package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; public class TestProtoBufAnyWsdl extends AbstractServiceGeneratorTestCase { static Set<String> compiledTypes = new HashSet<String>(); File destDir = null; String nam = null; ProtoFileParser parser = null; List<String> protoMessageList = new ArrayList<String>(); public static String getPackageFromNamespace(String namespace) { // Using the method used by JAXB directly to avoid potential conflicts // with JAXB generated code // Therefore commenting out the old code which is based on JAXB 2.0 spec return; } List<String> wsdlFileName = new ArrayList<String>(); File protoFile = null; Map<String, String> xsdToProtoType = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> xsdToJaxbType = new HashMap<String, String>(); @Before public void init() { destDir = testingdir.getDir(); /* * Add wsdl which needs to be tested for protobuf to the list Make sure * you also add the expected text result file for the wsdl. */ wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlXsdTypes"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlBug19005"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlComplexType"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlComplexTypeExtended"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlIDNotSupported"); // wsdlFileName.add("authentication"); // wsdlFileName.add("FindingService"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlBug"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestKeywordsAsNames"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestAllVariationsWsdl"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlEnum"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlChoiceAttrGroup"); // wsdlFileName.add("IntOps"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlChoiceAttrGroup"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlComplexTypeCC"); // wsdlFileName.add("test"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlOtherTypes"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlListTypes"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlComplexTypeSC1"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlComplexTypeSC2"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlBug19062"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestWsdlBug19094"); // wsdlFileName.add("TestingBugs"); /* * List for xsd types conversion to protobuf. */ xsdToProtoType.put("int", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("integer", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("byte", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("boolean", "bool"); xsdToProtoType.put("string", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("normalizedString", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("positiveInteger", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("token", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("hexBinary", "bytes"); xsdToProtoType.put("base64Binary", "bytes"); xsdToProtoType.put("integer", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("long", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("short", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("unsignedLong", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("unsignedInt", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("unsignedShort", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("unsignedByte", "sint32"); xsdToProtoType.put("decimal", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("double", "double"); xsdToProtoType.put("float", "float"); xsdToProtoType.put("double", "double"); xsdToProtoType.put("date", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("duration", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("dateTime", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("time", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("gYearMonth", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("stringbig", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("gYear", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("gMonthDay", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("gMonth", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("gDay", "sint64"); xsdToProtoType.put("QName", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("anyURI", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("ID", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("NMTOKEN", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("NMTOKENS", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("ENTITY", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("language", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("Name", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("NCName", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("negativeInteger", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("nonNegativeInteger", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("nonPositiveInteger", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("normalizedString", "string"); xsdToProtoType.put("ENTITIES", "string"); /* * List for xsd types conversion to jaxb. */ xsdToJaxbType.put("int", "integer"); xsdToJaxbType.put("byte", "byte"); xsdToJaxbType.put("boolean", "boolean"); xsdToJaxbType.put("string", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("normalizedString", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("positiveInteger", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("token", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("hexBinary", "byte[]"); xsdToJaxbType.put("base64Binary", "byte[]"); xsdToJaxbType.put("integer", "integer"); xsdToJaxbType.put("long", "long"); xsdToJaxbType.put("short", "short"); xsdToJaxbType.put("unsignedLong", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("stringbig", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("unsignedInt", "long"); xsdToJaxbType.put("unsignedShort", "integer"); xsdToJaxbType.put("unsignedByte", "short"); xsdToJaxbType.put("decimal", "bigdecimal"); xsdToJaxbType.put("double", "double"); xsdToJaxbType.put("float", "float"); xsdToJaxbType.put("double", "double"); xsdToJaxbType.put("date", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("duration", "duration"); xsdToJaxbType.put("dateTime", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("time", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("gYearMonth", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("gYear", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("gMonthDay", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("gMonth", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("gDay", "xmlgregoriancalendar"); xsdToJaxbType.put("QName", "QName"); xsdToJaxbType.put("anyURI", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("language", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("ID", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("NMTOKEN", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("NMTOKENS", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("ENTITY", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("Name", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("NCName", "string"); xsdToJaxbType.put("negativeInteger", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("nonNegativeInteger", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("nonPositiveInteger", "biginteger"); xsdToJaxbType.put("ENTITIES", "string"); } private void cleanDestination(File wsdlpath, String name1) { compiledTypes.clear(); CodeGenUtil.deleteContentsOfDir(new File(destDir + "/gen-src")); CodeGenUtil.deleteContentsOfDir(new File(destDir + "/gen-meta-src")); CodeGenUtil.deleteContentsOfDir(new File(destDir + "/meta-src")); CodeGenUtil.deleteContentsOfDir(new File(destDir + "/bin")); } private void setClassloader(URL[] urls) { URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader()); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(loader); } private File getProtoFilePath(String adminName) { protoFile = new File(destDir, "meta-src/META-INF/soa/services/proto/" + adminName + "/" + adminName + ".proto"); return protoFile; } private void getProtoMessages() { parser = ProtoFileParser.newInstance(getProtoFilePath(nam)); protoMsg = parser.parse(); } List<Message> protoMsg = null; /* * Adding the message name to a list. Enum message is appended with _e. */ private List<String> addToMessageList() { for (Message m : protoMsg) { if (m.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { EnumMessage em = (EnumMessage) m; protoMessageList.add(em.getEnumName() + "_e"); continue; } protoMessageList.add(m.getMessageName()); } return protoMessageList; } /* * assert if the tags assigned to PMD information at the bottom of the proto * file is correct and same as the one in the message section of the proto * file */ private void assertTagAssignedToPMDInfo() { Map<String, List<String>> msgMap1 = pmdInfoForAllMessages(protoFile, protoMessageList, parser); Map<String, List<String>> msgMap2 = getParamSqequenceInfoForAllMessages(protoFile); for (String msgName : protoMessageList) { List<String> pmdInfo1 = msgMap1.get(msgName); List<String> pmdInfoNew = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : pmdInfo1) { pmdInfoNew.add(s.replace("@", "").trim()); } if (msgName.contains("_e")) { msgName = msgName.substring(0, msgName.length() - 2) + "Enum"; } List<String> pmdInfo2 = msgMap2.get(msgName); for (String s : pmdInfo2) { boolean hasit = false; for (String s1 : pmdInfoNew) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(s1)) { hasit = true; } } if (!hasit) Assert.assertTrue("PMD info is incorrect for field " + s + " in message " + msgName, hasit); } } } @Test @Ignore("protobuf tests are not included for opensource since the proto compilation logic doest not work in linux env") public void testEproto() throws Exception { File wsdlpath = null; File fileExp = null; File gensrc = new File(destDir, "gen-src"); File bin = new File(destDir, "bin"); URL[] urls = { new URL("file:/" + destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/bin/"), destDir.toURI().toURL(), gensrc.toURI().toURL() }; setClassloader(urls); for (String name1 : wsdlFileName) { cleanDestination(wsdlpath, name1); nam = name1; String wsdlNSToPkg = getPackageFromNamespace(""); // wsdlNSToPkg = // getPackageFromNamespace(""); wsdlpath = getProtobufRelatedInput(name1 + ".wsdl"); generateJaxbClasses(wsdlpath.getAbsolutePath(), destDir.getAbsolutePath(), bin, nam); getProtoMessages(); assertTagAssignment(); addToMessageList(); // This method needs to be included. // assertTagAssignedToPMDInfo(); fileExp = getProtobufRelatedInput(name1 + ".txt"); Class<?> protoClass = Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto." + nam); Class<?> eprotoClass = null; Class<?> jaxbClass = null; List<Message> enumMessagesGen = new ArrayList<Message>(); List<Message> typeMessagesGen = new ArrayList<Message>(); for (Message m : protoMsg) { if (m.