package; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Text processing reader which does the major text processing from a given text reader * */ public class TextProcessingReader extends BufferedReader { public static final Pattern _WEBLET_URL = Pattern .compile("weblet:\\s*url\\s*\\(\\s*[\"\\']([^\"\\']+)[\"\\']\\s*\\,\\s*[\"\\']([^\"\\'\\)]+)[\"\\']\\s*\\)?(.*)"); public static final Pattern _WEBLET_RESOURCE = Pattern .compile("weblet:\\s*resource\\s*\\(\\s*[\"\\']([^\"\\'/]+)[\"\\']\\s*\\,\\s*[\"\\']([^\"\\'\\)]+)[\"\\']\\s*\\)?(.*)"); BufferedReader r; StringBuffer processLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer readBuffer = null; String webletName; public TextProcessingReader(Reader r, String webletName) { super(r); this.r = new BufferedReader(r); this.webletName = webletName; } char[] lineBuf = new char[1]; int linePos = -1; public int read() throws IOException { if (linePos == lineBuf.length - 1) linePos = -1; if (linePos == -1) { String line = readLine(); if (lineBuf == null) return -1; lineBuf = line.toCharArray(); if (lineBuf.length == 0) return -1; } linePos++; return lineBuf[linePos]; } public int read(char[] chars, int i, int i1) throws IOException { char[] srcBuf = new char[i1 - i]; int readChars = read(srcBuf); if (readChars == -1) return -1; System.arraycopy(srcBuf, 0, chars, i, readChars); return readChars; } boolean done = false; public void reset() throws IOException { super.reset(); done = false; readBuffer = null; } public int read(char[] chars) throws IOException { if (done) return -1; if (readBuffer == null) { readBuffer = new StringBuffer(128); } do { if (readBuffer.length() < chars.length) { String line = readLine(); if (line == null) { char[] srcArr = readBuffer.toString().toCharArray(); System.arraycopy(srcArr, 0, chars, 0, srcArr.length); done = true; return srcArr.length; } else { readBuffer.append(line); } } } while (readBuffer.length() < chars.length); char[] srcArr = readBuffer.toString().toCharArray(); System.arraycopy(srcArr, 0, chars, 0, chars.length); StringBuffer newReadBuffer = new StringBuffer(128); newReadBuffer.append(readBuffer.substring(chars.length)); readBuffer = newReadBuffer; return chars.length; } public String readLine() throws IOException { String line = r.readLine(); if (line == null) return line; line = processLine(line); return line; } private String processLine(String line) throws IOException { int startWebletUrl = 0; // int oldStartWebletUrl = -1; // int strLen = line.length(); // do { // if(startWebletUrl >= strLen) break; // /oldStartWebletUrl = startWebletUrl; // TODO we have to replace this with a real ll1 parser this method has way too many // deficiencies startWebletUrl = line.substring(startWebletUrl).indexOf("weblet:url("); if (startWebletUrl != -1) { String protocol = line.substring(startWebletUrl); Matcher matcher = _WEBLET_URL.matcher(protocol); return resolveLine(line, startWebletUrl, matcher, true); } else if ((startWebletUrl = line.indexOf("weblet:resource(")) != -1) { String protocol = line.substring(startWebletUrl); Matcher matcher = _WEBLET_RESOURCE.matcher(protocol); return resolveLine(line, startWebletUrl, matcher, false); } else { return line + "\n"; } } private String resolveLine(String line, int startAt, Matcher matcher, boolean url) throws IOException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(line.length() + 64); if (matcher.matches()) { String preamble = line.substring(0, startAt); String webletName =; webletName = (webletName != null) ? webletName.trim() : webletName; String pathInfo =; pathInfo = (pathInfo != null) ? pathInfo.trim() : pathInfo; String postamble =; // default relative weblet:/resource.ext to this weblet if (webletName == null) { webletName = this.webletName; } WebletContainer container = WebletContainer.getInstance(); String webletURL = null; if (url) webletURL = container.getWebletContextPath() + container.getResourceUri(webletName, pathInfo); else webletURL = container.getResourceUri(webletName, pathInfo); buf.append(preamble); buf.append(webletURL); buf.append(postamble); buf.append("\n"); } else { buf.append(line); buf.append("\n"); } return buf.toString(); } public void close() throws IOException { r.close(); } }