package net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.items; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.annotations.Order; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.annotations.Tooltip; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.Definition; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; /** Defines a collectible item. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class ItemDefinition extends Definition { /** Enumerates the {@link ItemType#EQUIPMENT} type * @author Andrew Keturi */ public static enum EquipType { ACCESSORY("silhouette_ring"), GLOVES("silhouette_fist"), HELM("silhouette_helm"), SHIELD("silhouette_shield"), SHOES("silhouette_shoe"), TOP("silhouette_armor"), WEAPON("silhouette_sword"); private final String emptyFilename; EquipType(String emptyFilename) { this.emptyFilename = emptyFilename; } public String getEmptyFilename() { return emptyFilename; } public EquipSlot getSlot() { switch (this) { case ACCESSORY: return EquipSlot.ACCESSORY_1; //TODO: intelligently determine which slot should be used here case SHOES: return EquipSlot.SHOES; case GLOVES: return EquipSlot.GLOVES; case HELM: return EquipSlot.HELM; case SHIELD: return EquipSlot.SHIELD; case TOP: return EquipSlot.TOP; case WEAPON: return EquipSlot.WEAPON; default: throw new NullPointerException("No slot type for " + this); } } } /** Enumerates different types of items. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public static enum ItemType { COLLECTIBLE(true), CONSUMABLE(true), EQUIPMENT(false), SCRIPT(true); private final boolean stackable; ItemType(boolean stackable) { this.stackable = stackable; } /** @return whether or not this item type is stackable */ public boolean isStackable() { return stackable; } } /** Enumerates on all the secondary item stats that are added to gear * @author Andrew Keturi */ public static enum SecondaryStat { ACC("Hit"), ATK("Atk"), CRIT("Crit"), DEF("Def"), EVA("Evade"), FOC("Focus"), MATK("M.Atk"), MDEF("M.Def"), SPD("Speed"); public static SecondaryStat[] sortedValues() { SecondaryStat[] stats = { ATK, MATK, DEF, MDEF, ACC, CRIT, SPD, EVA, FOC }; return stats; } private final String name; SecondaryStat(String name) { = name; } /** @return the baseline for which stats calculate from */ public float baseline() { if (this == ACC || this == FOC || this == SPD) { return 1; } return 0; } /** Given an item definition, return its stat * @param item the {@link ItemDefinition} * @return the stat value */ public float from(ItemDefinition item) { switch (this) { case ACC: return item.accuracy; case ATK: return item.atk; case CRIT: return item.critical; case DEF: return item.def; case EVA: return item.evasion; case FOC: return item.focus; case MATK: return item.matk; case MDEF: return item.mdef; case SPD: return item.speed; default: break; } throw new NullPointerException("Stat doesn't exist in ItemDefinition: " + this); } /** @return <code>true</code> if this should be displayed as a percentage */ public boolean isPercent() { return this == SPD || this == EVA || this == ACC || this == FOC || this == CRIT; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } @Tooltip("Equip stats stats") @Order(200) public int atk, matk, def, mdef; @Tooltip("A description for the item") @Order(7) public String description; @Tooltip("The equipment type") @Order(6) public EquipType equipType; @Order(100) @Tooltip("HP recovered (flat amount)") public int hpRecovery; @Order(101) @Tooltip("HP recovered (percentage)") public float hpRecoveryPercent; @Tooltip("An icon to use in menus") @Order(8) public String icon; @Tooltip("The name of the item") @Order(1) public String name; @Tooltip("The item's price") @Order(4) public int price; @Order(102) @Tooltip("A script to call when invoking") public String script; @Tooltip("Secondary percent-based stats") @Order(201) public float speed, critical, accuracy, focus, evasion; @Tooltip("The tag, for sorting") @Order(2) public String tag; @Tooltip("The type of item") @Order(3) public ItemType type = ItemType.COLLECTIBLE; @Order(900) public Array<String> usageFilter; @Tooltip("The item's weight") @Order(5) public int weight; @Override public String getName() { return name != null ? name : "Enemy"; } @Override public String getTag() { return tag != null ? tag : ""; } }