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { enumMessagesGen.add(m); continue; } typeMessagesGen.add(m); } List<Message> enumMessagesExp = new ArrayList<Message>(); List<Message> typeMessagesExp = new ArrayList<Message>(); WSDLInformationParser info = new WSDLInformationParser(fileExp); List<Message> msgInfo = info.parse(); for (Message ms : msgInfo) { if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { enumMessagesExp.add(ms); continue; } typeMessagesExp.add(ms); } boolean hasMsg = false; boolean hasEle = false; boolean hasEnumMsg = false; if (enumMessagesGen.size() == enumMessagesExp.size()) { for (Message m : enumMessagesGen) { if (m.getClass().getName().contains("EnumMessage")) { for (Message ms : enumMessagesExp) { if (m.getMessageName().equals(ms.getMessageName())) { hasEnumMsg = true; EnumMessage em = (EnumMessage) m; Assert.assertTrue(((EnumMessage) ms) .getValues().size() == em.getValues() .size()); } } Assert.assertTrue("Enum message " + m.getMessageName() + " is not found in exp", hasEnumMsg); hasEnumMsg = false; continue; } } } else { Assert.assertTrue( "No of enum message is not equal in genenerated file and expexted file. For wsdl " + nam, false); } if (typeMessagesGen.size() == typeMessagesExp.size()) { for (Message m : typeMessagesGen) { String messageName = m.getMessageName(); hasMsg = false; for (Message ms : typeMessagesExp) { if (ms.getMessageName().equals(messageName)) { hasMsg = true; if (m.getFields().size() == ms.getFields().size()) { for (Field el : ms.getFields()) { XsdField xel = (XsdField) el; hasEle = false; for (Field f : m.getFields()) { ProtoField pf = (ProtoField) f; if (f.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase( xel.getJaxbName())) { hasEle = true; Assert.assertTrue(pf.getFieldName() .equalsIgnoreCase( xel.getJaxbName())); if (el.isOptional()) Assert.assertTrue( "field restriction optional is wrong for" + m.getMessageName() + " and field name" + pf.getFieldName(), pf.getFieldRestriction() .equals("optional")); if (el.isList()) Assert.assertTrue( "field restriction repeated is wrong for" + m.getMessageName() + " and field name" + pf.getFieldName(), pf.getFieldRestriction() .equals("repeated")); if (!el.isList() && !el.isOptional()) Assert.assertTrue( "field restriction is wrong for" + m.getMessageName() + " and field name" + pf.getFieldName(), pf.getFieldRestriction() .equals("required")); try { Assert.assertTrue( "Data type is wrong for" + m.getMessageName() + " and field name" + pf.getFieldName(), xsdToProtoType .get(xel.getFieldType()) .equals(pf .getFieldType())); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(f .getFieldName()); } break; } } Assert.assertTrue(ms.getMessageName() + " message " + xel.getJaxbName() + "element is not found in exp", hasEle); } break; } else { System.out .println("Mismatch in number of elements in" + m.getMessageName()); } } } Assert.assertTrue(m.getMessageName() + "is not found in generated proto", hasMsg); } } else { System.out.println("Mismatch found in the number of message"); boolean found = false; for (Message m : typeMessagesGen) { for (Message mi : typeMessagesExp) { if (m.getMessageName().equals(mi.getMessageName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { System.out.println(m.getMessageName() + " is not found in expected messages"); } found = false; } for (Message mi : typeMessagesExp) { for (Message m : typeMessagesGen) { if (m.getMessageName().equals(mi.getMessageName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { System.out.println(mi.getMessageName() + " is not found in generated messages"); } found = false; } } Set<String> setTypes = xsdToProtoType.keySet(); for (Message ms : msgInfo) { String messageName = ms.getMessageName(); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum") && messageName.contains("Enum")) { messageName = messageName.trim().substring(0, messageName.length() - 4); } String eprotoPath = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/gen-src/" + packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg) + "/proto/extended/E" + messageName + ".java"; compile(msgInfo, eprotoPath, bin, setTypes, wsdlNSToPkg, messageName); eprotoPath = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/gen-src/" + packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg) + "/proto/extended/E" + messageName + ".java"; compileEproto(eprotoPath, bin); } for (Message ms : msgInfo) { String messageName = ms.getMessageName(); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum") && messageName.contains("Enum")) { messageName = messageName.trim().substring(0, messageName.length() - 4); } /* * String eprotoPath ="generated/gen-src/"+ * packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg)+"/proto/extended/E" * +messageName+".java"; * * List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); File f = new * File(eprotoPath); files.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); JavacHelper * helper = new JavacHelper(System.out); * helper.compileJavaSource(files,bin.getAbsolutePath() ); */ jaxbClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + "." + messageName); eprotoClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto.extended.E" + messageName); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { EnumMessage ems = (EnumMessage) ms; Iterator<String> it = ems.getValues().keySet().iterator(); for (; it.hasNext();) { invokeEnumNewInstance(jaxbClass, eprotoClass,; } continue; } Object obj = makeObject(ms, msgInfo, wsdlNSToPkg, xsdToJaxbType); invokeNewInstance(jaxbClass, eprotoClass, protoClass, messageName, obj); } for (Message ms : msgInfo) { String messageName = ms.getMessageName(); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum") && messageName.contains("Enum")) { messageName = messageName.substring(0, messageName.length() - 4); } String methodPrefix = "get"; eprotoClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto.extended.E" + messageName); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { invokeEnumGetter(eprotoClass, protoClass, 11, messageName + "Enum"); continue; } Object obj = makeProtoObject(msgInfo, ms, wsdlNSToPkg); for (Field ele : ms.getFields()) { if (ele.getFieldType().equals("boolean") && !ele.isList()) { methodPrefix = "is"; } invokeGetters(eprotoClass, eprotoClass, methodPrefix + firstLetterUpperCase(ele.getFieldName()), messageName, obj); methodPrefix = "get"; } } for (Message m : msgInfo) { String messageName = m.getMessageName(); if (m.