package net.alcuria.umbracraft; import; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.screens.UmbraScreen; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.hud.HUD; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.VisUI; /** The top-level application class that is responsible for updating/rendering * the current screen and initializing our {@link Game} object. Project-specific * interfaces to handle unique gameflows are also initialized here. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public abstract class UmbraCraftApplication implements ApplicationListener { private Game game; @Override public void create() { VisUI.load(); game = new Game(); Game.setScreen(getFirstScreen(), false); Game.setBattle(getBattle()); Game.setAudio(getAudio()); Game.setHUD(getHUD()); } @Override public void dispose() { VisUI.dispose(); game.dispose(); } /** Gets the audio interface * @return the {@link Audio} */ public abstract Audio getAudio(); /** This method is called when the application is created to specify a * {@link Battle} interface to tell the engine how to handle in-game * battles. Once the application is created, a reference to this battle * object is stored inside of {@link Game}. * @return a {@link Battle} */ public abstract Battle getBattle(); /** @return the first screen to display, typically a loading or title screen. */ public abstract UmbraScreen getFirstScreen(); /** This method is called when the application is created to specify a * {@link HUD} interface which tells the engine how to render and manage the * in-game HUD. Once called, a reference is stored in {@link Game} * @return */ public abstract HUD getHUD(); @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void render() { if (Game.screen() != null) { Game.screen().update(; }, 0, 0, 1);; Game.batch().begin(); Game.batch().setProjectionMatrix(Game.view().getCamera().combined); if (Game.screen() != null) { Game.screen().render(; } Game.batch().end(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { Game.view().resize(width, height); } @Override public void resume() { } }