dataDirectory) ; //now load databases if (!conf.getDatabaseDirectory().exists()) conf.getDatabaseDirectory().mkdirs() ; WEnvironment env = new WEnvironment(conf) ; env.dbStatistics.loadFromCsvFile(statistics, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPage.loadFromCsvFile(page, overwrite, null) ; env.dbLabel.loadFromCsvFile(label, overwrite, null) ; env.dbLabelsForPage.loadFromCsvFile(pageLabel, overwrite, null) ; env.dbArticlesByTitle.loadFromCsvFile(page, overwrite, null) ; env.dbCategoriesByTitle.loadFromCsvFile(page, overwrite, null) ; env.dbTemplatesByTitle.loadFromCsvFile(page, overwrite, null) ; env.dbRedirectTargetBySource.loadFromCsvFile(redirectTargetBySource, overwrite, null) ; env.dbRedirectSourcesByTarget.loadFromCsvFile(redirectSourcesByTarget, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPageLinkIn.loadFromCsvFile(pageLinksIn, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPageLinkInNoSentences.loadFromCsvFile(pageLinksIn, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPageLinkOut.loadFromCsvFile(pageLinksOut, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPageLinkOutNoSentences.loadFromCsvFile(pageLinksOut, overwrite, null) ; env.dbPageLinkCounts.loadFromCsvFiles(pageLinksIn, pageLinksOut, overwrite, null) ; env.dbCategoryParents.loadFromCsvFile(categoryParents, overwrite, null) ; env.dbArticleParents.loadFromCsvFile(articleParents, overwrite, null) ; env.dbChildCategories.loadFromCsvFile(childCategories, overwrite, null) ; env.dbChildArticles.loadFromCsvFile(childArticles, overwrite, null) ; env.dbSentenceSplits.loadFromCsvFile(sentenceSplits, overwrite, null) ; env.dbTranslations.loadFromCsvFile(translations, overwrite, null) ; env.dbMarkup.loadFromXmlFile(markup, overwrite, null) ; env.close(); TextProcessor tp = conf.getDefaultTextProcessor() ; if (tp != null) { File tmpDir = new File(conf.getDataDirectory() + File.separator + "tmp" + tp.getName()) ; tmpDir.mkdir() ; tmpDir.deleteOnExit() ; prepareTextProcessor(tp, conf, tmpDir, overwrite, 5) ; } } /** * Prepares the environment, so it can be searched efficiently for labels using the given text processor. * * Note: you can use as many different text processors as you like * * @see LabelDatabase#prepare(File, int) * * @param tp a text processor * @param conf a configuration specifying where the databases are to be stored, etc. * @param tempDirectory a directory for writing temporary files * @param overwrite true if the preparation should occur even if the environment has been prepared for this processor already * @param passes the number of the number of passes to break the task into (more = slower, but less memory required) * @throws IOException if the temporary directory is not writable */ public static void prepareTextProcessor(TextProcessor tp, WikipediaConfiguration conf, File tempDirectory, boolean overwrite, int passes) throws IOException { if (tp == null) return ; WEnvironment env = new WEnvironment(conf) ; if (!overwrite && env.isPreparedFor(tp)) return ; LabelDatabase db = env.getDbLabel(tp) ; db.prepare(tempDirectory, passes) ; env.cleanAndCheckpoint() ; env.close(); } protected Environment getEnvironment() { return env ; } private static File getDataFile(File dataDirectory, String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(dataDirectory + File.separator + fileName) ; if (!file.canRead()) throw new IOException(file + " is not readable") ; return file ; } private static File getMarkupDataFile(File dataDirectory) throws IOException { File[] files = dataDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith("-pages-articles.xml") || name.endsWith("-pages-articles.xml.bz2") ; } }) ; if (files.length == 0) throw new IOException("Could not locate markup file in " + dataDirectory) ; if (files.length > 1) throw new IOException("There are multiple markup files in " + dataDirectory) ; if (!files[0].canRead()) throw new IOException(files[0] + " is not readable") ; return files[0] ; } }