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { messageName = messageName.substring(0, (messageName.length() - 4)); } eprotoClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto.extended.E" + messageName); jaxbClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + "." + messageName); // code to check if the jaxb getter methods are overriden and // return types are same: Method[] jaxbMtd = jaxbClass.getMethods(); Method[] methods = eprotoClass.getMethods(); for (Method jmtd : jaxbMtd) { for (Method mtd : methods) { if (jmtd.getName().equals(mtd.getName())) { System.out .println("Method in jaxb pojo " + jmtd.getName() + "is overriden in eproto " + mtd.getName()); if (jmtd.getReturnType() .equals(mtd.getReturnType())) { System.out.println("return types are equal"); } else {"return types are not equal"); } } } } // end of code } for (Message ms : msgInfo) { boolean hasParseMtd = false; String messageName = ms.getMessageName(); if (ms.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { continue; } eprotoClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto.extended.E" + messageName); for (Method parse : eprotoClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (parse.getName().equals("parseFrom")) { hasParseMtd = true; } } // Assert.assertTrue("parse From method is not found in "+ms.getMessageName(), // hasParseMtd); } } /* * MyComplexType complextype = (MyComplexType) * jaxbClasses.get("MyComplexType").newInstance(); * complextype.setElemA(344.55f); SampleComplexType sample = * (SampleComplexType) * jaxbClasses.get("SampleComplexType").newInstance(); * sample.getEnt().add(23); sample.setValue1("test1"); * sample.setValue10("test10"); sample.setValue2("test2"); * sample.setValue4("test3"); sample.setValue8("test8"); * sample.setValue9("test9"); complextype.setElemB(sample); * ExtendMyComplexType extended = (ExtendMyComplexType) * jaxbClasses.get("ExtendMyComplexType").newInstance(); * extended.setElemB(sample); extended.setElemA(344.33f); * extended.setElemC("test"); * * * invokeNewInstance(jaxbClasses.get("ExtendMyComplexType"),eprotoClasses * .get("ExtendMyComplexType"), * protoClass,"ExtendMyComplexType",extended); */ } public Map<String, List<String>> getParamSqequenceInfoForAllMessages( File file) { ProtoFileParser parser1 = ProtoFileParser .newInstance(getProtoFilePath(nam)); List<Message> msg = parser1.parse(); return getMessageInfo(msg); } public Map<String, List<String>> getMessageInfo(List<Message> msg) { Map<String, List<String>> msgFields = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (Message m : msg) { String msName = m.getMessageName(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (m.getClass().getName().contains("Enum")) { EnumMessage em = (EnumMessage) m; Iterator<String> it = em.getValues().keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s =; String fsn = em.getEnumName() + s + Integer.toString(em.getValues().get(s.trim())); list.add(fsn); } msgFields.put(msName, list); continue; } List<Field> fields = m.getFields(); for (Field f : fields) { ProtoField pf = (ProtoField) f; String fsn = f.getFieldName().trim() + pf.getSequenceNumber().trim(); list.add(fsn); } msgFields.put(msName, list); } return msgFields; } public Map<String, List<String>> pmdInfoForAllMessages(File file, List<String> listofMessageName, ProtoFileParser parser) { List<String> list1 = FileUtil.readFileAsLines(file); List<String> onlyPMD = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : list1) { if (s.trim().startsWith("//PMD")) { onlyPMD.add(s); } } List<PMDInfo> list = parser.parsePMDData(onlyPMD); Map<String, List<String>> msgMap3 = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String msgName : listofMessageName) { List<String> pmd = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PMDInfo info : list) { if (msgName.contains("_e")) { String msgN = msgName.substring(0, msgName.length() - 2); if (info.getMessageName().trim() .equalsIgnoreCase((msgN.trim()))) { pmd.add(msgN + info.getFieldName().toUpperCase() + info.getSequenceNumber()); continue; } } if (info.getMessageName().trim() .equalsIgnoreCase((msgName.trim()))) { pmd.add(info.getFieldName() + info.getSequenceNumber()); } } msgMap3.put(msgName, pmd); } return msgMap3; } public void assertTagAssignment() { int repFieldCount = 0; int optFieldCount = 0; int highSequenceNo = 0; for (Message m : protoMsg) { if (m.getClass().getName().contains("EnumMessage")) { continue; } for (Field f : m.getFields()) { ProtoField pf = (ProtoField) f; if (pf.getFieldRestriction().equals("repeated") || pf.getFieldRestriction().equals("required")) { repFieldCount++; } if (pf.getFieldRestriction().equals("optional")) { optFieldCount++; } } if ((repFieldCount >= 10)) { highSequenceNo = repFieldCount + optFieldCount; } if ((repFieldCount < 10 && optFieldCount > 0)) { highSequenceNo = 10 + optFieldCount; } if ((repFieldCount < 10 && optFieldCount == 0)) { highSequenceNo = repFieldCount; } boolean assigned = false; for (int i = 1; i <= highSequenceNo; i++) { if (i > repFieldCount && i <= 10) { i = 11; } if (i >= 11) { for (Field f : m.getFields()) { ProtoField pf = (ProtoField) f; if (Integer.valueOf(pf.getSequenceNumber().trim()) == i) { assigned = true; if (repFieldCount < 10) Assert.assertTrue( "Tag value " + i + " is assigned to other than optional field in message " + m.getMessageName(), pf.getFieldRestriction().equals( "optional")); } } Assert.assertTrue( "Tag value " + i + " is not assigned for message " + m.getMessageName(), assigned); assigned = false; continue; } for (Field f : m.getFields()) { ProtoField pf = (ProtoField) f; if (Integer.valueOf(pf.getSequenceNumber().trim()) == i) { assigned = true; Assert.assertTrue( "Tag value " + i + " is assigned to other than repeated