package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * helper class to be shared by various weblet loaders * * @author Werner Punz */ public class WebletResourceloadingUtils { static WebletResourceloadingUtils instance = new WebletResourceloadingUtils(); private static final long MILLIS_PER_YEAR = 1000l * 60l * 60l * 24l * 365l; static final int CACHED_URLS = 3000; static final String CACHE_KEY = "WEBLET_CACHE"; public URL getResourceUrl(WebletRequest request, String resourcePath) { Map urlCache = getResourceURLCache(request); URL url = null; url = (URL) urlCache.get(resourcePath); if(url != null) return url; ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); url = loader.getResource(resourcePath); if (url == null) { loader = getClass().getClassLoader(); url = loader.getResource(resourcePath); } urlCache.put(resourcePath, url); return url; } /** * fetches the resource url from a given resource path (uncached for reporting only) TODO add a better cache (LRU if possible) * * @param resourcePath * @return */ public URL getResourceUrl(String resourcePath) { URL url = null; if (url != null) return url; ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); url = loader.getResource(resourcePath); if (url == null) { loader = getClass().getClassLoader(); url = loader.getResource(resourcePath); } return url; } /* entry cache per session */ private Map getResourceURLCache(WebletRequest request) { HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request.getExternalRequest()).getSession(); // session Map cache = (Map) session.getAttribute(CACHE_KEY); if (cache == null) { cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(CACHED_URLS)); session.setAttribute(CACHE_KEY, cache); } if (cache.size() >= CACHED_URLS) { cache.clear(); } return cache; }; public static WebletResourceloadingUtils getInstance() { return instance; } /** * loads a resource from a given url * * @param config * the current weblet config * @param request * the current weblet request * @param response * the current weblet response * @param url * the current url * @param copyProvider * the processing filter chain for the weblet serving */ public void loadFromUrl(WebletConfig config, WebletRequest request, WebletResponse response, URL url, CopyStrategy copyProvider) throws IOException { if (url != null) { URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); long lastmodified = conn.getLastModified(); //not really working because the content length can be different //due to the filter post processing we have to cache it in ram first //or use the latest trunks weblets caching before serving //which should go hand in hand with gzipping upfron //determineContentLength(response, url); loadResourceFromStream(config, request, response, copyProvider, conn.getInputStream(), lastmodified); } else { response.setStatus(WebletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } private void determineContentLength(WebletResponse response, URL url) { try { File f = new File(url.toURI()); response.setContentLength((long) f.length()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } /** * sets initial response params upon the version state * * @param config * the weblet config * @param response * the weblet response * @param lastmodified * local resource lastmodified */ private void prepareVersionedResponse(WebletConfig config, WebletResponse response, long lastmodified, long timeout) { String webletVersion = config.getWebletVersion(); if (!isVersionedWeblet(webletVersion)) { response.setLastModified(lastmodified); /* * set the expires and content version in the head */ response.setContentVersion((webletVersion == null) ? "" : webletVersion, getPast()); } else { // we lock out resource loading once versioned, we do not run // into the chain // just in case the expires is ignored // this enforces the loading from cache on some browsers // even if refresh is pressed, this is by // definition the wanted behavior if versioning is on! // some browsers like firefox despite // having a future number pass a local date on refresh maybe we // lock this out as well response.setLastModified(lastmodified); // this should prevent requests entirely! response.setContentVersion(webletVersion, timeout); } } private long getTimeout(WebletConfig config) { String cacheControlTimeout = config.getInitParameter("cachecontrol-timeout"); long timeout = WebletResourceloadingUtils.getNever(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cacheControlTimeout)) { try { timeout = Long.parseLong(cacheControlTimeout); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); log.error("Weblets: Cache control is set but to an invalid value setting now never instead"); } } return timeout; } /** * fixes internal time values browsers deliver time values on seconds internally it is calculated in miliseconds * * @param browserTimeValue * the browser time value * @return returns a fixed second time value for the input */ private long fixTimeValue(long browserTimeValue) { // some browsers only work on seconds (Mozilla) so we go down to one // second for a shared // common response