or required field in message " + m.getMessageName(), pf.getFieldRestriction().equals("repeated") || pf.getFieldRestriction().equals( "required")); } } Assert.assertTrue("Tag value " + i + " is not assigned for message " + m.getMessageName(), assigned); assigned = false; } repFieldCount = 0; optFieldCount = 0; highSequenceNo = 0; } } public void compile(List<Message> msg, String eprotoPath, File bin, Set<String> setTypes, String wsdlNSToPkg, String msgName) throws Exception { for (Message m : msg) { if (compiledTypes.contains(msgName)) continue; if (m.getMessageName().equals(msgName)) { for (Field el : m.getFields()) { if (el.getFieldType().equals(msgName)) continue; if (compiledTypes.contains(el.getFieldType())) continue; if (el.getFieldType().contains("Enum.")) { String[] str = el.getFieldType().split("Enum."); eprotoPath = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/gen-src/" + packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg) + "/proto/extended/E" + str[0].trim() + ".java"; compileEproto(eprotoPath, bin); compiledTypes.add(el.getFieldType()); } if (!setTypes.contains(el.getFieldType()) && !el.getFieldType().contains("Enum.")) { eprotoPath = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/gen-src/" + packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg) + "/proto/extended/E" + el.getFieldType() + ".java"; compile(msg, eprotoPath, bin, setTypes, wsdlNSToPkg, el.getFieldType()); } } eprotoPath = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/gen-src/" + packagetoDirPath(wsdlNSToPkg) + "/proto/extended/E" + m.getMessageName() + ".java"; compileEproto(eprotoPath, bin); compiledTypes.add(m.getMessageName()); return; } } } public void compileEproto(String eprotoPath, File bin) throws Exception { String[] inclPackagePrefixes = new String[1]; String[] exclPackagePrefixes = new String[1]; String[] exclClasses = new String[1]; List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); File f = new File(eprotoPath); files.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); ClassLoader current = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); CodeGenClassLoader cgc = new CodeGenClassLoader(current, current.getParent(), inclPackagePrefixes, exclPackagePrefixes, exclClasses); Object abc = Class .forName("", true, cgc).getConstructor(OutputStream.class) .newInstance(System.out); abc.getClass().getMethod("compileJavaSource", List.class, String.class) .invoke(abc, files, bin.getAbsolutePath()); // JavacHelper helper = new JavacHelper(System.out); // helper.compileJavaSource(files,bin.getAbsolutePath() ); } public Object makeProtoObject(List<Message> msgList, Message ms, String wsdlNSToPkg) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { Class<?> protoClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto." + nam); Object builderObj = null; Object builtObj = null; Class<?>[] innerClasses = protoClass.getDeclaredClasses(); builderObj = createBuilder(ms, innerClasses, builderObj); Object descriptorObj = null; Class<?> bc = builderObj.getClass(); Method[] mthd = bc.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Field el : ms.getFields()) { XsdField xel = (XsdField) el; /* * Class<?> bc = builderObj.getClass(); Method [] mthd = * bc.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method m: mthd){ * if(m.getName().equals("getDescriptorForType")){ Object builder = * m.invoke(builderObj); * * Class<?> bu = builder.getClass(); Method [] buMthd = * bu.getDeclaredMethods(); * * for(Method m1 : buMthd){ * * if(m1.getName().equals("findFieldByName")){ * * descriptorObj = m1.invoke(builder,el.getElementName()); break; } * } break; } * * * } */ settingFieldValue(msgList, ms, builderObj, xel, wsdlNSToPkg); } for (Method m : mthd) { if (m.getName().equals("build")) { builtObj = m.invoke(builderObj); System.out.println(""); break; } } return builtObj; } public void settingFieldValue(List<Message> msgList, Message ms, Object builderObj, XsdField el, String wsdlNSToPkg) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException { String methodPrefix = "set"; if (el.isList()) { methodPrefix = "add"; } String dataType = xsdToProtoType.get(el.getFieldType()); if (dataType == null) dataType = el.getFieldType(); Method[] mtds = builderObj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : mtds) { if (m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( methodPrefix + firstLetterUpperCase(el.getFieldName()))) { if (el.isEnums()) { Class<?> protoClass = Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto." + nam); Class<?> eprotoClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + ".proto.extended.E" + ms.getMessageName()); String[] enumMessage = el.getFieldType().split("Enum."); m.invoke( builderObj, invokeEnum(eprotoClass, protoClass, 11, enumMessage[0])); continue; } if (dataType.equals("string")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, "234"); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, "234"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("sint32")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, 123); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, 123); break; } else if (dataType.equals("sint64")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, 12232l); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, 12232l); break; } else if (dataType.equals("double")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, 323.5d); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, 13345d); break; } else if (dataType.equals("float")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, new Float("3.4")); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, new Float("2.9")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("long")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, 3232l); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, 12122l); break; } else if (dataType.equals("bool")) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, true); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, true); break; } else if (dataType.equals("bytes")) { byte[] bytes = new byte[10]; if (el.isList()) { m.invoke(builderObj, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)); break; } else { for (Message mi : msgList) { if (mi.getMessageName().equals(dataType)) { if (el.isList()) { m.invoke( builderObj, makeProtoObject(msgList, mi, wsdlNSToPkg)); break; } m.invoke(builderObj, makeProtoObject(msgList, mi, wsdlNSToPkg)); break; } } break; } } } } public Object createBuilder(Message ms, Class<?>[] innerClasses, Object builderObj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { for (Class<?> cls : innerClasses) { if (cls.getName().contains(ms.getMessageName() + "OrBuilder")) { continue; } if (cls.getName().contains(ms.getMessageName())) { Method[] mths = cls.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : mths) { System.out.println(m.getName()); if (m.getName().equals("newBuilder")) { builderObj = m.invoke(null); break; } } } } return builderObj; } public Object makeObject(Message ms, List<Message> listMsg, String wsdlNSToPkg, Map<String, String> xsdToJaxbType) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, DatatypeConfigurationException { Class<?> jaxbClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .loadClass(wsdlNSToPkg + "." + ms.getMessageName()); Object obj = jaxbClass.newInstance(); for (Field el : ms.getFields()) { XsdField xel = (XsdField) el; try { invokeMtd(ms, listMsg, xel, obj, wsdlNSToPkg, xsdToJaxbType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.assertTrue( e.getMessage() + "caused by :" + e.getCause(), false); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Assert.assertTrue( e.getMessage() + "caused by :" + e.getCause(), false); } } return obj; } public String firstLetterUpperCase(String word) { char[] ch = word.toCharArray(); String str = Character.toString(ch[0]).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1); return str; } public void invokeMtd(Message ms, List<Message> listMsg, XsdField el, Object jaxbObj, String wsdlNSToPkg, Map<String, String> xsdToJaxbType) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, DatatypeConfigurationException { String methodPrefix = "set"; Method[] mths = jaxbObj.getClass().getMethods(); String dataType = xsdToJaxbType.get(el.getFieldType()); if (dataType == null) dataType = el.getFieldType(); for (Method m : mths) { if (el.isList()) { methodPrefix = "get"; if ((methodPrefix + firstLetterUpperCase(el.getJaxbName())) .equals(m.getName())) { Object obj = m.invoke(jaxbObj); for (Method mthd : obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (mthd.getName().equals("add") && mthd.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { if (dataType.equals("string")) { mthd.invoke(obj, "4567"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("integer")) { mthd.invoke(obj, 100); break; } else if (dataType.equals("float")) { mthd.invoke(obj, 10.9f); break; } else if (dataType.equals("long")) { mthd.invoke(obj, 8971l); break; } else if (dataType.equals("boolean")) { mthd.invoke(obj, true); break; } else if (dataType.equals("double")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new Double("100000")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("duration")) { mthd.invoke(obj, DatatypeFactory.newInstance() .newDuration(1000)); break; } else if (dataType.equals("xmlgregoriancalendar")) { GregorianCalendar greCal = new GregorianCalendar(); greCal.setTimeInMillis(10000); mthd.invoke(obj, DatatypeFactory.newInstance() .newXMLGregorianCalendar(greCal)); break; } else if (dataType.equals("biginteger")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("bigdecimal")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigDecimal("232.3")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("byte")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new Byte("23")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("QName")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new QName("das")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("ENTITY")) { mthd.invoke(obj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("Name")) { mthd.invoke(obj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("NCName")) { mthd.invoke(obj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("negativeInteger")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("nonNegativeInteger")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("nonPositiveInteger")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("normalizedString")) { mthd.invoke(obj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("positiveInteger")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("ENTITIES")) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); mthd.invoke(obj, list); break; } else if (dataType.equals("short")) { mthd.invoke(obj, new Short("23")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("byte[]")) { List<byte[]> list = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); mthd.invoke(obj, list); break; } else { for (Message info : listMsg) { if (info.getMessageName().equals(dataType)) { mthd.invoke( obj, makeObject(info, listMsg, wsdlNSToPkg, xsdToJaxbType)); } } break; } } } continue; } } if ((methodPrefix + firstLetterUpperCase(el.getJaxbName())) .equalsIgnoreCase(m.getName())) { if (dataType.contains("Enum.")) { Class<?