time // we cannot tamper the cache state here, because // otherwise firefox will fail with an emptied page resource cache // (shift f5) if (browserTimeValue > 1000) browserTimeValue = browserTimeValue - browserTimeValue % 1000; return browserTimeValue; } /** * loads a given resource from an input stream it uses internal timestamps for resource handling and resource serving this works on most browser but safari * seems to ignore the timestamps and always sends a modifiedSince for resources for 1.1.1970 * * @param config * the weblets config for this resource loading request * @param request * the weblets request * @param response * the weblets response * @param copyProvider * a given processing copy provider * @param in * the input stream for the processing * @param resourceLastmodified * the lastmodified for the given input stream * @throws IOException * in case of an internal processing error */ public void loadResourceFromStream(WebletConfig config, WebletRequest request, WebletResponse response, CopyStrategy copyProvider, InputStream in, long resourceLastmodified) throws IOException { if (in != null) { // mime-type String webletVersion = config.getWebletVersion(); boolean load = false; if (isVersionedWeblet(webletVersion)) { //we check if the resource last modified + timeout < currentTime, thats the only condition we cannot //Serve a resource served, we have a strong long requestCacheState = request.getIfModifiedSince(); // the browser sends the utc timestamp requestCacheState = fixTimeValue(requestCacheState); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // utc time mapping long currentUTCTime = currentTime - TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(currentTime); currentUTCTime = fixTimeValue(currentUTCTime); load = (requestCacheState + getTimeout(config)) < currentUTCTime; } else { long requestCacheState = request.getIfModifiedSince(); resourceLastmodified = fixTimeValue(resourceLastmodified); long utcResourceModifiedState = (resourceLastmodified - TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(resourceLastmodified)); load = requestCacheState < utcResourceModifiedState; } //long requestCacheState = request.getIfModifiedSince(); // the browser sends the utc timestamp //requestCacheState = fixTimeValue(requestCacheState); //long resourceModifiedState = resourceLastmodified; //resourceModifiedState = fixTimeValue(resourceModifiedState); //boolean load = false; //long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // utc time mapping //long currentUTCTime = currentTime - TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(currentTime); //currentUTCTime = fixTimeValue(currentUTCTime); //long utcResourceModifiedState = (resourceModifiedState - TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(resourceModifiedState)); // + getTimeout(config); //utcResourceModifiedState = fixTimeValue(utcResourceModifiedState); //load = (requestCacheState < utcResourceModifiedState) /*-1 or smaller value on reload pressed*/ //|| (requestCacheState + getTimeout(config)) < currentUTCTime; /* cache control timeout reached we reload no matter what! */ if (load) { prepareVersionedResponse(config, response, resourceLastmodified, System.currentTimeMillis() + getTimeout(config)); //response.setContentType(finalMimetype); loadResourceFromStream(config, request, response, copyProvider, in); // response.setStatus(200); } else { /* we have to set the timestamps as well here */ prepareVersionedResponse(config, response, resourceLastmodified, request.getIfModifiedSince() + getTimeout(config)); //response.setContentType(null); // Bogus "text/html" overriding response.setStatus(WebletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); } } else { response.setStatus(WebletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } /** * loads the resource from a given input stream note, this api is under construction we have caching not enabled yet * * @param config * the weblet config to load the resource * @param request * the weblet request * @param response * the weblet response * @param copyProvider * the processing copy provider * @param in * the resource serving input stream * @throws IOException */ public void loadResourceFromStream(WebletConfig config, WebletRequest request, WebletResponse response, CopyStrategy copyProvider, InputStream in) throws IOException { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); String finalMimetype = config.getMimeType(request.getPathInfo()); copyProvider.copy(request.getWebletName(), finalMimetype, in, out); } /* unified version checker for weblet versions maybe in existence */ public static boolean isVersionedWeblet(String webletVersion) { return webletVersion != null && !webletVersion.trim().equals("") && !webletVersion.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT"); } /* defined never value used system internally */ public static long getNever() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return now + MILLIS_PER_YEAR; } public static long getPast() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return now - MILLIS_PER_YEAR; } }