> jaxbClass = Thread .currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .loadClass( wsdlNSToPkg + "." + getEnumClassNamFromDataType(el .getFieldType())); Method mtd = null; try { mtd = jaxbClass.getMethod("fromValue", String.class); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } for (Message msg : listMsg) { if (msg.getMessageName().equals( getEnumClassNamFromDataType(el.getFieldType()) + "Enum")) { EnumMessage ems = (EnumMessage) msg; Iterator<String> it = ems.getValues().keySet() .iterator(); Object obj = mtd.invoke(null, .toLowerCase()); m.invoke(jaxbObj, obj); break; } } } if (dataType.equals("string")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, "3456"); } else if (dataType.equals("integer")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, 100); } else if (dataType.equals("float")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, 100.00f); } else if (dataType.equals("long")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, 10000l); } else if (dataType.equals("boolean")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, true); } else if (dataType.equals("duration")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, DatatypeFactory.newInstance() .newDuration(1000)); } else if (dataType.equals("QName")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new QName("sadsa")); } else if (dataType.equals("double")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, 1000d); } else if (dataType.equals("xmlgregoriancalendar")) { GregorianCalendar greCal = new GregorianCalendar(); greCal.setTimeInMillis(10000); m.invoke(jaxbObj, DatatypeFactory.newInstance() .newXMLGregorianCalendar(greCal)); } else if (dataType.equals("biginteger")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigInteger("23")); } else if (dataType.equals("bigdecimal")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigDecimal("23.8")); } else if (dataType.equals("byte")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new Byte("3")); } else if (dataType.equals("short")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new Short("39")); } else if (dataType.equals("byte[]")) { byte[] bytes = new byte[10]; m.invoke(jaxbObj, bytes); } else if (dataType.equals("ENTITY")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("Name")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("NCName")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("negativeInteger")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("nonNegativeInteger")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("nonPositiveInteger")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("normalizedString")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, "das"); break; } else if (dataType.equals("positiveInteger")) { m.invoke(jaxbObj, new BigInteger("34")); break; } else if (dataType.equals("ENTITIES")) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); m.invoke(jaxbObj, list); break; } else { for (Message info : listMsg) { if (info.getMessageName().equals(dataType)) { m.invoke( jaxbObj, makeObject(info, listMsg, wsdlNSToPkg, xsdToJaxbType)); } } } } } } private String getEnumClassNamFromDataType(String dataType) { return dataType.split("Enum.")[1]; } public void compile(List<URI> sources) { List<SimpleJavaFileObject> jfoList = new ArrayList<SimpleJavaFileObject>(); for (URI uri : sources) { SimpleJavaFileObject jfo = new ExtSimpleFileObject(uri, JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); jfoList.add(jfo); } List<String> optionList = new ArrayList<String>(); // set compiler's classpath to be same as the runtime's optionList.addAll(Arrays.asList("-classpath", System.getProperty("java.class.path"))); JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(out, null, null, optionList, null, jfoList);; } class ExtSimpleFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject { public ExtSimpleFileObject(URI uri, JavaFileObject.Kind knd) { super(uri, knd); } } public class TestResponseHandler implements UserResponseHandler { @Override public boolean getBooleanResponse(String promptMsg) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } } public void generateJaxbClasses(String path, String destDir, File binDir, String serviceName) throws Exception { String[] testArgs = { "-serviceName", serviceName, "-genType", "ServiceFromWSDLIntf", "-wsdl", path, "-mdest", destDir + "/meta-src", "-gip", "", "-dest", destDir, "-src", destDir, "-bin", binDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-slayer", "INTERMEDIATE", "-nonXSDFormats", "protobuf", "-enabledNamespaceFolding", "-scv", "1.0.0", "-pr", destDir }; ServiceGenerator sgen = new ServiceGenerator(); sgen.startCodeGen(testArgs); } public List<String> getTypeInformation(File fieldInfo) { List<String> info = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader reader = null; try { FileReader in = new FileReader(fieldInfo); reader = new BufferedReader(in); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { info.add(line); line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return info; } public String invokeEnumNewInstance(Class<?> jaxbClass, Class<?> eprotoClass, String value) { Object obj = null; try { Method mtd = jaxbClass.getMethod("fromValue", String.class); Method method = eprotoClass.getMethod("newInstance", jaxbClass); obj = method.invoke(null, mtd.invoke(null, value.trim().toLowerCase())); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } return obj.getClass().getName(); } public String invokeNewInstance(Class<?> jaxbClass, Class<?> eprotoClass, Class<?> protoClass, String typeName, Object jaxbObject) { Class<?> classForType = null; Object obj = null; try { Method method = eprotoClass.getMethod("newInstance", jaxbClass); Class<?> innerClasses[] = protoClass.getDeclaredClasses(); Constructor<?>[] constructor = eprotoClass .getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Class<?> cl : innerClasses) { if (!cl.getName().contains("OrBuilder")) if (cl.getName().contains(typeName)) { classForType = cl; } } Constructor<?>[] constr = eprotoClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); Constructor<?> builderCon = null; // FitmentFieldValue$Builder for (Constructor<?> ct : constr) { if (ct.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { builderCon = ct; ct.setAccessible(true); } } /* * Method m = classForType.getMethod("newBuilder"); Object ob = * m.invoke(null); * * Class<?> builders = ob.getClass(); * * * Method buildMethod = builders.getMethod("build"); Constructor<?> * [] builder = builders.getDeclaredConstructors(); Constructor<?> * cons = null; for(Constructor<?> ct : builder){ * * if(ct.getParameterTypes().length == 0){ cons = ct; * ct.setAccessible(true); } * * } */ Object builtObj = null; // buildMethod.invoke(cons.newInstance()); Method[] methods = classForType.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method mt : methods) { if (mt.getName().equals("getDefaultInstance")) { builtObj = mt.invoke(null); break; } } Object eprotoObj = builderCon.newInstance(builtObj); obj = method.invoke(eprotoObj, jaxbObject); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } catch (InstantiationException e) { } return obj.getClass().getName(); } public String invokeEnumGetter(Class<?> eprotoClass, Class<?> protoClass, int index, String typeName) { Class<?> classForType = null; Class<?> classForEnum = null; Class<?> classEnum = null; Object obj = null; try { Class<?> innerClasses[] = protoClass.getDeclaredClasses(); for (Class<?> cl : innerClasses) { if (!cl.getName().contains("OrBuilder")) if (cl.getName().contains(typeName)) { classForType = cl; break; } } for (Class<?> enumcls : classForType.getDeclaredClasses()) { if (!enumcls.getName().contains("Builder")) if (enumcls.getName().contains(typeName)) { classEnum = enumcls; break; } } Object builder = null; for (Method m : classForType.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals("newBuilder")) { builder = m.invoke(null); break; } } Object protoenum = null; Class<?> buildercls = builder.getClass(); for (Method build : buildercls.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (build.getName().equals("build")) { protoenum = build.invoke(builder); break; } } Object enumObj = null; Method val = classEnum.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", Integer.TYPE); enumObj = val.invoke(null, new Integer(11)); Method method = eprotoClass.getDeclaredMethod("getEnum", classEnum); obj = method.invoke(null, enumObj); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } return obj.getClass().getName(); } public Object invokeEnum(Class<?> eprotoClass, Class<?> protoClass, int index, String typeName) { Class<?> classForType = null; Class<?> classForEnum = null; Class<?> classEnum = null; Object obj = null; try { Class<?> innerClasses[] = protoClass.getDeclaredClasses(); for (Class<?> cl : innerClasses) { if (!cl.getName().contains("OrBuilder")) if (cl.getName().contains(typeName)) { classForType = cl; } } Class<?>[] inner = classForType.getDeclaredClasses(); for (Class<?> cls : innerClasses) { if (!cls.getName().contains("builder")) if (cls.getName().contains(typeName)) { classForEnum = cls; break; } } if (typeName.contains("Enum")) typeName = typeName.substring(0, typeName.length() - 4); for (Class<?> c : classForEnum.getDeclaredClasses()) { if (!c.getName().contains("Builder")) if (c.getName().contains(typeName)) { classEnum = c; break; } } Method mt = classEnum.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", Integer.TYPE); obj = mt.invoke(null, index); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } return obj; } public String invokeGetters(Class<?> eprotoClass, Class<?> protoClass, String methodName, String typeName, Object builder) { Class<?> classForType = null; Object obj = null; try { Method method = eprotoClass.getMethod(methodName); Class<?> innerClasses[] = protoClass.getDeclaredClasses(); Constructor<?>[] constructor = eprotoClass .getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Class<?> cl : innerClasses) { if (!cl.getName().contains(typeName + "OrBuilder")) if (cl.getName().contains(typeName)) { classForType = cl; } } Constructor<?>[] constr = eprotoClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); Constructor<?> builderCon = null; // FitmentFieldValue$Builder for (Constructor<?> ct : constr) { if (ct.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { builderCon = ct; ct.setAccessible(true); } } Object eprotoObj = builderCon.newInstance(builder); obj = method.invoke(eprotoObj); } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } catch (InstantiationException e) { } return obj.getClass().getName(); } public List<String> assertReturnTypes(Class<?> eprotoClass) { List<String> returntype = new ArrayList<String>(); Method[] methods = eprotoClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { returntype.add(m.getReturnType().getName()); } return returntype; } public void compile(String relativePath) { JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); int result =, null, null, relativePath); System.out.println("Compile result code = " + result); } public String packagetoDirPath(String pkg) { return pkg.replace(".", "/"); } public void compileJProto(String src_dir, String dst_dir, String protoloc) { String s = null; try { // run the Unix "ps -ef" command // using the Runtime exec method: Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "protoc.exe -I=" + src_dir + " --java_out=" + dst_dir + " " + protoloc); BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getErrorStream())); // read the output from the command System.out.println("Here is the standard output of the command:\n"); while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(s); } while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(s); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: "); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } }